The Princess Games

By Owlrepublic

150K 3.8K 355

The prince needed a princess, that was loving, caring, strong, and trustworthy. And to do that, his father, K... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

The Princess Games

27.8K 467 61
By Owlrepublic


  It was every girls dream to become the pirncess of Sweeden, no girl in the city would pass up a chance to marry the 'amazingly handsome' prince. Except me. Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Naomi, the dukes daughter, I have a twin sister, Nala, and an annoying step sister, Kyra. Life is good besides the fact that nobody listens to me, I feel like a plactic bag, being pushed around by the wind, with no purpose other than to do others work for them. But somehow, fate found me and put me into this mess. But here I stand, at the corner of the street, waiting for the bus to come and bring me home.

*6 months earlier*

"Naomi, darling, will you get the mail for me?" I trodded to the front door and picked up the small stack of letters and began to sort through them until I spotted a letter that caught my eye.

To the Dahl Family

From His Royal Highness King Sebastian Hailberg,

Prince Kevin Hailberg is in suiting a princess fit to rule along side his royal higness. Each family will put forth their firstborn, avalible daughter for suiting, she must be presented at the Hailberg hall on the date of august 5th 20102, please wear a short dress of your choice and come prepared to answer questions.

I chortled a little, Prince Kevin was to be married soon. It'd be all over the news, their marriage, their children, even the wedding. All of the girls and women would gush over his bride. It'd be the new trend.

Walking back to the lounge, where my step-mother sat, I smoothed out my skirt and fluffed my golden hair with my free hand. The day was middle aged and I've still yet to decide the adventures. My father was shut up in his study, working vigorously on something, sending emails back and forth to the King.

"Here," I handed my step mom her mail and ran upstairs to my fathers study, "Pappa, I have a letter from the King, if you're not too busy," handing him the letter, I stood patiently waiting for him to read it.

"I don't know why he sent it as well as sent an email," he sighed, "either way, I assume you've read it?"

"More or less, I suppose. I know that the prince is up for suiting," I almost laughed again, "it'll be everywhere, the news, the interweb, posters,"

"And you'll be a prospective princess," he looked at me from under his reading glasses.

"Wait, what?" I stopped, finding no humor in the situation anymore.

"It's more or less like a contest, you said that you read it," my father moved his hand with the paper towards me a bit, gesturing for me to take it out of his hand. I took it with a slightly shaking hand as I read it over three more times.

"Must I? I'd prefer not to!" it wasn't like me to complain, I often accepted the way things were and moved on, but this was one incident that I felt every right to complain.

"Naomi, you can, you have the heart of your mother and the strength of me, you would make the perfect princess, and someday, queen."

"Father, I can't do thins, I just can't, It's not right for me. Either way, I wouldn't be selected as a suitor, I'm not beautiful enough nor smart enough nor funny enough for a prince to show interest in me."

"But he would, you do know that the prince has met you before right? When ever we would have dinners with the royal family, you would always meet and re meet the prince every time, and every time you would forget to bow to him. He likes you, he thinks your funny. There is no reason you wouldnt be picked for a suitor."

"I wish I could believe you but there are so many other beautiful girls out there."

"But none have your beauty, although you are beautiful on the outside, your beauty inside makes you glow with pride and its easy to see that you arent like all the heartless girls out there. Your mother always said that pretty is only skin deep, beauty penetrates deep into your heart and makes you appealng from the inside out."

"Maybe but that doesn't change my mind. There are plenty of other girls he can choose from. I won't go."

"Darling, its not an option, its an order. from the King. There is no dodging the bullet this time. You are the eldest and the king knows that. Do this for me."

"Daddy, you know that I would if it didn't involve marriage. Its jsut that its too early for me."

"Darling, you are 20. You don't have to get married until your ready if he picks you and I think you will be ready. Just do this. Its not like you have a choice Naomi, you are ordered to do this by order of the king!"

"Fine. But I am picking my dress and it will be as simple as I would like." I padded out of the study and into my room and faceplanted onto the bed.

"Did dad just tell you about the competition on sunday?" a muffled 'yes' came out through my pillow as Nala chuckled at me, I knew she wouldn't understand how terrible this was for me. I wanted no part i this so called 'competition' but I had to feel for Prince Kevin, he couldn't just go out and find his own princess, he had to do it the old fashioned way.

"Naomi, come on, you and I are going dress shopping, sunday is coming up soon and I want you to be prepared."

"Now whos acting like the oldest?" she chuckled and psuhed me the car keys. Apparently I was driving.

When we got into the dress shop, we found hundereds of girls shopping around, trying to find a dress for the prince. I sighed and walked over to the casual dress area and began sifting through the dresses.

"I'm glad I'm not the only one in this area!" a girl laughed a wonderful, musical laugh and extended an arm to me "Hi, i'm Kandace, Sweetheart to the prince, I recognize you.... Naomi is it?"

I nodded slowly, if the prince had a sweetheart, why was he looking for a princess?"

"I know what youre thinking, but no, sweetheart is like the princes's best friend that can give him girl advice and stuff. So youre the oldest gilr in your family?"

"Yes. I have to be put forth on sunday."

"Don't worry, you'll do fine, your pretty. And if he picks you, I'll be your mentor, I can give you advice and stuff."

I laughed "you won't have to worry about that. I know he won't pick me."

"Don't be too sure. I've seen you at the dinners, Kevin has eyed you before. I like this dress, try it on." she pushed a green dress to me with a high neck and a pleated skirt. I smiled and headed to the dressing room.

After the hour wait, I finlly got in a dressing room and tried on the dress. It looked amazing. It was very simple but it showed my curves and yet it was complex at the same time. I absoutly was in love with the dress and left the store after having bought it.

"Daddy! Im home!" I yelled as I went straight to my room with the dress bag in  hand. I quickly changed into the green dress and ran out of my room with my green wedge heels on, ready to show my father. "Dad, I want you to see this dress, the princes's sweetheart told me that this one would look amazing on me and it did. Do you like?"

"My God, Naomi, that looks amazing, its simple yet elegant. So you talked to his sweetheart? What about?"

"Well, she told me that she would mentor me if the prince picked me, which he won't, and that she has faith in me and she believes that I will do great tomorrow."

"Naomi, everyone you know has faith in you. You will be chosen. Even the king himself wants you to be chosen as a contestant. Stop thinking badly of yourself."

"But what if he doesn't? Where will that faith be now?"

"Don't say something like that, there is no way that you aren't getting in Naomi, I know you will at least make it to the castle."

"And from there?"

"I guess we will have to see." my dad patted my head and ploded downstairs to talk to my stepmother.

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