Finding Home (Youtuber AU)

By AmeliaDulce

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This is kind of an AU of all your favorite YouTubers (hopefully). In a conservative era where the rules on h... More

1: The New Beginning
2: This Should Be Interesting
3: Acceptance and Introductions
A/N Im So Sorry!!!
5: This Is Going To Be Pretty Cool
6: Food Shopping And The Race Against The Storm

4: I Actually Like These People?

445 23 4
By AmeliaDulce

Troye’s POV

We all headed over into the lounge room and sat down. As the others made themselves comfortable I studied the purple hair boy who had seemingly taken charge of our group. He acted very different from the rest of us and didn’t seem as disturbed by this whole thing as some of the others.

He was also rather short but he had really nice blue eyes and his button down top fitted him nicely. He was also kinda cute. I didn’t even know where that came from, I’m not into guys, I mean, I’m not into girls either but that’s beside the point. And he’s probably not even gay my brain argued. Shit I missed the first part of what he said! And now I have no clue what his name is, good one Troye! I tuned in to the conversation so I could at least pretend I was paying attention for some of it.

‘And moving away from there was best for me so I guess I’m different to you guys but I wasn’t myself and that’s something I wasn’t happy with. It got to the point where I started doing things just to annoy them because I was angry that they couldn’t accept me for who I was. After, um, “The Incident” I guess they’d had enough and they sent me away. But I refuse to let the fact that I’m gay be a negative thing’, he smiled up at us. 

Oh so he was gay, well I guess that didn’t surprise me. But what annoyed me for some reason was the happiness that seemed to radiate from him. His smile and laugher was infectious and I was trying not to let on that I was enjoying any of this situation.

The girl who had said her name was Zoe went next, seeming a lot happier now that she was able to figure us out a bit more. ‘Hi, my name is Zoe Sugg. I don’t really like to talk about why I’m here but pretty much I really like makeup and clothes and I know that superficial stuff but I was just something I was interested in. I started to get bad marks at school and ended up failing my courses and my parents thought it was because of that stuff. But it was actually because I suffer from panic attacks sometimes and it really sucks but I’m working it out and its hopefully getting better.’ She gave us a small smile, ‘and I’ve never told anyone that except for Joe’, she said gesturing to the boy beside her. 

He spoke next, ‘I’m Joe Sugg, Zoe’s my sister obviously and we’re actually from the UK, I don’t think Zoe mentioned that. I kinda got expelled from school for, umm, recklessness and I was going to get an apprenticeship but it didn’t really work out I guess. So our parents decided to send us away but as long as Zoe is safe I don’t really mind.’ ‘Hey!’ said Zoe indignantly, ‘I am capable of looking after myself thanks!’ We all chuckled as Joe just shrugged obviously not too worried about her.

The boy that I talked to at the airport was next and I realized that I actually hadn’t gotten his name. ‘Well there’s not much to me really,’ he said with his interesting accent that I hadn’t yet been able to place, ‘my name is Caspar and I’m from South Africa’, ah ha there we go, ‘and my parents wanted me to become a doctor but that’s not for me. I don’t know what I want to do yet but coming here was actually really exciting and I’ve already made one more friend here that I have back home’, he nodded and me but for some reason I was only able to give a half smile in return. I did really like Caspar, I had actually talked to him quite a bit already and he was a really great guy, not to mention hilarious. 

‘How about you?’ he said and the group looked in my direction hoping, I guess, that I would tell them all about me. For a brief moment I wasn’t going to. Rebelling, being a dick to people and getting drunk and high had always been my way of coping. I mean it wasn’t really dealing with things but it protected me from the world. But as I looked at them I suddenly felt tired of hiding behind this façade of lies, I wanted friends. Not just friends who would party with me but friends who shared my interests and friends I would actually be able to have interesting conversations with. I was starting to get sick of being alone.

So I took a deep breath and began to speak. ‘I’m Troye Sivan, I am actually only from Perth so I only moved across the country not across the ocean like you guys.’ I paused thinking about how I could explain the next bit, ‘I did...some bad stuff, I partied a lot and got in with a pretty bad crowd. I spent all my time on Tumblr and I dropped out of school, I like to sing and act so I wanted to do something with that but my parents don’t think that’s a good enough excuse...’ I trailed off and shrugged hoping that we could move on as admitting those things had made me kinda uncomfortable.

I noticed that the sun was starting to set and we actually still had no idea what the rest of the house was like let alone what we would eat for dinner as none of us, apart from Zoe and Joe, had eaten all day. ‘Perhaps we should continue this with some food, cause I’m a bit hungry.’ The others laughed in agreement, Zoe got up and went into the kitchen to have a look in the fridge.

When she came back she didn’t look impressed, ‘Unless one of you can cook a dinner for 9 people using tomato sauce, milk and hot sauce then we’re out of luck’. I wrinkled my nose at the thought but then an idea quickly occurred to me, ‘well how about we order pizza instead?’

‘Ah Troye we don’t have any money’, said Caspar. I smiled at them and pulled out my wallet and phone, ‘we’ll sort that out later, for now its on me’ I said as I dialed the Pizza Hut number hoping that there would be one close by. After I ordered all 8 pizzas, as people couldn’t agree with what they wanted, I hung up and smiled at the group. ‘Ok they should be here in about half and hour, how about we check out the rest of the house while we wait?’

They all smiled feeling the semi excitement of what the rest of this house might be like and we went to grab our bags from the hall. As I looked around at them I realized that contrary to my thoughts when we first sat down I actually kind of liked these guys and maybe this wouldn’t be too bad.

I’m sorry this chapter is a bit all over the place, I had to spilt the introductions into two so the other guys bits will be in the next chapter. I planned to have this up earlier but just as I started to write TROYE DECIDED TO JUST DROP HAPPY LITTLE PILL AND I ALMOST DIED BUT HOW AMAZING IS IT?!?!?!?! It was literally on repeat as I was writing this and I have no words anymore, it pretty much killed me.


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