trapped ➳ naruto | ✔️

By anonymousex0

103K 6.3K 794

"Don't make this any harder than it has to be, Sakura." I swallowed hard, my body shaking. I can't believe t... More

Ichi: illusion or reality?
Ni: Home
San: Birthday? [pt 1]
Shi: Nostalgic memories
Go: Birthday? [pt 2]
Roku: Lovers?
Nana: More confusion
Hachi: Team 7 finally reunites
Kyuu: Birthday party
Juu: Anger and confusion
Juu Ichi: Finding Ino
Juu ni: What did happen?
Juu san: To trust or not to trust
Juu yon: I hate it when I'm right
Juu go: Team 7 days
Juu roku: Sharing information
Juu nana: Madara
Juu hachi: Best thing I never had
Juu kyu: One mystery solved
Ni-Juu: Unexpected sleepover
Ni-Juu ichi: Ramen date ruined
Ni-juu ni: Kareoke night
Ni-Juu yon: Death?
Ni-juu go: Unpredictable
Ni-juu roku: Itachi
Ni-juu nana: Sharing information again?
Nii-juu hachi: What is up with her?
Nii-juu kyu: Surprise visit
San-juu: Morning ruckus
San-juu ichi: Death at hokage's office
San-juu ni: The color orange
San-juu san: Simple hidden wishes
San-juu shi: The unexpected death
San-juu go: Here I go again
San-juu roku: A spy in disguise
San-juu nana: Attempted murder
San-juu hachi: An army of one
San-juu kyu: Living hell
Yon-juu: A bond that knows no bounds

Ni-juu san: Danger!

1.9K 155 22
By anonymousex0

HAPPY BIRTHDAY UCHIHA SASUKE! Even though you can be such a pain in an ass at times and sometimes I just feel like I want to go inside the screen and just rip that sharingan off your face, I still love you and I completely understand why you have become so fucked up. Oh well, at least you're slowly trying to trust team 7 now. (;

Oh and has anyone seen chapter 686? I COMPLETELY LOVE THE COVER AND I'M QUITE SAD BECAUSE OF THE LAST MOVIE! I CANT BELIEVE NARUTO WILL END THIS 2014 . Also, how are the NaruSaku shippers? I heard that everything is going downhill for you guys. Even though I'm not a NS shipper, don't give up on your ship that easily like I'm not giving up mine. We just have to just enjoy each our otp's moments and just respect which pair will become canon. Anyway, enjoy chapter 23! 

Ni-juu san: Danger!

    I thought I was saved, that I could finally be free from the heavy weight on my chest, but unfortunately he ruined all of that. "It's okay; I'll feel better if I'm coming with her." Kaka-nisemono replies calmly.

    Sasuke glares at him "Are you trying to say you don't trust me?" Sasuke-kun shoots back. "I can take a hint, you know."

    Kaka-nisemono snickers. "Are you saying you don't trust me?" He redirects his question. "Why don't you trust me to escort Sakura-san to her home to get her things?" Sakura-san—he called me that once again. My stomach suddenly felt sick at the sound of it and I squeezed my sweaty palms, trying to calm myself down. 

     "Let's say, I don't, what are you going to do about it?" Sasuke-kun says coldly. The tension in the air was so thick; it was definitely not helping me calm down at all, in fact, I'm so nervous that I feel like I want to puke. 

    "No, I think the better question is: what are you going to do about it?" He says. "I offered first, so therefore I'll be the one to come with her." Sasuke-kun was about to protest until Naruto stood up.

    "Enough," Naruto says loudly and I silently thank him for stopping their argument. "So it's fair, how about all the three of us will come." He suggests as Kaka-nisemono and Sasuke-kun glare at each other. I nod quickly, thankful that I won't be alone with Kaka-nisemono. "Let's go," Naruto says and I quickly stick to his side like as if my life depended on it. I didn't know why but I was afraid that if I somehow stay away from him something terrible will happen.

    You see, everything I said about forgetting something at home was a complete lie. I didn't enjoy the kareoke party at all nor did I learn or find out anything. The whole time, my heart was beating relentlessly inside my chest and I was quite restless. All of that were the results of being in a room with Kaka-nisemono. He gave off a bad vibe and somehow I don't understand why the vibe he gives off is so menacing until the point that it makes me cringe just being close to him.

    That vibe is so familiar, but I can't remember why is it so familiar and somehow just thinking about it made my head hurt. Naruto nudged me on the elbow and I look up at him to find him already looking down at me. "Are you okay?" He asks, his voice laced with concern.

     "Y-yeah." I reply, even though I wasn't. I was so shaken up about the vibe he gave until the point I forgot how to breathe. I can't believe he is just right behind me now. I could feel the aura that he's giving off radiating from him, sending chills down my spine. Where did I feel this again? Why can't I remember? Is it because of the food? 

     "Are you lying?" He asks. Naruto may be an idiot, but after spending more quality time with each other, he was able to see through me like at that time when I 'confessed' to him for his and Sasuke-kun's sake. 

    "Yeah," I reply without any second thought and he frowns at my reply.

    "What happened?" He asks seriously. "You know except what happened a while ago." He quickly adds and I nod, understanding what he meant.

    "I—" I cut myself short when Kaka-nisemono spoke.

    "We're here, right?" He asks as I rigidly nod my head, trying to avoid as much as possible to make eye contact with him. 

    "I'll be quick." I say before I climb the stairs to my front door. My legs felt sluggish and my heart was palpitating. Who knew just word from him would give such an effect on me? I still felt that vibe and that his eyes were on me. To be frank, I don't understand why I'm so afraid of him, I don’t usually become this paranoid and terrified just by this, but somehow it was like as if—it was then realization hit me. My eyes were wide with realization and I stopped my hand from reaching the doorknob. This is exactly how I felt exactly before when I first saw him in this world. 

   Will something bad really happen? My mind started spinning. I was worried for the three of us. Will we even make it out of here alive? I inhale sharply, trying to snap out of my thoughts before I open the door with the help of the key I brought with me to find that the house is empty. I see a note on the table and I bring it close to my face to read it. My mother obviously wrote it, I could tell by her neat handwriting. The letter wrote:

Hey, Sakura!

How was your night? Tell me about it tomorrow, okay? Your father got jealous because you're going out for kareoke and he decided that we should buy our own kareoke machine so that the three of us could use it in our free time. Anyway, see you soon!

    I let out a sigh and place it back on the table. I was about to go back upstairs to find something I could use as an excuse for something I 'forgot' until I heard Naruto yell. As if almost by instinct, I quickly run to the window to take a peak of what's happening outside. I peak from the curtains to see Naruto and Sasuke lying down on the ground with Kaka-nisemono looking straight at me. I had to cover my mouth to hold back the scream that was about to escape.

     It was at that moment when I realized immediately that I'm next.

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