Hanataro x reader (Bleach Fan...

By Amuletheart34

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Hanataro is to adorable so of course I took a chance at writing him. I hope u guys enjoy. Disclaimer: I don'... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 2

529 17 1
By Amuletheart34

It had gone on like that for weeks, every time you were requested to help out at squad four you would seek out Hanataro no matter what. You had to admit, it was entertaining sometimes watching him fumble and crash into things. He would later apologize and continue on his day repeating the phase all over again. 

Slowly but surely you had grown to adore the clumsy medical reaper. You remembered when you both had been eating a piece of cake at his room. A couple of crumbs had been etched at the corner of your mouth. Hanataro laughed, moving his hand and wiping the stray crumbs off with a smile. You couldn't stop blushing that day. Your eyes only trailing to his lips as you tried to compose yourself. "You have no idea what you do to me.."

Renji was always puzzled as to why you came back smiling whenever you returned. Healing squad members couldn't be that fun? You were thankful he was a dense person cause if he found out he'd make it his mission to tease you non stop.

You had been helping out at squad four again and strangely enough you hadn't seen Hanataro all day. You shrugged it off continuing with your tasks. You could always visit his room later, maybe he wasn't feeling well.

Exiting the medical area you went on to visit Hanataro. An huge smile made it's way on your face at the very thought of him. "M-Maybe today I should tell him how I feel..." you had been putting off the thought for a while now. You didn't want your friendship to suffer if he didn't return your feelings. You shook your head. "T-That could never happen!" you encouraged confidently continuing on your way. 

Making your way around a corner your heard voices speaking. Your ears perked up when you heard the voice of the very reaper you were about to visit. You moved to call out to him when someone spoke.

"So what's with you and (Y/N)-san?" a female asked. 

You froze, listening intently.

"What do you mean?" Hanataro's lost voice asked.

"You too seem close, do you like her?" another voice questioned. You heart fluttered for a second awaiting his answer.

"T-That's ridiculous, I-It's nothing like that were just friends."

A breath escaped your lips as you stepped back. Before you knew what was happening you turned around running in the opposite direction.

 "Heh...of course he would say that. Damn it I'm stupid." 

Tears stained your cheeks as you rubbed them furiously moving faster. Your head was bent as you sprinted through the barracks.

Things hadn't been the same since then. Every time you saw him your heart felt like it was being squeezed painfully. You still assisted Unohana but the atmosphere was thick with tension. You barely glanced at him.

 You would greet him as normal but you didn't go out of your way to chat with the blue haired boy. It would only add to your heartache. Whenever he tried to shoot a smile at you those words would play in your mind. "Were just friends."

You couldn't understand it, you hadn't know Hanataro any longer than a couple months, so why...why did it hurt so much. You eyes watered as you came to the sad revelation.

"I'm in love with him..." you sniffled.

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