There Goes My Life *larry mpr...

By heartfullofharry

492K 21.8K 12.1K

Louis is in deep shit. He doesn't have a crush on Harry Styles. Well, sure, he's beautiful, but not Louis' ty... More

character ask hi


10K 466 224
By heartfullofharry


Louis groans into his pillow as his alarm goes off, smiling at the familiar feeling of his arm wrapped around Harry's waist. He slowly sits up with a pout, eyes half shut as he slams his hand down on the clock to turn the beeping off.

Louis sighs to himself, rubbing his hands over his face. He's never been a morning person. He wishes he picked a job where he could wake up two hours later like the rest of the population.

His eyes shift over to Harry, and he smiles to himself. How the most beautiful person in the world got stuck with a poor bastard like himself, Louis has no idea. He reaches over and brushes a curl out of Harry's face, and Harry's lips curl into a small smile. He's gorgeous.

"G'morning, love," Louis whispers, voice still raspy from sleep. Harry reaches out, and Louis' smile grows as he grabs onto his hand, giving it a squeeze.

"I don' want you to leave," Harry mumbles into his pillow, slowly opening his eyes and giving Louis a sleepy pout. Louis smiles fondly, leaning down and pressing a kiss to Harry's forehead.

"I know, baby," Louis says softly, rolling over and climbing on top of Harry so he's sitting on top of him. Harry used to do that a lot when they were teenagers. Sometimes Louis feels like they're still teenagers. His love for Harry hasn't withered or changed at all. "But tomorrow's the weekend, and we can stay in bed all day if we want to."

"Yes, please," Harry smiles, and Louis leans down and presses his lips to his. Harry puts his hands on Louis' cheeks as they kiss, neither of them minding the uncomfortable position or the morning breath. They spend most mornings like this.

"Patty cake patty cake baker's man," They hear a little voice sing from the next room over. "Bake me a cake as fast as you can," Louis and Harry separate and start to giggle, listening as Josh sings to himself. "Roll it, cut it, mark it with a D, and put it in the oven for Daddy n' me!"

"Would it be narcissistic to say we have the cutest kid in the world?" Harry asks with a smile.

"Not if it's just a fact," Louis smiles back at him. "I'll go get him up."

"I'll make the coffee," Harry sits up, and Louis climbs off the bed.

"See you downstairs," Louis says as he walks out of the room, and he can hear Harry giggling as he leaves.

"Well good morning, bub," He grins as he walks into the nursery, opening all of the curtains. Josh is standing in his little cot, a teddy bear tucked under his arm. "You sleep okay?"

"Mhm!" Joshua replies with a big smile. Louis lifts him out of the cot, and Josh leans into his shirtless chest.

"We're gonna get you a big boy bed this weekend, J," Louis mumbles, kissing the top of Josh's head. "So Mummy and Daddy don't have to get you up every morning."

"'Kay," Josh mumbles into Louis' chest. Louis carries him downstairs and into the kitchen, where Harry hands him a cup of coffee. He's never going to find another person who makes his coffee just the way he likes it.

"Good morning, love," Harry coos towards Josh, who reaches his arms out for him. Harry smiles and puts his own coffee down, taking Josh from Louis and kissing the top of his head.

"I think I'll be out around three today," Louis mentions, walking towards the refrigerator and squeezing Harry's arm as he walks by.

"Okay," Harry takes a sip of his coffee. "I have to go to the grocery store today, but I'll probably be back before you come home. Maybe we'll get ice cream too."

Louis pouts as he pulls the eggs out of the refrigerator. "Why do I always get left out when there's ice cream?" He whines. Harry just giggles while Joshua yawns.

"We'll save you some if we're feeling generous," Harry smiles at him. Louis feels like he's melting every time Harry smiles at him. "But we'll see."

Louis just sticks his tongue out at him before turning around, grabbing a frying pan out of one of the cabinets. "What're we feeling for brekkie, J?"

"I-I want oatmeal," Josh says, and Harry kisses his cheek.

"I'll cover the eggs, you get his oatmeal," Harry says, setting Josh down on the kitchen floor.

"Deal," Louis replies, putting his hand on Harry's back as he squeezes by him.

It's right before lunchtime that Louis gets a call from Harry. He silences his phone and continues to talk to his year two students about subtraction, but then it rings again. Now he's worried. Harry knows not to call him at work unless it's important.

"Um, sorry guys," Louis mumbles, walking over to the door on the other side of the room that connects to another classroom. He opens it and pokes his head in. "Hey, Maggie, can you keep an ear out for my kids for a minute? I just have to call my boyfriend."

"Sure," Maggie smiles, and Louis smiles back, saying thank you before grabbing his phone off of his desk and stepping outside into the corridor.

He calls Harry back. "Hazza, love, is everything okay?" He asks, a bit frantic.

"Lou," Harry says, and it sounds like he's crying, oh god. Louis' stomach starts to turn as he waits for Harry to say something else. "Louis, I–oh my god."

"Baby, baby, what's the matter?" Louis asks gently, using his free hand to run it through his hair. "You're scaring me a little."

"I-I'm pregnant."

Louis can feel his heart pounding in his chest. He smiles though, taking a few steps away from the classroom. "A-Are you serious?" He asks. He knows Harry wouldn't joke about something like this, but holy shit, he wants this to be real so badly.

"Mhm," Harry says before sniffling, and Louis is smiling so big his cheeks hurt. "I felt kind of off yesterday, and I saw the test while J and I were shopping, and I just thought I might as well check, and..."

"Oh my god," Louis says before laughing excitedly. "Sh-Should I come home?"

"No, no, babe, you've only got an hour left. It's okay. I'll still be here when you get out."

"Okay," Louis exhales deeply. "Okay, okay, I love you so much."

"I love you too," Harry giggles. "I'll see you at home."

"See you soon, Hazza," Louis nods, although Harry can't see him. They both hang up, and Louis takes a few minutes to breathe before going back to the classroom.

He can barely focus on teaching. One of the kids has to correct him when he does one of the subtraction problems wrong. He can't help it. He and Harry are having another baby. Holy shit. They'll have two kids and the income of one first year teacher, oh Jesus.

Class drags on until the bell rings, and all the little kids with their rucksacks that are bigger than their bodies wave goodbye to Louis and walk out of the classroom. Louis doesn't even stay to talk to Maggie and Ian like he always does, instead rushing out to the car lot and trying his best to get home without testing the speed limit.

When he gets home Harry is standing there waiting. They look at each other and smile before Louis runs over to him, attacking him in a hug and lifting him up off his feet. Harry laughs and wraps his legs around Louis' waist, Louis holding him there and kissing his cheek repeatedly.

"Oh, God, I love you," Louis mumbles, burying his face into the crook of Harry's neck. "I love you, I love you, I love you."

"I love you too," Harry sniffles, leaning back and giving Louis a watery grin. "Two kids."

"Two kids," Louis nods, eyes wet. He takes a few steps and sits Harry on top of the kitchen counter, keeping his hands on his boy's hips.

"Are you ready to go through that again?" Harry asks with a giggle, tears still trickling down his cheeks. "The morning sickness and the crying and the waking you up in the middle of the night because I need celery."

"So ready," Louis grins, and Harry reaches over and wipes his eyes with a huge smile. "I can't wait."

"Me either," Harry nods, and Louis kisses him.

epilogue w a new baby in the works!!

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