The Undoing Of Villains | ✓

By earlyatdusk

139K 10.5K 4.5K

Villains. Heroes. Try as they might, one is always bested by the other, an endless fight without true meaning... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
author's note


2.8K 273 84
By earlyatdusk

(a/n: dedicated to Liv_bands for the wonderful love you've given all of my books lately, and the nice comments! hope you continue to enjoy the book xp and thank ALL of you for reaching the goal so quickly, i was very excited to continue writing! ENJOY <3 )


I SCRAMBLED for the focus required to keep myself suspended in mid-air, but found I didn't have to  - as the glass pane shattered, I rolled over the edge of the building only to come to a full stop. 

Beneath me shimmered a hard, unyielding surface of compressed air. Glancing up, I saw how the air around me rippled and shimmered, as if I was entrapped in a sphere. Undoubtedly, it was Vector's doing. The thought that my safety lay in his highly volatile hands irked me. 

It was obvious there was a force field encasing me. Placing my palm on the dense air, I raised my torso from the surface of the compressed air and directed the fiercest glare I could muster toward Vector. He'd stepped toward the edge, one boot crushing the shattered glass remains scattered across the deck. Dark eyes were narrowed behind his mask, his mouth twisted in displeasure. 

He'd made a mistake, placing me in a temporary safety net. Closing my eyes briefly, I inhaled deeply and regained a brittle sense of focus, steering my powers to the nerves which transmitted pain signals like beacons of light. The healing process started slow, as careful tendrils of my powers sought out the source.

Finding out precisely what was injured was hard when the majority of my cells were screaming out in pain. I had a slight chance to heal the most of myself that I could, before Vector acted next. 

Opening my eyes to glance at Brann's prone form, disappointment sunk in my chest like a lead weight. He was my best chance at telling Vector to lay off me, since the older super obviously thought me to be a lying scoundrel at this point. 

And I was even going to apologize! 

Coughing, I opened my mouth to attempt to explain my situation. All that came out was more coughing, and the edge of the transparent force-field suspending me in mid-air was splattered with blood. Grimacing, I reached with my shaking arm to wipe the blood off my lips. 

"You know-" I croaked, nearly doubling over from another round of coughing, "- you're going to feel pretty stupid soon." 

"Keep quiet." Vector hissed, raising his hand toward me, "- if you want to stay alive."

Averse to killing, was he? I smiled through the pain, feeling a stream of my powers run through me. At least my arm, which previously to this had been throbbing intensively, seemed partially healed, letting me know it was working.

As much as I wanted to burst through his force field and strangle some sense into him with the nearest roots I could find in the Valerian garden, I had to retain a sense of self-preservation. Draining my powers to that extent would not benefit me, and at the moment shoving his head underground granted me no benefits. 

No, I'd had to stand it, until the little squirt decided to wake up from his afternoon nap. 

Which you placed him in, so maybe we won't be so quick to slip the blame on someone else, will we? 

Moving my mostly healed arm, I pushed myself up completely so that I was kneeling in the middle of the sphere. My eyes were forcefully averted from the ground, aware there was thin air beneath me. A lot of it. 

Vector's powers were what kept me from free-falling, but he wasn't completely focused. Oh no, his eyes were still on his apprentice, who was still laying atop the bench I'd placed him on. Vector lowered the arm he'd at first pointed at me, and strode across the observation deck to the young Brann. 

I was worried he was going to let me fall to my death, but he had a far better grip on his powers than I'd anticipated. As his glower had left me, I didn't have to hold back, and so the air around me turned a hazy red as I worked my powers on the areas which hurt. 

My spine had taken more than a beating, for sure, and my shoulder was aching terribly. A wet shlock echoed in the force field as it slid inside its socket again. Sucking in air through my teeth, I rolled it to make sure it was working properly again. 

Come on, Brann. Wake up, you lazy sidekick. 

He didn't wake up by himself. I had done too good of a job for that, but I saw how Vector picked up a small glass vial from a hidden compartment in his suit, uncorking it. My gaze was far from sharp, but through the dark night I could see how he held it beneath the boy's nose -

Smelling salts. 

Brann jolted up, knocking the glass vial from Vector's grip. It clattered to the ground, cristalline pieces of its contents glimmering in the moonlight. They were talking now, Vector reaching with his hands to see if the boy was unharmed. I nearly scoffed. 

What kind of superhero does he take me for? 

At this point, I realized he had no idea I was a hero. The events which had transpired in the burning skyscraper were still only known to me and Brann, while his supposedly efficient superhero-teacher was off doing other things. I could personally vouch for his whereabouts, and they hadn't been where they were needed, that much I knew. 

Brann opened his mouth, about to say something back to Vector, his eyes appraising his surroundings - they passed me, then jumped back. The boy started up, lunging past Vector - even shoving him out of the way - swiftly crossing the observation deck. 

"Are you OK?" He shouted, "Who's hurting you?" 

The concern in his shout was evident enough for me to grin broadly, weakly waving off his concern. 

"I'm just fine, kid. Ask your teacher, as for who's hurting me." It was still hard to speak, my throat dry and battered - pressing them out into the air felt like drawing nails across a blackboard. 

Brann swiveled around, but I could see the anger in his eyes. It seemed all it took to get his loyalty was a few granola bars and sports magazines. 

"What are you doing? Let her go, now!" 

Vector cocked his head, "She's a criminal. I told you - she's a thief, a kidnapper, and someone who's assaulted you." Vector's voice was so calm and factual I felt goosebumps rise on my arms.

"No, she didn't. I'm fine! Now .. let her go. Please.

"The assault seemed to be mental, as well." Vector didn't move a muscle, despite his apprentice's pleads. My heart sunk, as it seemed he believed none of us. 

For some reason, I'd had the belief he would be the bigger person, as he was the more experienced superhero in this case. I had been wrong - even the most righteous of heroes had questionable morals when it came to the ones they held close to their hearts. I understood, in a way. 

The understanding which slowly dawned on me mingled with the part of me which was more empathic, realizing the precarious, emotional situation I'd accidentally put him in. Swallowing, I realized what to do. As if symbolizing my determination, my fists balled. 

I'd broken a few rules of hero-to-hero conduct in my quest to become one of them, so breaking another one would probably do nothing. 

Slowly, I stood up. Brann was still pleading for his master to listen, but Vector was hearing none of it. He was still facing me, occasionally glancing my way, as if to make sure I hadn't escaped. 

The weak, red light which enveloped me grew even stronger, catching Brann's attention as well. My knees hurt, my hips ached from where I'd landed painfully on them (bones really did not make very good cushions.) and I saw sure a few of my spinal segments needed more than a little TLC. 

At the moment, it didn't matter. My eyes were alight with a steady confidence, catching Vector's gaze and keeping it securely on me. 

"Maybe you don't trust this me -" Brann gaped when he realized I was about to do, but his flabbergasted expression quickly dropped into an awed smile. Perhaps he could learn something out of this, because I sure did, "- but you might feel more trusting with this one." 

The mask dropped from my face, landing in my hands. The second time I'd unveiled my identity to anyone in two days - one of the rules I'd told myself, time and time again, to never break. Not only to keep the mysterious allure of being anonymous, but to preserve a personal safety. 

Desperate times called for desperate measures, and transgressions of that rule were at times warranted. I trusted my judgment, and believed to have grown the slightest bit more confident in this new world I'd been thrust into - one where individuals were gifted with metahuman powers. A part of this growth, I'd learned, was trusting my instincts. 

My instincts told me Vector was someone one preferred to have fighting on one's side, or at least as a neutral ally. His eyes were still narrowed, but they'd lost the sharp glare which had drilled into me for our entire encounter. 

His gloved fists remained clenched, and I knew if I so much as twitched in Brann's direction he would smite me where I stood. Well, he'd try - I'm not knocked out yet, am I? 

"When I'm wearing this-" I raised my hand, the mask clutched in my grip, "I'm Synapse. When I'm not ...-" I shrugged, then let a tentative, genuine smile grace my face, "I'm Carly. Nice to make your acquaintance, even if I wished I had a lot less bruised ribs."

The nickname sounded genuine enough for him to believe it.

Vector's fists relaxed, his shoulders releasing some of their tension. I could still read his wariness in the way his expression retained its hard edge, but at least he didn't look ready to let me experience an amusement park kind of free fall - free of charge -  if I breathed too loud. 

Slowly, the shimmering force field around me evaporated. It collapsed unto itself, until only the hardened air beneath me remained. Slowly, not losing sight of Vector's eyes, I stepped forward, out from the patch of air - 

My foot met another patch of hard air, although I read nothing in Vector's face which revealed what he was thinking. Whatever it was, it couldn't have been all too bad since he was aiding my return to the observation deck. 

Even if I had adopted a face of calm, my knees were shaking infinitesimally when I at last - at long last - reached solid ground. A small puff of air escaped me as I exhaled in relief, briefly resting my hands on my thighs. 

Now you know your negotiation skills are up to par. 

Slowly, I straightened, appraising which parts of my body hurt the most. Thanks to my ability to heal myself (rather, parts of myself.) I felt a loss let shit than I'd had previously, after Vector had kicked me through the glass railing. 

Brann remained by his teacher's side, but when his eyes met mine he gave me a small nod, taking the slightest step toward me. Instead of being plastered to Vector's side, he stood in some kind of middle-ground. 

Vector still wasn't saying anything, which worried me the slightest bit. I hoped, fervently, he at least listened. I could see his eyes studying my face closely, cataloguing the details for later use. I hadn't given him my full name, not even my nickname - Carly sounded real enough, and wasn't too awkward for me to say. 

Offering the same, careful smile, I pushed aside the parts of me which were busy attempting to decipher his expression, or rather lack thereof. Instead, I spoke: 

"If you'd bother listening to Brann-" Vector eyed me coldly at this remark, "- you'd know he's unharmed. I did actually save him, something you would've known if you were doing your job." 

Vector bristled, the cold indifference slipping to give way to a hot, heavy anger.

"Last night, a downtown skyscraper went up in flames - I was there. Not because I blew it up!" I interjected quickly, seeing the crack in his resolve widen at my words, "- I saved the people left up there." 

He didn't protest, but spoke quietly: "And why should I believe you?" His words were complete non-threatening, but their low hum still urged me to keep my guard up. 

"Because I have a witness." I said instead, my tone precise and even. I gestured to Brann, "A witness I saved after he stumbled into a fire."

"I didn't stumble." Brann murmured, and the corners of my lips turned down at his snark. Come on, kid, I was just kicked through a glass railing. Get to the point. My pointed look conveyed the message clear enough, "- the roof caved in. Next thing I knew, I'm in her evil l- couch." 

Looking up briefly, I asked the stars for patience. 

Vector still regarded me coldly, immensely displeased at having to take me for my word. I continued, undeterred by his idiocy. If he wouldn't listen to reason, I had to make him. Good thing I was here to stick around - maybe I could pick up the obvious slack he'd left behind. 

"It was evident a bomb had gone off in the building. The right amount of supporting pillars were hit, and only the uppermost floors were endangered. Now, I don't know about you, but I'd say the culprit had a specific interest in the higher-ups employed at Dynamo's public health authority." 

I raised my brow, challenging him to question me. I'd done my research while Brann had been surfing my couch and dog-earing my magazines. Vector merely looked at me, saying nothing. Tempted to destroy his careful countenance, I accompanied my next words with a touch of snark and an insolent grin:

"Besides, all I've done is knock you on your ass once. Perhaps your unwillingness to hear me out stems from being a sore loser?" 

Emotion flared up in Vector's eyes, and my heart thudded when his jaw flexed in annoyance. 

"Say you're right." He said, maintaining the same infuriating level of calm, "What is your goal?"

I stepped forward, and Vector tensed up. That made my smile bigger, and I hoped the glee I was feeling translated to my expression. 

"Well, Vector - I'd like for us to be co-workers. The name's Synapse." 

I removed my glove, sticking my hand out for him to shake. He regarded it carefully, but I didn't move an inch. He did, however - even slipping his glove off his fingers. 

His hand reached for mine, sending a jolt of lightning up my arm. Keeping my expression neutral, I made it a point to ignore the feel of his hand engulfing mine. 

The hand gripping mine was firm, but not intrusive. When he was about to withdraw, fingers whispering against the palm of my hand, I tightened my grip further.

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance." The joyful grin on my face morphed into a more genuine smile, satisfaction beaming from my every pore despite my previous beating, "I look forward to working with you." 

a/n: another chapter down! what did you guys think of this one, huh? i quite enjoyed writing it! i think charlotte's matured a great deal, adapting to the climate of dynamo city's superheroes. leave your comments below :) and as always, thank you for reading!

oh, and we've reached #2 in #projectsuper, which is super COOL! keep up the participation and engagement and we'll knock #1 off its place and take what is rightfully ours :D (i promise, i'm going to bed now. sorry)

OH, ALSO ! VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION - i mean, i will finish this book eventually, and after that i would love to keep writing on wattpad (and im planning to, of course) but i would love to hear what you think i should write next, or what types of stories you guys enjoy the most! of course i'll keep writing what i like too, but i enjoy hearing the types of books/stories other people enjoy, so don't be afraid to spam me :) <3


25 votes, 32 comments



__what do you suppose will happen next?__

__will our heroes' alliance hold fast, or crumble eventually?__

__did charlie do the right thing ??__

xo, cleo

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