Harry Potter...or the Lightni...

By FrozenRoze19

15.8K 431 96

Everyone thought Harry a saint, but, before his 5th year, Harry makes some new friends. When Harry has to go... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
The Frost Series
A/N: Rewrite

Chapter 6

1.2K 37 0
By FrozenRoze19

Harry sighed in relief as they entered the manor once more. It had taken Tom, him, and Bill to overwhelm and break the barrier. It had been funny to watch the crazy old man run around in panic, right before Harry had taken pleasure in driving his knife into him. He hadn't bothered to take any meat, the man had been well past the expiration date. After that, they had made their way back to the manor and introduced the twins to the rest of the pastas. They had gotten along fairly easy, though, everyone could see how jealous and overprotective Bill got when Dipper got within 5 feet of another male, which was 95% of the manor's inhabitants, with the obvious exceptions, like EJ, Tom, and Slenderman. It was kinda funny, actually, in Harry's personal opinion. 

At the moment, He was looking for Jeff, having the strangest urge to go and see him for what ever reason. Honestly, the feeling confused him. Lately, Harry has been seeking out Jeff's company more often then usual. It was strange in Harry's opinion, but he'd think about it later.  He found Jeff in his room cleaning one of his knives with a blissful look on his permanently smiling face. "Hey, Joker. I was wondering if you'd like to on a hunt with me tonight?" Harry asked. Hunt is what he called his kills, since he collected skin from his victims. Jeff looked up, his soft grin replaced by one of sadistic glee. "Hell ya! Let's go, lightning bu!" Jeff exclaimed and jumped up. Harry gave a grin similar to Jeff's and the two quickly left the manor, using a portal to get safely out of the forest and to a neighborhood. Jeff took one house and Harry took another, sneaking in through a window that was left open by the idiots living there. He glanced around and realized he was in the living room. He smirked and snuck up the stairs and into the first bedroom on his right. 

He snuck in and realized it was the Mother's bedroom. From what he could tell from the pictures he glanced at on his way up here, she was a single mother with two children, a 15 year boy, and a 17 year old girl. He approached the sleeping woman and held his knife up, aimed to strike, the metal lit up in green lightning, before bringing it down, the lightning was strong enough to cook her heart and leave several electrical burns across her body, the worst one being the one around where she had been stabbed in the heart. He then took his knife and cut off several pieces of skin, before dropping them into a zip-lock bag and moving onto the boy's room, repeating the process.

When he got to the girl's room however, he paused, a manic gleam in his eyes. He used Occlumency on the girl, and what he found was disgusting, but would work with what he had in mind. The girl was a cheating whore, and would get treated like one. He used wordless and wandless magic to pin the girl down and to prevent her screams from leaving the room. He then got close to her ear, "Wake up." He whispered and the girl's eyes snapped open. He watched as she thrashed around trying to escape, only to realize she wasn't going anywhere. He smirked and pulled out a knife, lowering the voltage enough to where it was burn and hurt and cauterized the wound all at once, but not enough to kill her. He walked up to her and cut her arms, savoring her screams of pain. He then proceeded to ever so carefully, saw off the double D's laying on her chest, causing her to scream even louder. He trailed the knife ever so slowly downwards to her pelvis, before driving his knife into her uterus, effectively preventing her from ever having kids, before shoving a spare steak knife he had on him up her cunt, the knife pounding with electricity, enough to kill her immediately. He smirked, before taking down the spells and walked back out into the hallway. He channeled magic into his knife and carved a lightning bolt into the wall, before leaving the home the same way he entered. He met Jeff back out by the woods. Jeff was smirking, in his own weird way. "I saw what you did to that girl from the window. I didn't know you could be so sadistic." He said, as the two made their way back to the manor. Harry shrugged, "You haven't seen anything yet, Joker~" Harry purred, before walking off. Jeff stood there frozen for a moment, his pale face red and flustered at the tone Harry had just used. Jane, who had heard it, was snickering at Jeff's reaction. "W-what was that?!" Jeff wondered incredulously, before shaking his head and heading into the house as well. Jane smirked, 'Well then, that sure was interesting. This is going to be fun' She thought excitedly. 

Harry went to the kitchen and stored his human flesh in the kitchen fridge beside his dad's kidneys, before closing it and going into the living room where BEN and Toby were playing video games, and Masky was teasing Toby for constantly loosing. He went over to Masky, "Hey, Masky! I was wondering, do you wanna spar?" Harry asked nervously. He hadn't spent much time around the masked proxy, and was afraid that he didn't like Harry. Masky glanced at Harry, "Sure, why not? It might be fun, beside I've been meaning to talk to you." HE responded. Harry's face lit up like a shoujo girls from an anime, complete with the imaginary sparkly background. Masky felt himself blush at the boy's actions, "Ya sure, calm down. It's not that exciting." He responded. Harry shook his head, "It is! Cause at first I thought you didn't like me." Harry retorted, "Anyway, let's go spar!" H grabbed Masky b the wrist and dragged him out side before Masky could get a word in. 

After a good spar, one that had Masky pushed to his limits, they two sat down on the grass to cool down and talk. "Geez, for a newb, you sure are skilled." Masky complimented. Harry grinned, "Thanks! Jeff taught me when we were younger." Masky turned to face Harry, "Ya, i've been meaning to ask, you knew Jeff from before you came, even had a nickname for him. Why? Or better yet, how?" Masky asked him. Harry paused, getting his thoughts together, before answering. 

"It was before I went insane. In fact, I was still a kid. I was 9 or so, when I met him. I found him resting in a tree. At first I thought he was asleep, until I smelled the blood on him. It didn't smell like the normal, just killed, victim blood that follows him around, It was fresh, and was coming out from somewhere. So, after sneaking some first aid out of the house, I managed o find the tree again. Now came the hard part, Getting him to either come down, or get up to him, and before he died from blood loss. "Hey, albino dude! Wake up! Your bleeding!" I had shouted at him. He had snorted awake and glared at me and told me to get lost. I glared right back at him and, remembering I had done it once before running away, I had focused on getting up there to him. So I ended up apparating up to him, in front of him. He had looked at me in shock, and taking of advantage of the situation, I had immediately started trying to locate the wound. Once I had determined it to be his arm, I had all but demanded him to take his hoodie off so I could get to it, or else I'd do it myself. He complied, after a few more poking and threatening. I had bandaged his arm up and had asked him what happened. He hadn't answered at first, just eyed me curiously and threateningly. I had sighed and pointed at his bloody hoody in his arms, "I have already figured out that your a killer. Theres too much blood on there to be yours, and besides, almost none of it smells like yours." I had replied, "If I had wanted too, I probably would have reported you to the police while you were still asleep." He had sighed and explained at how he had been careless and his arm had been sliced by one of his victims, shortly before Jeff had killed him. I had nodded my response. 

Over the next few days, Jeff and I grew closer, so it wasn't long till he found out about my living situation, and my.....issue. When Jeff had found out about my uncle abusing me, he had wanted to gut him like a fish, especially when he found out what the fat lard had done to my eyes. It had taken everything in me to keep him from doing it. Trust me, it wasn't easy. Anyway, we gave each other nicknames, I called him Joker, after the batman villain because of his grin, and he called me lightning bug, because of my lightning bolt shaped scar. One day though, he had to get going, because the police had started to get close and he was healed up. He promised we'd see each other again one day. I hadn't seen him since, until the day I came to Slender manor."

Masky thought over what he had heard, before pausing, "What your uncle did to your eyes?" He asked. Harry pursed his lips, "My uncle poured bleach into my eyes, all because I had tried reading one of Dudley's books. I have been blind since I was 5 years old." Masky inhaled sharply, "Then how do you move so...fluidly and accurately?" he asked Harry. "My magic subtly pulsates through out the area I am in, and creates a 3D model in my mind, though when I need a break, I rely on my other 4 senses. I can still see colors for the most part, but their just blobs, so I try not to use my vision. When I was going to Hogwarts, I was secretly practicing wandless magic, so no one would discover my blindness. Right now, you and Jeff are the only ones who know about my disability to see, and I would like to keep it that way, please." Harry requested. "Okay" Masky replied. 

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