City of Serpents - Sweet Pea...

By figure8ght

75.3K 1.8K 222

After your best friend Jughead Jones becomes a serpent you become closer with the 'dangerous' gang. When you... More



2.6K 69 6
By figure8ght

"Come on Y/n." Toni said waving a glass of whiskey in my face.

"I don't drink." I said for the millionth time.

"Why not?" Fangs said pushing a shot of god knows what in my direction. "Scared?"

"No." I pushed the shot back to him. "I'm the designated driver."

"I'll drink to that." Fangs shrugged and the three of them took a shot. "So Y/n. What was it like growing up on the..." He shrunk down and got closer to me as he whispered.. "northside."

"Ew no, she's a Southsider now. We don't talk about the north." Sweet Pea pulled me further on to his lap.

"Sorry to break it to you Sweet Pea, but she's still a northsider." She said to him. "But obviously Serpent land is your land just as much as ours." She clarified to me.

"No dude seriously." Fangs interrupted. "Don't you wanna know what's it's like to have a good childhood?"

"Yeah okay maybe I do need a drink." I said taking a large drink of whatever was in my boyfriends glass as the memories of my mother and father came to me. Sweet Pea placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"What?" Toni looked between us.

"Y/n's parents, they um..." He looked at me hesitantly.

"They're dead." I shrugged.

"Oh shit." Fangs audibly gasped. "I'm sorry, I didn't even think about you living with your uncle."

"It's fine Fogarty." I still tried to get the taste of strong liquor out of my mouth. "But growing up on the Northside was good I guess." Good memories came to me. "Juggie and I went to the drive in a lot."

"How long have you known Jughead?" Fangs asked.

"I don't remember when we weren't." I shrugged. "FP and I are really close too though."

"Really?" Pea asked.

"He's like my dad." I nodded. "I spent a lot of time on the Southside as a kid cause of them. Fred always took me to Pops, like everyday." I chuckled. "Jug and I went a lot once we could go out on our own."

"What's the deal with that place?" Sweet Pea asked. "I've never been."

"What?" I turned to him. "That's like the only place on the Northside you guys are welcome."

"Correction, Pop Tate welcomes us...not everyone else." Toni corrected. "Fogarty and I go sometimes but not often."

"Come on." I spoke casually.

"Where are we going?" Fangs asked.

"Pops obviously." I rolled my eyes. "Come on guys." The three of them exchanged looks before following me.

We all went out to my car which Jughead dropped off after the race. Charlie has scratches and a dent from the race.

    "Remind me to skin Jones for this." I ran my hands along the scratches. "I'm so sorry Charlie."

"I call shotgun." Fangs yelled as we got to the car. Pea and Toni got into the back and Fangs entered the passengers seat. I began to make my way to Pops as Fangs cranked the stereo up and him and Toni started singing loudly to a song I didn't recognize. I looked up in my mirror to see SP roll his eyes at them.

"We're here." I said earning a groan from Fangs as I turned off the stereo.

"What decade is this?" Pea asked as he looked up at the neon lights.

"Have on open mind babe." I smiled up at him.

   "When have I ever had an open mind about anything?"

When we entered the bell rang and every eye in the diner landed on my Serpent friends. It was very late so there were only a handful of people.

"Come on guys." I said quietly and casually as I led them to a booth on the far side of the diner by the window.

"These guys with you Y/n." Pop Tate said friendly as I ushered them in the booth.

"Yeah they are chill." I smiled back.

"He knows your name?" Sweet Pea asked.

"Pop knows everyone, I'll be back." I said as I made my way to the counter. "Hey Pop."

"Hey Y/n." He responded. "Your friends ready to order?"

"I don't know but could I get some milkshakes for us?"

"Yeah." He said pulling out his pad of paper. "I know you get Strawberry and the girl, lord I know her name, I know I do. T-t- gosh I can't remember."

"Toni." I chuckled.

"That's it! Toni gets vanilla, and the boys?"

"Let's just say chocolate." I chuckled.

"Okay, I get them to you soon." He smiled before making his way into the kitchen.

I made my way back to my friends and slid in next to Pea. His hand rest on the back of the booth behind me.

"So why do you preppy kids like this place?" He said as he looked around.

"Because it's cozy, Pop knows us, it's the only good place to eat in the whole town."

"I like the Wyrm." He shrugged.

"Be open minded Pea." I rested my head on his chest.

"I'm just saying, it's bright in here, and there is no pool table."

"But there's a juke box." Fangs said as he pulled T out of the booth and to the juke box. It wasn't long until I heard the same song from the car playing from the corner.

"Oh god." I sighed as I buried my head is Sweet Peas lap. He chuckled and ran his hands through my hair.

"This is good music Y/n." Toni said as she came back into the booth with Fangs."

"Here you go kids." Pop said as he placed milkshakes in front of each of us. "On the house."

    "Thank you Pop." I smiled to him before he went back behind the counter.

    "Are Northsiders always so nice?" Fangs whispered loud enough for all of us to hear.

    "No." Sweet Pea said as he but his bruised knuckles on the table.

    "Your fights are your fault Sweet Pea." Toni said as she drank her milkshake.

    "Yeah whatever." He rolled his eyes.

    We all started drinking our shakes except for Pea who kept complaining about Northsiders. Finally I got annoyed so as I took a casual drink of my milkshake I placed my hand far up his leg. He stopped mid sentence which caught my friends attention.

    "What?" Fangs asked.

    "N-nothing." Pea shook his head as he finally took a drink of his shake. I inched my hand further up.

    I caught Toni smirking at me and she nodded smoothly. I giggled a little and took my hand off. Fangs looked between the three of us a gasped.

    "Oh my god! Were you touching his- did you give him a-"

    "No Fangs." I chuckled as I placed my hand on his arm from across the table.

    "Ew." He said throwing my hand off. "Don't touch me with those hands." He said making all of us erupted into laughter. "So, what's next on the Northside agenda?" He asked once we all finished our milkshakes.

    "Wait, is this an all night thing?" Sweet Pea asked.

    "Why? Did you have another all night thing planned?" Toni smirked.

    "Well as a matter of fact I d-"

    "Sweetwater River." I smiled as I purposefully cut him off.

    "What? Where the dead kid was shot?" Toni asked.

    "Come on you'll see." I laughed as I pulled Sweet Pea out of the booth with me. "Later Pop!"

    This time Sweet Pea rode next to me and Fangs and Toni sat in the back seat. Sweet Pea's hand was intertwined with mine between the seat as my other hand controlled the wheel.
I pulled the car into a little path the led down the water. We all got out of the car and I lead them closer to shore.

    "So what do you guys do here?" Sweet Pea asked as he walked with our fingers knitted together.

    "You know...strolls, picnics...skinny dipping." I said the least part softly.

    "What!" He stopped. "Who have you got skinny dipping with?"

   "You know...Betty, Cheryl, Kevin, Moose, Reggie...Jughead"

    "That's a really long list." Fangs said to me.

    "Yeah well you wanted to do Northside stuff so." I pointed out.

    "Oooo are we going skinny dipping!" Toni said excitedly.

    "You can keep your underwear on." I laughed at her who was already undressing.

    "Yeah okay I'm down." Fangs said who was taking off his shirt.

    The two had quickly stripped down to their underwear and were in the water. I laughed at my friends who were acting like kids in a pool. I pulled off my jacket and kicked off my shoes and looked up to see an unhappy Sweet Pea.

    "Come on baby." I said as I placed both of my hands on his biceps. My hands trailed slowly up to his shoulder and pushed the jacket off. I locked eyes with him as I trailed my hands down to his belt. I slowly unbuckled his belt without breaking eye contact. He gulped a little as he watched me undress him slowly. He stepped out of his jeans a took off his shirt.

I brought my hands to the hem of my shirt and pulled it over my head then slipped out of my jeans. Almost immediately Sweet Pea placed his large hands on both sides of my face and kissed my hungrily as he pushed me towards the water.

I heard a series of whistles behind us from my friends making me laugh softly into the kiss. I felt the cold water hit my feet as I continued to back into it.

    "Control yourself Sweet Pea! Peel yourself off of her for a second." Fangs yelled to us.

    Before I was completely submerged in the water I turned around and dove towards my other friends. When I came up I saw Sweet Pea standing where I left him with a little smirk painted across his face. He started to come towards me when I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me.

    "Nope." Fangs said as he picked me up and turned me away from SP. "Sweetie Pea needs to learn how to share." Toni and I were laughing so hard.

    "When have I ever shared, Fogarty?" Sweet Peas voice said to him.

    "Okay fair enough." Fangs said before tossing me up in the air making me land hard onto the surface of the water.

    When I came up the boys were wrestling, which was nothing new and Toni was laughing at their stupidity.

    "Hey T." I whispered to her so the boys wouldn't hear. "Let me show you something."

    I quickly and quietly led T away from the boys and around the corner.

    "Are you about to murder me?" She joked.

    "Trust me." I said as I went back up to shore and into the trees. There was already a preexisting path from other teenagers journey through these trees.

    "Fuck yes." She said once we got to a ledge that hung about 20 feet above the water.

"How the hell did you get up there?" Sweet Pea said from the water.

"It's a secret!" Toni yelled before jumping into the water. I followed behind her and we all took turns jumping off.

We swam and messed around for an hour or two before we all went to a grassy patch at the shore and laid down. None of us wanted to be soaking wet in a car. The stars were out and the sky was pitch black despite the small specks of light.

Toni and Fangs were on my left and Sweet Pea was behind me, letting my head fall into his lap. We were all still undressed and the wind was blowing making it cold. The air was clear and the wind blowing off the water made it moist and dank. I shivered as the wind ran across my bare skin, this caught Peas attention.

"Here you go babe." He said as he reached behind him, careful not to move my head out of his lap to grab his leather jacket that was laying in a pile with the rest of his clothes. I was tired from swimming so instead of putting it on he laid the jacket over me as if it were a blanket.

"You two are disgusting." Toni said with her eyes closed and her arm propped under her head.

Me and Sweet Pea chuckled and the comfortable silence resumed.

    "You know I never thought Sweet Pea was gonna get a girlfriend who wasn't a um..." Fangs started but quickly trailed off.

    "Whore." Toni finished for him.

    "Hey!" Sweet Pea said slightly offended before he slouched down. "Yeah okay fine."

    "He dated this one girl for like a week and they fucked all the time it was so annoy-"

    "Fogarty!" Sweets slapped fangs, hard, against the head. "Why would you even say that? She's right here!" He motioned to me.

    "What? C'mon I'm sure Y/n did it with a bunch of her ex-boyfriends. Maybe the boys she went skinny dipping with." He smirked. "You said Jones right?"

    Sweets and I stayed silence and tried to act casual.

    "No way!" Toni yelled as she finally joined the conversation. "You're a virgin?"

    "Not anymore." Sweet Pea mumbled.

"I figured you guys did it before you started dating." Fangs shrugged.

"Okay, are we really talking about this." I said before earning a yawn and a tired head nod from Fangs.

"I think I'm still a little drunk." Fangs said as he laid back down on the ground.

"Same." Sweets nodded.

"Come on guys, let's get dressed." I stood up and went over to my pile of clothes. I tossed each of them their clothes and we all got dressed. Pea let me keep the jacket since I didn't have mine and we all went back to the car.

"Toni, where are you staying tonight?" I asked her as I looked up into the mirror to see her.

"You can crash with me." Fangs said tiredly.

I went back to the Southside and into the trailer park. Toni and Fangs were dropped off at Fangs' trailer and Pea and I went to his.

"You sure you wanna leave your wheels here? We can park it back behind the trailers?" Pea offered.

"Nah, it's fine. It's almost 4 anyways we'll be up in a couple hours."

We went inside and I kicked off my shoes and took off his jacket. My hair was still wet so I put it up to keep the wet strands off my face. I felt a presence behind me and two hands holding me firmly my my hips. His soft lip connected to my neck.

"I thought you were tired." I giggled.

"I also said I was still a little drunk."

Word Count: 2475

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