Power ↠ Stiles Stilinski

By -missmischief

182K 6K 936

Ever since she could remember, Hope knew that the McCalls weren't her biological family. They didn't lie. The... More



2K 83 8
By -missmischief

i don't feel very human anymore

IT WAS LATER that night after Dean and Sam had shown up and they had come up with a dangerous plan to get the witches to come to them instead of the other way around. But, the plan went wrong when Kira happened to her taken by said witches.

The pack, along with Sam and Dean tried to keep Hope from doing something reckless like turning herself over or going after them which would lead to more deaths than they can handle.

They stayed in the McCall household, trying to come up with a plausible plan that will get everyone to safety including Kira.

"We need to do a locator spell!" Malia snapped as she cared about Kira like a sister. The first person she had gotten attached to when she came human was Hope, and then it was Lydia, but she still cared about Kira just as much as she did for them even though she gotten to know Kira last.

"No, they have known every other time we have done one," Lydia said as she shook her head, pacing back and forth.

Suddenly, Castiel appeared in the room and Hope immediately embraced him in a hug which shook the angel. He stumbled back and then slowly wrapped his arms around her with a smile. "I just searched the building in which they are located in," was the first thing he said which drew everyone's attention to him. "It's warded off."

"What does that mean?" Stiles asked, crossing his arms as he put his thinking face on.

Castiel sighed as he turned to the human boy who obviously was completely in love with Hope McCall. He's known that since the first moment Hope introduced him to the pack. They all cared deeply for the young witch, and they were willing to do anything to keep her safe. Just like he and the Winchester's would. And just like she would for all of them.

"It means that I can't go in there, not unless someone is able to get the wards down, and the only one who has enough power to do that is..." Cas trailed off as he glanced over at Hope who was chewing on her lip and running a hand trough her tangled hair.

"No!" Dean shouted just as the pack chorused in unison. "There is no way I'm allowing her to walk in there. It's so clearly a trap!" He protested and stared Cas in the eyes with intense green eyes, and everyone else stared between them, waiting for something. Waiting for what, though? They didn't know. All they knew was that there was a lot of tension between the two males and it wasn't only because of Hope possibly being put in danger.

"Dean..." Cas trailed off, taking a step closer to the elder Winchester brother. "If we don't do something, Kira will die, a innocent will die. A lot of innocents have already been killed by these witches. Are you really willing to allow them to continue to kill people?" He laid his hand on Dean's shoulder and caressed his thumb over his collar bone. "Hope is a strong individual, even without her magic and werewolf side. She knows how to handle herself. She can do this."

Hope looked between them, but before she could even say anything, Scott stepped forward, shaking his head. "No. I am not putting my sister in danger no matter what. They are here for her. They have been giving her nightmares even before they showed up in town. We need to rescue Kira, but we need to do it without giving them what they want."

Hope chewed on the inside of her cheek as she felt tears sting in her eyes. She needed to do something even if it cost her, her life.

She was beyond anxious at this point. It came as an electrical storm in her brain that, quite honestly, was painful. It's different from a headache and it feels the same as intense sorrow, perhaps as a sort of frozen panic with nowhere to go. So, though she appeared calm, her sad eyes are saying far more than "Help me," they are saying that her soul is in such unbearable pain that she will not live with herself if something happened to Kira.

"Kira is a strong girl. I know she is. I have helped her train before," Sam commented after a second of silence. "She will be okay until we figure out something to do. She has to be okay." He swallowed thickly as he thought about Kira, and even though she was quite younger than him, about nine years to be exact, he has always felt some sort of connection to her.

And yes, she might be seventeen, almost eighteen in two months, he felt bad for liking a girl that was younger than him. But, he couldn't control what his heart wants. And what it wants is Kira.

"We need to do something a quick," Lydia stated as she looked around at everyone with big eyes. "And without putting Hope in the middle of it all."

Hope shook her head. She's the strongest out of all of them and they're acting as if she didn't know how to do anything. She took a tiny step back and looked around at everyone who was too in their own world to pay attention to her. She took another step back before closing her eyes and muttering a spell under her breath that made her invisible. Then, just like that, she ran out of the house before any of them realized she was gone.

HOPE APPEARED OUTSIDE of the abandoned church in which the witches were keeping Kira, and even though she founding see the warding due to it being hidden behind magic, she could feel it. She closed her eyes and decided against putting it down because it was give her away. She wanted to sneak in and surprise attack them.

"Sorry, guys, but I'm going to do this without you," she mumbled to herself before she held her head high and said a spell that would keep her quiet.

Walking down the aisle that led to the stage, her blue eyes landed on an uncurious Kira who was tied to a chair, beaten and bloody.

"Kira!" Hope shouted stupidly and went to run forward when she was suddenly stuck to the spot she was standing, and she looked down to see roots coming out from the ground, wrapping around her ankles. "Fuck!" She shouted and then looked up just as the witches appeared around Kira who had woken up and was crying. "What did you do to her?!"

"We just tied down her little fox friend," one of the women said as she smirked and waved her hand, allowing Kira's Kitsune to be seen struggling and screeching in pain before it disappeared. "And then we simply tortured her. We figured you would've been here sooner. I guess you don't care about her as much as you appear to." She chuckled when Hope growled and started thrashing.

"Oh, shush!" One of the other witches shouted, the one with long black hair. She waved her hand and Hope felt like something was choking her. "I thought that since you're his daughter, you wouldn't whine as much. But, I guess you've been around mundanes a little to long, mutant."

Hope struggled, grabbing onto her neck, her face turning red due to not being able to breath.

"You're pathetic!" The leader of the coven shouted and Hope was suddenly allowed to breath, and she almost tumbled over when she was suddenly stood upright like she was a puppet. "You're weak and an abomination!" She roared and Hope's eyes widened as the witch walked towards Kira. "Your whole pack is pathetic and weak. You're all abominations who can't save even one person, let alone a whole town full of people who desperately needs to be saved. Just today, my fellow witches and I have killed five more people. That makes.. what? Twenty six kills in almost three days?" She laughed as Hope growled in anger and disgust. "Oh, chill, little child. You're nothing compared to us. We're New Orleans witches, born and raised. The strongest of the strongest. And you... child... are disgusting and should not exist."

"Fuck you!" Hope roared as she pulled her right foot up, breaking through the roots and the spell that the witches had put on her. She looked up through the hood of her eyes and smirked as she lifted up her other foot. "You should run before I rip out your spleens!" She bellowed, her voice carrying throughout the whole building, and the witches had half a brain to actually look a little scared.

"Sorry, but witches do not run," the leader simply said before bringing out a huge knife and driving it through Kira's stomach.

"No!" Hope shouted out and right before all of their eyes, a blue light emitted from her and flung across the room, hitting all the witches, making them scream out in pain before their skin's began to sizzle and boil. And then suddenly, they popped like a baloon. "Kira!" She cried out and another energy wave escaped her, making the warding disappear like a glitch.

"Hope!" The pack shouted just as they ran into the building, right behind them was the Winchester's, Castiel, and the Original's.

"No!" Hope shouted, her voice noticeably cracking as tears fell down her face like a water fall. And with a few cracks and bone breaking noises, everyone watched as Hope turned into her wolf form, and then ran off, howling loudly.

"Kira!" Sam shouted and everyone turned to the broken girl who was barley hanging onto life, a knife hanging out of her stomach, and five dead witches surrounding her.

Castiel disappeared and then reappeared in front of the young Kitsune, yanked the knife out of her stomach, and then touched her forehead, healing her.

"Where do you think she went?" Stiles asked out, a tear escaping his eye as he looked to where Hope had ran off, howling painfully.

Scott laid a hand on his shoulder, feeling terrible that he allowed a pack mate to get hurt, and for his sister to see and do something this terrible. "I don't know. But, she'll find her way back. She always does."

Off in the distance, Hope arrived at the cliff that overlooked the whole town and let out a loud and bellowing howl.

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