The Baker and The Billionaire

By CountVustafa

192K 9.1K 2.8K

Harry Styles owns a small bakery. Harry hates big business and big CEOs. A big company wants to buy Harry's b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
The Epilogue

Chapter 26

4.5K 247 45
By CountVustafa





Three days passed since Harry returned back to good old London. The storm finally subdued in the UK and Ireland and the government finally allow the people go out in public. Business was back as usual.The buzzing of the streets in London.The people walking around town.

Today was going to be a very busy day for the curly haired man. Harry had everything planned. It will take every ounce of will power and determination but Harry has do everything today. 

He finally reached the Horan&Co building in the heart of London. Harry looked up the tall sky scrapper. Hard to believe this entire building is his ex's. The tall majestic tower seems to pierce through the clouds. His heart twitched as he noticed the familiar street curb in the corner outside the building. That was the spot when Niall and himself realized they were dating each other. And also the first time, they broke up. 

That seems like a million years ago. 

Harry pushed the memory away. It was too painful. He inhaled the scent that filled his nostrils, the lobby smelled incredibly similar to Niall. Vanilla and honey. He chuckled. When they dated, Niall did told him he spends so much time in the office that he smells like the Horan building.  

Harry greeted the concierge and asked him for a visitor card. He booked a meeting with Zayn this afternoon. 

The baker took a long ride to the top floor. He felt nervous. It was going to be his first time meeting Zayn since Niall and himself broke up. He wasn't sure how Zayn is going to react when he meets him. Niall surely told Zayn he what happened in Ireland. 

Harry takes a deep breath. 


"This is my letter of resignation Zayn" muttered Harry as he placed the sealed envelope on the table.  

Zayn raised an eyebrow at the envelope on his desk. His eyes then tore away to the man sitting before him. Harry looks so different since the first day he saw him. He used to look like the boy-next-door with fantastic curly hair and that cheeky grin plastered on his face. But now, he looks matured. His hair was longer. He has a slight shadow on his face. 

"Are you sure mate?" asked Zayn. 

Harry shook his head, "I'm certain. The contract states, one year with the company. And my one year has officially expired." 

Zayn took a deep breath. He wasn't expecting this. He thought Harry wanted a get-together to catch up. 

"Well, I don't think I can convince you otherwise. So what's your plan after this mate?" asked Zayn, leaning closer to the man. 

Harry send a soft smile to his friend. Zayn definitely looks rested now. He no longer had those dark circles underneath his eyes, and he was primed to perfection. Just like he likes it. 

"Well, I'm thinking of moving to LA. Start a new business there. You know start over" murmured Harry. 

Zayn raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"You're moving to LA?! When?" 

"In two days. I have a friend there, he's going to help me out for a while before I'm on my own again" explained Harry. 

"But what about my wedding?" asked Zayn, he was poking out his lower lip and making those puppy faces at Harry. 

The baker chuckled, "Sorry mate, but I'm afraid I can't come." 

Zayn sends Harry a regretful look. He knows there is much more to him moving away across the see than some ridiculous business venture. 

"Well, okay then. I as a business associate of Horan&Co, I wish you all the best on your future endeavours. And please be reminded, all recipes from your family will be kept a secret, and if so ever we use them, you will have 7% of royalties, as stated in the contract." 

"And as a friend...I am going to miss you loads!" 

Zayn got up from his chair and went over to Harry and elope him in a big hug. He was going to miss Harry for sure. Sure they weren't friends at first, but they come to enjoy each other's company. And they turned out the best of friends. 

Harry pulled the man tighter in his arms. He knew he was going to here miss so much. His friends are here in London. Zayn was going to marry Pierre in a few weeks. Liam and Sophia are expecting their first bundle of joy. He still havne't meet Louis' two precious twins. 

"Take care aite."


Harry tucked in his curls as he reached the final destination of the day. He hopes no one can see his red eyes red and puffy nose. He didn't expect a goodbye from Zayn would make him weep. And Harry just wasn't the type who is good with goodbyes. 

The baker takes a good look at his bakery from the outside. It looks so different now than it was almost a year ago. The old green shade that he begged Eleanor to sew were long gone and replaced with blush peach coloured ones. The moss green bricks that were an eyesore at the corner were gone. The scary maroon coloured brick were painted white. The old tinted windows were replaced with large transparent glass. It looks so good from the outside that Harry could not help but beam with proud. 

This was his baby. 

He worked so hard on Chapel's Bakery. Back then he was fresh from university. Everyone thought he was crazy for opening a bakery. Luckily for him his family and close friends were supporting of him, and followed him till the end. 

He still remembers the time, bringing home some of the rejected goods, because he couldn't afford food for himself. And he could not sleep knowing there were stacks of bills on the bakery's counter. Those were tough times. 

But then Horan&Co happened... 

Harry sighed. All of this would be gone now. 

He has to tell them someday right. 


"Harry, you cannot believe this mate. We got a call from Beyonce! She's in London for a concert in two days and she wants us to cater for her team backstage!"

"Can you believe it. Beysus just called us! It's like we are forever blessed" explained Louis who has stars in his eyes. 

Liam and Harry could not help but laugh at the man's poor impression of the great Queen herself. Everyone at Chapel's Bakery is a fan of Beyonce. There were nights where they danced to Beyonce with their then-girlfriends at the empty store. It was a night of just laughter and fun. 

He has to tell them...

"Guys I have to tell you something important" trailed Harry. 

Liam and Louis are now fully focused on what their curly haired friend was saying. Harry shot them a soft smile, he knew he will break their hearts. I mean how the fuck do you tell people that you love you are going away. 

"I'm moving" breathed Harry. 

Liam and Louis blinked a few times, "You're moving, where? Greenwich? The ghettos? I tell you Harry, you don't make great decisions about real estate" quipped Louis. 

Harry chuckled. Damn this is going to be hard...

"I'm moving to Los Angeles..." trailed Harry "in two days". 

The baker could see his two best friends were absolutely surprised by the news. Louis and Liam starred silently at him, he wasn't sure what they were feeling inside.

"Harry are sure about this?" asked Liam softly. 

Louis folded his arms, "And you plan this without us?" he added. 

Harry shook his head. "It is a decision I made on my own. I thought about this long and hard. I hope you two, my bestest friends in the world can support my decision."  

The curly lad wanted to cry as he said those words to his best friends. They were heartbraking to say. 

Liam sighed, and Louis glared at him. 

"What about this fucking bakery? What about my twins, they haven't seen uncle Harry yet. What about Christmas? Have you thought about that mate" Louis spat angrily at Harry. 

Liam rubbed his friend's arm, trying to cool him down. Harry took a deep breath. 

"I signed a contract with Zayn, I'm leaving my share to you guys. I know you two will take great care of my baby."

"I'm going to open a new bakery there. I have more than enough cash to start over. As for the twins, I promise I'm going to visit them tomorrow and I'll try to be there for every Christmas, Eid, footballm match, firs birthday" explained Harry softly. 

The baker could feel Louis' eyes soften. Gosh, this is going to be hell again...

Louis sucked a deep breath and stood up. He then went up to Harry and pulled him into his arms. Harry smiled and leaned into the warmth. Liam then got up and wrapped his strong arms around the two. 

This has got to be their last group hug, might as well make it their longest.


Harry was back in his kitchen in the bakery. He was going to make a couple of special pastries for his usual customers. Without them, Harry wouldn't be where he is now.  And he wants to bake a cake to meet the babies at Louis' house tomorrow. Eleanor and Sophia will be absolutely shattered if they knew Harry isn't going to be here anymore. So he decided he was going to make them something special, just for them. 

They are his family...

Harry loves moulding the pastries until they form the most beautiful and perfect shape. He was gifted with bakery hands, just like his grandmother and mother. He was going to make classic fruit tarts for his usual customer. Simple, delicious and beautiful. 

The baker placed the cut fruits carefully and precisely in the middle of the pasty. Adding a couple of small grapes and berries. He loves how even with simple ingredients he was able to create the most beautiful food.

He carefully packed them in the colourful boxes with the Chapel's Bakery logo on top and placed them on the fridge. 

Harry dosen't know why but he feels emotional. Well time to pack his stuff...


The goodbyes with Louis and Liam and the assistant chefs were heartwrenching. Countless tears were shed in the bakery. It was emotional. All those moments together. It was heart breaking for Harry. He thought he could handle it but now he wasn't sure. Going away...

It was impossible to pack all those fond meories in a small wooden box. His mixer, the wooden spoon that was a gift from his mom. The picture frame he has of Niall showing his tongue adorably at him. 

He decides to take a walk. He wanted to clear his mind.

Everything was going to change. He was going to leave. He has to. 

The truth is, he is leaving because of Niall. It was too painful to be surrounded by everything that reminds you of the person you love. Harry loves that Zayn, Liam and Louis never questioned him about it. But they knew him all too well. Everywhere he went he sees Niall. He tries his best to not talk or think about Niall. But it was impossible and hopeless. The more he tries to shut Niall out, the more he keeps popping up. Everywhere he went Niall was there, everything reminded him of him. 

His apartment where they shared countless kisses, the stupid Horan building, the city, the tube, McDonalds, Pizzahut, Nandos, the bakery...every fucking thing reminded him of Niall. 

Harry pauses as he sees a famililar mop of blonde hair in the distance. He couldn't make out the face as the man was facing the opposite side. Harry shook his head, it couldn't be...

He is going insane. 

Niall!? Dammit. He is going insane. He ignored his pounding heart and continued walking up the deserted pavement. 

As he got closer to the bus stop his heart kept thumping louder and louder in his chest. Until he reached the bus stop...his heart suddenly stops. 







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