The Lost Ones

By thingslefthidden

680 12 4

America has begun to crumble from the weight of Economic turmoil. Many countries have moved in to destroy it... More

The Picnic
Finding Courage
Good intentions, bad outcomes
Monsters are we


55 2 2
By thingslefthidden

Upstate Rural New York,Approximately one week ago

I pushed open the metal doors,letting the clean air and lovely warm sun caress me. I smiled into the sky as I walked, closing my eyes every once in a while to enjoy the light from the backs of my eyelids. That's probably why I didn't see the large boy come and wrap his arms around my waist, swinging me around. My heart stopped for a moment, it couldn't be...not in with so many others around...

"Hey babe." The boy,my boy,Jesse said into my ear. He landed a sweet kiss on my lips. "I missed you." He said languidly, like he had no desire to move,  so he had to do so slowly.

"We hung out last night." I answered smiling. I pushed my long hair from my eyes, tucking some behind my ear. I flung my arms around his neck.

"I know but I still missed you." He slid his hands around my waist. I pushed him back a little, looking into his chocolate brown eyes.

"Uh-uh. We are not going to be that couple." I said seriously. Jesse's expression sobered. He looked down at me quizzically. He pursed his lips then nodded. I pulled away then grabbed his hand and started dragging him to his next class. He didn't say anything as we walked under the canopy of trees.  I looked up at him after as minute of silence, usually he couldn't shut up.

"What?" I asked him.

"What, what?" He said in a bewildered voice.

"You're all quiet, You're never this quiet." I told him smiling profusely, hoping not to insult him.

"I was just thinking...." He said lazily lowering his eyelashes and smiling slightly.

"Oh so that's what you were doing? Don't hurt yourself." I joked. He gave me a faux hurt look from the corner of his eye.

"I was thinking," He prompted again a little louder."That we should go to cherry hill after class.Have a picnic or something."  He looked down at me, gauging my reaction. I imagine my reaction would be something like a mix between fear and bewilderment, mostly because I was amazed he would ask me such a question, especially after what happened. He put his hands up in front of him like I was going to hit him or something.

"Don't cry," He soothed. I swiped a escaping tear with the backside of my hand."I'm sorry C, really. I should have never suggested it. That was stupid I should have known..."

"I'm afraid Jesse. I'm terrified that they're going to get me next. They got Cam and I couldn't do a single thing to save him! They got him Jesse, and they could get any of us next." I turned away from him and hugged my torso, trying to forget that horrible day.

 I remember that I was sitting on my bed talking to Amber,Jesse's sister, when there was a knock on the door. I got up slowly laughing at something she said.

"Hold on." I called trying to bite back the giggles. I opened the door to Mrs.Teressa, our dorm mom. She solemnly handed me a slip of paper.

"I'm sorry for your loss." She whispered, placing a heavy hand on my shoulder. After a moment passed, she turned and walked away. I frowned at her turned back, stomach sinking. I opened the folded note with shaking hands.

We regret to inform you that Camden Jefferson was reported missing from school yesterday. We believe it was due to the fact of recruiting Defluo invading campus. He was last seen being taken from Cherry Hill on the west side of campus. We are sincerely sorry for your loss.


              Headmaster Freeman

 I froze, clasping the paper in my shaking hands. This could not be happening. Not to my brother,not to him.

"What? What is it?" Amber asked me. She grabbed hold of my shoulders. I bolted from her grasp, running down the hall and down the two flight of stairs to the exit of our dorm. I ran faster then I ever had before. My feet guided me quickly to Cam's dorm. I pause to swing the front door open, hearing it bang against the wall. I sprint past the dorm monitor, who gave no protest for my lack of signing in. I pound up four flights of stairs and down the hall to Cams door, beating on it angrily. Jesse opened the door, giving me a look filled with pain and pity.

"Where is he? Where is he?" I screamed breathlessly at him, pushing him out of the way and barreling into the room. Cams bed had been stripped and three brown boxes sat at the end of the empty bed.

"What are they doing with his stuff?" I asked furiously. I ripped open the box, taking Cams things back out.

"Corinne, stop. He's gone." Jesse whispered softly, grabbing my hands. I looked up at him tears flooding my eyes. I shook my head.

"No, no. He's not gone. He can't be gone." I crumple to my knees, my head resting on his mattress. I breathe in the scent of my brother, now the only thing I had left to remix myself he was real.

"Corinne,they took him. The Defluo took him." He said as I dissolved into sobs.

"I'm sorry Corinne, I'm so sorry." He said  wrapping his arms around me.

******               **********          *******;

 " I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have ever suggested that, please C, I'm sorry." Jesse said snapping me out of the past. I turned to him, his eyes were wide with sorrow.

"ARGH!" I yelled lashing out and kicking a tree. I kicked it again, and again, my anger flaring.

"C! Stop, stop it Corrine!" He yelled grabbing me around my waist.  I slumped in his arms. Tears were streaking my face, betraying me.

"I'm sorry, C. I'm sorry." He told me quietly holding me to him. I pushed him away.

"C, come on please don't leave." He said grabbing for my arm.

"I'm sick of it, i'm so sick of it." I told him quietly with my back to him. I could feel the heat pouring off of him.

"I'm sorry,I'll make it up to you I swear." He said, his voice cracking. 

"Not of you! Of being scared, of hiding during raids! Why don't we fight back? Why do we give them offerings just to have to offer again!"

"It's just the way things work, they're strong. They have weapons and we don't- we're helpless."

"I'm tired of being helpless Jesse." I told him turning my back to him.

"So am I."  He said putting an arm around me.

"Okay," I said taking a deep breath. "Okay, lets go to cherry hill." I felt Jesse tense. I state blank at him, trying to mask the fear that boils in my belly.

"Are you sure?" He gives me a look that say he thinks I'm crazy.

"No, but I'm doing it anyways. I'll see you later." I said turning to him, giving him a light kiss on the lips. He gave me a tight hug then stepped back.

"Bye, I love you." I froze. We'd been together for four years, and he had never once said those words. Those words that had so easily just toppled passed his lips. His eyes widened.

"Uh, I sorry." He said fumbling over his words. I smiled and wrapped my arm around his neck, pulling him down to me.

"I love you, too." I closed the distance between our lips, giving him a lingering kiss before backing away.

"I'll see you later." I said waving. He gave a slightly dazed look, before raising his arm in a wave. A stupid grin plastered on his face. I stared at his back, watching his movements, until he disappeared and I turned away. I sighed. Today I would face one of my biggest nightmares.

Little did I know, nightmares are not like dreams. Nightmares actually come true.

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