Katherine and the Truth About...


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Katherine knows their is something strange about Burgess, but she can't put her finger on it. Could finally m... More

Chapter 1: Of Course You Know the Guardians
Chapter 2: Where a Towns History is Much to Be Explored
Chapter 3: Where First Impressions Could Be Improved
Chapter 4: Curiosity Breeds Curiosity
Chapter 5: Memories and Meetings Collide
Chapter 6: A Second Introductions Turns Out Better than Planned
Chapter 7: There Are More Questions Than Ever
Chapter 8: Change Has But Just Begun
Chapter 9: Questions are Answered At Last...Well...Some
Chapter 10: Dreams Proove Confusing or The Forgotten Light
Chapter 11: Pitch's Tunnel
Chapter 12: Old Scars and New
Chapter 13: Sorrow Brings Joy To All
Chapter 14: The Truth Brings Hope and Pain
Chapter 15: In Which Katherine Chooses the Children
Chapter 16: In Which The Search Begins
Chapter 17: A Painful Past Revisited
Chapter 18: In Which all Goes Dark
Chapter 20: The Chance to Fight
Chapter 21: An End Brings a New Beginning

Chapter 19: Reunited At Last

221 6 4

In the frigid air of the North Pole, cool breezes were not uncommon. But when this cool breeze came, North sensed something behind it. Looking up at the skylight, he saw Jack flying in, a limp bundle in his arms. He half stumbled, and half walked out of the air. His white t-shirt was stained with red and in his arms was none other than Katherine. "North, she's hurt!"

North pulled Katherine from his arms, her skin was as white as wax, her eyes closed. In his arms, she was so small, like a child. He hugged her close and ran from Jack leaving him in the globe room. Jack followed, running as fast as he possibly could.

North ran into a small room and laid her down on it. "Jack, call Bunny! Send out signal!"

Jack ran to the globe, his heart thumping too wildly for his brain to think. The massive switch was hard for his hands, that were small and thin. He grabbed it and tried to pull it up but even with all his strength that was impossible. He heard a grunt behind him and before he could turn around, a large furry hand had reached over him and pulled the lever.

Jack stumbled back, letting go so that he could look up at the that northern lights that rippled in the air like ribbons. It may have been seconds, maybe minutes, but it felt like an eternity before he heard the familiar grunt from Bunny. Jack swirled around.

"Aye Jack, what's the big--"

"It's Katherine!" Jack shouted, "He hurt her, he--"

"Woah!" Bunny grabbed his shoulder, "Slow down mate, where is she?" He was amazingly calm, the massive rabbit giving him a firm squeeze on the shoulder. Jack panted, trying to keep the rising panic down. He heard another voice which he recognized as the Yeti. Bunny let go of Jack's shoulder and followed him, Jack flying close behind. A short time later they came to a door.

North was inside, holding Jack's hoodie to the wound. He swirled around when he heard them. "Bunny!"

The pooka rushed in, slamming the door behind him.

"Hey!" He slammed his fist on it. "Let me in!" There was no answer. The locked door rattled when he took the knob. He pulled and turned, but there was no getting in. He backed away leaning against the wall.

It was only then that he looked down at his t-shirt and saw the blood. He grabbed the once white fabric, looking at the blackness that stained it. He looked at his hands and shirt, and at the door, and his knees buckled beneath him. He leaned against the wall facing the door. He felt baby tooth grab his ear, but that touch was distant from his mind. he heard the wings and he was finally utterly and completely alone.

He never took his eyes off that door. He sat that for hours, numb, with eyes trained on it, like his very will would make it fling open. "I should have been there." He thought to himself over and over. "I should have helped her."

Anger filled his chest and his body shook. He looked down, at his hands again, and saw briefly a soft glow flowing through his veins.

"Jack?" He turned and looked up to see Tooth. She hovered in the hall, frowning.

He jumped to his feet, and she saw the blood. Her eyes widened, "It's Katherine, she was--"

Tooth didn't let him finish. She wrapped him in a hug. "Baby Tooth told me everything." She whispered to him.

He didn't answer, instead he finally let himself cry.


Her hair had never been down before. Now it laid strewn across her pillow in thick curls because of her bun. He brushed back some of her bangs and sat down in a chair. Jack took her hand. "I am so stupid."

Kailash, who had been picked up by Tooth before she had arrived, honked sadly, laying her head on Katherine's feet. Baby Tooth tapped her beak with tiny hands as if to offer comfort. If geese could cry, Kailash certainly would. He pet her head gently, trying to offer as much comfort to the goose as he could. But it was hard when he could not even find comfort for himself.

He glanced down at her pale hand. "I should have stayed with you! I should have--" He looked at her, "It doesn't matter." He said, choking a little as he said it. "I was too late" He looked at her pale face. "Please just...Wake up." She didn't move, and he silently bowed his head, squeezing her hand gently he said. "I'm so sorry, whatever I did, I'm sorry!"

Then he was crying. What if she didn't wake up? What if she was like this forever? How could he live with himself if she didn't wake up?

He looked at her, again, her chapped lips, her closed eyes. He would give anything to see them open, to hear her laugh and see her smile. He saw in her sleep like state a small tear roll down her cheek. It glowed inwardly, brightly, like a tiny star. Wiping his eyes he leaned closer, catching the tear on his finger.

His brow pursed and he stared at it. "What--"

It glowed brighter and he thought for a moment he saw images.

Suddenly he heard a sigh, for a moment he thought it was her. He sat up straight. But she didn't move again. Instead, he listened to a small voice say, "It wasn't your fault."

He swiveled his head in the direction of the voice, and his gaze fell on the bag that hung on his chair. Brows furrowed, he reached into the pocket, pulling out Qwerty, a book he had become familiar with. He wiped his eyes as he spoke to the Book Worm, "What do you mean? I left her if I had stayed..."

"She was just trying to protect the kids, you did nothing wrong." The worm stated in complete calm.

Jack glared at Qwerty, "How could leaving protect the kids!"

"Because if she stayed, she would have told you who you were," His eyes drooped and a book ribbon pushed up his glasses, "And Pitch would have hurt the kids."

Jack's face paled, "W-what?"

The bookworm looked too sad to be annoyed, "Before she left, we found out who you were. Unfortunately, so did Pitch." Scowling he said, "We should have known he would break his oath."

Jack thought for a moment that he was going to lose his mind. He grabbed his head and looked at her. "I don't understand, what did she find out!"

The book sighed and stared at the tear that still sat on his finger, small and bright. "She has dreamed of it every night since she left. Why don't you take a look." He nodded to the tear then fell silent.

Jack turned to it again, its brightness only growing. He held it close, focusing his eyes on the churning images. He wondered for a moment if he was going crazy, but that fear faded as the picture became clear.


She blinked open her dull eye, her vision clouded, to find she was in a very familiar bedroom. But one she hadn't slept in since her last night there not a week after Pitches attack. Her hands brushed lightly against the soft quilt laid over her, a gift from North himself, and she heard Kailash honk.

The emotional bird could instantly tell Katherine was awake and made no short work of hulking her colossal frame over dropping her head into the disoriented Guardians stomach. Immediately a sharp pain ran up Katherine, and she sat up, wincing and grabbing her waist. Kailash looked up at her with an apologetic sigh and honked contently.

Katherine was still in a little pain and laid a hand on the distraught goose as if to comfort her. Her eyes then turned to the sleepy figure in the room, silver orbs dancing around his head.

"Jack?" She breathed. He shouldn't be here. But she couldn't bring herself to make him leave, she only stared at him. The jacket that she remembered him pressing to her wound was hanging over on the door, blood could be seen staining it, and she winced. In Jack's arms was Qwerty, the book open to several of her hand written pages.

Even the book itself was snoring.

She reached out, gently pulling the book from Jack's hand to look at it. Nothing about the pages had been changed, not much anyway. There were tear stains on some but otherwise it looked normal. But that wasn't what had stunned her. When she looked back up she found that Jack was holding his staff in one hand, and protruding from the crooks center, was a tall thin crystal like spear.


Jack yawned and stretched feeling unusual energized like he could run a marathon and climb a mountain. But that calm, excited feeling switched as soon as he laid eyes on Katherine, sitting up, staring out the window in a daze.

His heart hardly beat, he sucked in a breath not willing to let it go.


She looked him in the eye, hands gripping her covers, Kailash nuzzling up against her making her wince ever so slightly. Baby Tooth peeked over Jack's shoulder. He opened it slowly, eyes not leaving Katherine's as he did. His gaze finally fell on the page. A picture once warped now clear was of the boy who had haunted his mind for months now. Next to him was the clear image of Katherine smiling at him as he held her hand.

"I should have known he couldn't be trusted, all that I knew about him and I still--" She gritted her teeth.

He looked at the image then at her, "I know what you were trying to do, it's okay."

She pressed her hand to the top of the book. "I should have told you as soon as I found out. The truth is, I could never write it down." She whispered, staring at Qwerty. "I've tried, really I have. But a story can be so different when it's your own."

He sat patiently.

"The night he—you gave me that kiss, everything changed." She took a deep breath, "You were becoming human. That night you slept for the first time, I knew things would be different. But I thought, we could still be happy. I would have asked to stay Mortal and we could grow up together." Her shoulders shook and she closed her eyes. "Then we went to the Moon, planning on an important meeting when Pitch attacked."

Tears streamed down her face and she felt Jack climb into the bed, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "I tried to stop you but you wouldn't listen! And then you said the first words I had ever heard you speak out loud. You said--"

"I have to do something."

Katherine looked up and wiped her eyes. "Y-you..."

Suddenly Jack wrapped his arms around her, hugging her close. She heard him chuckle and cry, "I knew something was missing, I knew... I didn't remember who I was, or what happened to me. But it doesn't matter, because of all things." He laughed, "I remembered you."

She blinked her eyes open, feeling her chest heave as she sucked in a breath. "You did?"

"Yes, I had always wondered how you could miss someone you never met." Then he whispered.

She lost it, wrapping her arms around him and crying into the old T-shirt. "I thought you were dead Nightlight! I thought you were dead! I cried for weeks after it happened. We held a funeral and I was sure, I was so sure I would never see you again."

He squeezed her close, letting her cry into his chest. Finally she pulled away, looking up at him.

A small smile broke her lips, and she leaned forward, pressing her head to his. "You were never very good at doing what I say." She mumbled.

"If it means keeping you alive," He smirked, "You'll be stuck with this rebellious spirit for as long as possible."

There was a moment of silence, and she saw her breath in the air between them. She wasn't sure if she was elated or relieved, but her heart fluttered wildly finding herself closer then she had ever been to Jack. He stared at her in silence, smiling softly. Just when she sure was sure something was going to happen the door suddenly swung open.

There stood Aster. He was calm for a moment then a look of shock and finally a smirk as his nose twitched. "And what do you think you're doing Jackson?"

Jack's ears turned bright red, and he let go of Katherine's hand, "None of your business Cottontail!"

"Right." He turned to Katherine who had leaned back calmly, her face nearly unreadable if it wasn't for the warm flush in her cheeks. "I was hoping to find you awake sheila. How yuh feeling?"

Katherine stirred uncomfortably in her bed, "A little sore, but not bad."

He smiled, "That's gud to hear. Because we have a bit of an issue."

The couple shared a look, and Katherine's jaw set in resolution before they both turned back to Bunny.

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