Playing With Fire

By GummyBearSam309

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"Come on Bri! The early bird gets the worm." "Well the early bird can have the worm because worms are gross a... More

Chapter 1: The Surprise of My Life
Chapter 2: My First and Appsolutely Worst Date Ever
Chapter 3: I Scare Some Grown Men
Chapter 4: I Bust Out Some Killer Ninja Skills (Not Really)
Chapter 5: My Run In with the Cute Guy
Chapter 6: I Make a Fool Out of Myself
Chapter 7: Great, Another School Day
Chapter 8: Family Drama (and Pax gets to narrate!!)
Chapter 9: I Make Another Bad Pun (and Beat Up Some Bad Guys)
Chapter 10: My Run in With an Old Friend
Chapter 11: "Welcome to the Squad!"
Chapter 12: Curse You, Mark!
Chapter 13: Always Wear Your Seatbelt
Chapter 15: Bri Snores in Her Sleep
Chapter 17: I Go Head to Head with Flashy Dashy
Chapter 18: I Get a Pep Talk From My Mom
Chapter 19: A Lion, a Tiger, and a Bear

Chapter 21: Surprise, Surprise, and More Surprises

14 2 0
By GummyBearSam309

(Briana's Dad's POV)

"Now it's time for the Wheel! Of! F- We interrupt this channel to provide breaking news," I heard the TV say as I was in the kitchen getting dinner for myself. I rushed to into the living room to watch the TV, hoping it was something to do with Briana, who had now been missing for four days.

"William Trox, the nation terrorist and drug dealer, was finally caught today, and by a couple of teenagers! Funny thing is that they said they didn't even put the connection together; they were only trying to rescue their friend who had been kidnapped by him. Can you believe it? I couldn't when I first heard- oh, what was that?" The news reporter said into his earpiece. "Oh yes, sure thing. And now to Lisa, who is standing on the scene with the kids themselves!"

The TV switched to a woman who was standing in front of a huge stone fortress.

"Thank you, Trevor. I am here on the scene where William Trox has been hiding this whole time. Three kids, Trixie, age ten, Pax Scott, age sixteen, and Briana Winter-"

"Briana!" I cried at the TV. Could she have actually have done that?

"-age sixteen, went into the woods, following the man that they recognized to have kidnapped their friend. Unfortunately, their friend couldn't be here with us today but he is missed dearly in their hearts. They came across the huge fortress behind me and broke in to save their friend. So tell us guys, what happened in there?" The camera shifted to fit the three kids into the shot. I caught sight of the older girl, and my eyes welled up with tears.

"It's my little girl," I cried with tears of joy. I found her!

"Well," Briana started speaking. "We snuck in through the vents and dropped into a hallway, and by luck ran into him."

"Except then Bill- I mean William, found us," the boy continued. "And had this big fight by the cliff."

"Which is where he died," the little girl recalled, sadness in her voice, and all the kids looked down. "Then we got captured."

"Trixie and I were tied to a pole for a long time," Pax cut in. "Briana had gotten knocked out, so they were waiting for her to wake up."

"So when I finally woke up, I overpowered the guard that was taking me there and made a grand entrance," Briana continued.

"Oh yeah," Pax added with a laugh.

"So, long story short, we fought off the guards until you arrived," Briana concluded.

"How did you do that?" the reporter asked. "One of the policemen reported back to me saying there were about a hundred soldiers in there."

"That's our little secret," Trixie said with a wink, causing Pax and Briana to laugh.

"Alright then," the reporter said, laughing along with them. "Anyway, I can promise you the whole country is so happy with what you have done for us, the police force especially. They have told me to offer you guys anything you guys anything you want. Do you have anything in mind?"

The three huddled up and discussed for about a minute, then turned back to the reporter. "Just to be clear, anything we want?" Briana asked.


Briana glanced at Pax, and he nodded his head. "We would like three tickets the Myrtle Beach, please."

I jumped out of my seat and scream. "Did you hear that!?" I screamed at no one. Did you hear that!? My baby girl is coming home!"

"You heard it here, folks," the reported said. "These three heros are going the South Carolina coast!"

(Briana's POV)

The plain had landed ten minutes ago and I had yet to get up from my seat.

"Come on, Bri," Trixie chided as she hung over the seat in front of me. "It's time to go. Don't you want to see your dad?"

"You're right," I replied. "I do want to see him, but I don't want to see everyone else."

"Okay, I get that, but come on! I'm tired of waiting!'

"We are both here, Bri," Pax said taking my hand. "There is nothing to be afraid of."

I took a deep breath. "Okay, let's do this."

We grabbed our carry-ons and walked off of the airport and to our gate. My heart increased its pounding with every step I took to the gate. Pax noticed my nervousness growing and took hold of my hand again and held it tight.

"Oh my gosh! I think I see them!" a woman shouted as we came into view, and we were blinded by the flashing cameras.

"Kids! Over here!" another reporter yelled.

"Briana! Pax! Are you two dating?" I reported asked.

"Uh, excuse us," Pax answered, and shoved past her.

"Briana?" I heard a voice from over all the noise.

"Pax, I heard my dad," I told him and moved through the crowd trying to get closer to his voice.

"Briana?" I heard the voice closer this time.

"Dad?" I called out.

"Briana?" Just then, my dad's face came into view.

"Dad!" I cried. I let go of Pax's hand and ran into his arms.

"Oh, my baby girl is home!" he cried and held me tight. We stayed like that for a couple of seconds until he pulled away. "I was so worried about you."

"I'm sorry," I said, tears running down my face. "I was going to come home sooner, but-"

"Shh, no, no, you did the right thing. All that matters is that you are home now." My dads gaze shifted to Pax and Trixie, who were standing behind me. "And brought home some company! Come on guys, I'll take you to my car, and away from these pesky reporters."

We followed my dad through the airport with the reporters following us, but my dad talked to security on our way out, and they stopped the reports from following us to the car. Phew, I thought that they might have followed us home.

"I call shotgun!" Trixie yelled when we got to the car and ran over to the passenger side of the vehicle. We all laughed and let her have it. We got in the car and drove off, heading home. That felt so good to say.

"So, Briana," my dad said, looking at me in the mirror. "Introduce me to your friends."

"Okay," I said. "So Trixie is the one sitting in the front. She is very sassy for a ten-year-old, but that's a good thing," I added as Trixie turned around to glare at me playfully. "She is incredibly sweet too. You'll like her."

"Well, of course, he would," Trixie said. "Who wouldn't?" We all laughed at this before I continued.

"And this is Pax," I said, motioning to Pax. "He is very sweet and caring, and also kind of has a smart mouth, but it's great." Pax's expression morphed from a pleased expression to a dramatic hurtful expression, which made me giggle.

"Oh, and you should know," Trixie added. "They both like each other but aren't an official couple."

"Trixie!" Pax and I both complained at once.

"Oh trust me, I noticed as soon as I saw y'all walk out of the gate," my dad said with a laugh.

"Are we that obvious?" I asked.

"Yes!" Trixie and my dad said at the same time. I looked at Pax, but he shrugged.

"Oh, and by the way," my dad said. "I have a surprise for you when we get home."

We pulled into the driveway and walked up to the front door.

"Your house is really cute," Trixie commented.

"Agreed," Pax said.

"Thanks, guys."

My dad opened the door and we walked into my house, but it was weird. All the lights were turned off, which was weird because usually, my dad leaves at least two lights on.

I took a step inside and flicked the lights on, and instantly, people popped up from everywhere.

"SURPRISE!" they cheered. Everyone I knew from school and surfing were here to welcome me home.

"Oh my gosh y'all," I said, and went to start hugging everyone.

"Yeah, your dad coordinated it all," said one of the girls in my grade. I looked back at my dad, and he gave me a huge smile, which I returned.

We soon had a full blown party going on at my house. They had moved all the furniture so the living room so it could be a dance floor, and I lost myself in all the excitement with some friends.

When I needed a break, I stepped outside and walked down the beach. I had missed the wind in my hair and the sea salt scent filling my nose. I sat down and buried my toes in the soft sand.

"Hey Bri," someone said behind me, and I turned to see Asher. Blek, I don't want to see that turd. I turned around without saying anything, hoping he would get the message and leave.

"Look, I know that I was a butt doing what I did to you, but without me, you wouldn't have found that bad guy, am I right?"

"Is that supposed to be an apology?"

"Kind of," Asher said. "Can you forgive me?"

"Fine," I said, getting up and brushing the sand off of me. "I forgive you." And I actually did. Yeah, I didn't like the guy and didn't want to be around him, but he led me and Pax together. For that, I have to forgive him.

"Great! So we can get back together now, right?" he asked and slid an arm around my waste.

"Haha, nope!" I said and punched him in the face.

He fell to the ground, clutching his nose as I walked away. Ah, that felt good.

On my way back, I noticed Pax leaning against one of the palm trees with a huge grin on his face.

"He deserved that," Pax said to me, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me close.

"Yeah, he did," I agreed, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"You know what I deserve?" he asked.

"A kiss?" I guessed with a smile spreading across my face.

"Mmhmm," he mumbled and leaned in.

And I know this is going to sound cheesy and cliché, but we ended with a kiss in the sunset.

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