Playing With Fire

By GummyBearSam309

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"Come on Bri! The early bird gets the worm." "Well the early bird can have the worm because worms are gross a... More

Chapter 1: The Surprise of My Life
Chapter 2: My First and Appsolutely Worst Date Ever
Chapter 3: I Scare Some Grown Men
Chapter 4: I Bust Out Some Killer Ninja Skills (Not Really)
Chapter 5: My Run In with the Cute Guy
Chapter 6: I Make a Fool Out of Myself
Chapter 7: Great, Another School Day
Chapter 8: Family Drama (and Pax gets to narrate!!)
Chapter 9: I Make Another Bad Pun (and Beat Up Some Bad Guys)
Chapter 10: My Run in With an Old Friend
Chapter 11: "Welcome to the Squad!"
Chapter 12: Curse You, Mark!
Chapter 13: Always Wear Your Seatbelt
Chapter 15: Bri Snores in Her Sleep
Chapter 18: I Get a Pep Talk From My Mom
Chapter 19: A Lion, a Tiger, and a Bear
Chapter 21: Surprise, Surprise, and More Surprises

Chapter 17: I Go Head to Head with Flashy Dashy

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By GummyBearSam309

"Run!" Trixie cried, and we took off in the other direction and turned down another hallway.

"Come back!" he heard Bill complain behind us. "This was supposed to be easy!"

"This way!" Cameron told us and guided down different hallways.

So, since we have been driving for a while, I haven't brought this back up, but remember when I told y'all that I couldn't run? Yeah, I still can't run.

Everyone slowly got farther and farther ahead of me as my speed started to decrease, but I wasn't scared of them getting away from me. I was scared of the guards that were catching up. We turned a corner, and everyone was now fifteen feet in front of me, and there was no chance I was catching up.  Right as we turned another corner, I opened up a door and ran inside, closing it as soon as all the guards ran by.

I sighed with relief that they ran right past the door and was about to open it to follow them quietly when the lights flicked on, and I realized I wasn't alone.

"Well, well, well," said a voice from in the shadows. I turned around and saw that I was in a storage room like the ones Trixie, Pax, and I had passed through the vents. It had crates stacked higher than me up against the far wall and looked like they had been rearranged into some kind of fort. As for the rest of the room, it was completely bare and entirely white, making me feel like I was in a questioning room with police.

"Look who we have here," I heard the voice say again, but still could not see the person.

I heard someone walking and whipped my head around, but saw no one. I turned back around to find a spider dangling in front of my face. I let out a squeal and immediately backed up, but I ran into somebody who grabbed both my arms and held them behind my back. I struggled to get free from his grip, but it was no use; this guy was built.

I turned my head to look at the guy. "Turn around," he said gruffly. His voice did not match the one I heard earlier, so I realized we were not alone; someone else is in here. As I turned back around, the spider that was dangling in front of me started to change.

First, it bottom two legs on both sides stuck together and turned into human legs wearing shiny black leggings. The top two legs on both sides did the same except they turned into human arms. The torso of the spider shifted into the midbody of a lady wearing a wearing a black, tight fit, combat jacket. Last, the spider's head grew thick black hair down to her chest, the fangs turned into lips. The beady red eyes turned into human eyes with black irises, and the head shape morphed into a humans head shape until I was finally staring at Miranda.

It was very creepy to watch.

"Nicely done, Jeff," she commented and probably would've given him a high five if he hadn't been holding me. I felt him nod as a sign of accepting the compliment.

Miranda walked over to me and looked me up and down and started to circle around me. One thing about Miranda, you always want to keep her in your sight, so when she was circling around me, it caused me to become uneasy.

I felt someone lay a cold finger on my neck, dragging it up to my neck and moving across my jawline, making me gasp. Miranda came into view again, taking her finger off of me and crossing her arms and wearing the smirk of confidence.

"Little Ms. Briana is scared," she laughed, and Jeff chuckled along with her.

"Let me go!" I struggled against Jeff again, but like last time, it didn't do any good.

"Quit struggling, hun," Jeff said. "It won't do you any good."

"He's right," Miranda added, checking her nails. "Your friends are as good as gone anyways, though we might keep the dude you brought with you. He's hot."

"Leave them alone!" I shouted at her.

"No can do. When Bill is set on something, no one can stop him, not even George."

"What does he want with us?"

"To kill you," she said plainly.

"Well yeah, but why?"

"I don't know, I go along with everything." She paused for a minute. "You still surf?"

"Yeah, why do you care?"

"I don't, I was going to say 'break a leg.'"

I gasped. How dare she bring that up? "Oh I will, and it will gladly be yours."

"You sure? Because you're the one that got 'caught inside' our base," and she started laughing her head off.

"I wouldn't be laughing Ms. Flashy Dashy." It was a childhood name she got called when she ripped her pants in the middle of class. Classic.

Miranda immediately stopped laughing. "Well, I hate your outfit."

"Well, I hate your voice."

"Surfing sucks!"

"Your face sucks!"

"Gummy bears suck!"

I gasped and struggled against Jeff's grasp to try and claw her face off. "You have gone way too far!"

"Not as far out as you went July 7th, 2011!"

"You are sooooo dead," I growled and death-glared at her, which she returned.

"I'm sorry, but I have no clue what is going on right now," Jeff commented.

"Stay out of it Jeff!" we both told him simultaneously and went back to glaring at each other.

"Alright then," I heard him mumble, but I wasn't paying too much attention.

Miranda got a call through an earpiece in her ear. "This isn't over," she growled at me, then listened into the earpiece. "What's that George? They're by the cliff? Oh, this should be interesting," she grinned and looked up at Jeff. "Come on Jeff, we get to witness her friends' death."

"No!" I cried, and lit myself on fire, trying to burn him, but it didn't seem to affect him one bit.

"Sorry, Bri," Miranda said. "But have learned from your firepower ways, and have upgraded our suits, so nothing you do can affect us." That's what you think.

I luckily had a plan B my sleeve and used it. I headbutted Jeff in the nose so that he would loosen his grip on me, which he did. I then kicked where the sun doesn't shine, causing him to fall over in agony, which was quite funny. I shot a fireball at Miranda's face, hoping that it would buy me enough time to get out the door and find everyone.

I burst out of the room and ran down the hallway that everyone went through, hoping to find them before it was too late. As I got to the end, I heard the door burst and a roar right after. I turned to look and saw a lion in the doorway glaring at me, so I knew I was his (actually her, since it was Miranda) next meal. Just as she was about to come after me, the door slammed back into her, right in the snout, and I heard a whimper right afterward.

I continued running down the hallway, and luckily there was a trail of destruction for me to follow. As I ran through the halls, I could start to hear a battle in the distance, letting me know I was getting close. On the way there, I passed a sword on display, doubled back and grabbed it. This could be useful.

I finally reached the battle as I was gasping for air and found that Miranda was somewhat right. Cameron hand a sword that he had found and was trying to fight off five guards at once. He seemed to be doing okay, but he had millions of cuts from the other guards' swords, and they were backing him up against the cliff. Two guards lay on the ground, so that was a plus on our side. I couldn't see Trixie, but my bet was that she was invisible since three guards were looking wildly around the courtyard. One of them randomly got knocked out, so it seemed like she was handling herself pretty well. What scared me was I couldn't find Pax, and what was even scarier was I couldn't find Bill either.

"You butt!" I heard someone scream behind me, and turned around just in time to see Miranda the Lion tackle me. My second wrestling match for today!

We rolled around on the ground like Cameron and I did, but let me tell you, it is so much harder to wrestle a lion.

Miranda ended up on top of me quickly and took a slash at my face with her claws which hurt a lot.

"I told you to cut your nails!" I screamed at her.

"When have I ever listened to you!" she screamed back, which was weird to hear coming from a lion's mouth.

I punched her in the snout, causing her to roar in pain, allowing me to hop on her back and grab her neck in a chokehold.

"Say it!" I yelled at her.

"Say what!?"

"You know what!"

"Say that?! Never!" she roared and swung her body with such force it threw me off of her, and I landed ten feet away. I quickly got up, but it didn't do me much good because she lunged and tackled me to the ground. I had forgotten the fact that lions and jump up to thirty-six feet.

Because of the tackle, we both went head over heals a couple of times before she ended up on top of me, again.

"Fish breath!" she screamed at me.

"Poopy head!" I screamed back.

"Turd face!"

"Demon eyes!"



She bellowed in anger. "YOU WILL REGRET THAT!" She stood up on her hind legs and let out an ear-piercing roar that sounded like a battle point. In any other circumstance, I would have fainted from fright, but instead, I saw an opportunity. Where I lack in arm strength, I make up for it in my legs. I pulled them up to my chest and thrust them into her chest. She rocketed backward into the stone wall of the fortress, which sounds impressive, but it was only five feet away. I was hoping that she would've stayed limp on the ground, but sadly, she got back up madder than ever and came at me. We went rolling on the again, and she slashed at my shoulder, ripping through the shirt I was wearing and scraping my skin.

"OUCH!" I complained and yanked on her mane.

She howled in pain. "I just got my hair done yesterday!" I pulled even harder, but she whipped her paw at my arm, cutting my arm in the process, and placed it on my neck with enough force to close my airway. I lay there choking for air, struggling to get her paw off of me.

"Any last words, Briana?" Miranda asked me, and if a lion could pull off an evil grin, she sure did.

Suddenly, I saw a flying shape coming at us tackle Miranda, allowing me to sit up and cough and gasp for air. When I had gotten my breathing under control, I looked over to see Pax now wrestling with Miranda the Lion. He caught my eye and screamed, "Go help Cameron!" I looked over to where Cameron was and saw that he had taken out three of the five guards, but was almost the edge of the cliff and did not look good. I located my sword that I had dropped on the ground and took off to Cameron and the two remaining guards who were two hundred yards away.

The rest of the events I recalled happened in slow motion. As I was running towards Cameron, the guards got him to back up so far that if he took two more steps, he wouldn't be on the cliff anymore. In desperation, I tried shooting fireballs at the men, knowing it wouldn't do anything but distract them. In my desperate attempt, they sailed right past them but did get one guard to turn around, giving Cameron the perfect attempt to knock him off the cliff, which he did. But as he did this, he took his attention off of the other guard, which the other guard took advantage of and went to stab him in the gut.

"Cameron, look out!" I screamed at him, but it was too late. The guard thrust his sword right through Cameron's midsection. Cameron doubled over in pain, and the guard took out his sword that was now covered in blood. I was only fifty yards away now, but it was so far.

"CAMERON!" I was desperate now. The was a pool of blood forming around him and tons more gushing through his hands. He lifted his head to look at him, death in his eyes as I continued to run toward him.

"It's okay," he mouthed at me, and lay his head back down on the ground, seconds before the guard kicked him off the side of the cliff.

"NOOO!" I cried, finally reaching his spot, shoving past the guard that had impaled him, and almost dove off the cliff to try and grab him, but I was too late. I watched as his lifeless body hit the water and disappear into the ocean. By now my tears had turned into sobs, causing my vision to blur and my head unable to comprehend what was happening.

I was pulled roughly off the ground by the guard I shoved past, and I struggled to get out of his hold. "Let go of me!" I tried elbowing him, kicking him, screaming at him, but nothing worked. He was just as built as Jeff and I was trapped in his grasp.

"Quit struggling," he complained.

"Never!" I screamed at him, tears still streaming down my face.

"Your choice," he replied and shifted his grip so he was only using one hand to hold me. I kept on struggled, but it did nothing because he shoved a cloth over my mouth and nose, causing me to pass out.

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