By YonceBreezy

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Love is patient, love is kind. Love knows no boundaries, love can cure any emotional pain caused by humans to... More

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528 27 16
By YonceBreezy


Walking into club Genesis I take in my surroundings under the fluorescent lights as sweaty bodies dance and grind up on each other. Clubbing wasn't really my thing but when you friends with Zakes and Siya, you have no choice but to tag along with them.

The only reason why I was here was because, Zakes and Siya kinda forced me to come out here to 'destress' because things between Robyn and I haven't been so good as of late. I haven't seen or spoken to her since last week after the whole miscarriage drama because she keeps on avoiding me. She normally shuts down whenever something like this happens but she always goes back to her normal self after a couple of days but this time was different.

I've been stopping by her job almost everyday only to have Onika feed me the same bullshit story about not knowing her whereabouts. I've kind of given up on searching for her because I know she's probably with Aubry where ever she is.

My eyes continue to roam around the club until they land on Robyn who was dancing and singing along to the lyrics of the song that was playing in the background. A wave of anger came over me as I noticed her outfit, she was wearing a dress that barely covered up her body while dancing to the loud music in the background while catching the attention of the male in front of her. A smirk appears on her face as she notices me looking at her before accepting the males offer to dance with her.

She takes his hand in hers and leads them further away from me. I wanted to go after them but I was stopped by Zakes as he seemed to have pooped up out of nowhere and stood in front of me with a huge smile on his face. "Damn, I can't believe we've only been in this bitch for fifteen minutes and I've already sold twenty bags of these baddies." He excitedly says as he opens up the backpack that's in his hands to show me the few packets of cocaine and some pills that were left.

I look at him and shake my head in disbelief, I don't even know why I'm surprised that this nigga would smuggle drugs in here. I should've known that this was the main reason why he wanted to come here so badly in the first place instead of going to the shabeen like I felt like doing. It would be much easier for him to sell them here than at the shabeen because Ruby, who's the owner of the shabeen, doesn't take any bullshit from anybody and she would probably skin Zakes alive if she ever found him selling that shit at her place.

"How did you manage to smuggle this shit in here in the first place?" I asked him. He let out a laugh before he answered me. "Maurice my dear friend, how many times do I have to tell you that I know low people in high places, if that makes sense."

"No it doesn't." I say as I look at him with one raised eyebrow. He shakes his head and smacks his lips before he says "Never mind it's not meant for people like you to understand anyway." I look at him with squinted eyes kinda offended by what he said but I quickly brush it off, not wanting it to affect me.

"Let's head over to the bar, you haven't had a drop of alcohol since we got here and neither have I, what a shame!" He said as he led us to the bar. "Alright we can go but I'm not drinking any alcoholic beverages though." I said which caused him to mean mug me. I wanted to stay as sober as possible because I really wasn't in the mood to be here and I was also going to drive everybody home after this.

When we finally made it to the bar, I saw Giselle sitting on the bar stool with one leg crossed over the other as she looked into my eyes before a smile spread across her face. "Wass up pretty lady?" Zakes said as he reached over and grabbed one of her breasts which caused her to hit his hand away and fold her arms across her chest. I slapped the back of his head. "Ouch! What you do that for?!" He said rubbing the back of his head. "Because women's bodies need to be treated with respect you idiot!" I said glaring at him before I turned my attention to Giselle as my facial expression softened up as I looked at her. "I'm sorry for his behavior, he can be out of control sometimes!" I said the last part while glaring at Zakes once again. "It's okay I'll let it slide because it's just you. Don't ever do that again because it makes me feel highly uncomfortable."

"Yeah whatever." He said as he leaned over the bar and ordered himself a glass of tequila before looking at me. "Are you gonna get a drink or are you just going to awkwardly stand there?" He said as he offered his glass to me but I declined it. "I swear you only ever drink when you at the shabeen, the whole point of Siya and I dragging your ass out here was to get you drunk."

"Okay, and who would be driving if I were to be intoxicated?" I asked looking at him with a raised eyebrow. "We'd worry about that later. Are you drinking anything beautiful?" He asked as he turned his attention to Giselle. "Something that doesn't have any alcohol." She said smiling at him. "But why though?"

"Ummm, for personal reasons.  Can I please have a virgin Bloody Mary." She said turning her attention to the bar man. "I'll have the same please and thank you." I said before Zakes looked at the both of us and shook his head, taking a sip from his drink.

"Zakes, can you please hook a sister up? My friends are pissing me off and I'm in desperate need for something that will loosen me up." A brown skin woman with long blonde hair and a tight fitting blue dress said as she stood in front of him while chewing on a peace of gum and twirling her hair with her finger. "Sure, do you have some cash on you?"

Yip I do!" She excitedly said as she opened up her purse and took out a stack of money and handed it to him. A smile spread across his face as he took the money out of her hand and said. "You see this is why I love you so much, you one of my best customers and you gave me extra so for that I'm going to give you three packets of some nose candy."

"The best of the best?" She asked with her arms folded across her chest. "Of course girl, you know how I roll!" He said as he took some cocaine out of his bag and handed it it to her. "Oohh Thank you Zakes!" She squealed as she jumped on him and wrapped her arms tightly around his being before he placed her down and let her stand on her own two feet. "Come dance with me yeah?"

"Sure why not. Excuse me good people." He said before taking her hand in his and allowing her to lead him to the dance floor. "Did Zakes seriously just sell drugs to that girl right now?" Giselle asked me in disbelief. "Yeah, his been doing that for a couple of years now." I said nonchalantly while shrugging my shoulders and taking a sip from my drink. "Wow, a lot has changed since I left." She said letting out a laugh.

"So.. Did you come here alone or.." I asked as I watched her facial expression change from a smile to frown before she sighed and rolled her eyes. "I came here with Sam but she's always ditching me for her boyfriend. And I guess I'm kind of ruining the fun for them because I decided to be the third wheel and I can't get drunk as much as I want to because of.." Her words trailed off as she stared to gently rub her belly.

"I can't wait until this thing is out of my body!" She said in a low voice while looking around her. "I can't take it anymore, the morning sickness and the weird cravings are just too much for me to handle, and I'm always hungry!" I lick my lips and just look at her not saying anything because I was afraid to open my mouth and speak. I've tried so many times to talk her out of having an abortion but, her minds already made up. And if I say something now we could end up having a huge argument which I wasn't in the mood for.

I watch as she scrunched her face up looking at something behind me before she said. "Isn't that Robyn dancing over there with that guy like that?"

I shift in my seat and turn to look behind me and I saw Robyn grinding up on Aubry with out a care in the world which really pissed me off. Without saying anything I got up and made my way towards them, pushing a few drunk bodies out of my way until I finally got them. I roughly separated them before grabbing Robyn's arm and pulling her roughly to a space on the dance floor that wasn't so crowded, not caring if I was hurting her or not.

"Let me fucken go nigga! You hurting me.!" She shouts as she starts rubbing at her arm which causes me to loosen the grip I had on her. she pulled her arm out of my hand and started rubbing her wrist. She looks at me with anger written all over her face and her nostrils flaring before she says. "What the fuck is wrong with you?! How dare you man handle me like that! I'm not some rag doll that you can pull around whenever you feel like it!" She looks at me with her nostrils still flared and her chest heaving up and down with anger. I clench my jaw before I chew the inside of my cheek, trying to calm myself down but I really didn't want to go off on her in front of all these people.

"I wouldn't be pulling on you and dragging you if you weren't out here acting like some cheap hoe grinding on some worthless nigga's dick! Look at what you wearing! That dress barley covers up your body, you look like a fucken slut!" I said with anger which obviously struck a nerve because I received a hard slap across my face. I rub my cheek where Robyn slapped me soothing it and I watch her glare at me before turning her back to me and attempted to walk away. I grabbed her arm again and forced her to turn around and look at me.

To say that I was pissed would be an understatement because I was way beyond that! I'm not a violent person but as soon as someone puts their hands on me I won't hesitate to fight back. She's lucky that I don't hit girls because if she was a dude she would be on the floor crying out with a broken nose right now.

I clench my jaw and look into her eyes and I saw the anger in them staring back at me, I really did not want to go off on her but she's kinda making it hard for me not to. "Slap me like that again and I swear I'll.."

"You'll do what? Drag me to your house so you can push me down the stairs again like you did last Christmas Eve?!" She said cutting me off and throwing that past event back into my face again. That night was an accident and I really didn't mean to hurt her, it just happened. We having one of our heated arguments over some petty shit I can't even remember now. I was trying to get away form her and avoid arguing with her so I started walking up the stairs with her hot on my tail. While I was doing that she kept on hitting me on my back and when I got to the top of the staircase I turned around and tried to stop her without realizing how close she was to me. I held her hands in mine but somehow my hold on her slipped and I didn't catch her in time before she fell and rolled down the stairs.

I remove my hands from her body and watch her take a breath before she folds her arms across her chest and glares at me. I clear my throat before opening my mouth to speak. "You've been MIA for almost two weeks now and I'm starting to get worried about you. You know I hate fighting with you right? Why don't you just come back home so we can talk about all the things that are bothering you." I said in a clam voice. I watch her roll her eyes before she says. "Oh please! Don't stand here and act like you worried about me because you not! You just glad that the love of your life is finally back in town and I bet you can't wait to finally get rid of me. If you were really worried about me you would've looked for me which you didn't even bother to do!"

I looked at her in disbelief and let out a laugh before I said. "That's a damn lie and you know it! I've been calling and texting you non stop but you ignored me! I looked everywhere for you, I popped up at Onika's house a couple of times and I even went to your job but you were hiding away from me!" I took a breath and ran my hand down my face just to clam myself before speaking again in a calmer voice.

"I know you going through a tough time trying accept that you went through another miscarriage but so am I. Losing another baby doesn't just hurt you, it hurst me too so why don't you just come back home so we can deal with this pain together as a couple." She rolled her eyes and shook her head before she said. "Look, I don't need you or anybody else to feel sorry for me! Yes my baby died and it hurt me a lot but as you can see I'm fine. I'm happy and I'm enjoying life right now. And I'm not coming back to you anytime soon so please just.. leave me the hell alone and go back to the love of your life, I see her sitting by the bar waiting for you." She said as she attempted to walk away again but I grabbed her arm more gently this time but she yanked it out of my hand and turned around, walking  away from me.

I shook my head as I watched her walk into Aubry's open arms, wrapping her arms around the back of his neck as they danced to the slow music playing in the background before turning around and making my way back to the bar.

"Are you okay though? That was quite a slap." Giselle says as she walks up to me before holding my face with both her hands and examining it. "Damn your cheek is red." She says as she rubs her cold hand on my cheek soothing it.

I gently grab both of her hands and remove them from my face then say. "I actually need some air, I'll be right back." I turned and walked away from her, not waiting for an answer and started searching for a nearby exit.


I walk out of the club and take in a breath, inhaling the cool night air while looking up at the dark sky with stars scattered all around it. I sigh and shake my head trying not to think about Robyn and the encounter that we just had.

Right now I feel like this might just be the end of our relationship and a part of me wants her to move on and find someone that will love her better than I did but another part didn't, especially if the person she wants to move on with is Aubry, a guy I hate more than anyone in this world. I know that she's doing all of this just be be petty, she's trying to get back at me for hurting her over the years. I can't blame her for acting this way but, I'm also not in the mood to deal with her pettiness. If she wants to come back to me so we can fix our relationship she can but if she doesn't want to then I'll have no choice but to move on.

I stuff my hands into the pockets of my jeans and carry on walking until I hear the sound of hills clicking on the ground which causes me to stop and furrow my brows together.

I turn around and look behind me and I see no one except for a few cars parked on the side of the road which I thought was kinda odd because I could've sworn I heard somebody behind me. I turn back around and just shrug it off. I reach into the inside pocket of my jacket for my phone but I stopped when I felt someone jump on my back and try to wrap one arm around my neck.

"I got him Adam, hurry!" I heard a feminine voice say and I noticed that the voice was coming from the person on my back. I tried to shake her off me but she wouldn't budge, instead she tried to wrap her arm tighter around my throat. "Adam!" Her loud cries filled the night air while I was still trying to fight her off until I was left with no choice but to ram her body against a near by wall a few times until she fell off my back and hit the ground while crying out at the same time.

Suddenly out of nowhere, a man came charging at me with a knife. Thinking fast, I quickly grappled his wrist, stopping him from stabbing me in the neck then roughly shoved him to the ground causing the knife to fall out of his hand. I honestly don't know what the fuck is going on right now and who these people are, am I being mugged or something. Lately I've noticed that I've been getting a few strange text messages from different numbers and I've been running into a few strange people when out in public but I haven't paid them any mind until now. I think someone or some people are stalking me but the question is why? And what do they want from me?

Seconds later both of our eyes land on where the knife fell and we both start racing to it and luckily for me I was the one who got to it first and quickly picked it up. The man glared up at me before he quickly got up and started charging towards me which left me no choice but to stab him in the stomach before pulling the knife out and dropping it on the ground and watch him fall to the ground and groan.

"Oh my gosh no! You stabbed him you ass!" The woman said as she rushed over to his side which left me dumbfounded. How can she call me an ass for stabbing him when I was just defending myself? "Oh my gosh Maurice, did you do this?" Giselle said as she put one of her hands on my shoulder. I honestly don't know when she got out of club but she was now standing beside me. I nod my head not being able to turn my head away from the bloody body that was laying on the side walk.

"Giselle?" The woman who was next to the man bleeding out said as she looked up at Giselle with tears running down her face. Giselle looked at her with squinted eyes before she said "Angela? And is that... Oh my gosh Adam! You stabbed Adam! Are you crazy?! How could do that?! This is definitely not good!" I look at her in confusion before I said. "Wait a minute you know these people? How? And I only stabbed him because  I was defending myself!"

"Both of you are going to pay for this big time! No body stabs Adam and gets away with it!" Angela said as she reached in her pocket and pulled her phone out and called someone. "We need to get out of here before shit gets real ugly!" Giselle said as she started pulling me towards the entrance of the club. "What the hell is going on? Who are these people?" I asked her, confused as fuck because I honestly just don't know what to think at this moment.

"I can't explain everything to you now but I will some day but right now we really need to get the fuck out of here!"


I watch her pace up and down in the middle of her sisters living room constantly checking the windows and the door to see if it was locked properly. We've only been back at her sisters house for about thirty minutes and I was still trying to figure out what the hell was going on. I tried to calm Giselle down a few times and kept on asking her questions about the people we encountered but all the answers that she kept on giving me weren't making any sense.

"Can you please just clam down and stop pacing around and just talk to me because you making me nervous." I say before she stops and looks over at me. "Are sure that no one followed us while you were driving here?"

"Yes I am sure." I said to her in a stern voice. This was the tenth time she was asking me this and I was kinda getting annoyed with her because all I wanted was for her to give me an answer that would explain all this confusion. "Are you double sure, triple sure because if you not then.."

"Yes I am sure now please just... stop what you doing and come here." I said cutting her off and gesturing for her to come and sit next to me on the couch. She takes a look outside of the living room window one last time before taking a seat next to me. I noticed that she was shaking so I drape my arm around her to try and calm her down. "What's going on with you Giselle? Is there something that you not telling me? Did you get into some kind of trouble with someone from back in the states?" She ignores me and I just assume that she didn't hear me because she kept on mumbling things to herself that didn't make much sense to me. "Giselle." I say lightly shaking her just to get her attention. "Huh?" She says looking into my eyes.

"Are you okay? Please talk to me because you honestly freaking me out. Now that I think about it, you haven't been yourself ever since you got back to South Africa and I kept on telling myself that maybe you just stressed about your pregnancy but now I'm starting to think that it's more than that. What's really going on? Did Sean do something to you while you were in the US?" Her body tenses up when she hears Sean's name but she quickly shrugs her shoulders and says. "Umm, no, Sean didn't do anything to me it's just... I've just been..." She goes silent for a while and shakes her head before she says.

"This might sound a bit random but, have you noticed anyone following you around or anything? And have you been getting any weird text messages from unsaved numbers or anything like that?"

"Actually now that you've mentioned it." I say as I reach for my phone that was on the coffee table, unlocking it and going to my messages. "I've been getting a few random text from unsaved numbers and every time I try and block them, the person that keeps on sending them uses a different number every time." I look at her and see her biting her nails before she says. "Give me your phone I need to see something." I hand my phone over to her and watch her scroll through my messages. "Fuck!" She says under her breath before looking at me. "You need to go to the MTN store tomorrow to change your number, hopefully these weird texts will stop once you do that." She says as she gives my phone back to me.

"Okay I'll do that but, please tell me what's going on with you I'm really worried."

"Nothing's going on I'm fine. I'll be fine I just.. can you please spend the night here I really don't want to be alone in the house." I nod my head yes agreeing to do what she asked me to. "Okay then, I'll go and prepare the guest room for you." She says as she gets up and makes her way upstairs forgetting her phone on the coffee table. I reach over and take it pressing the home screen trying to type her pass code in but failing after four attempts. I sigh and run my hand down my face, the only way I could figure out what was going on with her was to read some her text messages but I can't do that. I suspect that Sean is behind  whatever's going on with her and his probably the reason why I've been getting these weird text messages.

If he keeps on sending me this stuff trying to scare me and sending people to try and jump me outside of clubs then his wrong because I'm not scared of him. I'm not afraid to deal with him at all but, I just hope he doesn't hurt Giselle or anyone else that's close to her...


I don't know what to say because this chapter is trash 🙃

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