Blue eyes are shining bright...

By robbiewazup

38.2K 384 373

Y/n Kaiba grew up in the lap of luxury. He had everything he could ever want except a loving family. During a... More

Dark hole- the spell card to change everything
Welcome to Beacon- who am I?
Academies clash- dimension jumpers
Duel academy- questions need answers
True forms revealed!- blue eyes become saphires!
The rainbow that was stolen
The good, the bad, and the knight-ly
Bad news...
Schemming and double crossing- Yubel defects
Tournament time- it all comes down to this!

Black and rainbow- dragon and the kitty

2.2K 22 20
By robbiewazup

A/n: oh boy, strap in ladles and gellyspoons... this is gunna be a LONG couple of chapters!

*Y/n's POV*

I slowly open my eyes to the same white room I've already woken up in twice, both time I've been injured and unable to move! This is different though, I-I remember who I am! That battle against Gracie and Gloria showed everyone my true form... at least my dark form. I shudder at the thought of my dark draconian countenance being too terrifying for my own mind to comprehend... instead I focus on other things, like how I'm going to explain to Blake what I really am?! I reach over to my deck on the bedside and grab it. My cards, they've changed! As if clouds dispersing to show through the sun I remember who they are! They're my friends! My crystal beasts! And I... found them? No created them... hmm, maybe I don't remember everything just yet... Without warning, a red glow emanates from one of the cards in my deck, the glow turns to a beam of bright red light which begins to warp and shift into a shape. Ruby carbuncle!

Y/n: "R-Ruby! Oh my goodness! How could I have forgotten about you girl?"
Ruby carbuncle climbs up on my shoulder and nestles into my neck

Y/n: "hehe alright I missed you too girl! If you're back then... is everyone else back in my deck?"

Ruby squeaks and nods signifying a 'yes'
And as if on cue, another card glows, this time a brilliant blue light which blinds my vision for a moment, only for the light to then form a pure white horned stallion with wings. sapphire Pegasus!

Y/n: "Pegasus! It's been too long old friend!"

Pegasus: "it's good to see you after so long Rainbow dragon." *bows*

Y/n: "I go by Y/n these days buddy, and in this realm, I'd rather keep my true identity a secret, you understand right?"

Pegasus: "as you command Y/n. I'm glad to be by your side again."

Y/n: "I'm glad to have the gang back together, just like the old days with Jesse... *sigh*"

Pegasus: "there was nothing we could have done, at least you're free of Kaiba's influence now. Are your parents here too?"

Y/n: "yeah, no idea where they are right now, but they'll turn up I'm sure."

the infirmary door opens, and I see Blake walk in with a bunch of red roses, looking sheepish. She looks up over to me and sees Ruby wrapped around my neck and Saphire beside my bed.

Blake: "Y/n, you're awake!"

Y/n: "yep, and feeling better than ever."

Blake smiles as she walks towards me, Pegasus gives her a smile and stand back so she can get closer to me.

Y/n: "oh right, introductions. Blake, I'd like you to meet my TRUE deck, this little bundle of mischief around my neck is Ruby Carbuncle, and that stalwart stallion over there is my trusty Sapphire Pegasus, 2 of the 7 crystal beast cards, I either created them, or I found them, I can't remember which..."

Pegasus: "you created our spirits a long time ago Y/n,that was long before we met Jesse."

Y/n: "I can't remember that, my memory is still kinda fuzzy after the experiments that created me..."

Blake: *sits on the bed beside me* "created you?"

Y/n: "yeah it's a long story that I promise I'll tell you once i'm well enough... hey Blake did you get me flowers?"

Blake: "I umm.. I thought you'd still be asleep."

Y/n: "are you embarrassed?"

Blake: "I mean... after what we said on the rooftop..."

Y/N: "oh right! I never answered your question." I place my hand around her waist and smile. Her eyes go wide for a moment, before she loosens up and smiles back "yeah, I do think you're cute."

Blake: "oh yeah? Prove it."

Y?n: "hey uh Ruby? Can you go sit on Pegasus for a moment? "

Pegasus: *chuckles* "actually we'll both return to card form, give you some privacy- wait... I sense someone... someone of pure energy, I think its... Hmm, sir by any chance do you remember a mighty warrior called Neos? You fought alongside him a few times when we met Jesse."

Y/n: "no, sorry pal. Can't remember a thing."

Pegasus: "I believe he's here, on this realm somewhere. Perhaps a worthy ally to aid us if we ever needed the help?"

Y/n: "perhaps. But for now if you 2 could umm..."

Pegasus: "OH yes of course! Come Ruby, let's leave them to it." The pair revert to their card form and fly back into me deck.

Y/n: "so little kitty, even when you know I'm a dragon you still like me?"

Blake: "to be honest it's pretty cool to be saying you're dating a mythical creature~"

Y/n: "dating huh? And here's me thinking we haven't even had our first kiss just yet."

Blake: "well that can be solved immediately~"

She pushes me down onto the bed and straddles my hips, essentially trapping me under the bed cover and then her!

She leans down and kisses my neck, which makes my entire body shudder, she sits back up and looks at me quizzically

Y/n: "what's wrong? That felt amazing."

Blake: "your skin just shifted into different colours. It was like a... a rainbow, oh that makes sense."

Y/n: "yeah, I'm your rainbow dragon, you just haven't seen my true splendour yet."

Blake: "was that your attempt at a chat up line or just you stating a fact?"

Y/n: "whatever you want it to be, as long as I get a proper kiss I'm cool."

Blake smiles again and this time goes for my lips. I manage to wriggle free my other hand from under her and remove her bow, she freezes for a moment, until she realises what I'm doing and giggles whilst still kissing me, the vibration feels incredible!

???: "AHEM!"

We both turn sharply to the door where my father is standing there.. gods damn it!

Y/n: "oh for the love of Exodia! I need a lock for the infirmary door!"

King of D: "I'm ASSUMING, that you're feeling better Y/n? Or is Blake a nurse now and people in this universe have an odd way of testing reflexes?"

My mom grabs his arm and walks in front of him
Maiden: "Y/n, I'm so sorry your father interrupted you 2! Please continue, we'll talk to you later."

Blake: "it's fine, I've gotta go find the rest of my team, to practice."

Y/n: "but you'll come back later right?"

Blake: "of course!" *pecks lips* "I'll come visit you tonight."

I brush the hair out of her face, and hand back her bow.
Y/n: "promise?"

Blake: "I promise."

I begrudgingly remove my hands from around her waist and allow her to stand
Blake walks out past my parents who seem on edge... why I wonder...

Y/n: "well, thank you father for cock blocking me there!"

King of D: "oh like I knew what was happening! Besides, we need to discuss something important. Specifically that Ozpin want you to join in the tournament that's coming up. The details can wait, but for now, I'm leaving to check out some leads I have about other duel spirits in this world."

Y/n: "yeah, Pegasus said something about that, a guy called 'Neos', apparently he's important or something."

Maiden: "sapphire pegasus is back?!" Mom grabs my deck and flicks through it then smiles "they're all here. I assume you know everything now then."

Y/n: "not everything, some things are hazy still, but I can remember who I am, I remember Jesse... and I remember what happened to me, and what those memory flashes all have been."

King of D: *sigh* "I had hoped you wouldn't remember the torture he put you through son."

Y/n: "... so anyway, what are the leads? "

King of D: "well one of them is Neos now! I must find him, his power is incredible, and if he's here then having him on your team would certainly be an asset!"

Y/n: "and the others?"

King of D: "1 is the leader of the royal guards, I had assumed he was killed during Kaiba's assault on our universe. And the other is... well actually I've no clue! Whoever it is has incredible power, but it's fluctuating wildly... all 3 have taken human disguises. Myself and another man who Ozpin has recommended will be out looking for them, shouldn't take us too long hopefully. In the meantime, you just concentrate on getting some rest, ok champ?"

Y/n: "firstly, champ? Dad how old am I? No seriously how old am I? I don't remember."

King of D: "well as a dragon, your age is around 590. However in your new form, with human DNA merged with your spirit, you're around 17-18."

Y/n: "so either way, 'champ' is a bit of a weird word to use. And secondly who is this other person he's recommended?"

King of D: "I don't remember... something like a bird I think, JackDaw? No.. Rook? No that's not it either... um-"

Qrow: "it's Qrow. Qrow's my name, and kicking ass is my game."
As we turn we see a scraggly guy with stubble and short hair waltz into the room.

King of D: "Qrow, sorry I'm terrible with names."

Qrow: "that's fine. So, Oz wants me to help you track down your buddies huh? 3 people, should take us 3-4 days max. We'll be back before the tournament starts. Should give you a week to get your team into shape. I'm not one for long drawn out goodbyes, so make it quick would ya? We'll be back before you know it." Qrow walks out of the door swinging from a hip flask.

Maiden: "stay safe darling." Mom kisses fathers cheek as he holds her tightly.

King of D: "look after yourselves, I'll be back soon I promise. Son, keep your emotions in check yeah? No going dark and angry ok?"

Y/n: "yes dad. Hey before you go, why does Ozpin want me to compete?"

King of D: "I honestly don't know, I assume he just wants another strong team to represent Beacon but... I sense there's something else... perhaps you should do some digging around when you're feeling better, concentrate on the energy of the universe... the rest should be simple."

Y/n: "you just love your riddles now don't you?" Dad walks out as he chuckles to himself.

Maiden: "I'll show you what he means." Mom sits beside me and grabs my hand "now, just like when we blocked out those memory flashes you need to concentrate, but I want you to concentrate not on my voice, but I want you to think of an emotion, the happiest memory you can remember right now. Focus on that feeling, try to release that feeling across the cosmos."

Y/n: "...what?"

Maiden: "oh for goodness sake, just think about snogging your girlfriend and release your energy."

Y/n: "let the universe know, my mother just said 'snogged'."
I close my eyes and think about that kiss, which occurred not 5 minutes ago. The pure bliss and happiness I felt, the intense yet gentle caress of her lips on mine... suddenly I feel my power rising, spreading across the room, through walls and windows, across to the tower which stands at the centre of Beacon, Ozpin's office... I feel a pull downwards, there's an incredible energy from down there, but it's as if there's invisible rope of energy connecting this power to someone else... they're close by, outside the room!

Y/n: "whoever's out there, you can cut the stealthy act!"

???: "aww, I thought you loved surprises Mr dragon~"

Y/n: "and you are?"

Cinder: "Cinder Fall. Pleasure to meet you, prince."

Y/n: "so you heard our conversations then..."

Cinder: "no, but your father is called king of dragons, not exactly rocket science to make the leap and assume you're a prince."

Y/n: "just call me Y/n. Now I'm just gonna cut straight to the chase, you are powerful... far too powerful for a mere human, no offence."

Cinder: "none taken. How do you know how strong I am?"

Maiden: "we can sense it, you're connected to another power source that's-"

Y/n: "-woah, woah woah mom! We don't know who she is, is it really wise to tell her something she may not known?"

Cinder: "smart and handsome, what a combo~"

Y/n: "okaaay... so what do you want? I should warn you, if you're here to kill me, that's not gonna go well."

Cinder: "kill you? *chuckles* no, not kill you, recruit you. I hear you need a team, mine is down a member since she was hurt during a mission. How about it?"

Y/n: "oh, well thanks but my dads already got my team covered."

Cinder: "suit yourself, just remember you said no, and I'll show no mercy when we battle honey~"

Y/n: "yeah, well now I know your true strength, I assure you I wont hold back either."

Cinder: "well then, I suppose i'll see you in class. See you later hot stuff~" she blows a kiss towards me as she leaves.

Y/n: "we need to speak to Ozpin now, if she's hiding that much power, and it's connected to something underneath him, we need to find out what's really going on here!"

Maiden: "I have to agree you with you son, I don't like being lied to."

Y/n: "well then, lets go chat with the headmaster."

*next time on fanfics*

Ozpin: "Salem is more powerful than anyone could ever understand."

King of D: "so Ozpin wants to use my son as a shield?!"

Qrow: "no, he want Y/n to help him stop Salem."

King's knight: "then Tally-ho and off we go!"

Yubel: "then how about you show a bad girl how it's done... Cinder~"

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