5 Seconds Of Summer BSM MOMEN...


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Hey guys this is a 5sos imagines and Brother sister moments hope you guys enjoy this is part 2😊❤️ More

BSM: you get cyber bullied
Personal for alyssa
BSM You have a nightmare about another boy
Imagine you're best friends with his girlfriend
BSM: your mom compares you to him and he defends you
Imagine you tell your ex that he's better than he was ever to you
BSM you get in a fight with a fan and they have to stop it
Imagine you're related to harry styles/know him
BSM: you fall in love with one of the 1D boys
Imagine you get your Period and you leak through
BSM you get into a fight with him and run to another boys house
Imagine you have to go to the hospital
BSM you're vloging and him and the boys walk in on you while you are doing it
Imagine you fall asleep on him and him and the boys talk about you
Imagine you're upset and another boy confronts you
BSM you fall in the shower
Imagine you're best friends with them and they catch your boyfriend abusing you
BSM: Your boyfriend tries to hit you but he stops him from doing that
Imagine you stop him from getting into a fight with a guy that was harassing you
BSM you get into a fight at one of his concerts
Imagine your best friends and your boyfriend breaks up with you
BSM they catch your boyfriend cheating on you
Imagine he stops you from getting in a fight with a hater
Authors note
BSM you get badly sick and you pass out
Imagine you get drunk
BSM You have your first hangover
Imagine another boy saves you
BSM: you watch a sad movie/ show with him and the boys
BSM: you get kidnapped
Imagine he's your bestfriend your boyfriend sexual abuses you
BSM: you see your ex who abused you
BSM you're dating harry styles and he finds out
Imagine he's your bestfriend and you see your ex boyfriend who sexual abused you
BSM you get arrested
Imagine your parents get a divorce
BSM you get into a fight with your parents
Imagine you fall down the stairs and hurt yourself badly
BSM their parents adopt you
Imagine he gets in a fight with your ex
BSM you're adopted and meet the one direction boys for the first time
Imagine he's your bestfriend and he meets your boyfriend
BSM you cheat on your boyfriend
Imagine you get into a car accident with his car
BSM you destory your mom's car
Imagine you have a anexity attack
BSM you have a eatting disorder and another boy finds out
Imagine security doesn't let you backstage
BSM you fangirl over harry styles
Imagine your friends don't Believe your dating him
BSM they see a hickey on you
Imagine you dress up for halloween
BSM you don't want to leave him on tour
Imagine him and the boys pick you up from work
BSM they catch you dancing to one of their songs
Imagine he gives you a hicky and another boy notices it
BSM you get hit by a door
Imagine you get hurt while you're with another girlfriend
BSM: you get a tattoo and he gets mad
Imagine he comes home from tour
BSM: your boyfriend doesn't know he's your brother
Imagine your "friend" uses you to get close to him
BSM he defends you on twitter
Imagine you meet the other girlfriends for the first time
BSM: another boy sees you crying
Imagine you get in a fight with him and run to another boy
BSM you get your wisdom teeth taken out
Imagine he proposes to you
BSM: he surprises you from coming home from tour
Imagine a fan slaps you
BSM: he catchs you smoking
Imagine you fangirl over him and the boys
BSM: he surprises you at work
Imagine you do something dangerous the boys/him catchs you
BSM: you send nudes to one of the boys by accident
Imagine you send a dirty text message to another boy by mistake
BSM he catchs you making a sex tape with your boyfriend
Imagine you have a makeout session with him and the boys walk in
BSM your friend slaps you
Imagine he gets you a kitten
BSM: you break a bone
Imagine you skip work and one of the boys catch you
Bsm a guy sends you a nude
Imagine you find out michael and crystal are engaged
BSM You see your dad after your parents split
Imagine you watch the lie to me music video
BSM him/another boy catchs you sneaking out
Imagine you hide that you're in the fandom
BSM you hide that you hurt yourself from him
Imagine you get sick in front of the boys
Bsm: a fan defense you
Imagine you get your nose pierced
BSM you react to who do you love?
Imagine you dyed your hair
BSM your home alone and the house gets robbed
Imagine you have a stalker
BSM you punch someone at school
Imagine you see him perform on jimmy fallon
BSM: a boy harasses you in school
Imagine you find out louis's sister died
BSM: you see after with him
Imagine he takes you to cochella
BSM: you see calum's new haircut
Imagine a papz hurt you
BSM: you hear easier for the first time
Imagine he surprise you with Shawn mends tickets
BSM he takes you to see the jonas brothers
Imagine you run away after a fight and another boy finds you
BSM you fake being sick to get out of school
Imagine your friend is jelous of you dating him
BSM he forgets to get you from somewhere
Imagine it's your birthday and he throws you a surprise party
BSM you pass out
BSM him\another boy sees you buying a condom
Imagine your friends ditch you
BSM you have a bad attitude towards them
Imagine you see your friends that ditched you and you confront them
BSM: you just saw the teeth music video and have to go to the dentist
Imagine you fangirl over liam payne's underwear ad
BSM:they catch you dancing
Imagine he hurts you and another boy protects you
BSM: he takes your phone from you
Imagine his ex hits on him and you get jelous
BSM: he takes you to see and meet louis tomlinson
Imagine you and your friend gets in a physical fight they have to stop it
BSM you have to get blood taken and he watchs
Imagine you need a x ray
BSM you go to taylor swift's birthday party
Imagine Another boy defends you
BSM: you celebreate new years
Imagine a guy checks you out and another boy protects you
BSM: your boyfriend sneaks into your room and another boy catchs him
Imagine you watch the recap of tour video
BSM: you get into a fight with the papz
Imagine you see your ex friend
BSM: you see your ex boyfriend who used you for your friend
Imagine you see the person that slapped you
Bsm: you're his new step sibling
Imagine you make a tictock
BSM he catchs you doing something bad
Imagine you hit him in your sleep
BSM: you have a nightmare and ask to sleep with him
Imagine you can't sleep
BSM: there's a storm outside that's scaring you
Imagine you're related to one of the boys
BSM: your friend lies to you
Imagine your "friend" flirts with him
Bsm: he catchs you doing a Tick-tock dance
Imagine something exterms happens to you when he's away
BSM: you hide your report card from him and he finds it
Aurthors note

BSM you fall asleep on another boy

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Luke:(age:11): You had a slumber party the night before but wanted to hangout with the boys so you did and then you got tried you were laying across Michael and crystal your head was on Michael and your feet were on crystal you fell asleep luke just chuckles and Michael said "leave her it's fine." He said "that's why I don't allow her to do slumber parties that much." Crystal said "but she has fun at them." He said "yeah but she's always exhausted afterwards." Crystal said "that's the point of them you stay up all night and then sleep the rest of the day."Then they just let you sleep for the rest of the day.

Ashton:(age:12): you went to a concert the night before It was a Shawn mendes concert to be exact and you were exhausted but wanted to be with the boys and your brother you were lying on top of Luke and Serria you ended up falling asleep Serria said "isn't that adorable." Ashton chuckled then they just left you there since Luke didn't mind and neither did Serria and they just let you sleep for the rest of the day knowing you needed it.

Calum:(age:13): you pulled a all nighter cause you wanted to prove to your friend that you could stay up late but now you were exhausted you walked downstairs and went to the couch you laid down on Ashton's lap he started playing with your hair and that made you fall asleep instally he said "works every time." Calum chuckled they just left you there and let you sleep knowing you needed your sleep.

Michael:(age:14): you were at a party last night and got home late you walked into the living room and laid down on Calum's lap and ended up falling asleep instantly as you hit his lap he smiled at you and Michael just shook his head then they let you sleep for the rest of the day knowing that you needed it so you weren't in a pissy mood for them.

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