Love the way you lie:abuse lo...

By ambriaclark

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How could something so beautiful Hurt you so much How could someone you love Be the reason you cry Crying a... More

Chapter 1. Love The Way You Lie
Chapter 2. Love The Way You Lie
Chapter 3. Love The Way You Lie
Chapter 4. Love The Way You Lie
Chapter 5. Love The Way You Lie
Chapter 7. Love The Way You Lie
Chapter 8. Love The Way You Lie
Chapter 9. Love The Way You Lie
Chapter 10. Love The Way You Lie
Chapter 11. Love The Way You Lie
Chapter 12. Love The Way You Lie
Chapter 13. Love The Way You Lie
Chapter 14. Love The Way You Lie
Chapter 15. Love The Way You Lie
Chapter 16.Love The Way You Lie
Chapter 17. Love The Way You Lie
Chapter 18. Love The Way You Lie
Chapter 19. Love The Way You Lie
Chapter 20. Love The Way You Lie
Chapter 21. Love The Way You Lie
Chapter 23. Love The Way You Lie
chapter 24: love the way you lie
chapter 25: love the way you lie
Chapter 26:Love The Way You Lie
*not chapter* new book/cowriter
Chapter 27: Love The Way You Lie (THE REAL UPDATE)
Chapter 28: Love The Way You Lie
My decicion
*not chapter but very important*.
First chapter of "If I Cant Have You..."

Chapter 6. Love The Way You Lie

1.8K 55 3
By ambriaclark


Bria POV.

Shae and I were cleaning up a little around the house for Marcus to come over. I didn't tell Shae why we were cleaning up until after we were done because she'd bale out on me in a minute.

"Really bri? -_- THATS why we were cleaning this house like Molly the goddamn maid? For his bum ass?" Shae said looking at me like she was ready to pounce on me.

"Yes really Shae. I'm not keeping him away from his daughter. She needs a dad. It's not about what I want..." I said and looked over at mya sitting on the floor playing with her dolls.

"'s all about her.. I know she wants her dad in her life... Shae honestly I kind of miss Marcus. I don't know why but I do.." I said

"I know why. It's cause no matter how much Marcus hurt you you always forgave him and you always loved him. It's how he made you feel. No matter what he did to you you always thought about the good." Shae has always been like this. She's dealt with all types of boys. She knows how they operate.

The door bell rung and I got up and opened the door I saw Marcus and the girl that was on his phone.

"Hey Marc" said and smiled a little and hugged him. His girlfriend gave me a little glare but I decided to ignore it.

Marcus stepped into the house and saw Shae sitting there glaring at him.

"Ugh! Why Shae here? Don't you got a dick to suck or std to catch or something?" Marcus said. Marcus and Shae always and I mean ALWAYS hated each other.

"Boy my name is not dick so keep it out your mouth." Shae said rolling her neck.

"Dios mio. Anyway uh hi Marcus and..." I kept my eyes on Marcus and waited on him to mouth her name to me but just as he was about to Shae came up in it.

"I'm sorry but uh who the fuck is you?" Shae said damn I forgot to tell her about Marcus girl friend.

"Shae!" I said looking at her like shut the hell up.

"I'm jala Marcus's girlfriend and uh who are you?" Jala said getting a attitude with me. When did I get in this? I don't know.

"WHAT are you?" I said. Damn there go my damn mouth.

"Heheh anyway uhh where mya?" Marc asked me holding onto jala hand and walking into the house.

Marcus sees mya on the floor playing with her dolls and let's go of Jalas hand and stoops down to her level.

"Hey sweety." Marcus says smiling lightly. Mya looks up at him with her big brown eyes and smiles. They have the same smile.

She then looks at me and smiles harder." Mommy he looks like me!" Mya says looking at Marcus and grabbing his nose and squeezing it like a clown nose and making a honking sound.

Marcus makes a face and laughs and hugs her. Mya let's go and ask the golden question. "Are you my daddy?"

"Yeah I'm your daddy." Marcus says and smiles hard as I've ever seen. Mya then jumps on him and wraps her tiny arms around his neck. Marcus stands up and she hangs from him like she's a monkey.

"So Ambria you want to come with us to the mall?" Marcus ask.

"I don't know. I mean I don't want to mess anything up." I say. Lord knows I do want to go but I really don't.

"Nah come on. But I don't think your pet can come" he says referring to Shae.

"Yeah she got a pet snake and I will happily bite yo ass so beware. But anyway I gotta go pick your nephew up from football." Shae says.

"Told you to get her nudered but you ain't wanna listen" marcus said as Shae was walking out the door she turns her head and looks at him for a minute then walks out.

"Well I guess I'll go. Let me grab my purse. " I say turning around to get my purse but Marcus grabs my arm

"Nah it's coo I got you today." And with that we all walked out with mya by Marcus's side.

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