Away from the past

By _taylor9

69 4 0

TRIGGER WARNING: ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP Liana Kaden has dealt with a pretty rough relationship at a young age... More

The move
Coronado High
Home visit
"Why'd you leave?"
What's done is done
Kaden's return
Be mine
Surprise, surprise
Here for you
Relax mode
Rescue driver
Pick and choose
Warm & cozy
Pick a name, any name
I deserve better
Paint me a picture
He won't let go
One bad apple
Bows or arrows?
"You're safe."
What's it gonna be?
She's gone
Into the woods
Location: unknown
Don't look back
Never in a million years
Moving forward


7 1 0
By _taylor9

Jesse's POV

January 19th

"Jesse, please give everyone one worksheet. Thank you, kind sir!" Lions bows after finishing his sentence.

He is a huge goofball but I wish more teachers were like him. I hate passing out papers, people take it as an opportunity to stare. I've lived here ever since the third grade and I never got used to people looking at me. It even irks me when I see someone staring at another person but I can't do anything about it.

Clarence Jackson is one of the few people who actually says thank you. Cassie Mae is one of those girls who will stare until your head falls off. She's usually judging people very hard when she does that. She analyzes your clothes, shoes, and hair. If she feels like saying something about it, trust me, she will.

That's exactly what's she's doing to the new girl. Started at the shoes, made it all the way up to her face. Cassie was too busy to notice the paper I was handing her because of her minor obsession with other people. The whole class is talking about Liana mostly because she came from private school. The only people who actually is talking to her directly is Ellia, Jordi, and Myles. I know I'll hear all about her later this week. I didn't really say anything at lunch to her but that's just how I am. It took a while for me to warm up to Jordi at first but he's the best person I could have in my life. The same goes for Myles and Ellia but I warmed up to them more easily.

I knew there was obvious reasons as to why the new girl changed schools four months into the year. Looking at her and how she interacts with us Cornado kids, there's a lot more going on than we know. I will admit, I am a nosy person so I will find out what happened, but I won't pressure her.

I'm very involved with this school. I'm a runner but I'm there for most of the other sports. Most of the football players I know very well which comes in handy sometimes. This school lives for sports. I swear most of us are outside for the greater part of the day mainly because the new season is starting for so many sports. This year, the football and track team are competing against some new schools.

Today is pep rally day which means I get out of most of my classes to help out. Kids fill in the bleachers outside, every face I recognize except the freshmen. Everyone's kind of jackasses to the freshmen, well the seniors mostly. We always give them crap about how big their backpacks are or how tiny they are but it's all in good fun, well for us anyways. It's tradition to give the underclassmen a little bit of a tough time at pep rallies, nothing major.

It's all in good fun, they'll do the same when they become seniors too.

A/N: This chapter is a kind of an introduction for Jesse. I don't know how many chapters I'll do for Jesse's POV but there will be some just not as much as Liana's. Stay tuned ;)

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