Don't (Lucas- NCT)

By MGD25071999

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"Don't do it" "For me... For us." More



188 9 0
By MGD25071999

Time had passed and the boys had debuted. Today was the last day of school. "Ms. Isabella. We got you something." A student called. They handed me flowers and a card.

"Thank you for this year." I smiled. Tears forming in my eyes. They are so sweet.

"This is so sweet. Thanks guys." I smiled.

I left school and Lucas was waiting for me in front of his car. He smiled. I kissed him. "Flowers? Are you cheating?" I punched him.

"My students gave me these." I said. He chuckled. We drove off. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"I have to meet up with my manager again." I nod my head. Funny how Lucas is about to debut with the rest of the guys. I was happy, but worried at the same time. We got to the place and took the elevator. We got to the floor to meet his manager.

"Good afternoon Lucas. You have to practice with the rest." He said. He bowed a little to me, I greeted him back.

"Again?" He asked.

"The debut is next week! You have to practice everyday from now on! It has to be perfect. You have to be successful." He said. Lucas nod his head and walked into the studio. I sat down so I could see them practice. The music started playing and they danced.

Lucas is hot when he dances. Lucas is always hot. I'm happy we are together. After the practice the manager called him and I. "I have to say this now, before people find out." We looked at him questioning what he meant. "Lucas is going to have female fans and the fact that he would have a girlfriend could ruin it for him. So either keep it on the low or stop seeing each other." That was harsh!

"There must be a better solution!" Lucas said. "I would love to have support but that's in every way. How could they stop supporting or support less if I'm dating."

"Listen the contract you made with us already said, you cannot date. We let that slide because you dated before all this, but keep it on the low. Stop seeing each other as much. After all you live in the same house. Just don't see each other during the day." The manager said.

"I barely sleep at home. I always practice until late." Lucas said. He was getting angry. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"We'll get home and talk. See you tomorrow manager." I said, grabbing Lucas's hand and leaving. We got in the car.

"How did I know this would happen?" Lucas asked. I held his hand.

"Listen this is the job. You rap and dance for people. You do what you like. We can always call each other. I support you no matter what. All I ask is that you don't forget about me once you get out there." I said.

"I would never. Never!" He said. Grabbed my face and kissed me. I smiled.

He drove me home and went back to training. He must be tired. I sighed. I put my things down and let myself fall on the couch. I'm exhausted. He must be too. I'm worried. Hmm tomorrow I'll wake up early and make his favorite dish. I smiled at my idea and went to sleep.

The next day I woke up, looking to my right and seeing it was empty. I sat up. "Lucas?" I called. Nothing. I picked my phone.

I'm still not done practicing. See you tomorrow babe😘

I sighed. Well I'll surprise him there. I cooked his favorite dish and packed it all nicely. I got dressed casually.

I grabbed the things and left. I called a taxi and went to SM Entertainment building. I walked in and they smiled at me, knowing who I am and who I'm here for. I took the elevator. I got out and walked to the practice room. Lucas was sleeping on the floor. I sighed. Jaehyun came up to me. "We've been practicing all night. He's really tired." I nod my head.

"Did you guys eat?" I asked.

"No we weren't aloud to eat besides a protein bar and an apple." He said. I frowned.

"What about now?" Taeyong came. He put a hand on my shoulder.

"We're not supposed to." He said.

"Well you are going to eat. I brought food. I don't care what those managers say." I said. I handed them the things and walked to Lucas kneeling down. "Baby, wake up." I ran a hand through his hair. He's still sweaty. He started waking up. "I brought food. Eat quickly." He just buried his face on my neck. "Are you sick?" I asked.

"I was scared, waking up not seeing you. I'm relieved now." He mumbled. I rest my hand on his head. I reached for the food and gave it to him.

"You're favorite dish." I said. It's not ok for them to stay here all night without food. I don't care what they say. He reached for it and inhaled it.

The manager bursts in. "Who told you guys you could eat?" He asked. I turned around raising my hand proudly. "You! Leave!"

"Ok. Make sure ya'll eat it up." I called. I kissed Lucas on the forehead. "Call me." He nod his head, smiling. I walked to the manager. "Don't you dare make them stop eating." He looked shocked at how chill I reacted. I left. Piece of crap.

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