SBD - Extras

By serendipity_s

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Hey this is kind of a shitdump A set of random short stories, pictures, and interviews based on Small But Div... More

How The Science Lab Was Destroyed
Bruce vs John Cena
Spring Cleaning
The Switch
Promise To Be Enemies
Substitute Teacher
Are You A Beaver?
Ross and the Girls
Previously Chapter 7 - Slumber Party
Previously Chapter 13 - Childish Manner
Previously Chapter 20 - Jasper's Birthday
Alby, a [Petty] Intellectual

Previously Chapter 6 - Football

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By serendipity_s

After Class - Freetime - Friday - 6 Hours Until Curfew

May 16

Blaze's POV

It was free time right now and we were playing football, the one sport where I'm aloud to hurt people and I don't get in trouble for it. Right now Lucas and Jasper were captains and were picking people to be on their team. To decide who gets first pick, they played rock, paper, scissors. Lucas ended up winning. He looked between the other five of us playing (7 in total). Lanny, Aria and Marigold decided to just watch since they weren't big fans of sports. Noelle wanted to stay inside, because it was hot out, and her being an ice mage....well you get that she would just rather stay in her kind of weather. And Vane being him, decided to go with Noelle to annoy her. I think he secretly likes her though. Lucas' eyes rest on me, "Blaze," he chooses. Lucas then smirked at Jasper as he looked away. Now it was Jasper's turn. "Bruce," Jasper picked.

"Do you think that's such a good idea?" Lanny called from the sidelines. "I don't want to heal another injured Bruce."

Shut up Lanny! If he's on the opposite team then I can pulverize him.

"I think Bruce can handle himself," Lucas waved it off.

Sure he can. Cue evil laugh

After another minute, everyone was picked. These were the teams:

Team 1: Jasper, Bruce, Sachiko and Zephira.

Team 2: Lucas, Elisia, Avon and myself.

Jasper's team lined up on their side of the field in the middle. Bruce was on the end of the line. I smirked. This is going to be fun. I lined up across from him, making him the person I get to block and maybe tackle.

Since my team got first pick the other team starts with the ball.

"Hut!" Jasper called snapping it to Zephira who then passed it to Sachiko. She then took off, running down the field. Avon was right on her tail though. Just as Avon was about to tackle her, she passed it to Bruce. I saw him gulp and look at me in fear. I grinned, and dashed toward him.

He took off running, the wrong way may I add. "You're not getting away from me you GraLu shipper!" I was gaining ground on him. Bruce then threw the ball behind him landing on the grass a few feet away from me making it a dead ball. Usually that is when you would stop and start the next round from where the ball was last caught, but I kept pursuing him. In the background I hear Aria laughing and saying that she knew this was going to happen and Lanny telling me not to hurt him. Of course, I didn't listen to him and once I was close enough I dived for him, successfully bringing him to the ground, face first in the dirt. I sat on his back, smiling victorious.

"Haha, I got you!"

"I'm out! I'm never playing another game if Blaze is also participating in it!" He got out from under me and walked off the field with a slight limp.

"But now it's uneven," Zephira said.

"I'll drop out," Avon raises his hand.
He doesn't like sports that much either, but he's a team player so he joined to make sure the teams were even.

"Ok, then lets get back to the game," Elisia said, as we lined up again.

"Hut!" Jasper snapped it again to Zephira. You could tell that she wanted to pass it to Sachiko, but she was being guarded by Elisia. So she made a break for it, running as fast as she could. I quickly caught up to her though and I dived to tackle her but she was smart enough to through it in the air, where Sachiko broke away from Elisia and caught the football. Once she had it safely in her arms she continued the path down the field. I got up and started to run again. She took a bit longer to catch up with, but I got close enough to make another dive, but before I could, she passed it to Jasper.

Ugh! Why can't you guys just let me tackle you! Now I have to catch Jasper who is way faster than me.

Lucas blocked off Jasper's path, where he had to side step around him, helping me gain ground. Elisia then came from Jasper's left making him veer right, also helping me gain ground. After a few more sprints I was close enough to at least try to grab onto his leg. As I was about to dive, yet again, something told me not to. This thought slowed me down, giving him the last few strides he needed to make a touchdown.

"Yes!" He cheered as his team mates hollered.

I look down at the ground in disappointment.

"You almost had me there," Jasper looked down at me. He was close, very close. I could here Elisia, Aria and Lanny snickering. Those bastards.

"Ya, I did," was my genius reply. I could tell I was blushing, so I just thought about how much I loved ice cream and went back to by cocky self. "Next time you won't be so lucky."

I was wrong.

Every time I had a chance to tackle him, something always made me pull back. Stupid mind! Thank goodness that Lucas doesn't have a crush on him, otherwise Jasper would never have been tackled and his team would've been far ahead.

It was now the last round, and my team had the ball, both teams stuck at 20-20. Stupid ties. "Hut!" Lucas caught the ball from Elisia. I ran far out to the other side of the field, Jasper running behind me. I turned around to catch the football that Lucas threw and kept on running. I almost made it to the touchdown zone, but then Jasper happened.

Apparently he has no problem tackling me.

Jasper's POV

I was chasing Blaze down the field, her red hair flying behind her, and the adrenaline was rushing through my veins. So much that I didn't realize that I dived for her. Idiot! You don't just go and tackle a girl! (Jasper you chauvinistic *swear word*)

As we were falling, I noticed that when we landed that I would end up crushing her. So I grabbed hold of her waist and twisted our bodies so that I wouldn't land on top of her, hoping for the best. I faintly noticed that my hand was grazing over her face.

Once we finally landed, I took in our position. My body was laying beside her own, but my one hand was cradling her head while the other was laying over her stomach in a protective motion.

Aria's POV

Snap! Went my phone. Jasper and Blaze were lying in the grass, in the most adorable position ever. Blaze was going to kill me when she founds out that I took a picture.

Blaze's POV

I was blushing madly, so was Jasper. He kind of looks cute when he blushes. Wait what! Stop thinking brain!

"Are you ok?" I hear Jasper ask.

"Ya," I say, but then I looked down at his arm that was still around me. He looked down too, blushed even more and snatched his arms away.

"Uh, sorry for tackling you.." he looks away.

"Hey, I'm perfectly fine, don't worry about it," I smile before getting up. I hold out my hand down towards him. He grabs it and I help him pull himself up.

"Blaze, 99 percent toughness," he smiled. I blushed even redder. Stop talking, my hair is already red, I don't need my face to be red also!

"Awwww," Aria and Elisia awed.

"Damare." (Shut up) I grumble. I'm going to kill those two. Lanny was smirking behind a fangirling Aria. I'm going to kill him too.

"Want to go get ice cream with me?" He scratched the back of his head, nervously.

"You had me at ice cream," I smile up at him. I grab his hand and dragged him to the slightly crispy ice cream shop.

A/N-- Konnichiwa, Minna-San! Watashi wa Ninja desu.

Okay, so I got Dixie to write this chapter for me because I don't know enough about football to write a chapter about it, so credits to her for making me fangirl over characters that I created.

And also, #Jaze for life. Adding that to the tags on this book. Okay? Okay.

(Dixie and I actually created ship names for all the ships in this book because we're normal...)

Anyways, I'm gonna go back to writing the next chapter of this book. Bye!


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