Killing Stalking Oneshots

By quoteoftheday

188K 3.6K 2.7K

Make Sangwoo jealous, paint Bum like one of your French girls, choose your own Killing Stalking Adventure. Al... More

๐Ÿ‹Yoon Bum/Reader: Unwrap Me (A Silly College Smut)
โ˜๏ธSangwoo/Reader/Seungbae: I Take What's Mine
โ˜๏ธYoon Bum/Reader: The Nicer Fish Part 1/2
โ˜๏ธYoon Bum/Reader: The Nicer Fish Part 2/2
โ˜๏ธBaby!Sangwoo/Child!Yoon Bum: Dependent
Killing Stalking/Reader: Reader ex Machina Part 2
Killing Stalking/Reader: Reader ex Machina Part 3
Killing Stalking/Reader: Results 1 and 2
Killing Stalking/Reader: CORE
Killing Stalking/Reader: Result 3
Killing Stalking/Reader: Result 4
Killing Stalking/Reader: Result 5
Killing Stalking/Reader: ENDING A
Killing Stalking/Reader: ENDING B
Killing Stalking/Reader: ENDING C
Killing Stalking/Reader: ENDING D
Killing Stalking/Reader: Answer Key
โ˜๏ธNeko!Sangwoo&Bum/Reader: Pets Part 1
โ˜๏ธNeko!Sangwoo&Bum/Reader: Pets Part 2
โ˜๏ธNeko!Sangwoo&Bum/Reader: Pets Part 3
โ˜๏ธNeko!Sangwoo&Bum/Reader: Pets Part 4
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A Tremendous Honor

Killing Stalking/Reader: Reader ex Machina Part 1

9.5K 160 165
By quoteoftheday

Choose Your Own Killing Stalking Adventure! In this story you will be able to make choices and consequences will occur for each decision you make!

How it works: You will read a core scene that applies to everyone (like this first chapter). Then you will be provided with two options. Based on the option you choose, read only the corresponding results that follow.

Description: You are spontaneously dropped into the KS universe. Murphy's Law becomes a destructive force in your life when you try to twist Bum and Sangwoo's fate.

This story is somewhere in between an original idea and a mockery of reader insert tropes. I hope you enjoy it.

But I must ask you one favor. For your first time through it, I insist that you only read the continuous storyline for the choices that you made (for continuity's sake). I think that staying true to yourself will make for a more satisfying reading experience. Then you can go back and read the other endings if you so desire. I hope you all enjoy it!

'What... am I doing here?'  Your dazed mind seemed to clear a bit as you walked down the busy sidewalk of a college campus. Students flooded the courtyards from every direction, obviously on their way to classes. 'Wait... Where am I?!'   You halted immediately when you realized you were in a place you didn't recognize, causing whoever was behind you to bump into you. He mumbled something incomprehensible- probably an apology- but you suddenly became much too fixated on his features to think about that. The small man barely measured up to you in stature, but then again, he was slouching. He was thin and pale; dark overgrown locks veiling his innocent eyes. 'He looks exactly like...'  You gawked as the raven-haired man in a green jacket skittered away with his book bag. 'Oh, I see... I must be dreaming...'  You concluded logically. What a perfect chance to interact with a fictional character! 'This is awesome! I've never had such a lucid dream before!'  With a big smile you chased after him, now noting the weight of your own backpack flopping behind you.

"Hey, wait up!" He flinched when you shouted and peered over his hunched shoulder. "Can I sit with you during class?" You asked, and he cast his gaze to the ground, looking as cute and bashful as he always does. But it wasn't until he spoke that your wide grin vanished.

"Joesonghajiman... dangsinui malsseumeul ihae mothaetseumnida."

"..." You blinked at the string of utter gibberish he just weaved together. "Uhhhh... what?" Your perplexed expression caused him to fumble shyly.

"Ah... uhm... young o hal-chulaseyo?"



"..." Your eyes widened. 'Oh my god, I don't know Korean!'  A wave of dread and confusion washed over you. 'Wait. How the hell can I dream in Korean when I don't KNOW Korean?!'  Your brain drew a blank. 'That can only mean it's not a dream... Am I really here? How is that possible?!'  Bum began to fidget as the silence stretched out, looking guilty that he failed to communicate with you. Finally you scrambled for one last idea. "Uh... Yoon Bum!" He looked shocked when you abruptly said his name. You pointed to yourself. "F/N L/N."

"...Nae-ga neo-reul a-reo?"


"Excuse me, but are you lost?" A voice in your native tongue felt like music to your ears, but your comfort immediately turned sour when you saw the source. Approaching quickly was an athletic and easily recognizable individual.

'Oh no...'

"Is everything alright here?" Your eyes rolled back as he jogged up to you.

'Sangwoo speaks English? ...Of freaking COURSE he does...'  You eyed the young man's fit and handsome physique. 'Damn... he looks even hotter in person...'

"Are you looking for KSL?"

"Eh?" Was all you could get out.

"Korean as a Second Language."

"Uh... N-no, I-"

"I'll take you there." Sangwoo put a gentle hand on your lower back, guiding you away. You kept your eyes locked on Bum's as he pulled you, unable to figure out any clever way to get out of this. Bum lifted a hand to face level and called out.

"Hang-u-nŭl bim-ni-da." You turned to Sangwoo with urgency.

"What did he say?!"

"He said, 'Good luck.'"

"Ah, wait! I need to talk to him more!" You exclaimed as Sangwoo escorted you around the corner.

"Really? Why is that?" He tilted his head and you struggled to come up with a reasonable excuse.

"I uh... think I know him."

"Probably just because we all look alike to you, am I right?"

"No! That's not it at all!"

"I'm just teasing." He chided with a bubbly warm laugh. "What's your name?"

"F/N L/N." You dawned a sassy smirk. "And let me guess, all your names sound alike so I'm guessing yours has a Woo in it or something." He laughed even louder at that.

"What a ridiculous coincidence! My name is Sangwoo."

'Yeah, I already know that.'

"Nice to meet you."

"You too." You lied through your teeth. As easy as he was on the eyes, you knew exactly how dangerous Sangwoo really was behind that perfectly chiseled jawline and fake smile. He was an anglerfish in the dark, a wolf in sheep's clothing.

"Hey, you know... I could help tutor you if you want."

"I..." 'Heh. No. You'll murder me.' "I... couldn't possibly ask you to do that." You waved a hand, playing coy. It was just as dangerous to piss him off by declining his offer outright.

"I insist." He grinned politely. "It would give me a chance to practice my English more too, so it's a win-win."

"Your English sounds pretty flawless to me." You raised an eyebrow.

"Aw. Thanks." He ran a hand through his sandy-colored hair.

'Ah, crap! He's a narcissist. I'm only hurting my case!'  You chewed your bottom lip nervously, searching for a way out. Then again, you couldn't really think of a much better prospect. It was the first day of classes; of that much you were sure. But what you didn't know was if it was the start of first or second semester, so you had no idea how soon Bum would fall for Sangwoo. Time was of the essence. '...Sangwoo only kills people in his basement, so as long as I stay far away from his house I should be safe...'

"How about we meet at the Commons after class?"


"It's the food place right across the courtyard to the left. You can't miss it."

"...Alright. Deal. See you when class is over."


'Okay, if I tell him right away that I'm into another guy, he will immediately rule me out as prey. We just met, after all. Much too soon to form an attachment of any kind.'  You calculated your situation carefully as you walked towards the Commons. You hoped you would arrive at the right place, as all of the signs were in Korean as well. Fortunately or unfortunately- you weren't sure which- Sangwoo came into view when you reached the bottom of the staircase. He waved and you moved to approach him, only to be stopped by an employee in a black shirt. She muttered in gibberish again. 'Oh crap! She wants me to pay! Do I have any Korean currency?!'

"Uh!" You opened your wallet and grimaced, but just as you began to panic she gestured to a card sticking out of a slot. You pulled it out to discover a student ID, complete with your picture, the university name, and a number. Without a pause, she swiped it through her machine, a tiny beep resounded, and she waved you through. 'Well, that's a relief. At least I wont have to beg for food on the streets while I'm here...'

"Hey, Sangwoo." You greeted before sitting down with him.

"You mean 'an-yŏng-ha-se-yo.'"

"On young hi say yo." You repeated and he chuckled lightly.

"We'll get there." He smirked, knowing he certainly had his work cut out for him. "Let's grab some food and get started." The two of you broke off and explored the large buffet-style eatery, gathering things here and there that looked appetizing.

It wasn't long into your impromptu Korean lesson before you felt the tingle of a watchful presence nearby. Out of the corner of your eye you spotted a familiar green jacket lurking behind the crowd. Apparently the strange interaction from before had been enough to capture his attention, for here he was following you. You jiggled your leg impatiently, waiting for him to reach a reasonable proximity to your table so you could drag him over. You had a translator now, which was ideal.

Finally he was at the front of the line scanning his student ID. You waited until Sangwoo took a big bite of food before rushing over to Yoon Bum's location. Something about interrupting Sangwoo mid-conversation felt akin to licking a lollipop with a razor blade in it; you were just asking to be sliced up. The smaller man tensed when you made a beeline straight for him, thinking he had been caught in the act of spying; but your wide smile made him instantly feel more at ease.

"Sangwoo, will you translate for me?" You called backwards and waved Bum towards you.

"F/N-ssi, don't do that!" Sangwoo rushed you and swiftly grabbed your wrist.


"What you just did was incredibly rude!" He pointed to your hands. "The gesture you just made to him is the way you would call a dog, not your equal."

"UWAAH!" Your stomach sank in horror. "Seriously?! I'm so sorry!" You looked at Bum frantically and bowed. "Please tell him I'm sorry!"

"Choe-song-ham-ni-da." He relayed the message.

"Ah... A-ni-e-yo." His soft tenor voice replied.

"He says it's okay." You heard and let out the breath you'd been holding.

"I just wanted him to sit with us..." You frowned. 'I'm off to a stellar start obviously...'  A sigh of exhaustion escaped your lips as you returned to the table. They conversed for a moment in their mother tongue before both of them came to sit with you.

"I told him it was a cultural misunderstanding and that you didn't mean anything by it."


"And he wanted me to ask you... how you knew his name."

'...Because I've read about your life in a series and I've probably seen far more of your anatomy than you would be entirely comfortable with...'

"We've... met before..." You lied, and he interpreted.

"Really? Are you sure it wasn't someone else? I feel like I would remember you..." Sangwoo translated Bum's verbatim words as he spoke them.

"Uh... yes. You were... with your grandma and your uncle." That would be believable.

"What do those terms mean?" Sangwoo stopped you, tilting his head in confusion.

"Like... a dad's brother and his mother."

"Ah. You see, my English isn't as flawless as you thought." He smiled before returning to the conversation.

"And... you told me you like frogs." You added. Now the ravenette looked perplexed. There was no way there existed another Yoon Bum out there hanging around with his uncle and grandmother and talking about frogs. The universe just wasn't big enough for that. He deduced that you must have met before.

"I'm sorry... I feel bad for not remembering."

'Don't feel too bad. I'm making it all up.' Just then, Bum turned to Sangwoo and said one more thing before blushing. Sangwoo replied and then fell silent.

"Well? What did he say?" You asked curiously. After a cute reaction like that, you couldn't just be left in the dark.

"Oh. He told me I was very kind for helping you learn the language."

"..." You blinked and looked at Bum, who was stealing more glances at Sangwoo than you would deem necessary. It seemed that perhaps it wasn't you who piqued his interest after all...

'Uh oh...'

To be continued.

Loose translations (I don't speak Korean):

Joesonghajiman... dangsinui malsseumeul ihae mothaetseumnida (I'm sorry but I don't understand what you said)

Young o hal-chulaseyo? (Do you speak English?)

nae-ga neo-reul a-reo (Do I know you?)

Choe-song-ham-ni-da (Sorry)

A-ni-e-yo. (No problem)

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