Killing Stalking/Reader: Reader ex Machina Part 2

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Attention current readers: I have made this into a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Story. I added details on how it works to the first chapter.

It was hard to hold the conversation with Sangwoo as he walked you to the dorms; you were much too shaken by the events that just took place. 'How...' It had been you who paid attention to Bum first, so what happened? By all accounts, you had certainly beaten Sangwoo to the punch. Why did Bum fixate himself on him and not you? 'Does he think I'm weird for approaching him? Intimidating? I didn't think I came off that strong...'  You could feel Sangwoo's eyes bore into you as you walked, causing you to return your attention to him. "Ah... sorry. Did you say something?" The subtlest flash of annoyance across his features answered your question.

"You've been spaced out since we left the cafeteria."

"Uh... It's kinda embarrassing..." You ran a bashful hand through your hair and smiled at the ground. "I was actually just thinking how stunning your hair looks in the sunlight and I was deciding whether it was weird to tell you or not..."

The tall male couldn't hide a pleased smirk, as if your sudden praise disarmed him.

'Good save.'  You told yourself. 'But I definitely gotta cut back on these compliments or he'll get the wrong idea.'

"That's nice of you to say." He responded politely. "You foreigners aren't as rude as everyone thinks."

"You don't say..."

"This is it." He gestured to the building before you, effectively snapping you out of the reverie you had begun sinking into once more. The dorm stretched a decent distance but didn't seem to have more than three or four floors. Through the double doors you walked, Sangwoo trailing behind. A wave of anxiety came over you as you handed over your student ID to the desk worker. She swiped it through the computer and a ticket printed out. She stated something before handing it to you.

"She said 137." Sangwoo pointed to the number on the top of the sheet and the next thing you knew, a set of keys were dropped into your upturned palm. You heaved a sigh of relief.

'Thank goodness for that.'  You'd be lying if you said you weren't nervous about not having a place to stay during your time here. This train of thought also led you to wonder if you had spending money outside of your student meal plan, and also what would happen if you somehow ran out...

"Thanks for walking me here." You said; a polite dismissal. Honestly you almost invited him back to your room. It was eerie how easy it was to forget how dangerous he was.

"No trouble at all. See you around." Sangwoo turned on his heels and made his way towards the door. It was then that you heard the same familiar Korean phrase that had just been uttered seconds ago. You glanced back to see a lovely strawberry blonde being handed the same room number as yours.

"Looks like we're roommates." You said, holding up your ticket next to hers. She seemed to recognize what you said based on your actions and gave a polite nod before her gaze was drawn away. You followed her line of sight towards Sangwoo- or more specifically, his shapely rear- who was patiently waiting for the human traffic to clear from the front doors. A pang of panic hit you and you immediately objected. "Sorry. He's mine." It was not meant to be rude, but merely a ploy to protect her from impending murder. However, the tables turned when you realized something. 'Wait a minute... She probably didn't even understand that. But if...'  You turned, only to be immediately caught in Sangwoo's calculating stare. 'Shit! He heard me!'  You felt like a gazelle, meeting the eyes of a lion through the nearby underbrush. Your demise was in progress now, being fleshed out at this very moment behind those inquisitive dark irises. You could see it.

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