i stole his underwear & he st...

By twilightfreak11

8.3K 90 51

Pumpkin is an eccentric girl. When her grandpa dies and leaves her a school, she meets Caleb Rousseau, son of... More

I stole his underwear & he stole my heart! (head mistriss&delinquent)
i stole his underwear & he stole my heart! (head mistriss&delinquent) part 2
i stole his underwear & he stole my heart! (head mistriss&delinquent) part 3
I stole his underwear & he stole my heart! (head mistriss&delinquent) part4
I stole his underwear & he stole my heart! part 6
I stole his underwear & he stole my heart! part 7!
I stole his underwear & he stole my heart! (LONG AWAITED CHAPTER 8!!!!

I stole his underwear & he stole my heart! part 5

741 9 5
By twilightfreak11

"...I see."

"I'm glad you understand the bind I'm in, strawberry-pattern panties girl." I felt a twitch near my left eye.

"Let me get this straight, you want me, to pretend to be your fiance, so that your mother and father will stop harrassing you to marry some french model named Luiziette."


"...oh. Ok then."


"So what?"

"Your answer."



"HELL NO! Like I'd pretend to marry some snot nosed frenchie with bad attitude problems! It would leave me with permanent brain damage, you moron! Ugh, just the thought of it makes me want to--"

"May I remind you, your still tied to a chair. I wouldn't mouth off if I were you."

twitch, twitch...

"my answer's no, so get on with your life." hmph.

"Let me rephrase. Do it and i'll let you keep your life."


"I'd like to think of it as a warning of prudence, on your part."

UGH! Pft, like he'd hurt me. He could talk, talk, talk all day and i'm still not scared of--

"my family owns the police force in this city... Let's just say if their were to be a...little accident, no one would look too deep into it. Do you have a passport?" he asked innocently.

Translation: you'll have to leave the country to escape.

"I'm not scared of you!"

20 minutes later.

"PLEEEEEAAAASSEE, SPARE ME! I promise i'll do what you want-just, stop!"

oh my. Oh my. Oh my.

he...he had his friends come over.

I begged them to stop.

...but no one listened...


"MY EYES--! THEY BURRRRRN!" seriously it should be illegal for men with those legs to wear dresses.

"I think she's had enough."

"K Boss,"

I sighed in relief. Another second of torture and my eyes would have exploded. How could he have gotten those idiots to dress up like that?! Naughty nurse, sexy nun, asian schoolgirl...good god.

"So, you'll do it."

"Fine, fine! Show's how much you want me, don't you?"

"Your so plain and unappealing, even my lech of a father won't be bothered with you."

THIS GUY....!!


"Short for lecherous, you dummy."

"and...lecherous means...?"

"I...can't even begin to tell you how stupid a question that was."

"Well EXCUSE me for not being a as intelligent as YOU!!"

"Intelligent...I'm surprised, that word is 4 syllables long, congratulations."

at this rate i'll go mad long before sundown.


"Perv? Are you insinuating that I would harbor less than appropriate thoughts for you? ...Have you gone senile?"

"RHWWSETJZXRYSDSVBDHHEQDGBVSFIBWR!!!!!!!!!" i struggled in my chair, but it was no use.

"Listen, Pumpkin, I'm not asking much. Your late grandfather, who was a man of healthy political standing has left you a generous inheritance, and that means your now welcome in 'polite society' a whole new world is open for you, political arrangements, paparazzi will be calling for interviews--think of out 'engagement' as a coming out party."

"Are you on crack?" i asked bluntly, because marraige isn't exactly my idea of a coming out party.

maybe a simple banner, some balloons perhaps... no "i do" for me, thank you very much.

"Pumpkin." do you HAVE to say my name in that smooth sexy voice? your adding temptation to the unsweetened pot.

"What." I snapped. ESCUSE me for being grouchy, I've been kidnapped, tied to a chair, and forced to watch harry, chubby men cross dress. I have a right to be PMSing.

"I'll do anything." it was more a statement than a plea, but hey for Mr. I own the world do my bidding or die, this was something...

"anything?" ohohhho, I could have some fun here.

"Don't push it." he glowered.

"I'll push it, throw it against the wall, hit it with a golf club and shove it in a closet if I so please." I stated arrogantly. maybe a fake fiance couldn't be so very gruesome.

"So what does being your fake 'fiance' entail?"

"Sex. lot's and lot's of sex."

"YOU MAN WHORE!" he rolled his eye's.

"Can't take a joke can you? only the truly desperate would come looking for pleasure on your corner."

Twitch twitch.

"I. will. KILL YOU!"

I guess this is what happens when a volcano and a tsunami clash. war. and perviness.

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