A Family with Issues [Nordics...

By BunBunDraws

6.6K 191 156

An orphanage is usually considered a cliche place for a homeless child to stay at, and it's usually depicted... More

New Home and Family
Having a Baby Brother
To The Water Park
Sudden trouble
Epic Rap Battles of Nordics [1]
Epic Rap Battles of Nordics [2]
Scenarios [Seeing a Bruise on Y/n]

New Friends [1]

479 17 17
By BunBunDraws

Y/N = your name
N/N = nickname
F/C = favorite color
H/C = hair color
H/L = hair length
S/C = skin color
E/C = eye color
F/A = favorite anime

Name key:
Finland = Tino Väinämöinen/Isä
Sweden = Berwald Oxenstierna/Äldste
Iceland = Emil Steilsson/Emi
Norway =  Lukas Bondevik/Big Brother
Denmark = Mathias Køhler
Sealand = Peter Kirkland
Great Britain = Arthur
Romania = Vladimir
Prussia = Gilbert
America = Alfred
Canada = Matthew
France = Francis
Spain = Antonio
Germany = Ludwig
Switzerland = Vash
Liechtenstein = Lili
Austria = Roderich
Hungary = Elizaveta
Veneziano = Feliciano
Romano = Lovino
Japan = Kiku
Wy = Wendy
Seborga = Romeo
Monaco = Lucille
Hutt River = Dwight
Molossia = Mevrick
Kugelmugel =Leopold
Ladonia = Thomas
Seychelles = Michelle
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus = Kita(?)
Nico Nico Republic = ???
Hong Kong = Leon
Russia = Ivan
Ukraine = Katyasha
Belarus = Natalya
Poland = Feliks
Lithuania = Tolys
Estonia = Eduard
Latvia = Ravis

Little note!!
The older micronations (Seychelles, Monaco, TRNC, NNR, Molossia, Hutt River, Seborga), HK, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Latvia are all 16 years old

Japan, America, and Canada are 17 years old

The rest are about 20-27 years old

The reader is 14, and you'll find out why this is important, later. Also, this is going to be filled with ships and soulmates! I feel weird typing that....
Y/n's POV
I sat on the couch, fidgeting with my hair as a lot of people came into the house. There were so many people here that I felt some slight claustrophobia just looking at the place. The reason so many people are here is because Peter asked everyone to invite some friends, but I guess everyone had more than one....

I sat in the corner scared and excited; I've prepared all of my lyrics for the rap battle, but I'm scared that I might mess up or stutter. I sighed as a girl who looked about Peter's age came up to me; She had fair skin, bright honey brown eyes, thick eyebrows, medium length, brown hair that's tied into a side ponytail, and she wore a pink cardigan over her white top and light brown shorts. "So, you must be the new addition to this family?" she asked me, her accent showing.

I looked up at her and nodded my head, and she smirked and held out her hand, "Wendy! Call me Wy for short," she winked. I smiled and shook her hand, "Y/n, but you can call me N/n, if you want!" I tilted my head slightly, "Isn't Wy a small nation in Australia?". Wendy froze for a second, "Yeah, it is, but Peter, Dwight, and Romeo keep on pushing the nickname," she huffed. I laughed lightly, but soon, a male approached us.

"Heya, Wy~! Who's the pretty ragazza?" he winked, and Wendy rolled her eyes, "None of your business, Romeo...." she scoffed. Romeo had slightly tanned (though it wasn't that noticeable) skin, shining green eyes, brown-red hair with a weird curl sticking out, green and black button-up shirt, and black khaki pants. "Now, that's not very nice," he pouted. He then turned to me, "Ciao, bella, my name's Romeo, nice to meet you~" he winked, and he grabbed my hand and kissed it.

My face turned red, "N-Nice to meet you, I'm Y/n!" I tried to hide my blush, but he seems to have already noticed. "If you were a bit older, I would have asked you out already~" Romeo purred, but soon, he got interrupted by a voice calling his name. "Ve~! Romeo, are you-a bothering this-a ragazza?" Two identical men approached us, and Romeo paled, "No, of course not!!" he waved his hands violently.

The man that the voice was coming from had bright brown hair with a weird curl also sticking out, fair white skin, his eyes were closed (how on earth can he see!?), and some weird blue uniform. The man beside him looked similar, but with some differences; darker brown hair, parted closer to the left and a weird curl as well, tanner skin, brown eyes with a hint of green, and the same uniform but brown.

"Stop harassing the poor piccola ragazza!" The tanner grumbled. Romeo lowered his head and became, what I assume to be, depressed, "Alright....". The tan man looked over at me, "Sorry about-a my fratello idiota. I'm Lovino," Lovino extended his hand to me, and I shook it. "Ve~! Sono Feliciano!!" Feliciano chirped. I was about to say my name before Romeo introduced me, "Her name is Y/n~!" He snapped back into his normal self.

Lovino, Feliciano, Romeo, and Wy soon started to converse about random topics, and a boy came up to me. "Wow, you unfortunate soul, you seem to be lonely! Don't worry, I have gifted you with my presence!!" the boy said, putting an arm around my shoulder. The boy looked about my age, had messy strawberry blonde hair, bright sky blue eyes, fair skin, a scar on his right cheek, and a white and blue prince like outfit with a golden apple pendent on it. "Call me Thomas! What is your name?" "Y/n..."

"Okay, Y/n! From now on, you will be my serva-!!" Thomas got interrupted by an arm choking him, "Don't listen to him! He's just weird!" Peter smiled, and I laughed, "Thanks, Peter,". Peter and Thomas started to "fight", and I wandered around to see who else is here. I ended up bumping into a man. The man was kind of skinny and had short black hair with small bangs at on both sides of his face, light brown eyes, ivory skin, and a black and white uniform with some gold on it as well.

Kiku's POV
I was talking to Mr. Germany, Mr. Prussia, and Mr. Austria about random topics, and Mr. Prussia just kept bugging Mr. Austria, "Kesesesese!! Jou love me, and jou know it!" Mr. Prussia teased. I'm surprised Mr. Austria and Mr. Prussia are soulmates because they're nothing alike. Yes, they're soulmates, and the reason I can tell is because of the red strings around their left ring fingers. I can easily see soulmates because I am what they call a "searcher". I help others find their soulmates.

I felt something slightly push me forward. I looked over to what pushed me and saw a young girl with h/l h/c hair, e/c eyes, s/c skin, and she was wearing a f/c hoodie, a white f/a T-shirt, and black leggings/skirt/shorts/pants. "I-I am so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you!" she looked at me with panic. "It is arright, rittre one," I said, patting her head. Mr. Prussia looked at the girl and smiled, "Sup, kleines mädchen, what's your name?". She looked at him and nervously smiled, "Y/n!" "Awesome name, but not as awesome as mein, kesesesese!!!" Mr. Prussia laughed.

Mr. Austria rolled his eyes, "Don't mind him; he's just stupid. My name is Roderich, nice to meet you," he nodded towards her. "Call me Ludvig, but please replace zhe v vith a w...." Mr. Germany said, crossing his arms, and Y/n nodded. Mr. Prussia put his arm around her, "Call me zhe awesome Gilbert!" Mr. Germany came behind him and started to choke him. I looked over to her, "Prease, carr me Kiku,". I was use to others calling me by that since they used first names and not last names.

Suddenly, my soulmate, America came up and tackled me into a hug, "Kiku, dude, I missed ya!!!" he screamed into my ear. I flinched at the sound but awkwardly hugged him back. He got off me and looked at Y/n, "Sup, dudette!! What your name, bro?" "Y/n!" Y/n smiled, and they shook hands. Britain soon approached with his husband and other son, "Alfred, you wanker, don't rush in without us, and leave poor Kiku alone!" Britain scolded America.

Soon, the two started to bicker, and France and Canada introduced the family to Y/n, "I am zo zorry for zhem! 'onestly, I ztill wonder why zhey act more like a married couple zhan 'ow I act wizh Arzhur!" France shook his head. "je m'appelle Francis! Zhat right zhere is my 'usband Arzhur, my oldest son Alfred, and zhiz iz my younger son Matthieu!". France shook Y/n's hand and smiled at her, and she looked over at Canada and also shook his hand. However, I noticed something on both of their hands; a red string connecting them.

Y/n's POV
I started to talk to Matthew and Kiku, and I joke around with Matthew, "Say it again!!!" I teased, but he shook his head, "No!"

"Please!" I pushed, scooting closer to him.

"No!!" He crossed his arms and pouted.

"Come on!!" I begged, making puppy dog eyes.

Matthew sighed before nodding, "Aboot...." he whispered, and I bursted our laughing. "Oh my god, that's beautiful!!" I continued laughing -well more like dying-, but my laughter was interrupted by Emi clearing his throat, "Y/n, I want you to meet someone," he said, scratching the back of his head. I looked over to him, and he had a boy beside him. The  boy looked around Emi's age, and he kind looked like Kiku but his hair was slightly longer and lighter, his eyes were nearly black, and he was wearing a red and gold kind of coat with brown  short/pants and bandages wrapped around his legs.

"Leon, this is my little sister, Y/n, and Y/n...." he paused for a minute, "Meet my boyfriend Leon....". I looked at him with shock before my lips turned into the biggest grin possible, "OH MY LORD, YES!!!!" I squealed, jumping up and down. Kiku taught me a new word earlier; at first I didn't understand it, but now, I do, "I ship you two!!!" I couldn't hold my excitement. Emi looked relieved, but Leon looked at Kiku, "I approved," Kiku said bluntly before, for some weird reason, taking out a camera and taking pictures of the two.

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