Had Enough (Sakura)

By razors98

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Had Enough
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
The Sequel is Out

Chapter 11

15.1K 543 101
By razors98

Sakura was getting tired but didn't want to take any chances. Suigetsu on the other hand was willing to take a chance and even tried to persuade Sakura into resting for the night but Sakura wouldn't budge. "It's not like your the one carrying two people and it's obvious that they're going to stay like this for at least until tomorrow." Suigetsu whined. The reaction he got from Sakura was something he didn't expect. Sakura stopped on landed on a firm tree branch. "Give them to me." Sakura said. He was startled and barely processed what she said. "I don't think..." He was cut off by Sakura. "Now." She was getting inpatient and for all she knew a rescue team could have been tracking them or a back up squad could have been sent if this team had failed. There was just to many possibilities.

'Lighten up a little if there's any trouble your going to be able to take care of it so don't worry. Remember your able to kick some serious ass when you want to.' Inner Sakura told her. Sakura inhaled deeply and then looked at Suigetsu who looked like he was about fall. "Fine but just for tonight." Sakura said out loud thinking that she said it to herself or to her inner. "Thank goodness any longer and I would've dropped these people and just go to sleep." Sakura mentally cursed herself for having spoken out loud. Suigetsu was ready to pass out but remembered he had to tie the three goons to a tree.

"I'll get first watch." Sakura said already knowing that even if she wanted to sleep first he wasn't going to listen and fall straight to sleep. 'He's like a stubborn little child. You can't tell him anything.' Sakura giggled softly at that thought. She held in a sign when she thought about going back to the village hidden in the leaves. 'Back to the place where they believe with all there hearts that we're weak.' Her said in a monotone that scared Sakura. She's never heard her inner sound so emotionless or anything remotely close to it. Her inner always spoke with so much emotion laced to her voice whenever she said anything. Even if it was a comment about the weather. There was always some type of emotion in it. 'Are you okay inner?' Sakura was truly worried. There was a short silence that seemed like hours for Sakura. 'Yeah I just can't stand the way they think about us. Weak, useless, helpless, and incapable of anything.' Her inner snarled. 'Not everyone thinks that of us you know. Like Tsunade-sama, Naruto, Hinata, and Ino.' Sakura tried to convince her inner that not everyone thought that way of her. Inner didn't want to bring her down by saying something that would only break Sakura's fighting spirit even more then when Sasuke had left the village.

'Your right I shouldn't be thinking that way only ratty little bitc -' Sakura cut her off not wanting to insult the headed girl. 'Hey can't we be nice to her? Maybe that's the only thing that she needs someone to be nice to her. She was probably like us getting bullied and just wants a friend.' Sakura said but she knew she really didn't like her but she wanted to be one good terms with her since she has to share apartment with her. Her inner just stayed silent. The news she was going to receive when they got back to the village was going to have a bit of an impact on her so she decided not give her a hard time for the mean time.

'Fine but can we take a slower pace to Kohona? I just want time to be out since we are almost always in there if not working at the hospital.' Her Inner said trying to but time. 'I guess we could.' And that was the end of the conversation. That was also the last time they spoke to each other for the rest of the night. Although Sakura was bored as hell she didn't dare break the silence.

Dawn soon came but it felt like forever for Sakura since there was nothing to do and her Inner wasn't talking so that meant she didn't want the silence to be broken. Sakura entered the tent and woke Suigetsu up. He groaned and rolled over. Sakura tried again by dumping water all over the him.

Cold water.

Suigetsu jumped up and looked Sakura with a 'WTF' look on his face. Sakura just shrugged and got in her sleeping bag. "Your turn for watch." Was all she said before she went to sleep. He just signed and went outside the tent.

~Four hours later~

Sakura walked out of the tent to see Suigetsu poking the shinobi with a stick. She raised an eyebrow at his actions. "Care to explain what your doing?" She trying not giggle at his attempt to cure his boredom. "I got bored and there was stick laying on the ground. It was practically begging me to pick it up and them. And I also wanted to see if I could get a reaction out of them. When they wake up they're going to have sore sides." Suigetsu said still poking one. This time instead of the side he was poking his face. "It's about time you woke up though I was thinking I was going to have to wake you up myself." He finished with a glint in his eyes that practicality screamed mischief.

"Good thing I woke up when I did then." She mumbled to herself. "Come let's get going I don't want to deal with them when they wake up." Suigetsu looked at her and then the three men tied to the tree. "Are you kidding? It still looks like they'll be knocked out for another day or two. That was some earthquake huh? Anyways it helped both you and me." Suigetsu said eyeing the three men as he spoke his thoughts. He unintentionally got both Sakura and Inner Sakura mad. "Cha! What's that suppose to mean?!" She yelled clenching her fist.

"No doubt you were struggling to defend yourself and I was running low on chakra so if was't for that freak accident we would've been toast." He said as if was the most obvious thing in world. "I did that since you were in a heated battle and you obviously to busy struggling that you didn't realize that there was another ninja creeping behind you! I yelled at you but I'm guessing you didn't hear and I wasn't going to stand by and watch." Sakura shouted.

"How do I know your not lying." He responded. An irk mark popped on the back of Sakura's head. "Fine believe whatever you want. Do I look that weak?!" She said the last part to more to herself than him. She shook her head to clear her head. "Let's just get going." She said as pushed way past Suigetsu. Sakura grabbed two men and started running.

After a brief silence her Inner pipped up for the first time that day. 'Are you going to report this directly the hokage or drop them off at the interrogation building?' She asked. Sakura thought for a moment and then she decided. 'We're going straight to the Tsunade-sama and she can deal with them.' Sakura quickened her speed. 'After that you can answer my question!' Sakura was running even faster as she thought about her question finally being answered. To say she was getting excited was an understatement.

'Roger that. And you might want to be in the forest when answer that little question of yours.' Her inner informed her. 'Why?' She asked. 'Just do it.' Sakura huffed at her inner's response. Meanwhile Suigetsu was struggling to just keep her within his sight. 'Damn this girl's fast.' 

Sakura saw the gates of the village growing bigger. She was getting ready to speed through the entrance when she saw a figure waiting there at the gate. As she got closer she saw exactly who it was. 'He's probably waiting for his cocky teammate.' Sakura thought and started slowing down so she wouldn't crash into him. "Finally *pant* caught up *pant* to you." Suigetsu said as he was now running next to Sakura. "Sasuke is waiting for you at the gate. You might not want to keep him waiting." Sakura responded. Suigetsu looked at weirdly and stopped in front of the gates gasping for air.

"Are you even human?" He asked still trying catch his breath. Sakura put a hand over her heart and answered. "Why of course I am." She was about to take off when Sasuke spoke. "Sakura we need to talk." Sakura rolled her bright emerald eyes. "Maybe later." She was about sprint towards the Hokage Tower but Sasuke grabbed her arm. "Now." He said in drop dead serious tone. "Sorry but I have to report the mission Tsunade-sama." Sakura spoke with a sweet tone and turned to see Sasuke roll his eyes at her tone. She lifted her head to look up at Sasuke. "So GET YOUR HAND OFF ME!" she yelled in his face.

Sasuke was taken back but it only showed for a split second then the same impassive look crept back onto his face. He didn't let go until he heard a couple of groans come from behind Sakura. He looked over her shoulder and spotted two men on the ground stirring. Taking this as an opportunity she grabbed the two men by the collars of their vest and bolted for the Hokage Tower. Sasuke turned to see Suigetsu on the floor. "Hn. I bet she was useless as usual." Sasuke said he watched Sakura's retreating form.

After Sakura told everything to Tsunade and handed over the two men she brought with her. Sakura made a beeline for the nearest forest and then was getting jittery. 'Okay Inner now spill why didn't I switch places with you when I let you get control?' Sakura asked again. Inner Sakura took a deep breath trying to figure out how explain it her outer self. 'Um...how do I explain it. You know how you have me as a split personality?' Her said. Sakura raised an eyebrow at this. 'Yeah of course why?' She asked.

'Well you see um...you don't actually have a split personality.' Her Inner waited for the question that just knew Sakura was ask.

'What do you mean?!' She was clearly confused.

'I mean it's actually a jutsu that was placed when you were younger.'

"What do mean they placed a jutsu on me?! Are you some kind of demon or what?!" Sakura shouted.

'And this is why I told you to go to a forest.' Her Inner said.

"Answer me!" Sakura yelled.

Her Inner signed. 'No I'm not a demon or anything. So-' She was cut off by Sakura.

"Then what are you! What kind of jutsu did they put on me?" Sakura shouted but toned down to a loud whisper at the end.

'Cha! Let me finish then and maybe you'll get your questions answered!' Inner Sakura yelled.

Sakura stayed quite.

'Okay...' She inhaled deeply and started 'well for starters they placed this jutsu for a reason. This might shock you so brace yourself.' Sakura mentally prepared herself. 'Your not actually Sakura Haruno.' Sakura had prepared herself for something shocking but she never would've guessed this was going to come out of her Inner's mouth.

"W-what?" Sakura was speechless. She really was at a loss for words.

'I was small when this was going on but I can remember it like it was yesterday.' Sakura could hear the slight broken tone that was in her Inner's voice. 'I was a troublemaker back then and was so full of energy. I was running around in my Tou-san's study room waiting for him to finish his paperwork but when I saw how big the paper stack was he asked if I wanted to help. Of course it was joke and it was also an attempt to get me leave him alone in there. To say the least it worked I went running to find Kaa-san. She would always play with me to keep me out of trouble.' Sakura interrupted her Inner.

"I thought our parents we're the ones that raised in the village." Sakura said trying to figure it out.

'They are or were. It'll make since once I finish the story.' Inner said.

"Fine." Sakura responded.

'I was on my way to Kaa-san's room but I heard coming from the garden we had in the backyard. I went to check it out since nothing really happens around our house. I thought I was going to find a bunny or some sort of small animal. Sliding the door open I didn't see anything and decided to get out into the garden. Once I closed the door and turned around I saw a man with a lot of piercings with orange spiky hair and a women that had a paper flower in her hair. At the time I didn't know who they were.' She stopped for a moment then continued. 'For a while I just there looking at them and then I got bored of the silence and broke it. After they had introduced themselves you can say I had somewhat told them who I was.'

"What exactly did you say?" Sakura asked.

'Okay I said that it was nice to meet them and that I was the was the heir to the Haruno clan after-' She was cut off again by Sakura.

"Wait you mean that our parents were the head of the Haruno clan! I didn't even know I even know there was even a Haruno clan much less that I was the heiress to it." Sakura said.

Inner Sakura just continued 'After I had said this they looked at me and then my house. They were in disbelief you can say. No one knew the heads of the clan had a child. Everyday after that we played and well Konan played with me while Pein talked to me about events that happened outside the clan and the house. After a couple of  months they stopped coming and I told my parents about them when they didn't come back after a week of waiting. They had worried faces and immediately called for a emergency meeting. After everyone had arrived Tou-san explained that they had me and why didn't say anything about me. And started to discuss which part of the clan would stay in Kohona and how much of the clan would move to a different hidden village. Once all that was sorted out Kaa-san had told me what they were going to do.' She stopped and took a breath.

'Kaa-san and Tou-san had draw symbols on my forehead. The jutsu was going to give me another personality that would take control of my body and have no memory of anything. Not about the clan or that I was the heir to the clan.' Inner Sakura said and was about to continue but Sakura had a question.

'Why? What would a completely new person do?' Sakura asked this time she didn't speak out loud.

'They hoped that if they did this jutsu that I wouldn't give any important information of the clan away.' Inner Sakura said. 'Well when they were about to perform the jutsu I spoke a few words that would be the last time I would speak to them. I told them that I loved them with all my heart and I didn't mean to do this. And to never forget their daughter's real personality. After that they proceeded with the jutsu and I felt like I was being pushed inside myself and a wall being built and then going unconscious. They had already got a house and moved everything.' She paused not sure if her outer was able absorb everything she said.

'Wow and when we woke up I was already here. Is this the reason I could remember past age five?' Sakura asked.

'Yup. Now you know the truth don't tell anyone adding a personality to someone is one of the secret jutsus of the Haruno's.' Inner Sakura finished.

'Oh should go ask Tsunade-sama to spar with me.' Sakura thought. Training would help her get over the fact she was never really who she thought she was.

A/N: I honestly kinda don't like Inner's story but my brain won't work with me today. Maybe it's because I haven't had candy in a while. That's probably it. Oh and next chapter will have a little more Sasuke in it. Well I'm off to get some candy so until the next chapter. BYE! :D

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