The Daughter's Mistake

By thenextstevenmoffat

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"Why don't I just end it all now?" I choke. "You've got something holding you back." "Remind me what that is... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Book 3!

Chapter 9

535 21 10
By thenextstevenmoffat

"Do you care for me?" I ask. Sam sighs and walks away from me, but I take hold of his wrist and am able to make him stop. "Answer me," I demand.

"Okay, no," Sam replies. My grip loosens and I just stand there absolutely speechless. "You wanted an answer, you got one." He turns on his heel and starts toward the Impala.

"Sam," I call out. Sam stops and turns to face me. "You said there were things that you could remember," I pause to collect myself -- even though I feel like my heart has been ripped out of my chest, I am not going to cry, "You remember some things, and you what? How were you going to finish that sentence?" Sam just shakes his head and continues to move forward.

I should've known better than to expect a different answer, I'm stupid to think that maybe if I keep asking him the same question that his answer might change. That's the definition of insanity -- trying the same thing multiple times expecting a different result. I don't need to be tested to know that I am, in fact, insane. I've known that there's something wrong with me the day that I was stupid enough to meet with my dad again.

To think that maybe my life would've been decent if I wasn't so desperate to spend time with him as a child. I could be sitting around at home, watching Dr. Sexy, doing things that normal people do. I could live not knowing that there are things out there in the dark -- I could live with my false sense of security. But of course that life would never last, in the end, those monsters would always find their way back to me.

I'm snapped out of my daze when my phone starts to go off. I expect it to be Castiel, but it's my dad calling me. "Hi," I answer.

"I've got something for you guys," he replies.

"It's so nice to hear from you too," I say sarcastically. I always do that when he doesn't even bother to say hello or ask how I'm doing -- whenever he just starts to talk about a job, he better expect a sarcastic reply.

"Okay, hi. I hope you're having the best day ever," he replies sarcastically, Like father like daughter. "But please, listen. This job, there have been four disappearances in the past couple weeks."

"Where?" I ask.

"I was getting to that. Elwood, Indiana. Just tell the boys what I just told you, and I want you to go too," dad says. He hangs up without saying goodbye.

"Love you too," I mutter. I stuff my phone back in my pocket and join the boys as they sit on the hood of the Impala, waiting for me.

"Who was that?" Dean asks.

"Dad. He's got a case for us. Come on, we gotta go," I reply. I sit down and slam the door shut behind me.

"Easy, you can't be so rough with her. You might scratch up the doors or something," Dean says, acting as if the Impala is a living and breathing thing. My mood goes from sad to furious within a matter of seconds, I don't understand all of my mood swings. "What's this case or whatever that Bobby wants us to do?"

"Call him yourself," I reply angrily. I lay across the seat with my head laying on Sam's leather coat that he threw into the back seat. I inhale the scent of his cologne that is still heavy on his coat. I close my eyes, ignoring the sound of the rock music that Dean is blasting through his speakers.

"Olivia," Sam's voice says in the distance. I open my eyes, my surroundings are unfamiliar, but the man standing before me is all too familiar. I appear to be laying on a bed, and I'm in some random motel room -- I feel like I've been here before, but I'm not entirely sure. "Olivia," Sam repeats.

I sit up. I look around to see if anyone else is in the room too, but it seems to be just Sam and I. Sam gives me his hand and helps me up, something is really off about this entire thing -- I'm sure Lucifer is gonna show up or something. Sam doesn't seem like his soulless self, he seems different.

"Sam?" I say. He smiles and nods.

"I missed you so much, Olivia," he replies. "I tried so hard to get back to you, and now here you are." He takes my face in his hands and leans in, but I push on his chest.

"This is a dream. This isn't real," I tell myself. Sam lifts me up and plants his lips on mine, the feeling is all too real. This isn't like the last time -- he was rough and it wasn't kind like it was before -- but now his lips, they're soft, they're warm, they're like the first time that we kissed. Nothing was rushed, the air was still, and the night was quiet; it was just us out there, and that moment our lips met, it seemed like nothing could ruin that moment.

Our lips part and I want that feeling again. Sam smiles, "You can't tell me that wasn't real." Olivia, this is only a dream. You know that it isn't real. Don't let him trick you, you're only golng to make things worse. I just stare at him, then my eyes go from his eyes to his lips.

I could do it, I could just kiss him -- after all, this is just a dream. But Cas, Cas is able to enter people's dreams, what if that happens? I can't let him walk into my dream and let him see me kissing Sam. Screw it.

My lips smash against his. I shouldn't do this, but I want to. I've wanted to for so long. I missed the feeling of his lips on mine.

I fall back on the bed, and I see Sam as he stands over me. The last time this happened, I was cowering in fear, but now I don't really know what I'm feeling. I'm sure that I should have guilt, but I don't. Now I know what Sam feels -- to not know what you're truly feeling.

I should tell him to stop now, but he moves forward. He kisses me again, then he bites down on my neck. I grit my teeth, trying to keep from yelling out in pain. It hurts, but it feels good all at the same time.

Then that's the moment that I wake up. The moonlight shines on my face, and I can see Sam just staring at me while Dean continues to look at the road. "You alright?" he asks with this worried tone. I rub my eyes, lay there, and let out a sigh.

"Yeah, perfectly fine," I reply.

"You sounded like you were in pain," Dean says. I can feel my cheeks grow warm, and I reach for my neck. There's nothing there, but I swear that my dream was actually real.

"No, no. I'm fine," I reply. I run my hands through my hair as I continue to lay there. I turn to meet Sam's eyes, he continues to stare at me. Our gaze doesn't break until the second Dean starts to talk.

"So, I called Bobby like you said," he begins, "He mentioned the disappearances."

"How long until we get there?" I ask.

"I estimate five hours. So, I guess you could go back to sleep or something."

I think about it -- I still am a little drowsy, but I decide against it. "No, I think I'm fine," I lie. I'm not fine. I haven't been fine for a while, and I'm scared that more noises -- possibly words -- might come out of my mouth if I go back to sleep.

I lay there, staring at the ceiling in the car. I can feel someone's eyes beating down on me. I look and lock eyes with Sam again. It's strange, it's like I know that he really is there somewhere, or maybe soulless Sam is really making an effort to change.

He flashes a smirk and my cheeks flush. He chuckles and Dean takes notice. "What's so funny?" he asks.

Sam shakes his head, "Nothing," he replies. At that moment, I bust out laughing.

"Are you sure? Do you two got some secret joke going on?" Dean asks.

I continue to laugh along with Sam as a thought comes to my mind, mine and Sam's relationship is based entirely on secrets that we kept from Dean. It all started that night when I kissed Sam for the first time, since then the secrets have just escalated. Five hours later, we pull into town in Elwood, Indiana. It's small, there are a bunch of stores that line the streets -- the kind of stores that are more local, like a downtown type of area only that's basically the entire town.

We talk to a number of people, a witness who was with one of the victims the night of his kidnapping, an older gentleman who says that it was aliens, and then a hippie who is sure that it's aliens and is convinced that it's "the extraterrestrial trying to reach out to us." I really doubt that it's aliens, it's probably someone taking people and using them for some sacrificial ritual, or an actual demon. We go to a nearby watch shop, this is where the earliest victim's father works, apparently this man owns the shop. We walk in and I'm surround by clocks and all I can hear is the sound of ticking.

"Um, hello, Mr. Brennan? We're with The Mirror, we would like to ask you some questions," Dean says. Mr. Brennan, the watch shop owner, turns around to look at us. He's an older man, he's balding, and he slouches as he sits working at his bench.

"Is this about Patrick?" he asks. We stay silent as he sits there. "Patrick is gone, he's not coming back."

"You sound pretty sure about that," Sam replies.

"They say that after seventy-two hours, the odds of finding a missing person drop to practically nothing," Mr. Brennan says. "Why don't you just leave? Come on, get out!" he yells then he leads us outside.

"I'm pretty sure that guy is hiding something. He knows that there's something going on," Dean says once we're outside.

"Yeah, he seemed too jumpy," I add.

"Why don't you stay and watch the watchmaker, Sam and Olivia, go with me to check out the cornfield," Dean suggests.

As wary I am of staying with Sam to keep an eye on the watchmaker, I would say that I'm more scared of the idea of exploring a cornfield where people have been disappearing. "No...I think I'm going to...stick with Sam on this one," I reply hesitantly. Sam and Dean both give me looks of surprise.

Dean lets out a sigh, "Fine. But do not maim, kill, or make any judgement calls whatsoever. If anything happens, call me. Oh, and another thing, don't hurt her. Don't make me regret this decision."

"I'll keep an eye on him, and trust me, I'm not going to let anything bad happen. I'm a big girl," I reply.

"And you know, I was on my own for a year, I did fine without you," Sam adds.

Dean laughs, "Sure. But I don't want to know what your definition of 'fine' is," he replies.

"Probably the same as mine," I add. Sam and I exchange glances, his stare isn't evil like usual thankfully. Dean takes one last look at us then he walks down the street.




"The only thing this guy is up to is alcoholism," Sam says as he talks to Dean on the phone. We've been sitting at this bar for the past four hours. As soon as Mr. Brennan left his shop, he came here; he's been drinking beer after beer since then.

"I still think that talking to him is a bad idea," I say to Sam. I take a sip out of my bottle of beer. Sam just shoots me a look. Sam continues to talk to Dean then I hear yelling.

"Close encounter! Close encounter!" Dean yells. I nearly spit out my drink and I start to laugh.

"Woah, what kind? Is it the first, second?" Sam asks. I keep laughing, Sam seems to be genuinely serious.

"They're after me!" Dean screams.

"The third already? You better run faster because I heard that the fourth is like some kind of butt thing," Sam says. I laugh even harder when Sam says that, and he flashes me a smile. Then the next thing that we know, Dean goes silent.

Sam hangs up the phone, the call must've dropped. The waitress brings Sam another drink, she walks away and Sam starts to check out her butt. My good mood has just been ruined. "What?" he asks me, taking notice of my now bad mood.

"I hate guys that do that," I say.

"Do what?"

"Check out girl's butts all the time. If you're going to try to be like Sam, don't do that. Sam never did that." Well, I wouldn't really know because who knows what he did when I wasn't around.

"You're just jealous," he says and laughs.

"Ha! Me? Jealous? Don't flatter yourself." A few hours later, we still haven't heard from Dean. We head to the cornfield to search for him. I call his cell phone and then I can hear it, the rock music playing as his ringtone.

Sam finds it and picks it up, but Dean is nowhere to be found. "He was seriously abducted by aliens?" I ask with disbelief.

"Apparently," Sam replies waving Dean's cell phone up in the air.

"Well, then what do we do?" Sam and I exchange looks. "Oh, please don't mean..."

"We have to go talk to them. They might be able to help." Sam grabs my hand and pulls me along out of the cornfield. We come to a trailer park, or a place where four or five trailer homes have been set up. This is basically ground zero for these crackheads, hippies, and other weirdos that are alien fanatics.

"Um, hi. Listen, you hunt these aliens, right?" Sam asks the older man that we talked to earlier.

"Yes. Like I said, the truth is out there," he replies. He sits at a table that he's got set up -- he's got all kinds of papers and pamphlets on aliens and whatever sitting on his table.

"How do you catch one?" Sam asks.

"I'm sorry, what?" the man replies.

"Well, it's just...his brother was abducted, and we kinda want to get him back," I say. A hippie woman who is a bit younger with red hair comes out of nowhere.

"Your brother got abducted?" she asks Sam.

He nods.

"Was it when you were kids?" she asks.

"No, it was about a half hour ago," Sam replies. He looks back to the man sitting at the table. The man sitting at the table smiles and hands Sam one of his papers, I look at it with him from over his shoulder. "Is this it?" Sam asks.

"About thirty years of eyewitness accounts, I think that's pretty good. Yeah, that is it," the man replies.

"Wait, you've been working on this for thirty years and you've got no concrete evidence or workable leads? Has anyone ever told you that you might be a sucky alien hunter?" Sam says. This guy's face turns into a frown and he hangs his head down.

"I am so sorry," I say to the guy at the table, "Sam!" I whisper to him. He's walking forward with this hippie lady following behind him, trying to get involved in finding Dean -- she's probably just trying to get laid. "Okay, hi, lady. I have no idea who you are, but we don't need help. Thanks, bye!" I say to her, grab Sam's hand, and drag him away.

"What was that?!" he asks me.

"If you wanted to get into some girl's pants, I think you should go hire a prostitute," I say to him.

"I-- What?!"

"You obviously didn't realize that she was flirting with you." We get to the car when Sam has me pushed up against the side.

"Look me in the eye and tell me you're not jealous," Sam says in a low voice. It sends a shiver down my spine.

"Where did that come from?!" I exclaim.

"Just say it. Say it, and I'll believe you." I lock eyes with him and I feel his hand rest on my hip, then he goes lower for my thigh when I take hold of his hand.

I look from his hand back up to his eyes, I hesitate for a moment. "We can't do this here," I whisper. He chuckles.

"I knew you couldn't deny it." Once back to the motel, the first thing that Sam does is takes off his shirt. I slam him up against a wall and kiss him. What am I doing, because obviously this isn't me.

Everything that's going on right now reminds me of my dream -- unless that dream was another sign of my future. He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around him. "You must think that I'm stupid," he says talking into my neck.

"Why do you say that?" I reply weakly. Sam throws me on top of the bed. He plants a kiss on my lips and locks eyes with me.

"You think I don't know what you're dreaming about. I've never seen your face that red. Why don't I help you make that dream come true?" He kisses me again then he kisses my neck. A groan emits from my lips as he bites down and starts to suck on my neck. I can feel him breathing on my neck as he stops.

His eyes meet mine, all I can see is the lust. "Don't...stop," I say between breaths. He smiles and dips his head down to my collarbone, leaving a trail of kisses. My breathing grows heavier as he travels down my body.

He places his hands on my thighs and he starts to unbutton my pants when the image of Castiel pops into my mind. "You are so beautiful," he says to me. My skinny jeans slide off of my body, and Sam grins at me. "Just like last time, remember?"

"Sam," I call out breathlessly. He kisses my forehead.

"Is this what you want?" he asks. I nod my head frantically. He grips my thighs and wraps me around him as he climbs on top of me. For a moment, it's like this is Sam, my Sam.

He asked me if it was okay, he apparently cares enough to ask for permission to get in my pants. But why do I let him? Maybe that feeling of longing for him has grown too strong for me to ignore anymore. But Castiel is going to be so heartbroken once he finds out.

"Are you sure?" Sam asks for assurance.

"Please," I say in desperation. He kisses me one last time.


I've never done anything like that, having sex just because I wanted to. I've only done this one other time, but I did that out of love, not because I just truly wanted to.

I guess Sam wasn't the only one with lustful intentions. I lay there with my head on Sam's chest, listening to his heartbeat, and feeling his chest rise and fall. Sam kisses my forehead softly. "Would the old Sam do this?" he asks.

"Yes, he has before...sort of," I reply. I climb out of bed, grabbing my underwear that sits on the floor and the tee shirt that Sam was wearing.

"What do you think you're doing with my shirt?"

"Oh, Sam would let me wear his tee shirts." I flash him a small smile and walk to the bathroom to put on my clothes. I take a look at myself in the mirror, I can see the small red mark on my neck. My hair is now down and it's a ruffled mess.

I mess with my hair so I can cover up the mark, then I put on my underwear and the tee shirt. When I walk out, my heart sinks. Dean stands there in the doorway, but when his eyes meet mine, he knows right away what happened. "Dean," I say with a pleading tone.

Dean just stares at me standing there in nothing but my underwear and Sam's tee shirt. Tears threaten to spill over, now the guilt is starting to settle in. I regret my decision to sleep with Sam. Of course in the moment that Sam made me feel so good, I knew that high would come with a crash at some point -- I didn't expect the crash to be this hard.

"Dean, please say something," I say with my voice breaking.

"Is this what you enjoying doing now? Do you enjoy sleeping with other men while the guy that really loves you is upstairs working his ass off so he can see you more?" Dean yells. I can't stop the tears, they start to stream down my face.

"Did he really say that to you? That he loved me?" I say in between sobs.

"I figured you would've already known that. How is Bobby gonna take hearing this? Hearing that his daughter is some slut? I'm sure that he's going to love hearing that news, maybe then he'll really keep you a secret. Bobby Singer's daughter, the slut."

Sam just looks at me while I stand there, a complete mess. "Don't tell him," I pause, "Please, I am begging you, don't say anything to him or Cas."

"I don't see why I shouldn't." Dean puts his hands over his head and walks around the room. "You know what? I won't. I won't tell then, because you're going to tell them yourself." I should've expected that, I guess this just makes the pain even worse. I grab my skinny jeans off the floor and head back to the bathroom where I sit on the floor and sob.

I hear yelling which must be Sam and Dean arguing. Then the yelling quiets down. I slip my jeans back on while leaving Sam's tee shirt on, put my hair into a ponytail, and wipe the tears from my eyes. I notice the red mark Sam left on my skin, but there's no use hiding it anymore since Dean knows.

My phone starts buzzing, it sits on the beside table. I walk by Dean, avoiding his glare, and I pick up my phone. It's a text from Castiel, actually more like twenty messages from Castiel. He keeps asking me where I am and if I'm okay, I wish that I could say that I am but I'm really not.

As I read through the remainder of the texts, my phone starts to buzz again -- only this time it's a phone call from Castiel. I stare at the screen thinking that I should just let it keep buzzing, but I push the decline button and it stops instantly. I feel the need to cry again, but I don't think that I should. What I really need is a drink.




It's awkward sitting in this bar right across from Dean while I sit next to Sam. Sam looks over to the very pretty waitress who just happens to have her boobs hanging out of her shirt. Sam nods his head and smiles at her. I'm too upset to really function, so I just stare at my bottle of beer.

"You just gave her the silent 'How you doing.' I can't believe you two! You realize that I was abducted by aliens, right?" Dean says angrily.

"Believe me, we looked into it," Sam replies. Sam looks at me, but I continue to stare at my beer bottle.

"Really? Cause it sounds like you two were just having sex in the motel room, it really looked that way." Dean stares at me, and I catch his glare.

"Excuse me," I say and get up from the table. I walk to the bathroom and lock myself in one of the stalls. I feel like crying, I feel like smashing everything in arm's reach, I just have all of these feelings. I'm not sure how to let it all out -- but letting it out in a public restroom is not a good place to do such a thing.

I sit there in the stall, just staring at the wall. I look at all the drawings, the messages, and the hundreds of phone numbers that are written on the walls of this small cubicle. My phone goes off and I have a text from Sam. "You doing alright in there?" he asks.

"Trying not to kick down the walls in here," I reply. I sigh and decide to go back to the table after washing my hands, who knows what could've been in that single stall. At the table, I see Sam sitting there by himself. "Where's Dean?" I ask.

"Went back to the motel. We've got to head to the library," Sam replies. Really at this moment, I wish that I was at my dad's away from both of the Winchesters. I slept with one the night before, and I've got the other that basically hates me now. I just have the feeling that I couldn't care less if I fell in a hole and couldn't get out.

We go to the library and do more research on aliens. The people that have made all of these theories...they're crazy. We go through every possible theory, and before we know it, the library is closing. When we come back, Dean's eyes are wide open and full of fear, and he's standing in front of the microwave.

"Don't you see that?" Dean asks us. He has the microwave door open and he's pointing to the inside, expecting us to see something inside but it's empty.

"See what?" Sam replies.

"Yeah, I'm not seeing anything," I add.

"All of that gunk. That crap that's literally everywhere," Dean pleads.

"Let's just go with that you can see it and we can't," Sam says.

"What exactly happened when we were gone?" I ask.

Dean sighs, "There was this...this naked lady. A glowing, naked, hot lady. She had these nipples...and she hit me." Dean hangs his head and a frown appears on his face. I don't know if it would be okay to laugh, but I advise against it because Dean is already mad enough at me and he seems serious about this.

"Is this supposed to be funny?" Sam asks. Dean shoots him an angry look. "Okay, I'll take that as a no."

"Did this thing happen to have...wings?" I ask.

"Um, yeah," Dean replies hesitantly. "How did you know?"

Sam's face lights up, "When we went to the library, we discovered a bunch of theories because basically everyone is obsessed with aliens. This is one of the more ridiculous theories, but," Sam walks over to the table and starts typing on his laptop furiously, he turns around and I see a web page.

"Smurfs?" Dean asks.

"Fairies," I correct him. He lets out a sigh and rolls his eyes.

"Fairies? Are you serious?"

"What if this stuff isn't actually U.F.O.s, but it's actually--" Sam starts.

"Hold on, are you seriously assuming that fairies are behind all of this?" Dean interrupts.

"Hey, you were the one that blew up Tinker Bell in the microwave," Sam adds. "You know, this a good lead."

Dean and I give him a confused look, "A lead where?!" Dean yells. We pay a visit to the hippie woman that we interviewed the day before. Her name is Marion and she lives in a small trailer decorated with different kinds of strange decorations, hundreds of posters and paintings on the walls. She has us take a seat at the small table in her trailer while she brings us tea and some tiny sandwiches.

"Sprites and spriggets, boggarts and brownies. The little people all have different names," she says in a cheery tone. Even though she was a little messed up in her head, she was a nice woman. She's short, kinda stout, and has her hair up in a bun, she also has different hair pieces sticking out in the bun in various places. I can see the sunshine illuminating the large amount of glitter on her face as it shines through the windows.

"Well, um, that's her," Dean replies with fake enthusiasm motioning towards a small statue of a fairy that's covered in glitter. "Anyway, I- I get that um, tinker bells are fairies. But what the little Santa Clause over there, or the little troll thing? Are you saying that these are all fairies?"

"Why, yes. That's a garden gnome and that's a large goblin, fairies all come in different shapes and sizes," Marion replies. "They're magical, mischievous creatures from the realm next door."

"The fairy realm?" Dean asks.

"Yes," she replies.

"So, it's like another dimension or something?" Sam asks.

"Yes, like another reality. Only people who have been to their world and came back here can see the fairies once they return."

"Well, then why are the fairies abducting people?" I ask.

She frowns slightly, but the majority of her smile is still plastered on her face. "There is mostly theory, and there's very little fact. Of course, we know that fairies only take first-born sons. Just like Rumpelstiltskin did. Personally, I believe that they're taken to Avalon where they service Oberon, king of the fairies." The more that this woman talks, I think the faster that my brain cells die, but some of the stuff that she's saying makes some sense. The fact that Dean was taken, he's a first-born son; the fact that only he could see the leftovers of the fairy thing in the microwave, he was taken to "Avalon" and brought back.

Silence fills the trailer, then Sam clears his throat. "Dean, did you um, service the king of the fairies?" he asks. Dean just gives him this look of annoyance. Dean plasters a smile on his face and turns to face Marion.

"Listen, Marion, how do with fairies?" Dean asks.

"You mean, interact with them?" she replies.

"Yes! Forcefully...interact."

"Well, if you want to win a fairy's favor, leave out a bowl of fresh cream. They love cream!" she exclaims.

"And, how about more forcefully? How do you more forcefully interact with them?"

"Hm, I know that fairies hate iron, and the dark fairy burns when it's touched with silver. Oh! If you pour out sugar or salt, no matter how powerful the fairy, the must stop to count each grain."

Dean smiles, "Oh, thank you! Now, I think we should probably be going." We all start to slide out of the booth when she shoots up out of her seat.

"No, please! Stay! Finish your tea!" then she smiles at us for the millionth time. Are this woman's facial muscles just automatically forced to go straight back to smiling or something? Her face must really hurt. We slide back in and start sipping from miniscule tea cups that are sitting in front of us. Dean looks around at the trailer, "admiring" all of the interesting decor.

"You know, I really love the feel of this place," he says with fake enthusiasm.

"It looks like Sedona, Arizona took a crap in here," Sam mutters. I chuckle softly, almost spitting out the tea that's in my mouth.

"It's pewter-iffic! That's what it is," Dean says to take away attention from Sam's comment. Marion starts laughing, Sam's comment must not have phased her. We thank her for the tea and slip out before she keeps us there any longer. "Is it on me?! I feel like the crazy is on me!" Dean yells.

"I know that you were sitting in some glitter," Sam says.

"I don't know, this whole thing makes me want to believe in U.F.O.s again."

"It doesn't really give us anything to work on, but if all else fails, we can just call Bobby," Sam suggests. Dean puts his hand on the door handle when he looks up and his gaze is directed down the street.

"Would you look at that," Dean says. I look from the door handle to where Dean is looking. I see the same man from the watch shop outside a small store, he's loading crates of cream into the back of his car.

"Isn't that the watch guy?" Sam asks.

"Fairies love cream," I add. We all exchange glances then follow the guy back to his store. We sit there watching him as he unloads the many crates and carries them inside.

"Alright, I'm gonna go check out the store. I want you two to stay at least six inches of each other," Dean exits the car and Sam scoots over to the driver's seat. I watch as he walks away then I look down at my hands as they sit in my lap and I twiddle my thumbs.

"You can move up front if you want," Sam says. He locks eyes with me in the rear view mirror and I look away, avoiding eye contact with him. "Is this how's it's going to be the entire time? I just have a one-sided conversation?"

"Unless I can take back what happened last night, then I would be happy to sit in the passenger seat and talk to you, but it looks like that's not going to happen. Enjoy talking to yourself. I'll be here, thinking of how I'm going to explain myself to Castiel, and even my father," I reply.

"Just sit up front, you don't have to talk to me."

"Just keep an eye on him. I'm not moving, end of discussion." We go through the motions again, he ends up leading us to the bar that we were at before everything happened the night before. I sit there, going through at least three bottles of beer until Sam decides that I've had enough. Sam takes a seat next to the watchmaker sitting at the bar.

He speaks to him for a few minutes before he brings him back over to our booth. He talks about how he learned about fairies as a child, how he has been struggling with making watches because he had Parkinson's but fairies cured him when he made a deal, and how they weren't entirely clear on the details. Then finally he mentions this book that he could use to reverse the spell, but the catch is the fairies won't let him near it. We start for the shop, Sam calls Dean, but we find him right outside the bar being handcuffed and forced into a cop car.

"Dean! What happened?" Sam calls.

"You need to fight the fairies! Fight them!" he yells. A crowd is gathered around the cop car and they are all giving him strange looks, some have looks of terror on their faces. The cop shoves him into the back of the cop car, "Fight the fairies!" he yells one last time before they drive off. We reach the watch shop and we sneak in, his workshop is quiet and empty, but obviously there seems to be something there because Mr. Brennan can see and hear something.

"Are they here?" I whisper. He nods his head.

"They're sleeping. We must be quiet," he replies. He tiptoes across the room while Sam and I keep our guns aimed up, not entirely sure where we would need to shoot if something happens. Mr. Brennan takes a book out of a locked safe, he begins to read from it when I hear the sound of a knife piercing flesh. We look to see Mr. Brennan fall over and the man from the trailer park, the crazy alien believer, stands behind him.

"So, it was you," Sam says and we both aim our guns at him.

"Of course. It was the perfect cover," he replies.

"Sure. You have the alien cover story, you have all of these people to back you up on it, and of course you're going to be the one that's in charge of it all," I add.

He looks down at Mr. Brennan and sighs, "This man didn't keep his end of the deal. When we fairies come, we come to stay." Sam pulls the trigger and an iron bullet hits the fairy in the chest. He stumbles backward, cringing in pain, "Iron!" he exclaims weakly. "It may hurt, but it's not a dealbreaker."

"It's okay, we can always just shoot you again," I say.

"That's only if you can see me, and the only way that you'll be able to see me is if I let you," he replies. I pull the trigger and I miss as the fairy disappears, leaving a large hole in the window from the bullet shoots through. Sam is slammed to the ground while I am slammed up against a wall. Sam is getting beat up and that's when I remember the small thing of salt that I have in my coat pocket.

"Hey, buddy!" I call out. He looks up from beating Sam and turns to face me. "Have fun counting," I open the vial and pour out all of its contents. He groans and stoops down to start counting.

Sam rushes to the desk where the book is still open and he begins to read. The fairy curses under his breath while Sam reads, then I see tiny flashes of light as little tiny fairies disappear, and one giant flash as the fairy counting the grains of salt on the floor disappears. I let out a sigh of relief and I wipe the sweat and the tiny bit of blood off of my brow.




The next morning we sit in the middle of a dirt road. Dean has a cooler full of beer out, and him and Sam sit on the hood. I lean up against the side taking sips from my bottle of beer every now and then. I look down the road and see a man in a trench coat standing far away, my stomach does flips as I see him moving towards us.

"I called him," Dean says. "I said that it was important and that you two needed to talk. Now go talk."

"You--" I start.

"Go!" Dean orders. I sit my beer down on the ground and start towards Castiel. When I know that we're out of earshot, Castiel goes to kiss me and I turn so his lips land on my cheek.

"Dean said that you needed to talk to me. Why didn't you just tell me yourself?" he asks. I look at him, I look into his blue eyes that are full of worry. I can see the light shining through them, and I'm sure that light will drain once he hears what I'm about to tell him.

My eyes are wet with tears, I didn't want to do this now. Not with Sam and Dean sitting there, not when I would have to get back in the car and travel with them. Castiel tries to hold my face in his hands, but I push him away. "Olivia, please talk to me."

I take a deep breath, "You know I care for you and I love you right?" I ask him.

"Of course, and you know that I love you too. Please, tell me what's going on. I can help you, I'm right here."

I let out a sob, "You're not going to be for long. Not once I tell you." His expression doesn't change, I can still see the worry in his eyes. "Cas, I--" I start to say it but I can't get the words to come out. "I'm so very sorry."

"Wh- what does that mean?" I turn around and see Sam and Dean just casually sitting on the hood of the Impala, acting as if Castiel and I weren't even standing here having this conversation right now. I take one last deep breath and turn back around to face Castiel.

"Cas...I," I pause, I have to do this. "I slept with Sam."

End of Episode 9

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