The Story of Sally Armstrong...

By Gaz042

755 27 0

Sally Armstrong has danced with death not once, not twice, but thrice. And yet, against all odds, she's been... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 12

27 1 0
By Gaz042

Sally stood over the Master. He had connected his TARDIS to a large computer that was as large as the wall. Sally couldn't even begin to guess where they were, let always when. He fiddled with the wiring contacting it to a small metal box he had in his hands. He gazes intensely as he carefully tinkered with it before starting up at her.

"You know, when I said I wanted you to stand guard I mention at the door, not at me." He watched her, as she huffed, walked to the door.

"Fin," She said pressing her back again the wall, looking out a small window to make sure no one was coming. "It really boring over her." She said in exasperation.

"We are not here to have fun. I'm here on business." He said, too engrossed in what he was doing to pay much attention to her. Nor did he have the time to scold her. she was once again behind him trying to watch what he was doing.

This had gone on for a few minutes when both of them heard footsteps coming down the corridor. Sally jumped from her trance quickly making her way to the door to confirm there was someone walking down. "He is still a ways away. I think it will take them another six, seven minutes till they make it down here.

Without saying anything he began to work even harder. " Ok, he is getting really close now." She said, panic coming over her five minutes later. She could feel her hands getting clammy as she could see him getting approaching. Her heart pounding in her chest. Wanted to call out again but now was scared the man may have been to close and would hear her. Another minute passed, and now she feared if he were to look directly at the door there would be no doubt he would see her. "Harcourt" She hissed under breath. Trying to get his attention. The man had been right on top of the door now. Not know what to do she tried to duck.

Before she could sink down she felt her hand being pulled. There were still wires scattered around the room, but nothing was attached to the TARDIS anymore. As they disappeared in an Identical computer across from the one he was using a light signed in. The man must have noticed this because out of all the doors he sighed his light into this had been the first he opened. As he finally made it in after trying a few keys, finally opening the door. He looked around to find no one, but a distracting computer.


He was now at the center concept with the small metal box. Connecting it with some wires. Not paying any mind to Sally. He eyes the box with great consideration for a long time.

She finally spoke up " Did you get what you needed? asking, not sure if he would hold it against her if he hadn't accomplished what he set out to do.

Finally acknowledging she was in the room for the first time since they got in. "Oh, this, yes. Got everything I needed at the very last second. Good thing for that guard too. He may have gotten quite a shock if he found us in there." He said as a mischievous smirk crawled on his face. Slowly fading when Sally didn't respond to this he went back to what he was doing. "Anyway, I believe we only have one more stop after this." He said as he began to flip a few things on the council as the TARDIS started to take off.

"So where are we going now?" She asked now feeling safe to stand closer to him.

"A small plant at the edge of the Galaxy." He said, now holding the metal box. "They are a peaceful lot, will do almost anything to avoid a fight. They have a stone I need to get this to work."

"That's good, so they may just give it to us?" She asked, standing closer to see what he was doing.

He turned and laughter at her. "I doubt it. They may not fully grasp what they have, but there do regard it quite highly. They believe it's a means of speaking to there gods. It's going to take a lot of work to get our hands on it."

She folded her arms. "So what? Are we just go in and kill everyone?"

As she said this he quickly turned her way. "What? No. What are you mad?"

"Well you just said they were peaceful, so they probably will not have a good defense." As she spoke his face when from anger to entertained.

"Yes, it's true they have nothing as far as defenses. But that doesn't mean they are not protected. The time Lords a long time ago determine that what they had is very important. And with the people miss using the stone was thought it would be better to just observer than to interfere. If we go in guns a blessing we will have the CIA on our tails in a heartbeat. No, we must do this one stealthy. Let our selves be infrtrait there culture and win there trust. Then when they are not looking, take the stone and be on our way." He opened up a small metal box to reveal a small place where the stone could sit.

"What does this do." She asked as she examined it.

The Master flip a small button as the music started to come from it.

Giving him a look as he smiled at her. " I mean when you get your rock."

"Oh, you're going to love it." He had his in the most clever thing to walk to universe smell on. The same one he normally had on before be would go on about something. "This little thing here will make it so we can travel through different dimensions."

Sally stood there, expecting more "that's it then?" She couldn't understand why he was making g a fusion over sumthing that small.

"That it?!" He frustration slightly peeking. "That's it? Do you have any idea how hard it is to do that?"

"I'm taking slightly." Trying to joke with him to calm him down.

"Yes, it's banned, only a few time Lords think they have the right to do this. And most of the technology has been banned or distorted." He's gaze wounded from her as if he was remembering, shaping back he begins to walk away before throwing his hands, turning around to point as Sally. "You know how hard it was to find out the existence of this stone let alone where to find it."

Seeing her mistake in putting a slight dent on his fragile ego she apologized. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was such a big deal. But now that you put it into perspective, yes your right. You would have had to put a lot of thought and work into this."

"Well yes, I am a genius. " He said in a smug tone that Sally couldn't help herself but find amusing.

"Yes, the smartest man in all the universe, all of us are pesents in comparison."

He went back to examining the box after turning the music off. It took him a minute to recognize the sarcasm in her town. Looking up a little upset. "Don't patronize me"

"Oh, no, I would never." She said trying to hide a wide grin. He glared at her. "Oh, come on. You need to lighten up. Of course, I know your smart, I just didn't know that what you were doing was a big deal. It really is quite impressive once you explain it."

"Well, I can't expect a human to understand all this." He beginning to wonder as he started to talk to himself under his breath. "If he was around. Yes, I could." Then he stopped. A hint of worry crossed his eyes. "No, not this time, it didn't work out good for me last time. I'll have to hide what I'm doing even from him. For now anyway."

"Who?" Sally asked to become more interested.

"The Doctor. A fellow Tim Lord. I wouldn't have had to explain any of that to him." He waved his hand at her " But it's not important, I've decided he's not getting involved this time."

"But if he could help, maybe we should." She asked, thinking about the presence of this Doctor may help him.

He gave her the same laugh as earlier. "Help me, oh heavens no. He would do everything thing he could to stop me."

"But if it's for the greater good. Surely he would want to help." She tried reasoning with him.

"No, you don't seem to understand, we have a bit of a rivalry. He is the only one I know that could come anywhere close to my intelligence but if I had a plane for universe peace. He would find a way to make me look like that bad guy to justify stopping me. You see the poor man has a fragility ego and doesn't like the idea of someone being smarter than him."

"Ah, I see," Sally said. "So your enemies?"

"I prefer the term best frenemies," He said missing the sarcasm in her voice.

She thought for a minute but didn't say anything. She couldn't help but feel sorry for him. What if that was the only person he was able to be friends with and all they wanted to do was make him look like a full. At that moment she felt more important than ever before. He needed her, he needed a real friend who would treat him right.

"All right" She spoke up

"A beg your pardon?" Being a few minutes since they spoke didn't know what she was going on about.

"Let's go get your stupid rock" He gave her a look before noticing her smile. She seemed to be beaming for some reason. "What do I need to know about this person to fit in better. Best you tell me a little so I can put on a good performance."

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