Dawning of a Seer

By SherG13

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Elizabeth escapes into the enchanted woodland of the nymphs where she is offered protection from a world and... More

A Midsummer Night . . .
Story of the Nymphs
Dead or Alive
The Tree Of Knowledge
The Seer
The Dark One
The Vow
Dreams and Shadows
The Bloodstone
Stories of Olde
Into the Woods
Creatures of Shadow
Unspeakable Creatures
The Fallen
Loves Lost
The Elder Tree
Lilac Dust
Forbidden Truths
Marwolaeth's Wrath
The Amber Ring
Belle of the Ball
Somehow Forgotten
The White Wolf
Dawning of a Seer
A Dangerous Magic
A Desolate Landscape
Lost Souls
Into the Shadows
The Only Way
The Mad King

Friends & Foes

21 3 0
By SherG13

"My Lord," cried out a handmaiden. She ran down the corridor to catch up with Lord Grew as he neared the door leading into Lady Sarah's chamber. " Your wife is not well after the long journey from Wyvern. She instructed she we not to be disturbed," she said breathlessly.

"She's my wife now get out of my way," replied Lord Grew as he firmly pushed the door inwards. His chubby face reddened with frustration.

The handmaiden turned and ran back up the corridor fearing the consequences of her master finding his wife with her lover.

Lord Grew strode boldly into the room to find the sheer silk curtains pulled around the four poster bed, disturbed only by a cool breeze from the open doors leading out into the seclusion of the garden beyond. He walked slowly towards the bed so as not to make a sound upon the tiled floor and reached out, parting the silk to reveal his wife's naked body sleeping peacefully.

Removing his clothes he carefully positioned himself next to her, not wanting to wake her just yet, but his subtle movements disturbed her and suddenly a gleaming dagger was at his throat.

Sarah's blue eyes pierced through him, her hand not wavering as she kept the dagger in place against his skin. "You should know better," she said bluntly.

"I wanted to surprise you." He smiled and she withdrew the dagger placing it back under her pillow.

"My Lord, my lord," came shouts from outside, getting louder and louder.

"What is it?" Bellowed Lord Grew.

A young page skidded to a halt as he entered the room and averted his gaze as he noticed his lord and lady naked on the bed. "A king's messenger has arrived."

"Make them wait. I'm busy." Lord Grew replied.

"But my Lord, they were attacked." The page lifted his gaze to judge his master's response.

"Well my love, duty again comes between us. Get dressed and accompany me," he leaned forward and kissed Sarah's lips. Lord Grew instructed the boy to find the Kings Master at Arms and prepare refreshments for the Round Room.

The Round Room was situated on the roof of the palace in a central turret that boasted 360° views across the city and the vast plains that surrounded it. The only shadow cast upon them was from the Blue Mountains in the North from which the rare granite was mined to build the palace under the rule of Argroth over 200 years before.

Lord Grew and Lady Sarah took central seats at the semicircular granite table on the north side of the room. The other seats were already taken. Richard, the King's Master at Arms sat at Lord Grew's side. The other three seats were occupied by the highest ranking Knights of the Guard who scarcely managed to disguise their disdain at Sarah's presence. Their loyalty to their king was paramount and they had much respect for his choice of consort in his absence, but it was only this that prevented their revolt.

The messenger was ushered into the centre of the room. His tanned face was streaked with dirt and he stunk of sweat.

"What's your name?" Asked Lord Grew.

"Anton my Lord."

"I understand you were attacked. Who dared do this and where?" Lord Grew continued.

"We were travelling on the outskirts of Pinewytch Forest. We camped for the night. Cory was on watch and I was sleeping. I woke up to screams then nothing, not a sound. Cory was gone and I could find no sign of him or who attacked."

"What message do you bring from the King?" Asked Richard.

"That his cousin King Alpas has taken the  City of Bonn and they will now be moving onto Serene."

"Was there nothing else you were to report?" Asked Knight Fabin, a middle-aged man with fine features and dark hair. His thick eyebrows furrowed above his keen blue eyes.

"No, sir."

"I fought in the battle of Serene almost 25 years gone and I know what it takes to face those barbarians. The Taki warriors will be tough to defeat and I presume they would have learned the lessons of their last defeat. Was there no call for additional men?" Asked Knight Hobart, absently scratching at his greying beard with his long fingers.

"No sir,"Anton confirmed. "I was just to report progress. The Shianne, as you should know from the last report have agreed an allegiance. They are to provide an army of 5000 in return for a treaty once the Taki have been defeated."

"Then why would you be attacked for a mere progress report and by whom?" Questioned Lord Grew.

"Maybe it wasn't a person that attacked," suggested Lady Sarah. "There was a report of an attack on a young girl when I visited Wyvern. The locals were full of superstitious nonsense but there could be some truth in it." Sarah sat back in her chair as the men around her considered the possibility.

"There were no tracks my Lady, nothing. It was as if he vanished into thin air." Commented Anton.

"Man or beast would have at least left tracks," commented Knight Borne, the youngest of the three knights. "Tell us Lady Sarah of what occurred in Wyvern."

"As I said probably a lot of superstitious nonsense, but a farmer told a tale of his daughter escaping something with glowing eyes. De Clare humoured the man and sent out guards to check but they found nothing. The girl has apparently lost her mind. Maybe this Cory has suffered the same fate? Probably both have eaten something in the woods that has disagreed with them, made them hallucinate. He could show up in a day or so worse for wear."

"As De Clare, we too I think should be cautious. When the King hears of this he shall not be pleased, whatever the explanation," commented Lord Grew. "Fabin, arrange for a small company to be sent to Pynewytch. Ask them to report in a week at the latest."

"Of course my Lord," agreed Fabin.

"Maybe we should send a messenger to Wyvern also," suggested Richard. "To see if anything further was found about this girl gone mad. It would at least show that despite our resources being at war in foreign lands, that we still look after our own people."

"Well said, Richard. Yes, Borne, make the arrangements," agreed Lord Grew.

"I will see that it is done my Lord," offered Richard.

"Very well, as you wish. Now Anton see that you report to the barracks and get cleaned up. A horse's arse smells better than you do right now."


Baine and the Seer looked across at the Elder Tree with its roots sprawling out like serpents through the grass. Despite most of its blackened lower trunk it still exuded a formidable life force. Its protective shimmer was vibrant with pearlescent colour.

"So this is it," stated Baine.

"This was the seat of all magical power before Argroth. Now for some reason, Winter refuses to even acknowledge it and chooses to hide underground."

"You don't like her do you," commented Baine.

"I was captured during the war and when I managed to return everything I knew was gone. For that, I cannot forgive. I had to let go of what I held dear and now you must do the same."

As night descended the Seer and Baine watched on as Zea and Salvia left the Elder Tree, their torchlight making their slender faces look ghostly pale, as they embarked on their nightly patrol. This part of the woodland was long forgotten and far from the Great Oak so was not protected by enchantments. After the tremors had reverberated around them and Nepeta had reported strange sounds from within the Elder Tree itself, they were taking no chances. For many nights now, as they guarded Marrok in his seemingly endless slumber they had discussed their fears of recent events but had reached no conclusions. Their supplies were running low and still, there was no word from the Great Oak or anyone to relieve them from their charge.

As they disappeared into the nearby trees, Baine and the Seer approached the Elder Tree and quietly descended the steps into the throne room beyond. Baine momentarily forgot his caution and stood in awe looking up at the domed ceiling with their lavish fresco scenes, only recalling the need to be vigilant when the Seer tapped his shoulder with his staff.

"You know what you must do," whispered the Seer, his eyes gleaming intensely in the torchlight.

Baine nodded in response trying to regain his focus. He scanned the chamber and saw the small decorated doorways to the East and West of the elaborate thrones standing ceremoniously upon a stepped plinth at the back of the chamber. They cautiously walked over the mother of pearl star inset into the centre of the marble floor and broke away from one another. The Seer made his way to the door on the East side and Baine to the West. Before entering, the Seer looked across to see Baine looking back at him. Baine was shaking his head and then signalled to him that he was unable to open it. The Seer signed in frustration and after glancing around to ensure they had not yet attracted any attention, he quickly took soft steps towards Baine.

"It's locked," stated Baine.

"Sealed, not locked," replied the Seer indignantly. "There is a difference."

"You mentioned neither when we discussed this earlier," commented Baine.

The Seer ignored his sarcasm and muttered to himself as he placed his hands upon the gleaming crystals set into the ebony wood of the door. Baine looked around nervously as the Seer began to caste and enchantment. The crystals changed from the colourless diamond-like lustre to green and then blue like a priceless sapphire from the mines of Serene. The mechanism within the door moved and suddenly there was a loud clunk and the crystals lost their vibrant colour.

Curiosity overcame the Seer and he pushed the doors inwards, keen to find out why it had been sealed by magic. He summoned the orb atop his staff to brighten in order for them to see beyond the blackness. It was as he remembered. A small marble plinth stood in the centre of the small room. The walls covered in an ink-like glaze and molten silver dots that shone in the dim light depicting the stars. This is what he expected to find in both the small antechambers, but then both he and Baine froze.

"State your purpose here," demanded Nepeta in a voice that hid her fear, her long daggers pointing menacingly towards their heads as they turned slowly around to face her.

Baine looked to the Seer whose eyes narrowed in a such a way that Baine knew he needed to stay firm without reaction.

"It is Marrok we seek to help," the Seer responded warmly, unnerved by the sharp steel threatening to slit his throat. "I've come to wake him from his slumber, Nepeta."

The use of her name shocked her and that Nepeta could not hide. She lowered the daggers slightly and took a step back to distance herself. "Who sent you?" she asked.

"I would say Winter, but that would be an untruth," as the words left the Seer's lips, Baine rolled his eyes and wondered what had possessed him to say such a thing.

"If not Winter who?" demanded Nepeta, raising her daggers again.

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