Fire Meets Fate (Jace Wayland...

By RowanMorgenstern

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[DISCONTINUED FOR NOW] "Like gravity from underneath, We can't outrun our destiny. ... More

Cast and Introduction


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By RowanMorgenstern

What Lies Beneath


The Institute was quiet, the corridors dark and eerie, nothing unusual, it was always like this. Clary and I walked down the corridor, side by side, dresses accompanied our bodies as we walked towards Izzy's room.

After my many attempts to convince Jace to let Clary join us both of our trip to the club. He finally agreed, I mean if this is Jonathan, Clary deserves to know about it.

My hand reached up to softly knock against the door, smiling as she turned to stare at us, stopping what she was doing in the process. "Wow, look at you both."

Clary blushed slightly and smiled "Thank you, Izzy. It's not easy finding something cute to wear that can accommodate a weapon." Izzy and I chuckled at this as Clary crossed her arms and smiled.

"Izzy, have you..." I trailed off, beginning to fidgeting with my fingers "Have you noticed something different about Jace?"

"No." Isabelle replied while continuing her makeup for the family dinner "Well, you do see him a lot more than Clary and I do."

I frowned and exchanged a look with Clary who was also looking at me with worry. The both of us have noticed Jace acting strange, stranger than usual. I thought I was imagining it until Clary asked me about him, making everything more real.

"What's wrong?" Izzy asked, noticing the look on my face.

"Jace thinks the Owl is my brother." Clary stated as she walked further into the room, leaning against the wall.

"The same Jonathan I sent over the bridge." I added, staying standing in the doorway.

"What? Why?"

"He keeps having these dreams about him. He thinks they're prophetic." I answered.

"What do you think?" Izzy asked, looking at me with confusion and worry.

"I-I don't know." I stuttered while walking into the room to stand in front of her "He hasn't been sleeping, which only worries me and makes me not sleep. I mean come on, he's been using his Stamina rune to stay on mission."

"When you don't sleep, your mind can play tricks on you." Izzy reassured me.

"Yeah." I nodded, smiling thinly.

"Has he told Alec?" Clary spoke up, making us turn to look at her.

"No, he's afraid once word gets out, it'll tip off Jonathan."

"Oh." Clary muttered, frowning to herself while she messed with the bottom of her dress.

"I'm coming with you both." Isabelle suddenly exclaimed, looking at herself in the mirror.

"What about your family dinner?" Clary asked.

Izzy smiled at the both of us "If the Owl is Jonathan, we've got way bigger problems than missing dinner with Mom. There's no way I'm letting you guys go out there alone." She grasped my hand into hers "Plus you're my Parababe, we always have to fight, side by side."

I smiled and nodded "Of course my darling, Parababe."
The loud and almost defending music played in my ears as we stepped through the doors of the club. It was Lit to say the least, people dancing, laughing and drinking caught my attention as I smiled. "I like it." I muttered to Izzy who chuckled and nodded. This was our element.

"The Owl could be anyone." I heard Clary say as we all looked over the railings. My body swaying lightly to the music.

"Remember, he might not look like Sebastian Verlac." Jace informed us "Keep an eye out for anything suspicious."

"All right, lets spilt up." Isabelle stated.

"Yeah, and don't let morgen out of your sights." Jace said before he gave me a quick kiss and walked away, the others did too, leaving me alone.

I walked down the steps and bobbed my head to the music, keeping an eye on Morgen as she walked through the sea of dancing bodies. I spotted my Parababe speaking to a quite hot dark skinned a man, making a smirk appear on my lips. Oh she's gonna get some.

"Shit." I cursed as I bumped into wall, my body falling backwards as the same wall reached out to catch me.

"Woah, I'm sorry." The voice said In worry as I opened my eyes and chuckled, feeling embarrassed.

"It's okay, I wasn't looking where I was going."

The man smirked as I immediately took a step back, out from his arms and looked around, trying to look for Morgen. "Hey, you're really sexy could I have your numbe-"

"I have a boyfriend sorry." I said absentmindedly as I heard faint struggling sounds coming from outside the back door. "Thank you father for my new hearing abilities" I thought before quickly running through the bodies of people grinding on each other. I rushed forwards and spotted Morgan's phone on the ground, I didn't pick it up as I pushed open the doors, letting the crisp cold air hit me softly.

A loud scream sent shivers down my spine. "Morgen!" I yelled, pulling out my blade as the two girls joined me, their blades also out. "Get away from me!" Morgen yelled loudly as we all ran quickly towards the alleyway as the screaming continued.

A gasp left my throat as the Owl was leant over her body, doing some demonic shit to her. "Morgen!" Clary yelled as Isabelle sent her whip towards the Owl, catching it and pulling it backwards.

Isabelle continued to fight against the Owl as I ran over to Morgan "Morgen?" I asked worriedly as she sat up, shit she's definitely been possessed. "Clary, Izzy watch out!" I yelled as I backed away and held my weapon out in front of me. I went to attack before Isabelle stopped her, letting the Owl go as she did so.

It growled at us, staring back and forth between the three of us as Morgen began to run making Izzy sigh. "I'll get her." She stated as she ran, leaving Clary and I alone with the ugly fluffy ass demon Owl.

The Owl and I circled each other before I ran to attack him, he blocked my attack, grabbing me by the neck and banging my head against the wall. A loud groan leaving my throat as clary attacked him, making me fall to the floor.

I slowly stood back up, watching as Clary got thrown into the wall, knocking her out. "Hey!" I yelled which made him turn around to look at me. I didn't have to time to think as he ran at me and grabbed my neck, pushing me up against the wall "It's you!" I said, breathing heavily as his face came closer to mine "You're a coward, show me your face, Jonathan."

He looked confused as he tilted his head slightly and let me fall to the floor as I gasped for breath, watching as it climbed up the ladders and onto the roof, leaving my sight as I crawled over to Clary.

What the hell just happened?"
Izzy and I were stood staring at Morgan who was confined in the glass-cadged room. growling softly.

Unfortunately Clary was feeling sick after being knocked out so she went to take off her makeup and find Gilbert. Something about wanting to cuddle with him and eat food. but with Jace. Speaking of Jace, I have no idea where he is and that worries me, I've called him loads of times.

"Poor Morgan." Isabelle sighed as she crossed her arms. "She's the last person who deserves to be locked up."

"It's for her own safety, Iz." I replied, my eyes not leaving Morgan who was staring into space.

"I know."

I looked over at Izzy and frowned "where is Jace?" I exclaimed, throwing my arms up.

"Still no word?" Izzy asked, turning to look at me.

"I'm actually starting to get fucking worried about him, he should have been back by now."

"Maybe he went to look for the Owl?" Izzy suggested, half-shrugging.

"Without checking in?" I asked, giving her a weird look. Jace wouldn't do that.

"Well one things for sure, the Owl is definitely not Jonathan." Isabelle informed me, making me open my mouth slightly is disbelief.

"Wait, how do you know that?"

"I got him with my whip. The electrum didn't react." She explained making me sigh, I was very much surprised about this turn of events—but I also wasn't, Ive always known it could not have been Jonathan, I didn't feel his connection with me anymore.

"Well, if the Owl isn't Jonathan, then—who could it be?"
3rd person

Ariana held her head high as she walked down the walk-way towards Lilith. The woman was smiling at the sight of her daughter. Her calls must have worked.

The black dress still accompanying her body, heels clicking against the concrete ground as she walked up the steps. "You called mother?" She asked, happiness suddenly lacing her voice as she tilted her head slightly, remembering the instructions her queen gave her prior to this meeting.

"Yes I did my little one." Lilith smiled as Ariana walked around to stand behind the blood filled tomb, facing her. Lilith grasped her daughters hand and flicked her nail over Ariana's wrist, letting the blood trickle down onto the stone, watching as her blood mixed with the others, golden flecks swimming around in it as Lilith smiled.

Lilith knew by adding Ariana's blood with the others would higher her chances of bringing her son back and making Ariana and Jonathan more connected. This made the woman smile widely as Ariana pulled her arm back, letting blood continue to flow onto the ground below her.

"There you are, my Owl." Lilith exclaimed as she turned to look at the figure that walked down the walk-way. The Owl kneeled down in front of the tomb, bowing its head to its queen before looking up, removing its mask to reveal Jace Herondale.

Lilith smiled as another possessed person walked over and leaned over the tomb, letting her slit his throat as the blood flowed down, mixing with the other.

"Yes, my loyal disciples, let your demonic lifeblood flow into the sacred tomb, so it may nourish my precious boy." Lilith stated, looking down at the tomb "and prepare him for his rebirth."

Ariana stood there, an emotionless look on her face as she stopped her gaze onto Jace who was already looking back at her, his face also emotionless.

Lilith saw this and smirked, knowing none of them would remember anything from tonight, just a mere blank spot in their minds.
Ariana blinked rapidly as she woke up, her head spilling into a killer migraine as she placed her hand down onto the mattress and pulled herself up to sit. A confused look on her face as she breathed heavily. When did she go to bed? She was just with Izzy with Morgen.

She looked at the spot next to her, seeing nobody there. This confused her as she thought Jace would have been back by now, but he wasn't. Another thing confused her as she peered down at her wrist, dry blood covered it as the open wound stared back at her. She didn't know how that happened, the blood was now staining the once white sheets.

"Ariana." A voice eerily whispered from the dark corner across the dark room. Ariana's eyes widened as she stared around, her heart beating quickly as she climbed out of the bed, her eyes stopping at the dark corner as she trembled with fear.

"Jonathan." She whispered shakily, staring up at the daunting figure. His once neat hair was now messy and tangled, dried blood covered his face and torso, his green eyes glazed over, lifelessly, a sinister smile etched onto his face as he advanced towards her like she was his prey and he was the predator.

"How—how are you here?" Ariana weakly stuttered, her eyes growing wide as she walk backwards. She was doing anything to put distance between them but stopped when her back hit the wall. "I watched you die, you died."  Ariana exhaled shakily as she stared at him, she wanted and hoped this was just a dream, a crazy, sinister, fucked up dream.

"And I thought you died." Jonathan remarked with a smirk as he advanced closer to her, his eyes staring into hers as he placed his hands on either side of her head, trapping her trembling form in place. "I told you we would be together again, Ariana." He smirked, moving his face closer, so close Ariana could feel his breath against her cheek.

"We will never be together." Ariana muttered in shock as she tried to push him away, her hands beating at his chest as she let a few tears slip from her eyes.

Jonathan only grabbed her hands and held them above her head. "I love you, Ariana, we will be together—I know we will."

Ariana closed her eyes with fear before feeling the hold on her hands disappear. Slowly opening her eyes she saw that Jonathan was gone, leaving Ariana confused and crying as she slid down the wall and fisted her hands into her hair.

She didn't know if that was real or an hallucination, she hoped for the latter.

Authors note,
Sorry for not updating!!! I thought I already posted this chapter a few days ago until it said 'Draft saved' and I was like "Wat?" Honestly I'm sorry!!

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