MOONSTRUCK, otsutsuki indra

By -palefire

54.2K 2.2K 748

❛ MOONSTRUCK ; (adj) unable to think or act normally, especially as a result of being in love Sometimes... More

1 - Infatuation
2 - Beautiful Stranger
3 - Veneration
4 - Persuasive Powers
5 - Carnality
6 - Dissapointment
7 - Doubts
8 - An Unknown Threat?
9 - Revelation
10 - Lost Control
11 - Premonition
12 - Remorse?
13 - Captured
14 - Premeditated Murder
15 - Breaking The Ice
16 - Betrayal
17 - The One Who Pulls The Strings
18 - The Meeting I
20 - Character Aesthetics
21 - Seeking Comfort
22 - Prospect of Power
23 - Crimson Cherry Blossoms
24 - A Confession's Fatality
25 - An Act of Kindness
26 - Suppressed Feelings & Memories
27 - Vengeance
28 - Reconciliation (?)
29 - Indra's predicament
30 - Frontin'
31 - Hagoromo's Decision
32 - Separate Ways
33 - Feeling Underappreciated
34 - The King's Family
35 - Aphrodisiac
36 - Selfish Lust
37 - Guilt / Infidelity
38 - Anxiety
39 - Family Affairs
40 - Truths and Lies
41 - Contradicting Feelings
42 - Heavy Heart , Heavy Mind
43 - Defiance
44 - Family History
45 - This Goddamn Family
46 - New Life
47 - Obsession
48 - Some Things Are Simply Not Meant To Be
49 - Conspiracy
50 - Genjutsu
51 - Vulnerability
52 - Realization
53 - Reunion
54 - Unpleasant Revelations
55 - Quid Pro Quo
56 - To Come Clean
57 - Pride And Other Useless Things
58 - Wine Poetry

19 - The Meeting II

551 32 24
By -palefire

             After some of the villagers had sheltered their horses and provided them with fodder and water, Mantus and Persipnei met with Hagoromo in the village's main building. He sat cross-legged on an elevated platform with his two sons standing supportively on each side of him.

"Welcome to the Village of Ninshu." The Sage greeted them.

"Lord Hagoromo – my wife and I are honored to meet you." Mantus said as he and Persipnei bowed a little in respect. "We're grateful you granted us permission to enter."

"As long as you don't mean harm, I don't see why not." Hagoromo replied as he moved a hand to gesture they may sit down.

Persipnei frowned as she watched her husband kneel down on the ground before Hagoromo and his sons. "Really Mantus, the floor?" she questioned. "Since when do we kn – "

Before she was able to complain even more, Mantus pulled her by the arm to make her sit down next to him. "My wife isn't used to your traditions. Please don't mind her complains." He apologized while casting her a warning glance which she returned fiercely.

Much to his astonishment Hagoromo chuckled lightly. "No need for apologies. Traditions are different everywhere."

"Yes, that's quite true." Mantus said with a smile on his face as he nudged Persipnei who was figuring out how to sit down on the hard wooden floor without wrinkling her light blue voile dress. "Isn't it, love?"

"Yeah, of course it is." She said, smiling up at the Sage while covering one exposed slender leg with the fabric of her dress. "It's just like my husband said; I'm used to something more delicate and comfortable to sit on like a divan or throne."

Indra had a hard time to suppress his annoyance because those people – especially that golden-haired woman – got on his nerves. In a way, she reminded him of Mania because she moved with the same feline grace but then again, Mania had never complained about banal things like how to sit the fuck down.

"Excuse me, father but maybe we should come straight to the point why the Lady and Lord came here." Indra suggested.

"Yes, of course Indra: you're right." Hagoromo admitted. "Please go ahead – I'm listening."

"With pleasure, Lord Hagoromo." Mantus said with a nod of the head. "Initially I have to say that I'm very sorry about what my general did to your people. I know this is no excuse for the pain and loss you must have been through but I want you to know he didn't act upon my instructions but upon himself, deciding to slaughter innocent human beings who did not deserve to die. But you see, I sent Aita to look for my twin sister Mania, just to confirm she is still alive and well off."

"Is it common that your subordinates murder with such vile intent?" Indra questioned as he met Mantus's cold blue eyes.

"No, Indra-san. This particular individual has his own ways of dealing with potential enemies. We don't really practice genocide or any other kind of murder."

"This particular individual? I beg you pardon my love but you're talking about my cousin." Persipnei said in a bewildered tone. "He's done wrong, I admit that but he's still part of the family. So please refer to him as such when you mention him to a foreign clan." Her amber eyes met Indra's hostile stare and held.

"So you admit he's done wrong, my lady? Are you aware that the last corpse we found had its eyes and tongue missing? I guess that is what you call a gruesome murder."

Persipnei had to compose herself before she was ready to answer. It wasn't like she did not know of what Aita was capable of doing, but still the image that flashed before her eyes was quite vivid to behold. "See, Indra-san; I know there is no excuse for such a crime but I guess you know a thing or two about a family's bond." She was challenging the elder of Hagoromo's sons for a reason.

His eyes narrowed considerably at the foreign woman. "Oh, of course I do. But what are you implying, my lady?"

"Persipnei dear, that's enough – "

"I just want to know if Aita is alright, too. I heard you saying my sister-in-law is just fine – which really relieves me but still I'd like to know about my cousin." She interrupted her husband.

Indra grew impatient with this insolent queen. "He's alive – hurt, beaten and imprisoned but alive."

"That's enough, Indra." Hagoromo scolded. "Bring both of them here because otherwise this is getting nowhere. We don't want to make things worse than they already are."

Indra gave his father a disapproving stare. He did not like the way Hagoromo spoke to him in front of the rulers of a foreign country. He wasn't a child chided by his parents because he had done something wrong. Maybe it really was about time the old man retired and let Indra take care of the creed's affairs.

"I suggest we continue this discussion tonight at dinner. I'm afraid your sister needs some time to recover first." Indra told Mantus who nodded in agreement. "This may be a little more convenient for the lady as well. In the meantime I will have servants arrange rooms for you and your followers so you can make yourselves comfortable."

"That sounds lovely, Indra-san." Persipnei said with a satisfied smile on her lips as she rose elegantly to her feet. "I'm too tired to discuss things further in any case. The journey was way too exhausting to continue this. And oh, I could really use a glass of wine – "

"Thank you very much for your kindness. We do appreciate it very much." Mantus interrupted his wife's nagging. "My lovely wife is just a little tired – please forgive her inappropriate behavior."

Ashura could not help the small laughter that escaped his lips but the pair was quite bemusing to him: a pampered, complaining queen and her embarrassed king. "It's quite alright, no need for apologies. I will see that someone brings you a carafe of wine, my lady."

The tall woman's beautiful face lit up. "How attentive of you!" she said, smiling as she clapped her hands. "Ashura-san is the name, isn't it?"

Ashura nodded his head in affirmation.

"Well thank you very much, my dear."

If Indra had not known how to compose himself he would have palmed his face. The whole situation verged on second-hand embarrassment not only for his brother but for that pesky woman. He wondered how Mania's brother managed to put up with a wife like that every day. Apparently, he was more than lucky to have a contented and calm woman as Shachi.

"No, not at all. Please make yourselves feel at home. As my brother said, we will discuss everything tonight at dinner." Ashura told them as he bowed a little.




The hot water enveloping her body felt like bliss after spending nearly 24 hours locked up in a cold, dimly lit cell with an annoying bastard she once called her lover. Mania enjoyed the peace and quiet devoid of Aita's nagging and teasing and threatening. If she did not know better she would have said, the man was bipolar but he was just downright insane. She really wondered what it was that made her enjoy his company back then.

Although, the same question applied to Indra as well – why the hell did she give herself to somebody who did not even care in the slightest about her? She was a fool for believing she meant something to Indra: and she was not talking about love here. All she had expected from him was a little appreciation or concern or at least forgiveness. But no, all he kept talking about was how she misused his trust and betrayed him.

Fucking hypocrite.

But did it even matter anymore? Apparently no – because all Mania wanted was to get out of this shithole of a town, go home and never come back. She had humiliated herself enough. Fucking a married man always meant misfortune; she should have had considered the outcome from the very beginning. But what's a girl to do when she's blinded by and infatuated with the beauty of a magnificent man?

She got out of the hot tub, drying herself and heading for the closet to pick something to wear. As her hands slid over expansive fabrics they came to a hold as they touched a silky deep purple kimono. It was just another gift from Indra but she remembered how he told her that this one was especially made for her since the garment's color complimented her hair so much. She figured it was just the right kind of piece to wear tonight as she pulled it out of the closet ...

Looking at herself in the mirror Mania was quite pleased with what she saw. The kimono's obi was wrapped tightly around her tiny waist, making it appear even smaller. She had pulled the top part down to expose shoulders and cleavage and moved the skirt's fabric to the side to show off one of her slender legs.

Of course this wasn't the formal way to wear traditional clothing – but she could not care less because sexing the garment up was the whole idea of it.

As she pinned her hair up into a loose bun, leaving out purple strands to frame her face, an odd thought crossed Mania's mind. The only reason why Indra had sought her company was because of the way she looked. She was beautiful and was more than aware of it herself. All her life people kept telling her what enchanting creature she was and men followed her around wherever she went. And Indra was no exception whatsoever. However special he might be or how special she had thought him to be – in the end he was just another man easily lured by a woman's charms and beauty, seeking out the pleasure she is able to provide.

She added an ornamented kanzashi to her messy updo to make it look more elegantly before she continued with painting her lips a deep crimson and framing her eyes with kohl. Leaning back and contemplating herself all dressed up in the mirror, she made a decision to end all the secrecy that surrounded her and Indra's affair tonight because his wife had a right to know.

A sharp knock on the door had her almost fall out of the chair she was sitting in when she heard Indra's deep voice asking to come in. "Are you dressed?" he added from behind the closed door.

Mania rolled her eyes. All that false modesty did not make this twisted situation better.

"Come in." she simply replied as she rose from the chair, eying him with a mix of regret and hostility as he entered.

Indra faltered for a moment. His eyes roamed her form with reserved curiosity. "You look beautyf –"

"Don't Indra; just don't." Mania cut him off. "Just let us get this over with and let me go home with Mantus and Persipnei." The tone of her voice sounded remorseful.

Mildly shocked by her being so dismissive, Indra tore his gaze away from her. "Come on, everyone's waiting for you." he said as he beckoned her to lead the way.



"Oh my god!" Persipnei exclaimed as she jumped to her feet and came running towards her sister-in-law. "Mania, dear – I'm so glad to see you." She threw her leans arms around the smaller woman and hugged her tightly. "You don't know how worried we were."

Mania returned the fierce hug. "Oh, you don't know how much I missed you, sis." she said, fighting her tears.

"Mania, are you alright?" Mantus asked warmly a she approached both women.


She fell into her brother's arms, embracing him tightly. "I knew you would come." she said, pressing her forehead against his chest.

Mantus gently petted his sister's head. "Of course, Mania – I'd travel the word for you." he chuckled softly as she loosened their embrace.

"Here you go, Mania." Persipnei said as she handed her a cup of wine. "You're safe and sound, looking as beautiful as ever. We're glad to have you back, dear."

"You may all sit down." Indra interrupted the family's touching reunion, earning a hostile stare from Ashura. Ignoring it he said: "We still do have to continue our conversation."

"Of course, Indra-san." Mantus agreed, gesturing his wife and sister to take a seat. "This is the second reason we came here after all."

Much to her surprise Mania found herself seated across from Shachi who looked very formal and elegant tonight, dressed in an emerald colored garment that complimented her gem green eyes perfectly. Their eyes met for a split second. Mania could have sworn she saw hostility and contempt in the deep green orbs that usual held so much kindness and devotion. Did she know?

As everyone was seated at the long teak table, Hagoromo was the first to speak up. "Now that we are all gathered here, you may reveal what you wanted to discuss, Lord Mantus."

"See, Lord Hagoromo, Indra-san, Ashura-san – with all that has happened to you and your people I do owe you my deepest apologies. What Aita did to you is inexcusable – and although he acted on his own, it was I who instructed him to intrude your village." Mantus explained somberly. "I want to make up for all of that by offering you to settle for an agreement between our clans – a peace treaty if you will. Please tell me what you think."

Indra sneered at Mania's brother. So this was what Zetsu wanted him to agree to in order to claim his grandmother's power? It was ridiculous: what kind of justice was contracting peace when the human being who started this war remained unharmed? The king's wife probably did not want to bestow any kind of punishment upon her cousin. He was going to walk out of here with a few bruises and contusions but as a free man. And Indra could not have that.

"How are you going to punish your subordinate for what he did to us?" Indra asked, daringly.

The question came out of the blue. "Yes, of course I will." he said calmly. Mantus could feel Persipnei peripheral stare on him.

"We won't punish him. He has suffered enough!" she said, slamming down her cup. "My husband has just offered you a peace treaty – still you come up with something as absurd as stating the question how we punish a valuable member of our family? This is ludicrous – "

Indra flashed his sharingan at the blonde. "I didn't ask you for your opinion. If I may be so bold to mention it but you should refrain from interfering in your husband's affairs." The tone of his voice was derogative, cruel and aimed to provoke. Literally, he had just told the woman to shut the fuck up and let her man do the talking.

Persipnei opened her mouth to retort but it was Mania who spoke up first. "How dare you talk to my sister that way?" she nearly hissed as her eyes met Indra's. "She has as much a say in all of this as my brother."

Much to her amazement it was Shachi who took Indra's part. "And how dare you be so ungrateful to my husband when he spared your life after all you've done to us?" the black-haired female said with determination.

Mania's eyes widened in surprise; she would not have expected such a demure and decent woman as Shachi to be so outgoing. She smiled wickedly at her. "Grateful you say?" she told her. "Listen, sister – what I'm about to tell you is going to hurt but I think you deserve to know the truth. Your picture-perfect husband right over there isn't as perfect as you may think. Ever since I arrived here both of us were unable to keep our hands off each other, starting something you may call a liaison or affair –"

"What?" Shachi's eyes became wide as saucers. "Indra, that's a lie isn't – "

"You ..." he hissed, eyes flashing crimson as he gripped the table's edge tightly. "I've never met a human being as malicious as you ... "

Mania's eyes traveled from face to face, from expression to expression: Hagoromo looked appalled whereas her brother's face remained blank. Persipnei smirked complacently at her and Shachi just looked like she was about to lose her shit any minute. The way Ashura stared at her made her heart sink a little; the disappointment in his dark eyes was hard to take in and so she had to avert her gaze.

It was too late for regret and apologies anyway so Mania's let the words spill from her mouth like a waterfall cascading down a rocky ledge. "Maybe you haven't - but did you really expect me to remain quiet about what's transpired between us the last few weeks? What we did – do you really think I'd keep my mouth shut after what you've done to me? Sorry, not sorry, love. And on top all of that don't you think your wife deserves to know what you did to her?" Her cold blue eyes were focused on Indra's while she was ranting; shutting out everyone else present.

Shachi, too, was solely focused on her unfaithful husband. "Tell me ... please tell me she's lying." she asked with a trembling voice.

He tried to remain as calm as possible as he faced her. "No ... it's the truth; I slept with her but it wasn't something substantial or profound. I was blinded by her hypnotizing aura – lured into her trap. But that is all there is to it." His own voice was a little shaky as he confessed to the woman he had married and vowed faithfulness to.

"Well, isn't this interesting ..." Persipnei smirked, leaning back and sipping her drink. Mantus cast his wife an angry glance which she slickly ignored.

" ... so the notion I had turns out to be true after all. I know you were bewitched by her." Shachi said with a weak, broken smile on her red lips. "I don't have any reason to hold back, Indra – so please don't give me that look. I love you dearly, love you with everything I have ... but cheating on me with another woman; honestly, I would have never thought you were capable of doing this to me. I – " Tears began to fall from her eyes and she could not take it anymore. Shachi got up from the chair she was sitting in and headed directly towards the vast dining hall's winged doors.

"Shachi – "

"Leave her be, Indra." Hagoromo ordered. "It's the best you can do right now."

Indra did not even hear what his father just said. Instead he turned to Mania, who was protectively surrounded by her family. "You'll pay for this, Mania." he said with utmost hatred in his voice.

She just chuckled lightly at this. "Oh, Indra – I already have."

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