Power ↠ Stiles Stilinski

By -missmischief

182K 6K 936

Ever since she could remember, Hope knew that the McCalls weren't her biological family. They didn't lie. The... More



5.7K 197 36
By -missmischief

cause we're all just kids who grew up way too fast

AS SCOTT PULLED back the shower curtain, revealing Liam who was wrapped in duck tape, Hope turned around and slapped her brother on the head.

"Ow!" He exclaimed, rubbing his head, looking at her with wide eyes.

"You're an idiot! A fucking idiot, Scott," Hope told him, walking out of the bathroom, both Scott and Stiles following after her. "He is just a kid! And you, what? Bit him?!"

"To save his life," Scott defended himself. "He was about to fall off of the building, I had to do something!"

"Oh, my god." Hope placed her hands on her head and paced. "I heard, on my way over here, that there is cops at the hospital, trying to figure out what happened, and Liam's father is looking for him, because, you know, he's injured and is suppose to be in the hospital!"

"Hope, are you okay?" Stiles asked, placing his hands on her shoulders, rubbing them, trying to help calm her down, but it wasn't working.

"No!" Hope shouted, turning around with wide eyes. "I just wanted to come home, after visiting Liam, take a long hot bubble bath, try to control my magic, and maybe, just maybe, get some sleep that isn't plagued by nightmares, but is that going to happen? No! Instead, I got attacked by a different type of Wendigo and had to comfort mom who was almost eaten by the same Wendigo who easily knocked me out and took Liam. I am not suppose to be some weak girl who is easily taken down. I'm a hybrid, a hunter, a Winchester for fucks sakes!" She was breathing heavily at the end of her rant.

"Ow!" A splitting pain went through her head and she went falling to the ground, her head pounding harshly. "It hurts! It hurts so much -- make it stop!" Suddenly, her vision went blurry and she felt her body sway as she fell to the ground, the last thing she saw was the worried faces of Scott and Stiles.

Hope was pulled into a vision. She was in a cemetery, a very big one, for that matter. There was a baby in a basket on top of a concrete podium looking that. There was a woman, holding a knife up above the baby. But, before she could stab the baby, there was a yell and suddenly, the woman who was holding up the knife, was knocked out by something hitting her on the head.

"You got away once... It won't happen again," the voice that Hope tried so hard to go away came back, and it seemed much stronger. So strong that she felt her brain want to burst from his loud the voice was. "They saved you once, but they aren't going to be there save you, again. 

Hope lurched forward, a scream vibrating through her mouth, escaping. She grabbed onto her neck and looked up at the worried eyes of Scott and Stiles. Her blue eyes watered slightly but she pushed the tears away and stood up. "I..." She cleared her throat as she heard muffled yells from the bathroom. "We need to help out Liam."

"Hope..." Scott stepped towards her in worry, but she took a step back.

"No. Now is not the time to worry about me. We have Liam who is tied up in your shower, a bite mark on his arm, and about to turn into a werewolf. We need to focus on him and not me." Hope cleared her throat, wiped away any evidence of her crying, and walked into the bathroom, and grabbed ahold of Liam who was looking at her with wide eyes.

She roughly placed him on a chair that Scott had in his room and looked him in the eyes. "I know this is scary, and trust me, I have been on both ends of this kind of situation. But, don't worry, were here to help you." She sighed and pursed her lips. "Now, I'm gonna take off the tape around your mouth, but, if you scream, it goes right back on. If you listen and stay quiet, it stays off, alright?" They kept eye contact before he hesitantly nodded. "Okay, good." She ripped the tape off of his mouth and he grunted. "Sorry. It would hurt more if I took it off slowly."

Stiles sighed and placed his hands on his hips. "Okay, Liam, now you've seen a lot of confusing things tonight. And more confusing things are going to happen because of the confusing things that happened tonight. Do you understand?"

Liam looked between them as Hope looked over at Stiles with raised eyebrows. "Not really," Liam answered.

Stiles nodded. "Good. That's good."

Scott frowned, looking like a lost puppy. "I don't understand either."

"Maybe you should tell him," Stiles told Scott as Hope crossed her arms, biting her lip, thinking about the vision she had moments ago. It has to mean something, right? I mean, there is no way that whoever or whatever is haunting her thoughts and dreams doesn't know her. So, whoever it is, they know her, which means they know her family, which means they know her parents. She nodded her head, needing to figure out who or what it is.

"Tell me what?" Liam questioned which brought Hope back to reality.

Scott bent down slightly so that he was eye to eye with Liam. "Liam... What happened to you, what I did to you, which I had to do in order to save you, it's going to change you."

"Unless it kills you," Stiles spoke up which made Hope shake my head. Stiles grimaced. "Shouldn't have said that..."

Liam looked ready to cry. "What?"

"Uh... Uh-oh." Stiles looked at Liam in disbelief as he actually started to cry. "Oh-oh. Is he... Is he crying?"

Hope looked down at Liam, sending him a small smile. "Liam, it's okay. You're going to be all right." As he started to sob, she rose an eyebrow as she watched him. She then smirked as she realized that he was fake-crying. She took a few steps back and watched as the boys tried to fix the problem.

"You're not going to die," Scott told him.

"Probably not," Stiles added as they both got down on ther knees so that they were eye to eye.

"Stop it," Scott whisper-shouted at his bestfriend.

"Okay, possibly not."

Scott looked at Stiles in disbelief. "Would you just help me untie him?" They both stood up and took the tape off of Liam and then stood in front of the boy again as Hope leaned against the wall, waiting for them to realize that they made a big mistake. "Liam? Are you okay?"

Stiles pursed his lips. "We're sorry about that. We're really sorry."

Hope laughed loudly as Liam picked up the chair and hit them with it before punching Stiles across the face. When he went to run out of the bedroom, she held up her hand and twisted her wrist, and watched him fall to the floor, passed out.

"You're welcome, boys," Hope told them before she shook her head and walked into her room.

"HEY," Hope said before yawning as she walked into her room. Malia was sitting on her bed, holding chains that they'll have to put on tonight.

You see, both Malia and Hope still can't exactly control their animal sides much like Scott can, so they have to chain themselves up. But, unlike Malia, Hope turn's into a full blown werewolf, where else she keeps her human form but her facial features change.

"I hate full moons," Malia grumbled.

"I do, too, Mal," Hope told her, rubbing her eyes before reaching over, grabbed her cup of coffee, and took a few gulps of it.

"Are you okay? You look like you didn't get much sleep," Malia stated, looking at Hope in worry.

Hope shrugged. "I never really get much sleep in general, but, last night, we were out almost all night looking for Liam who the idiots let get away after I took a long, relaxing bath which wasn't really relaxing because I ended up falling asleep which resulted in terrible nightmares." She let out a loud sigh. "I miss when things were so simple before I was ten, but then, I would have never met all these amazing people, like you guys. I know for a fact that if Scott didn't get bit, Lydia would've never hung out with us," Hope explained before laying down on her bed. "I just want one night where I can sleep easily, without any nightmares." 

"I wish I could say it gets easier, but it doesn't," She stated bluntly which made Hope look at her with one eye open. "But, what I can say is that I'll be here for you, always."

Hope sat up and sent her a small smile. "What would I do without you?"

"Oh, I don't know, I wouldn't be here, remember?" She had her eyebrows furrowed while she looked at the blonde.

"I love you so much." Hope pulled her in for a hug and closed her eyes.

"LIAM!" Hope shouted as Scott, Stiles, and her blocked him in a hallway. He went to try and run around Stiles but Hope flicked her wrist and he couldn't move. "We're trying to help you, asshole!" She stomped up to him and grabbed ahold of his shoulder. "Something happened last night, something that is going to change your life. Whether you accept it or not is on you, but, let me tell you something, you will not survive without us. You will kill people and you will hurt those you love, so listen to us and stop being a moron!"

"Damn, that was hot." She heard Stiles whisper and she turned to him with a glare. Deep inside, she was flattered, but, on the outside, she was annoyed, tired, and just wanted to beat something up to get rid of all of her pent up anger.

"I don't know what you're talking about! You're crazy!" Liam exclaimed, his blue eyes wide in fury and Hope stepped back as he moved which shocked her, because she didn't take the spell off of him. "Nothing is happening to me. Nothing!" He ripped the bandage off of his wrist, showing that the bite was gone. He then pushed Hope back and ran away.

Hope shook in her spot and closed her eyes, taking in shaky breaths. She can already feel the moon calling for her and it was only the beginning of the day.


Hope snapped her eyes open and took in another shaky breath before facing away from her brother and friend. "I'm fine." She then walked away, leaving them standing there.

HOPE WAS BREATHING heavily by the time that Kira showed up with Liam. She could feel the full moon as it stood high in the sky, but she was trying so hard to not give him. From what  she have learned about hybrids, or well, tribrids, is that they can control when they shift, but, for some reason, she can't. She is out of control.

"What the hell is this?" Liam threw out his hands as Hope took in a huge breath and stepped forward.

"Think of it like an intervention," She simply said. "You have a problem, Liam, and we're the only ones that can help.

LIAM STOOD IN disbelief as he looked around at all of them. "Werewolf? Werecoyote. Banshee. Fox?" He pointed at Kira, but before she could say anything, he pointed at Hope. "Tribrid?"

"Technically, yes," Hope grounded out. "I haven't actually triggered my vampire side which is to die, so, right now, I'm only a... a hybrid." She curled her hands into fists and dug her nails into her palms, trying to hold herself back from wolfing out.

Liam nodded his head slightly, looking to Stiles with crossed arms. "What are you?"

Stiles scratched the back of his head. "Uh, for a little while, I was possessed by an evil spirit. It was very evil."

"What are you now?"

Stiles hesitated before answering. "Better...?"

Liam pointed at the stack of chains that was on the table. "Are those for me?"

"No, they're for me," Malia stated, stepping forward, flashing her blue eyes.

Liam stepped back in shock. "How did you do that?"

Hope grunted lowly and closed her eyes, getting tired of all of the chit-chat. She just wanted this to be over, for her to have control.

Scott stepped forward. "You'll learn. But first, you need to get through the full moon."

Liam looked outside. "The moon's already out."

Hope sucked in a breath, looking outside at the big, bright moon which was at it's apex. "I can do it," She whispered to myself. "I can beat it." No matter how much she tried to calm herself down, the more she wanted to turn.

"And you're starting to feel something, aren't you?" Liam questioned.

"I feel like I'm surrounded b a bunch of psychotic nutjobs. You guys are out of your freaking minds. I don't know how you did that eye thing and I don't care. I'm walking out the door right now!" Liam's shouting penetrated Hope's ears, making it seem like an echo, a really loud echo that seemed to get louder and louder.

Having enough, she let out a bellowing roar that shook everyone in the living room. She opened her eyes and she could tell that her eyes were going their golden color. She breathed in heavily before letting out a scream, falling to the ground, every bone in her body breaking. She cried out as she tilted her head back and let out another roar that was full of raw pain.

"Hope!" She could faintly hear everyone shout around her, but the more they shouted, the angrier she got, and the more she wanted to get away from them. "Get her to the basement!"

Letting out one final roar, Hope transformed into her grey wolf and jumped through the window, running straight through the woods.

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