Sign of the Devil's Hand (A M...

By Batmans_Harley

3.3K 127 10

Is this what it feels like to slowly loose your mind? All I want to do is shut my brain off,or at least my th... More

Stay Away
What's There To Loose?
What's Your Damage, Jungkook?
Speak Prey
I'm Sorry, What?
Down Time Routines And Other Things
Shower Scene
Q&A For Yoongi
Filtered Responses
How Do You Feel?
How Do You Feel Part 2
Therapy Time For The Weary
Paranoia and Coffee
Keeping a Journal
All The Times Before
Love-Sick Puppy and Not Sure Kitty
The Office Talks
Please Tell Me You Didn't
If They Find Out
You Did What?!
Awkward Talks
Claiming Innocence And Lost Memories
Keep It On The Down Low
Attempt Number One
Talks At Casa De Y/N
Talks At Casa De Y/N part 2
Some Answers
The Day Of
The Date part 1
The Date part 2
In The Aftermath
Not Everything Is Real
Go Do Your Homework
Well This Is Awkward..
Journal Entry #1
Read This Twice
You're Mine Alone
You Can't Do That
I Think I Jinxed It
Layin Low
I Accept And Thank You
Ghosts Come Out To Play
Diagnostics and Pills/Journal Entry #2
The Final Diagnostic
Dawn Of A New Day

What happened here?

462 11 2
By Batmans_Harley

The air was crisp and heavy as I made my way to my car. Cold air nipped at my lips causing them to become dry and my nose to turn red. Birds chirped as I opened the door and put the keys into the ignition after getting in. I drove to my job which was a couple of hours away from where I lived. I work as a doctor in an asylum called Jaded Stone, which was located in the heart of Dream City. My job at times could be stressful when the patients decide to act rambunctious and run around like chickens with their heads cut off but, other than that it was fine. The pay could've been a little bit better but I can't complain. I loved my job. It required a lot of patience, and luckily for me, that's something that I had quite a bunch of. Working at the asylum as a doctor was tiring nonetheless seeing as I had to distribute medicine to everyone and check on their health while trying to keep the staff updated on any new trainings that were going to be coming up soon. "Hey Y/N, how's your shift coming along?" Jimin, my coworker asked. I sighed deeply in response. " I haven't even been here five minutes and I'm already at my limit for craziness today." Jimin raised a brow at my exclamation. "What are you talking about, Y/N? It can't be that bad." "Oh yeah? Patient 1509 has been taking anything he can get his hands on and launching it at the other residents and staff. Patient 4483 was refusing to come out of her room for breakfast and had to be carried out by Sam, Jungkook, and Jin. Then when she finally was out of her room, she decided to spit on anyone near her and had to have a spit guard put on. Patient 2465 has been running around half naked for the past-" Y/N looked at her watch, "at least six to seven minutes now. Speaking of 2465, there they go now." Y/N mentions as she points a finger diagonally at a running resident and lets her finger follow them. Jimin trails his eyes to the end of her finger then glances over where the resident was now, boxed in a corner, and being forced to put pants on. Y/N placed her hand on her hip then tilted her head slightly to the right causing her hair to fall in front of her eyes. The male next to her pushed it back out of her eyes nodding in agreement. "I see what your talking about." A raised eyebrow quirks up in interest as she absorbs the scene before her. "Yeah, well that's that." the female clears her throat. "Anything new to update me on?" Jimin stares at a wall in thought while Y/N waits for his answer. "Uhm. As far as I'm concerned, there's nothing to catch you up on from my point of view but that doesn't mean that there isn't anything new. Ask Jin or Sam. Hell, ask Jungkook." Y/N smirks in amusement at Jimin. "I will eventually but first we have to discuss something so I need you to help get everyone to go in their rooms so we can have a small meeting and then everything can resume like normal." A nod comes from the male as he gives two sharp whistles, signaling to his fellow staff that there was a staff meeting that was going to happen. The workers at Jaded Stone Asylum had a certain protocol that they had to follow and certain signals to give each other if something should happen in the facility.

Some of the signals that were to be used in the asylum involved whistles, a bullhorn, and snapping in a repeated chant. One sharp whistle meant it was time for breakfast. Two sharp whistles meant it was time for a meeting. Three whistles joined by snapping next to a turned on bullhorn meant there was an emergency and it needed to be dealt with immediately. Normally the one that done the whistling was Jimin and if he wasn't available, Jungkook would do it. Sam nodded and started trying to hustle everyone back into their rooms. "Everyone back to your assigned room now! You can come back out after we get done with our meeting!" Sam yelled making ushering movements with her arms. Majority of the residents went without a complaint while the select few of them that didn't want to go were threatened with not being able to eat what everyone else eats at dinner but a couple pieces of bread and a cup of water. Meanwhile, the remaining staff went into the dining hall and sat at a table near the hallway where the rooms were so they could keep an eye on the residents. Two taps on the table made by someone's index and middle finger were heard. This signaled the beginning of the meeting. "So, basically what's going on is that we are getting a new resident-" "So that's what this whole meeting was about was getting a new resident? Lame." Sam smarted off but quickly quieted down when she realized the rest of the crew were sending her glares. "As I was saying before I was cut off, thank you, Sam-" Y/N muttered and clapped her hands together while looking at the new arrival's information sheet, "We are getting a new resident. His name is Min Yoongi, he's in his early to mid twenties, and he is categorized as extremely quiet but can have violent outburst." Y/N comprehended. The group looked over at her in silence. "It also says that he has been moved to multiple asylums because of them. He claims to see things that aren't actually there and he also claims to hear and talk to things that aren't there." Jimin furrows his brows. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Jungkook asked flabbergasted, "Is he like a medium or some shit?" Y/N turned to face Jungkook so she could look him in the eye. "One-" Y/N held up a finger, "stop being hostile, and two-" another finger, "when did it matter what kind of things the patients were/are going through? Chill out and act professional." Y/N gave him a curt nod and set her face stoic. Sam glanced at Y/N silently. The long-haired brunette felt a gaze on her and looked over at the culprit. Sam's blue-grey eyes met Y/N's amber ones. The silence between them spoke volumes while the others had erupted into small talk. Sam knew there was more to the story but Y/N didn't want to speak about it. "Alright everyone, meetings done. Let's go get the resident back out and continue our shift, okay?" By this time everyone had stood up and pushed their chairs into the table. The rest had walked off to tend to their duties and the only ones remaining were Sam and Y/N who was currently gathering the papers she had pulled out of the folder. "Spit it out." Sam commanded while leaning her hip against the nearby wall. Y/N's amber eyes snapped up at her coworker in confusion. "What?" "Spit it out. Something's got your feathers ruffled and I want to know what it is, also don't give me that shit of 'Oh it's nothing' or 'Don't worry about it.'" Don't you even think about lying to me either." A pink tongue comes out to wet dry lips only for said lips to be pulled in by teeth and chewed on. "He has an assigned doctor. Yoongi does." The brunette comments as her eyes dance around the room that the residents were being now escorted into. "Okay?" Sam wore a ridiculous look on her face, slight misunderstanding conveying on her features. "So he has an assigned doctor. Big whoop." A wave of an ebony-skin toned hand dismissed the concern being voiced by her friend. 'I'm his doctor..." Y/N trails off, her voice barely at a whisper. "Y/N speak up, I can't hear you." The female cups her ear to hear her better. "I'm his assigned doctor." Y/N announces.

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