The REDS of war

By Ian_Star205

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Follow the team from their adventures from Beacon and onwards. (Ps. I do not own RWBY it is owned by Rooster... More

Volume One Chapter One
Volume One Chapter Two
Volume One Chapter Three
Volume One Chapter Four
Volume One Chapter Five
Volume One Chapter Six
Volume One Chapter Seven
Volume One Chapter Nine (Volume one finale)
Volume Two Chapter One
Volume Two Chapter Two
Volume Two Chapter Three
Volume Two Chapter Four
Volume Two Chapter Five
Volume Two Chapter Six
Volume Two Chapter Seven
Volume Two Chapter Eight
Volume Two Chapter Nine
Volume Two Chapter Ten
Volume Two Chapter Eleven
Volume Two Chapter Twelve (Volume End.)
Volume Three Chapter One
Volume Three Chapter Two
Volume Three Chapter Three
Volume Three Chapter Four
Volume Three Chapter Five
Volume Three Chapter Six
Volume Three Chapter Seven
Volume Three Chapter Eight
Volume Three Chapter Nine (Volume End)
Crossover 3: It Gets Worse
Crossover 4: Never Too Late
Volume Four Chapter One
Volume Four Chapter Two
Volume Four Chapter Three
Volume Four Chapter Four
Volume Four Chapter Five
Volume Four Chapter Six
Volume Four Chapter Seven
Volume Four Chapter Eight
Volume Four Chapter Nine
Volume Four Chapter Ten
Volume Four Chapter Eleven (Volume End)
Volume Five Chapter One
Volume Five Chapter Two
Volume Five Chapter Three
Volume Five Chapter Four
Volume Five Chapter Five
Volume Five Chapter Six
Volume Five Chapter Seven
Volume Five Chapter Eight
Volume Five Chapter Nine (Volume End)

Volume One Chapter Eight

197 8 0
By Ian_Star205


Team CRDL steps forward preparing to fight.


Team REDS walk out of a locker room Rei, leading the squad, behind him Dusk, the Sky, and lastly Erin.

"1... Begin!"

The fight starts immediately with Cardin sending Russel and Dove first. Rei Jumps back and acts as support using suppressing fire by aiming for their feet as well as the joints in their armor. Allowing Dusk to get his smoke under the armor and start peeling it off. Erin joins the fight by rushing past the two shooting at the openings in their armor. Sky rushes the two still surprised from Erin's attack to notice her rapid approach she launches a blast of electricity into Russel and then jumps back and fires a blast at Dove eliminating Dove. Seeing his opening Rei fired a single arrow into his ear finishing Russel's aura. Having finished the first two, the team stare down Cardin and Sky. Sky Lark rushes at the team clearly agitated that his teammates lost to a girl. Erin and Rei stall his movements while Dusk uses the smoke coming off of Erin's guns to strengthen his own smoke before turning the smoke into a sword and quickly getting behind the "poor" boy upon seeing Dusk behind him, Sky fell back to the others allowing Dusk to slash Lark in an upward arc. Lowering his aura levels from perfect down to the yellow in one hit followed by Erin taking a few shots at the weak points in his armor as did Rei nodding at Sky who pulled back her hand and threw a blue ball of fire at Lark finishing off his aura in one hit leaving Cardin alone his cocky attitude rapidly fading he decided to rush Sky only to be met with a complete hurricane of arrows with wires cutting him off as well as bullets to limit his movement forcing him to dodge the arrows and the accompanying wires once he reached a closer range he was meet with a smoke screen and a big one at that.

"Routine Beta!" Dusk shouts out.

Upon hearing that the entirety of the team backed away from the smoke whilst Dusk kept the smoke screen around Cardin until Cardin couldn't move from all the wires blocking his paths and possible escapes.

Rei grins. "Backmask!"

Sky using her semblance superheats the air around her and launches three ball of fire into the Smoke igniting it into an explosion completely wiping out Cardin's aura in one hit. Surprising everyone, including Professor Glynda.

"Team REDS are your winners."

After the battle, Rei, Erin, and Sky were walking with team RWBY to the docks when a question was asked.

"What are we doing here?" Rei asks.

"The Vytal festival, oh this is absolutely wonderful." Weiss speaks elated as she watches people put together the festival.

"I don't think I've seen you smile so much. It's kinda weirding me out." Ruby glances to Weiss worriedly.

"I didn't think she could smile." Erin says standing behind team RWBY.

"I think it's creepy." Rei speaks his hands on his hips.

"How could you not smile. A festival dedicated to the cultures of the world. There will be dances, parades, a tournament. Oh, the amount of planning and organization that goes into this event is simply breath taking." Weiss speaks, still awestruck by all the wrong things.

Rei sighs. "Way to ruin something fun."

Yang nods standing next to Rei. "You really know how to take a good thing and make it sound boring."

Erin nods his head slightly. "You're not wrong..."

"Quiet you." Weiss shushes the group.

"Remind me again, why we're spending our day at the docks?" Rei and Yang both question.

"Ugh, they smell like fish." Ruby covers her nose.

"Ruby, it's a port-side of course it smells like fish." Blake says eyeing one of the boats unloading fish.

"I heard that students visiting from Vacuo will be arriving by ship today. And as a representative of Beacon, I feel it is my solemn duty to welcome them." Weiss says puffing our her chest.

"She wants to spy on them so she'll have the upper hand in the tournament." Erin & Bloke say in unison.

"Sounds like her." Rei says rolling his eyes.

Weiss scoffs. "You can't prove that!"

Ruby spots a dust shop that was robbed and goes to look into it. "What happened here?"

"Robberies, second dust shop to be hit this week." A detective says as Rei & Erin glances to each other.

The detectives decide to have a conversation with each other and name drop the White Fang making Erin and Blake a little uncomfortable, Rei grabs his sleeve pulling it down further covering a rose peeking out of the sleeve.

"Hm, the White Fang. What an awful bunch of degenerates." Weiss says pointing her nose up.

"What's your problem?" Blake asks her teammate.

"My problem? I simply don't care for the criminally insane."

"The White Fang is hardly a bunch of psychopaths. Yeah sure, there are a few fanatics, but not all of them. It's mostly a, um..." Erin struggles to find the right phrasing.

"A collection of misguided Faunus." Blake finishes for him.

"Misguided? They want to wipe humanity off the face of the planet."

"So then they're very misguided. If that's your opinion of the White Fang, who struggled to get a foothold in Mantle by the way, I'm curious how you feel about the Vermillion's." Rei says glaring down at Weiss.

"Just another gang of insane thugs." She says indignantly.

"'Insane'? Many of my best friends are either former or still were members of the Vermillion's when I left Mantle. Princess."

"Either way, it doesn't explain why they would rob a dust shop in the middle of downtown Vale." Blake says crossing her arms.

"Hmm... Blake and Erin have a point besides, the police never caught that Torchwick Guy I ran into a few months ago maybe it was him?" Ruby says placing a hand to her chin.

Rei sighs and places his hands on his hips. "The Thief King of Mistral, robbing some noname dust shops? That doesn't sound right though. He's known in the underworld for targeting big banks, and even working against anti-Faunus legions."

"That still doesn't change the fact that the White Fang and Vermillion's are a bunch of scum. Those Faunus only know how to lie, cheat, and steal."

Sky now speaks up. "That's not necessarily true."

"Hey stop that Faunus!" A person shouts from the docks nearby.

"You've got to be shitting me." Rei grumbles turning and heading over with Team RWBY.

"Oh, hey, I can finally get some more for the swear jar?" Ruby grins, Yang however groans.

"You have a swear jar?" Rei asks.

"Yeah? You don't?"

"No. My familia would kill me if I had something like that." Rei chuckles out his response.

"Familia?" Yang asks her eyebrow shooting upwards.

"Don't ask about it." Rei stares Yang dead in the eye.

The group look over to see a monkey Faunus running from the boats.

"You no good, stowaway." A member of the crew shouts up to the boy sitting atop a street lamp.

"Hey! A no-good stowaway would've been caught. I'm a great stowaway!"

"Hey, get down from there." Monkey boy then throws a banana in his face before running past the group and winks at Blake making Erin's chuckle having caught it.

Rei grins. "Well, Weiss, you wanted to see the competition, and there it goes."

"Quick we must observe him!" Weiss begins chasing after the boy.

"Called it." Sky chuckles. The group chases after Weiss who chases after monkey boy she while running knocks into somebody.

"Uhh, Weiss...?"

"Salutations!" The strange girl said still on the floor.

"Hello." Ruby speaks.

"Uhh, are you okay?" Yang asks the orange haired girl on the floor.

"I'm wonderful, thank you for asking."

"Would you, uh, like to get up?" Rei asks having just arrived.

"Yes." She suddenly flips herself up and lands on her feet. "My name is Penny. It's a pleasure to meet you."

In order now
"Hi Penny, I'm Ruby." Ruby waves.
"Hello Penny, I'm Rei." Rei nods.
"S-Sky." She hides behind Rei & Yang.
"Erin." Erin steps forward from the side.
"I'm Weiss." She bows respectfully.
"Are you sure you didn't hit your head?" Yang asks.
Erin nudges her arm giving her a small glare to which she responds rubbing her arm then head.
"Oh, I'm Yang."

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Penny speaks bowing slightly.

"You already said that." Weiss responds annoyed.

"So I did."

"Well, sorry for running into you."

"Take care, friend." Ruby waves Penny off. They all start walking away Rei shrugging his shoulders, and several of the others glancing to each other.

"She was strange." Yang says shivering.

Erin nods his head slightly. "You can say that again."

"She was strange." Rei repeats.

"Now where did that Faunus riffraff run off to."

They all stop once they see Penny in front of them again. "What did you call me?" Penny asks.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't think you heard that." Yang says taking a step back.

"No, not you." She then looks at Ruby. "You."

"Me! I-I don't know I uhh..."

"You called me friend. Am I truly your friend?"

"I uhh um?" She looks towards her team to see them waving their hands to say no and her response was... "Yeah sure why not." Her entire team facepalmed, though Penny's response didn't exactly help the situation.

"Sensational! We can paint our nails and try on clothes and talk about cute boys!"

Ruby mutters to Weiss "Oh man, was this what it was like when you met me?"

"No, she seems far more coordinated."

"So, what are you doing in Vale?" Yang asks.

"I'm here to fight in the tournament!" Penny smiles.

"Wait, you're fighting in the tournament?" Weiss asks.

"I'm combat ready!"

"Forgive me, but you hardly look the part." Weiss says surprised.

Erin scoffs. "Says the girl in the to-to."

"It's a combat skirt." Weiss, yet again, replies indignantly.

"Yeah!" Ruby agrees with Weiss before giving her a low five.

"Wait a minute, if your here fore the tournament does that mean you know that monkey tailed rapscallion?"

"'Rapscallion'?" Rei mutters.

"The who?"

"The filthy Faunus from the boat!"

Erin now speaks up. "Why do keep you saying that?"

"Huh?" Weiss asks.

"Stop calling him a rapscallion. Stop calling him filthy. He's a person!" Blake shouts.

"Oh, I'm sorry would you like me stop calling me a trash can a trash can, or this lamppost a lampsost."

"Stop it!" Blake yells at Weiss.

"Stop what? He clearly broke the law! Give it some time and he'll probably join up with the other Faunus in the White Fang."

Erin and Blake both stare to the quite frankly racist girl. "You ignorant little brat!" The duo infuriated with the Schnee walk away from her, Erin's hood falling off revealing his lion ears to Weiss.

"How dare you talk to me like that, I am your teammate and friend!"

"You're a judgement'll little girl!" Erin growls.

"What in the world makes you say that."

Erin shouts, pointing at his ears. "This! I'm a Faunus, dumbass!"

Erin walked away as Sky & Rei walked after the group.

"So do you think we should probably go?" Rei takes a deep breath.

"Where are we going?" Penny asks earning a sigh from Rei.

Weiss and Blake kept arguing all the way back to the dorms, Erin who had enough of the argument entered the room for his team slamming the door shut in Weiss' face. Rei & Sky apologized for him entering the room. Later that weekend, Rei exits his team's room with Sky & Erin, next to them exit Ruby, Yang, and Weiss.

"Well if isn't the White Fang member." Weiss glares at Erin.

"She's not back yet." He ignores Weiss speaking to Yang.

"No..." Yang slumps down dejectedly.

"Let's go. I doubt we'll find her today either."

"Hey, don't ignore me!"

Rei scoffs. "God, shut up." Weiss as well as the others look to Rei in shock. "People like you are why the White Fang exist in the first place, not to mention, the gangs in the underworld of Mantle."


Rei rolls his eyes. "Yeah, The Vermillion's, the Spiders, GoldenRods, and Glaucous."

"How do you know about them?"

"I'm grew up as with friends the captain of Squad Crimson. I wanted to join them, but he told me to instead to go to a huntsman academy. As far as I'm aware, they want to legitimize themselves, and become professionally hired guns for Atlas. You may not understand this, Princess, but us dreggs of society have had to put up with a lot more deaths and uneaten meals than you have."

"Your friends are murderers."

"More than likely they followed orders. I became his friend cause there was nowhere else to go. An abusive adopted father, or be protected by a gang member. I made my choice, Sure he may have red on his ledger, but I'd rather be who I am now than my fathers bitch."

Weiss slaps Rei, the young boys head jerking to the side. He chuckles for a second, everyone around them stunned, Weiss with a fire in her eyes.

"By the way, don't bother telling the headmaster or any of the professors. Professor Ozpin has already made me aware, he knows my past, it's why I'm still here. So long as I behave and don't do anything too bad to anyone, I can stay. He even entrusted me my own team while here. Even informed me about Erin & Blake's past."

Erin sighs. "Speaking of the Professor, he personally invited Blake & I to the school. He knows our past, we were defectors. Abandoned the cause as some would say, quite frankly, I'm glad I left. But god, I wish I had chosen Haven now. Oh well, Beacon it is. Let's go, I think I may have an idea on where she is. Sky and I will go alone."

The group walk off, Weiss stunned by everyone's words she remains mostly silent, Sky & Erin separating from the group leaving Rei to walk with Ruby, Yang and Weiss.

"She's been gone all weekend." Ruby says the four walking down the hall after Erin & Sky.

Erin & Sky, Both walk to a nearby bookstore, sitting up above drinking glasses of tea, Blake & the Faunus from before Sun Wukong.

"Finally she speaks. Nearly two days and you've given me nothing but small talk and weird looks." Sun says earning a glare from the Blake.

Her glare breaks when the door opens behind Sun, she rolls her eyes watching Erin & Sky enter the room.

"Yeah like that."

"Glad to see you're okay, black. Got the whole crew looking for ya now."

"Whoa! Where did you come from?"

"I just got here. I assume she was about to ask you if you knew the White Fang, actually, do you know about them, Sky?" He turns to the only non-faunus of the group."

"I've heard of them, never actually looked into it. I had a few Faunus friends as a kid but after they left to join I never saw them again."

"Of course, I don't think there's a Faunus on the planet who hasn't heard of them. Stupid hoarders and creeps who use force to get force to get whatever they want. Bunch of freaks if you ask me." Sun says confidently.

"We were once members of the White Fang." Erin rolls his eyes.

Blake nods in agreement, Sky looks to the ground, and Sun spits out his tea.

"Wait a minute, you were a member of the White Fang?" Sun points towards at Blake, Erin places a hand to his chest feigning a wounded pride.

"That's right we've been members for most of our lives actually." She points to herself and Erin, the pair of he and Sky take a seat each with their own drinks. Erin drinking black coffee, and Sky pure milk... the pair had asked Tucson for drinks as pure as their souls, and this was his response. Pure black coffee for Erin, and milk for Sky. "You could almost say we were born into it. Back then things were different."

"Well, If we're just going to explain it to someone who should already know." Blake glares at Erin who continues. "In the ashes of Faunus war the white fang was kinda meant to be a symbol of peace and unity between humans and the Faunus, right."

"Of course despite being promised equality, the Faunus were subjected to discrimination and hate. Humanity still thought of us as lesser beings. And so, the White Fang rose up as a voice of our people." Blake speaks staring at her tea.

"And we were there, at the front of every rally. We took part in just about every boycott. Honestly, back then, I actually thought we were making a difference. That was just youthful optimism. Roughly five years ago I think it was, our leader stepped down, and a new one took his place." Erin stops speaking taking a sip of his coffee.

"A new leader with a new way of thinking. Suddenly our peaceful protest were being replaced with organized attacks. We were setting fire to shops that refused to serve us. Hijacking cargo from companies that used Faunus as labour. And the worst part was? That it was working. We were being treated as equals. But not out of respect out of fear."

"Seeing all this going down... we left. We decided we no longer wanted to use our skills to aid in their violence. Instead we would "dedicate our lives to becoming a Huntsman and a huntress." Sure shows how well we thought things through. I would say "We're two criminals hiding in plain view. All with the help of a little black bow and a hood." But, not really hiding since we were invited to the school by a professor who knew about us."

"So...have you told any of your friends about any of this?"

"Well, aside from Sky, here, I just told all of Team RWBY, and Rei."

Fade to Rei and team RWY

"Blake!" Rei & Yang cry out repeatedly.

"Blake! Where are you?!" Ruby shouts wandering randomly with the others before turning to Weiss. "Weiss, you're not helping!"

"Oh, you know who might be able to help? Tho police."

"Ugh, Weiss..." Rei grumbles still walking ahead of the group.

"It was just an idea!"

"A pretty bad one."

"Weiss, I think we should hear her side of the story before we jump to any conclusions." Yang says turning to Weiss.

"I think when we hear it, you'll all realize I was right."

"And I think Weiss' hair looks wonderful today!" Penny speaks appearing in front of the others suddenly.

"What the"

"So... what's going on Ferrari?" Dusk asks also appearing from seemingly nowhere.

"Agh!! Penny!! Where did you come from!?" Ruby shouts in shock.

"Hey guys, what are you up to."

Dusk remains silent placing a finger to his mouth, a glance from Penny and she returns focus specifically towards team RWBY, Rei glances to Dusk as he grabs a cigarette and lights it up. Rei and Dusk take a few steps away from them for a moment as Penny continues to speak with the team the duo speaking in hushed tones.

"If you want to know what's happened, Blake & Erin ousted themselves as former WF, Sky & Erin went to go look for a Blake who ran away, and I nearly ousted myself."

"Ooo, daring are you now, Captain Ferrari?" Dusk grins

"Oi, they don't know that yet, Mr. Kai."

Dusk chuckles. "I'll keep my mouth shut, if you keep yours."

"Understood, you must know you are my ticket to getting my group into Atlas' good graces, yes."

"Just ensure me, I'll get to bring down Torchwick, and we're all clear."

"So, where is she?" The pair return to team RWY's conversation with Penny as the orange haired girl asks the team a question.

"We don't know she's been missing since Friday." Rei answers.

Penny gasps "That's terrible! Well don't you worry Ruby, my friend! I won't rest until we find your teammate and friend."

"Uh, that's really nice of you Penny, uh, but we're-we're okay. Really. Right guys?"

She looked around to see Rei and Dusk standing there staring into the distance at Weiss and Yang running away from them.

Rei raises two fingers. "Deuces." Rei & Dusk walk away from the pair, they walk to a nearby building where Rei grabs a pair of binoculars and holds it with only a single eye, due to the eyepatch.

"Should we ring up our elders?" Dusk asks standing next to his partner.

"Probably, I'll get Glossy." He hands the binoculars to Dusk and gets his Scroll to call Glossy.

The group of Erin, Sky, Blake & Sun walk around Vale and somehow managed to avoid the rest of team RWBY and the rest of team REDS.

"So, what's the plan now?" Sun asks.

"I still don't believe the White Fang is behind these robberies. They've never needed that much dust before." Blake answers stopping.

"What if they did? I mean... the only way to prove that they didn't do it, is to go to the place where they would most likely do it, and not find them there...right?"

Erin shrugs. 'He does make a good point."

"The only thing is, I have no idea where that would be."

"Well, while I was on the ship I heard some guys talking about offloading a 'huge' shipment of Dust coming in from Atlas."

Erin's interest is now piqued he steps forward. "How huge?"

"'Huge'. Big Schnee Company freighter."

"Oh, it just had to be a Schnee freighter."

Blake places a hand to her chin. "You're sure?"

Meanwhile, Yang and Weiss explore the city together, the pair exiting a shop having asked around.

"Thanks anyways!" Yang scoffs her arms dropping to her sides. "This is hopeless. You really don't care if we find her, do you?" She turns to Weiss.

"Don't be stupid. Of course I do. I'm just afraid of what she'lol say when we find them. The innocent never run, Yang."

Rei and Dusk continue to sit on their roof, Rei having just gotten of his call with Glossy.

Dusk turns to his partner. "So?"

"They're off on a mission right now. Orders from her say to head towards the docks, apparently Canary is keeping his ear to the ground, he heard some rumors about a hit happening to a Schnee freighter in the docks this weekend, he thinks it's a good lead."

Dusk shrugs. "Bet."

Blake, Erin, and Sky sit atop a large crate the pair watching the main port of Vale. The three sit in relative silence while watching the workers offload the Dust from the ship.

"Did I miss anything?" Sun asks returning to the group.

"Not really." Erin answers first.

"They've just finished offloading all the crates from the boat. Now they're just sitting there." Blake remains focused on the docks.

"Cool, I stole you guys some food."

"Do you always break the law without a second thought?" Sky and Erin both ask the blonde monkey.

"Hey weren't you in a cult or something?"nBlake & Erin glare at him, while Sky nudges him in the side. "Okay, too soon."

Soon after they finish and leave, the four are stunned by a turbine engine was heard above them and landed at the docks where members of the White Fang got off much to Erin and Blake's dismay.

"Oh no."

"Is that them?"

"No shit, why else would she say that?" Erin grumbles grabbing from his back a gun.

"He was just asking." Sky nudges Erin.

More members got off the ship, they watch them preparing to do their task. "Alright, Grab the tow cables."

Sun looked over to the duo who were watching with shame written on their faces. "You really didn't think they were behind it, did you?"

Erin sighs. "No I think deep down we knew. We just didn't want to be right."

"Hey! What's the hold up?"mA figure wearing a bowling hat with orange hair and a white trench coat walked out into view of the four, Erin curses silently to himself at the sight of Roman Torchwick. "We're not exactly the most inconspicuous bunch of thieves at the moment, so why don't you animals try to pick up the pace."

"This isn't right. The White Fang would never work with a human." Blake softly speaks to Erin.

"Especially not one like that."

"Oh, I hope Danny doesn't find out about Roman being here, that would not be good." Sky's eyes widen.

The duo of Erin & Blake made their way down from the crate a moment later, the pair watch everything. "Hey, Blake... you surprise Roman, I'll look for any outliers." Erin nods to Blake, herself nodding back to his plan.

The pair move into their positions Erin moved out of sight of the rest of the white fang members stealthily knocking out any unlucky bastard who caught sight of him as Blake moved to get behind Torchwick.

"No you idiot! This isn't a leash!"

Blake suddenly surged behind him put her blade to the neck of Roman as Erin draws a singular gun taking aim at various points for the best ricochet damage. He sighs when he sees Blake, Erin raises an eyebrow and places a hand up, signaling Sky to wait, her gloves on and ready to go. Sun however has vanished.

"What the—? Oh for f..." Roman is interrupted by Blake shouting to the White Fang grunts.

"Nobody move." She cut him off before he could curse out loud and the White Fang members took aim and pulled out swords.

"Woah! Take it easy there little lady."

The White Fang members kept coming and aiming they're weapons at her until she pulled her bow off.

"Brothers of the White Fang. Why are you aiding this scum?" Her revealing her Faunus trait caused them to lower their weapons in confusion Roman chuckled and her eyes immediately returned to him.

"Heh, oh kid. Didn't you get the memo?"

"What are you talking about?"

"The White Fang and I are going in on a joint business venture together."

"Tell me what it is or I'll put an end to your little operation."

Two more bullheads rise up above the duo stunning Erin and Sky who watch with wide eyes.

"I wouldn't exactly call it a little operation."

Roman shoots the ground sending Blake flying away and Erin to take shots at the members of the white fang on the ground hitting their knee caps or feet to immobilize them without killing them

Rei and Dusk see the explosion and with a glance to each other before racing off towards the docks.

Blake begins her fight with Roman while Erin & Sky kept the Members of the White Fang at bay by suppressing them and forcing them to back away from the fight between the duo. And while Sky avoided excessive force, Erin however will attempt to not do permanent harm, however if he needs he'll kill if they get to close to interfering in the fight aiming to immobilize he would aim for the quadriceps or the hamstring even the kneecaps to keep them from running into the fight.

"Nobody move and nobody gets hurt!"

Roman continued his fight with Blake as more white fang members arrived and surrounded her before Sun got involved by dropping a banana on Romans hat.

"Leave her alone." Sun entered the fray of the fight as he easily fought off those extra members.

"You are not the brightest banana in the bunch, are ya kid?" Roman mocked the monkey boy.

Sun smiles before starting his own fight with the white fang as Erin finally jumped down and took on some members himself being surrounded by three members he recognized from his own former squad, Nak, Mac, and Cole they call. A team of hunters, Erin sighed, his team was well known for defeating and killing deserters.

"Yeah, I should've seen this coming. How's the kid, Nak?"

"Shut up, deserter." Nak shows no respect readying a sword.

"Traitor!" Mac however felt it appropriate to shout while rushing to attack, a trait Erin fought heavily to remove from his former allies.

Erin sighed before nodding his head and the three ran at him. Mac rushed Erin with his sword to which he dodged by sliding under him and hitting him in his groin

"Well, there goes the possibility of having anymore kids, aye Mac."

After that Cole rushed him trying to engage him in fisticuffs to which he responded with a backhanded slap to his face before Cole could try to return a wave of cold washed over him and his legs and torso were stuck in one place. Sky stepped forward defending herself from even more members and launching large waves of ice & Fire. Nak tried to get behind Erin but his heightened hearing and smell detected Nak easily. He rolled out of the way of a downward slash and roundhouse kicked him in the jaw sending Nak flying towards Sun who had just finished his fight with his members of the White Fang. Sun promptly kicked him away and onto the ground before he turned back to Roman. Blake jumped back into combat and the duo started to double team him.

"Hey!" A voice broke the action.

Everyone looked over to see Ruby and Penny standing there looking down at the group.

Roman grins. "Oh, hello Red! Isn't it past your bedtime?"

Penny glances to Ruby. "Ruby? Are these people your friends."

"Penny get back."

In the split second Ruby looked away Roman raised his cane and took a shot at her.

Erin worriedly cries out. "Ruby!"

Thinking she had taken the full force of the attack he draws his gun and aims for Roman but when the smoke cleared they all saw a dark ball had formed around where Ruby had been standing and then it hit them Dusk & Rei had arrived. Penny seeing this walked forward much to Ruby's protests before she jumped down and started just cutting through the guys who were still unharmed. Unfortunately, more bullheads approached and she launched herself back towards a wall before she charged something up using her swords at this moment they saw smoke forming around one of the bullheads and realized that Dusk was fully ready to fight, however they all watched as a green beam cut several of the bullheads in half.

"Whoa." Rei and Erin watched eyes wide.

"Holy..." Sky started.

"...Shit." Dusk finished.

The teens saw her send her swords into another one before bringing the bullhead crashing into a crate of dust and Roman getting away. A few hours later the police had arrived and had asked the group of what they recall happening when Weiss and Yang finally arrived.

Ruby seeing the pair walked forward trying to explain. "Look Weiss it's not what you think, they explained the whole thing you she doesn't actually wear a bow, she has kitty ears and their actually kinda cute."

"Weiss. I want you to know that we're no longer associated with the white fang. Back when I was with-"

"Stop. Do you have any idea how long we've been searching for you?" Weiss stops Blake.

Erin answers sarcastically "All weekend."

"Twelve hours. That means I've had twelve hours to think about this. And in that twelve hours I've decided... I don't care!"

"You don't care?" The two Faunus question.

"You said you're not one of them anymore, right?"

"No, we haven't been since we were younger..."

"Upupupupup! I don't wanna hear it. All I want to know, is next time something this big comes up you'll come to your teammates and not some... someone else."

"Of course." Blake steps back.

Weiss then looks at Sun. "I'm still not quite sure how I feel about you!"

"Hey wait a minute where's Penny?" Ruby asks.

Dusk hearing this places a hand on Ruby's shoulder. "I wouldn't be too worried about Pen."

Cut to Ozpin as he watches his evens when a message arrives on his scroll with a message.

Team: - - - -
MSG: Queen has pawns.

Chapter End.

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