
By Kirstin-Stories

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Literally the title More

Fuck off
Anytime Part 2 (X)

Anytime. Part 1

390 8 0
By Kirstin-Stories

So we're starting this shit out on a bang. Literally. So this is based off of TAATO. The series that was brought to life by the Lovely, writing extraordinaire, Superfruit_IsLife
Thank you for giving me such a good idea and I hope it's ok that I'm doing this.

Anyways, this is about that time Avi told Mitch that Kirstie wanted to see them fuck. So this is about that. And also Kitty Kat joining in on the fun. (Btw this is Blonde but 2015! Personality Mitch and 2016! Tour Kirstie.)

Let's go threesomes.

Enjoy :).


"You can come watch anytime."

That sentence was burned into the front of Kirstie's mind. She wondered if that would be a real possibility. She didn't know why she couldn't stop thinking about it. She had Avi, Her Amazingly sweet, husband. She couldn't be happier with him if she tried. But somehow the thought of her best friend in her bed called to her.

"Hey, Kitty." Mitch greeted her suddenly in front of Gracie's room, scaring her out of her thoughts.

"Oh- Hey, Mitchie." She replied in her best, I totally wasn't scared by that, voice. "How's Scottie?"

"Good, I think. Ya know he never does really talk about his feelings much. But you already knew that."
Mitch answered quickly. Not even looking at her.

"Ha, yea. I was there for about 70% of the arguments." Kirstie teased

"Hey there, I thought we wouldn't talk about that anymore, Sis." Mitch sassed

"Yes, we weren't. But I like messing with you. You're cute when you're angry." Kirstie replied brushing a loose strand of Mitch's hair off to the side.

"Hey, I'm not cute. I'm super intimidating." Mitch threw over his shoulder while walking towards the living room, pretending to be offended.

"Oh yes, so intimidating. The dominance is just radiating off of you." Kirstie sassed, following him to the living room.

Mitch stopped and turned around, mouth open in fake shock. "Well, Well, Well Miss Kirstin Maldonado. I see you've finally learned a thing or two from me." Mitch said, taking a step closer to her.

He fake clapped "Well done." He said seductively. Staring her in the eye.

She could feel his breath on her. It was tense for a moment.

"Th-thanks Mitchie. I-" she cleared her throat hoping to take the attention of her stutter. "I did study hard for that."

Kirstie walked past him and sat on soft, grey couch.

She refused to make eye contact. Her face flushing.

"Hey Kirst, something wrong?" Mitch asked genuinely hoping he didn't say something wrong.

"Uh, yea it's just." Kirstie hesitated before finishing "Do you remember the time we dated in omega school?"

"Yea, it only lasted like six months right?" Mitch said remembering how long it had been.

"Mmhm." Kirstin hummed in response.

"What about it?" Mitch asked curiously

"I-I just. I've been thinking about it recently." Kirstie threw out. "I just.. I miss you. I miss us hanging out. I know stuff happened in the past that kinda, uh.. separated us."

Mitch nodded. Remembering the incident

"But I wanna move past that. But I'm stuck on one thing." Kirstie sat up straighter

"Go on." Mitch edged her on. Curious as to where she was going with this.

"Do you remember that thing you said to me a few nights ago?" Kirstin asked. Tucking her curled blonde hair behind her ear.

"Kit, please. I've said more than a couple of things in the past couple of nights to you. You're gonna have to be a little more specific." Mitch rolled his eyes playfully.

"It was the night with the mailman. Jim?" She asked, hoping to spark his memory.

"Oh, him. Yea." Mitch said. Unsure of how to respond.

"You said I was free to um.. join you anytime." Kirstie said blushing furiously

"Kirst. I- I was mostly joking when I said that." Mitch stated confused that she was bringing this up

"Here's the thing though." Kirstin turned and met his eyes. Those beautiful eyes. "I wasn't."

"Oh... Oh." Mitch said quietly still unsure of what to say.

"Kit I-." "Mitch, please don't say anything. I'm so sorry I brought this up. Oh god, I'm so-." "Kirstin, Stop talking." Mitch cut her off before she could freak herself out any further.

Kirstin stayed silent. Taking in every word that came out of his mouth.

"Kirstie, what do you want from this?" Mitch asked hand pinching the top of his nose.

"Huh?" "You heard me, Kirst. Speak your mind. I won't judge."

"I want you, Mitch. I want you in every way possible. After we broke up in omega school, I never really got over you. I need that closure. I need to know If I regret letting you go.. I...Mitch..You know we never got, um. Far, in that relationship. And that's what I want." Kirstin sighed. Relieved to have let that out of her system after so long. Six years to be exact.

"Okay." Mitch replied Confidently.

"What!?." Kirstie half shouted. Shocked mostly.

"You heard me. Let's do this."

"Mitch, it's crazy. We can't do this." Kirstie yell whispered

"Why not?" Mitch asked.

"You're marked, and Married. And, Oh My God! So am I. I have a Child. We'd so get caught." Kirstin realized

"Oh, so now you don't want to?" Mitch asked half offended. "You know there's ways around that, right?"

"What? HOW? Literally HOW, Mitch?!." Kirstin once again half yelled.

"Hey, hey keep it down will ya? Ugh it's easy. Did you not remember that there's an alpha meeting tonight?" Mitch relayed to her.

"I did not."

"Well there is. And Alex, Travis, and Jake aren't around either. Only the betas." Mitch replied grinning at his smart idea.

"Wait I'm actually confused. Aren't you like super in love with Scott? Why are you helping me with this?" Kirstin asked

"Because, you don't think I haven't been curious too? I've never been with a girl in that way before. And I already love you to pieces so I don't see why not." Mitch answered quickly.

"Aww that's cute. I love you too. But Also how are we gonna mask our scents from being on each other. We're literally gonna fuck. How in gods name do you think you'll be able to hide that?"  Kirstin asked quietly just in case anyone could hear them.

"Ooh language, babe. I have a way. Don't worry. It's so simple, I don't how I haven't done it before." Mitch replied easily

"Ok what is it?" Kirstin asked

"Showering. It's literally that easy." Mitch replied, every word having already been memorized. Even thought he's never actually cheated before.

"And that works?" Kirstin asked, surprised as ever


"Ok wow. We're really gonna do this.."

"Yup, let's go prep." Mitch stopped when he saw Kirstie's worried look. "Relax it'll be fun. Trust me.


Oof. The quiet before the storm. This is gonna be fun.
Skip the next chapter if you don't like smut.

Give me like five minutes and I'll post the other one.

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