Hey, Pretty Stranger (Todorok...

By ari_todorokidoki

33.7K 1.2K 1.3K

As a Pre-Med student with a practical quirk, your life seemed so clear and unwavering, until one fateful day... More

Kinda Kidnapping, but Not Really
See You Around
A Case of the Doki Doki's
Playing with Fire
Date With Destiny
Spit It Out
Death By Fangirls (End)

Ehh...Just Walk It Off

6.9K 176 197
By ari_todorokidoki

Summary: Meet adorable, practical reader-chan, a post-grad pre-med student at Tokyo University. She has a very good quirk for doctoring, and is on  good path to be a successful medical person. Right now, she is am overworked, overachieving Medical Assistant who's dumb enough to into a sketchy alley at night, like all protagonists. However, this night is different because she runs into villain trouble and bumps into Ice Zuko. With angsty Mcgee injured and no phone in sighn, what will (y/n)-chan do to save the beautiful stranger.....? Find out, Click the link below...jk don't

Author's note: Hi friends, Like I said before, this is the same fic from the Tododoki Doki story collection thing, It just got too long to keep there, so I moved it. If you want to skip ahead, I think my most recent update (from July 26) was part 6?? yeah.. Haha Enjoy the fic

<3 Ari

"PLEASE... SOMEONE HELP THIS MAN", a unfamiliar figure desperately blurted in the waiting room.

Deep crimson stained his clothes, dripping down his arm. To the figure's side hung a completely battered corpse supporting, limp from bleeding wounds and bullet holes that splatterd onto the tacky blue carpet. Nurses frantically darted to the victims, quickly lifting his battered body onto a stretcher and pushing him through swinging white doors. The remaining faculty approached the bloody man who brought him in to check for any injuries or fractures.

"GET (L/N) TO RUN A SCAN, PRONTO", the head nurse shouted to her assistants, racing the victim, now equipped with mechanical ventilators and an IV, thought the hospital hallway.

Minutes ticked by as the health of the poor man continued to plunge.

The silver operating doors, flung open with a loud bang, as you rushed into the room.

"Where is the patient", you demanded, slapping on latex gloves and a lab coat.

A brunette nurse carefully monitoring a computer screen promptly responded, "he's already in the X-Ray Room (is that even a thing), ready for screening"

The beige room was rather simple; a glass window separating the room into two: a control room and the scanning area. Although the control panel was littered with buttons, flashing lights, and all sorts of high tech do-dads, beyond the glass was a empty space only equipped with a surveillance camera. Ironically, the x-ray room lacked the actual x-ray machine. Instead, they had you.

(there are MRI and CT scanners and X-ray machines, etc. ofc, but there aren't many because your quirk is quicker, less expensive, and less harmful)

Monitoring the patient's vitals on the control panel, you slid your arm into a bulky lead vest, protecting your chest and pelvis from excess radiation from your quirk.

You pulled open the hefty metal door, entering the scanning room with the patient, already equipped with corresponding radiation protection gear. Unfolding the lenses from your lab coat pocket, you placed the specially tinted glasses onto your face, eyes locking in on your lying target

"Ready to Scan", you reported out, your taller form looming over the limp body.

The brown haired nurse hovered her delicate hands over the control panel, "Proceed to Scan".

Immediately, deep darkness engulfed the room. Your eyes snapped open, activating your quirk. Ordinary (e/c) eyes illuminating into a fluorescent sky blue as you concentrated the emission into a bright azure bar, slowly moving down the victim's form, starting from the top of his head to the tip of his toes.

"Scan Complete", you announced. Blue glow evaporated into the black void as your eyes closed.

Blinding lights flashed back on and soon after, your gently fluttered your eyes open revealing your former (e/c) orbs. You carefully folded your glasses away, slipped out of the black vest, and walked back through the metal door, making your way to the main computer. On the side of the monitor, you flipped open a little panel to reveal a small hole. Inserting your finger into the port, you turned to the nurses and practioners.

"The patient suffered from two bullet wounds; one lodged in the Vastus Lateralis, and the other in the Rectus Sheath." "Luckily", you continued, " that bullet failed to puncture any vital organs, however three fractured ribs hold the risk of tearing the spleen, causing a rupture".

By the time you finished reporting your findings, the mental scans from your quirk downloaded into the computer, producing a more accurate image of their patient's body as well as the injuries you verbally described earlier.

As you slipped your finger out of the port, flicking the panel back over the opening, the nurses had already wheeled the patient out the door towards the operating room.

"We'll take your scans to Dr. (insert name)", the brunette nurse spoke, grabbing the freshly printed images. As she sped out the door, your workplace elder paused in the door frame turning to you".

"(F/n)-chan...You are a very promising future doctor. Keep up the good work." She flashed a sincere smile.

Engrossed in your work, your hand frantically scribbled on a papers below. You looked up at the head nurse as she rushed back out the door. The corner of your lips lifted into a small smirk, soaking in the rare complement your superior gave you. As you continued on your charts, you heard a familiar voice from the hallway.

"Also, Sorry for calling you in on your day off ", the said nurse called out, her voice bouncing off of the empty walls.

Your rapidly hand froze rigid in place. You stared into space, darkness enveloping your mind.

"Day Off...", the thought echoed in your head, "I completely forgot".

To be honest, you were quite embarrassed as well as disappointed that your workaholic, overachieving disposition made you forget something as precious as day off from disheartening, gloomy workplace.

You looked back down at the unfinished charts, then the digital clock of the bland-colored wall.

"Ehh", you said to yourself, "I'll finish these charts, then head home"

Timeskip 10pm

A dejected sigh left your lips as your overworked physique sauntered down the street, feet dragging into the concrete. You were only planning on doing the emergency patient's charts, but literally FIVE SECONDS after you finished, another doctor busted into the room, requesting that you scan their patient since the MRI room was occupied. You, being the suck up you are, 'gladly' took up your superior's task, dejectedly following his lead to the another empty scanning room. Then, directly after that nuisance, some nurse claimed that the file of a scan you did last week got corrupted, meaning you had to drag your aggravated ass across the campus to the MRI room for another round of eye ball radiation. Long story short, you and quirk were at your limit, indicated by a pounding headache you subdued by popping a couple Advil.

Since your quirk worked by emitting radiation from your eyes, you limited yourself to 3 scans a day to prevent overexposure. Microscopically, the radiation from your eyes mutated the cells, causing exhibit foreign traits, like reflecting light blue rays. So, in theory, if your overused your quirk without proper protection, your skin would start glowing.... and you'd be at risk for cancer... fun.

Physically and mentally exhausted, you failed to notice that you took your alternate route back to your apartment. The secondary course was a quicker commute, but it included walking through sketchy areas of the city. So, you avoided taking it whenever you forgot that time existed at your job, aka leaving the hospital at abysmal hours. Unfortunately, you played yourself, walking through the forsaken crime district... alone.

You clenched you purse against your chest, flipping your head back and forth, like a hyperactive squirrel, as you attentively searched your surroundings.


You yelped, skiddish from the sudden loud sound. Hesitantly flipping on your phone's flashlight, your hands shakily pointed the light in the direction of the bang.

A black figure jumped out of the dumpster silhouette into the illuminated beams, causing you to have a mini heart attack. However, to your surprise and relief, the mysterious dark blob turned out to be a stray black cat rummaging through the garbage.

Your tense shoulders relaxed at the cute critter.

"Hey, buddy," you cooed, "I thought you were a villain, but your just a cute kitty".

You made your way over to the animal to pet it, but halfway there, the feline hissed, running away from your form, causing you to frown.

"Tough crowd", you huffed.


You whipped your head to witness a large chunk of building, flying right at you. Your mind instantly shut down.

Milliseconds after, you felt a large mass crash against your side, pushing you out of the way of the incoming debris. Next thing you knew, you were sprawled out on the ground, covered in scrapes and bruises.

Your eyes fluttered open as you examined the area: fuzzy brown rubble and a limp blue blob to you rleft. As your eyes slowly adjusted, you gasped, realizing that the navy blur was actually a body; probably the person who surprise tackled you..

Although your exhausted body ached from the impact, the rush adrenaline pushed you to get up and run towards the seemingly lifeless body. You dropped down beside the figure, pressing two fingers against his jawline.

"A PULSE", you shouted in your head in relief.

Then, you rolled the body onto its back, delicately lifting his chin up and leaning in close to check for air flow. Luckily, you could hear some breathing; faint, but still good enough for a trace of life.

Thank the heavens.

You gently brushed back the victim's two-toned hair to examine his head; bloody from brunt force. Pressing your hand against the wound to prevent further bleeding, you desperately scanned the area for your purse that contained some bandages and disinfectant. To your dismay, the dark alleyway provided inadequate lighting to get a proper scope of the area. Realizing the hopelessness of the situation, you ripped off the right sleeve of your scrub (typical hospital wear for faculty). You shifted your seating position, cradling the corpse's head in your lap. Lifting locks of bi-colored bangs, you managed to wrap the cloth around the patient's forehead to at least stop the bleeding, but you were 99% sure the injuries didn't stop there.

Tying off the ripped cottton to complete the makeshift band aid, you catch the patient's eyes flutter open, heterochromic greys and blues meeting (e/c), interlocking. Despite the severity of the situation, for some reason it felt as time stopped for the both of you. Dark, dull brick and concrete flushed with color as gentle moonbeams illuminated the area, soft twinkles surrounding the two of you. The dirty, rundown alleyway transformed into a moonlit garden. Bloody and bruised, his face shimmered in the silver beams emphasizing a sharp jawline and kind eyes. His heterochromic orbs started intensively, like they were peering into your very soul. Your cheeks flushed, as you held the beautiful stranger's head in your lap for a relatively long amount of time. For those 3 seconds of eye contact, it was like both of you were the only to people in the world.

"W..Where are you, hero", an unsettlingly grim voice called out, disrupting the mood.

An amorphous shadow cascaded against the brick walls inching closer to the both of you. The color drained from your face as you frantically wracked your brain for ideas on getting the two of you out of there. You wanted to run, get up, scream, but the adrenaline had already washed away, leaving you paralyzed with fear.

Suddenly, you felt movement underneath you; a weight lifting off of your lap.

"STOP", you pleaded to the stranger, "You're injured"

You were met with silence, watching the damaged figure struggled to get himself up. He managed to prob an arm under himself, but his torso collapsed back onto the rough concrete, wincing at the pain.

Your (s/c) hands gently hovered over the motionless boy

"Please", your whispered, voice trembling with fear, "don't move"


The dark figure lashed itself out of the shadows towards the two of you. You could barely make out any features except one: a gruesome, blood-thirsty grin.

You clenched your eyes closed, preparing yourself for the coming attack.

"How could my life end like this", you cried in your mind.

"I haven't graduated medical school, yet...I haven't said goodbye to my parents"

"...Hell, I haven't even found my soulmate", Tears prickled the side of your eyes.

Panicked thoughts continued to flood your head, but as time passed, nothing happened: no mouthful of mortar, no excruciating pain, no white light

You snapped open your teary eyes, immediately widening at the fantastic spectacle in front you. You were left in awe, gawking at the surprising sight for what it seemed like, forever.

A glistening tower of ice blocked the other end of the dark alley. The moonlight shone through the transparent shards, casting twinkling beams that put the whole "moonlit garden" scene to shame. Encased in the icy masterpiece lied the very thing that attacked you.

'Thing' was the perfect word to describe it. Between all your biology classes and sleepless nights of studying pointless zoology for med-school, you still had no idea what the fresh hell you were looking at. It was like this modified bear-human organism covered with budging muscles and deadly spikes, all wrapped together by a large unsettling smile on its face.

Your eyes trailed the ice, following the crystals from the main block to the concrete. The shimmering frozen trail ended at the stranger's body, more specifically, his hand, fingers spread against the ground, flakes of ice still prickling the surface of his skin.

The injured figure slowly staggered up, standing on two feet once more, his eyes shooting daggers at the body trapped in the ice.

"Burn in hell, Monster"

His harsh tone sent chills down spine. You would be lying to yourself if you said it didn't turned you on a smidge.

Suddenly, the sparkling ice erupted into a forest of passionate flames. The thing let out a blood-curdling scream, dropping to the ground and writhing against the concrete, slowly and agonizingly burnt to a crisp.

Your glossy eyes remained transfixed, hypnotized by the dancing flames that emptying your mind of all the troubles and woes for the time being.

As the embers died, your clear mind suddenly rediscovered logic, snapping the puzzle pieces of the situation together. The results had you shocked.

The candy-cane hair, the heterochromic eyes, and the attractively sharp jawline were questionable, but the ice quirk followed by a burst of powerful flames. Anyone could recognize that power.

That amorphous blue blob that you presumed was a random stranger, was instead pro-hero, Todoroki Shouto.

"Pro-hero,... Todoroki Shouto", you repeated to yourself, debating whether or not you were actually dreaming or all that drama was some sort of take for an action movie.

Your face morphed into one of terror as you reviewed the events that partook.

First, you interrupted his hero work; Couldn't you be arrested for that.

And, second, you cradALED THE HERO-IDOL IN YOUR ARMS FOR LIKE 15 MINUTES; his fan club would basically tear you alive if they found out.

You'd have to drop out of med school...You'd have to move to Antarctica... You'd have to live in isolation for the REST OF YOUR LIFE.

A hurricane of screams engulfed your head.

While you were having your little quarter life crisis, the recently identified hero remained in his original pose, motionless, gazing upon the burnt corpse in meditative silence.

Then, he collapsed.

One resting on his knee and the other supporting his body on the ground, his breath was raspy, choppy, strained. Todoroki felt the world blur, spinning around him as his body swayed and eyes drooped.

You noticed this behavior and immediately rushed to his side. You were a doctor, dammit, and if you let his poor boy die, it would defeat you whole life's work.

You wrapped his icy arm around your shoulders, hoisting him up until he could at least stand on his feet.

You scanned your surroundings.

"Shoot", you bitterly cursed. You were too far away from the hospital to make it on foot or from any highly populated area to call for help. Plus, you still couldn't find your purse while it was still nighttime.

"But", you interjected your train of thought.

You were only 8 minutes away from your apartment. You looked back over at your patient; his breathing slowed to a dangerously low rate, and you were pretty sure some of his ribs were broken.

Hence, your apartment was the best option

"Let's Go", you said to the limp boy, guiding his battered body along the road to your destined location.

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