Can't Take My Eyes Off You

By SissaRomanova

6.3K 449 100

Ferdinand and Catalina were young and in love. They were both fascinated by the strong feeling that united th... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9

Part 6

416 38 5
By SissaRomanova

“How long has this been happening?” Catalina demanded. Ferdinand had just arrived at her place, after a couple of more days absent. Catalina had stopped herself from calling him, or answering his calls, then he decided to go see her.

“What?” he asked, looking confused.

“You and Selma. How long?” she said, her voice trembling with anger, but still no tears forming on her eyes. She had had two days to prepare herself for that.

Ferdinand looked away. “Is that how you welcome me?”

“Don’t change the subject. I saw your Facebook.”


“So she is all over there. What’s up, are you two screwing behind my back or something?”

“Drop it, Cat.”

“Answer me. What have you been doing with this bitch?”

“She’s not a bitch, ok? She’s my friend.”

Catalina went to him and held his face firmly, forcing him to look directly at her. “Answer me”, she demanded, fiercely. “Look at me. Look me in the eyes and tell me.”

“You are mad!” he said. “Let me go… You’re talking nonsense!”

“Tell me!”

Ferdinand pushed her away, and she could not hold the tears anymore. “I know you are cheating on me! Just admit it!”

“If I were, can you blame me?” he asked, angry. His face had turned red. “You have been acting like a bitch it’s been months! You avoid me and when we talk or meet all you do is complain and fight! I don’t know what the hell is wrong with you, but I’m not gonna take your crap anymore, ok?”

Catalina stood still where he had pushed her to. Her head was pulsing so heavily, aching so violently she wanted to scream, but she couldn’t. Her face was now wet with tears.

“What have you done, Ferdinand?” she whispered, weakly.

“I’m sorry”, he went on, still enraged. “But you are not the girl I’ve met anymore. You’re not the one I fell in love with. I’m sorry, it was a mistake; a huge one. But I’ve found someone who is actually genuine and caring.”

Catalina held her breath. “Not this bitch!”

“Don’t call her that!” he said, upset. “She’s…” he stopped.

“What?” she demanded.

Ferdinand looked away, crossing his arms.

“She’s what?” she repeated; she already knew the answer. Her heart was sinking, and she didn’t know how she was still able to talk; her legs were weakening, but she forced herself to stand.

“My girlfriend.” He finished.

Catalina sobbed, and then she started to cry heavily. The one person she had thought that would not leave her side, the one she thought she knew, and the one she trusted completely had betrayed her love and trust, and broken her heart. “Oh, Ferdinand…” she moaned.

“I’m sorry. It’s done. I can’t be with you anymore, Catalina, I’m in love with Selma. We’re getting married.”

“What?” she looked up, hurt. “You barely started screwing her now you are marrying her? You proposed to me!

“I can’t marry a woman who has faked all this time to be something she never was. I thought you were the one for me, Catalina, and I really loved you. But you fooled me; only now you’re showing your real face. A demanding, bossy, annoying woman. I can’t do this.”

“And her, out of all women?” she cried, thinking of the dissimulated woman who had always shameless hit on Ferdinand; people said she was a false-hearted person, with bad intentions.

 “It happened.” He replied simply. “And we are getting married. I thought you should know from me.”

She did not reply. It was like the world had just fallen on her shoulders; defeated, she looked down, crying silently. Ferdinand sighed and went to the door.

“I guess this is it.” He said, putting his hand on the door knob.

“Nando, I love you…” she whispered.

“I don’t anymore. I’m sorry.”

Ferdinand opened the door, but then he hesitated. “You mentioned you wanted to tell me something on the phone weeks ago. What is it?”

Catalina dried her tears away with the back of her hand. “It doesn’t matter now”, she replied.

“Alright. Goodbye”, he said, leaving. In the moment he closed the door, Catalina fell on her knees, leaning forward as if she was having an excruciating pain on her belly; in fact, she was.

“He left me…” she muttered. “When I need him the most… He is gone from me…”

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