Fili Imagines

By Wayward_Stark

45.8K 608 67

I am very sorry you all have to witness this atrocity of a book. Do yourself a favour and just pick something... More

imagine Fili falling in love with you despite being a mute
imagine Dean taking you out on a date
Imagine 7 minutes in heaven with Dean
Imagine Fili saving your life
Imagine being in an arranged marriage with Fili
Imagine giving Dean a nickname
Imagine Fili taking care of you when you're sick
Imagine Fili comforting you
Imagine Fili saving you, then carrying you home
Imagine running away
Imagine braiding Fili's hair, not knowing what it means
Requests open!
Thank you!
Imagine avoiding Fili
Imagine getting hurt in BOTFA

Imagine accidentally hurting Fili

2K 35 3
By Wayward_Stark

I am so excited for today, kind of nervous... but otherwise excited. Fili is going to teach me how to fight with a sword. I already know how to protect myself, with daggers. But he promised he would teach me. After getting dressed in a tunic and a pair of trousers, I brush my hair then put my boots on. I grin widely as I get my daggers to attach them to me. I never go anywhere without them. I finish getting ready before walking out my door happily. I can no longer contain myself as I find myself running down the hall, to Fili's room. Once I get there I knock and soon the door opens revealing the blond prince. "Fili, are you ready? Let's go!" I say possibly about to explode. I see a smirk appearing under his braids. He tilts his head slightly. "Ready for what? Where are we going?" he asks. "Um... you are teaching me how to fight with a sword," I say like it's the most obvious thing in the world. "I am?" He questions. I pout "you promised you would". "Really?... hm, I don't remember saying that," he says.

"Fee, you promised" I repeat. He chuckles "alright, let me get my swords". I grin "yay!". He smiles at me before turning to get his weapons.

When we get outside, I race ahead of Fili to the training fields. No one is there, so that's good. I smile when Fili finally gets here. He chuckles "I don't think I have known anyone to be this excited to train with me before". I shrug "well, I've never used a sword before". He nods before getting the weapons out. Then he picks one up to give to me. "Here, it might be a bit heavy for you, just get used to it first," he tells me. I nod as he gives me the sword and I almost immediately drop it. He laughs and I sigh. "The sword weighs more than I do" I smile. He nods "probably". "Here, let me help you" he adds. I nod and he walks behind me. I jump when I feel his arms around my waist. He chuckles but doesn't say anything. He puts his calloused hands over my softer ones. He helps me raise the sword. "Now, to start you put the sword in this position," he says guiding my hands to the right. I feel his breath on my neck and I shiver involuntarily. I hear the smirk in his voice when he speaks again. "Then, to defend, you bring it back like this," he says guiding my hands to the correct position. "Then, to attack, you do this". He guides me to put the sword low. "Or, like this," he says helping me raise the sword the right way.

He then lets go but doesn't back away from me, instead he leans closer. "I think there was a reason for your excitement earlier" he whispers into my ear. I shake myself out of my trance and turn around, forgetting I have a sword in my hand. It happened so fast that I didn't even realise what was wrong until I looked down. My eyes widen as crimson liquid soaks through his tunic. I gasp "Fili?". I throw the sword on the ground in panic. I look at him worriedly as he fainted. Well... I can't carry him myself. "Help! Please, guards? Kili! Thorin! Anyone?" I shout and suddenly Kili comes running. "Y/n, what happened?" He asks. Tears appear in my eyes. "I... I don't know" lie and he nods. He picks his brother up over his shoulder. I look down in shame. I did that? I just stabbed Fili!


I haven't stopped crying since I stabbed Fili. I'm so stupid, I am never lifting a sword again. I could have killed him. "Y/n!" I hear Kili say from the other side of my door. He has been trying to get me out of my room for the past ten minutes. "Please come out, it wasn't your fault" he pleads. I sigh "Kili, no and yes, it was my fault I stabbed your brother". I hear a bang against the door, so I assume either he left and someone is trying to break-in, or he has had enough and punched/kicked the door. I chose the latter. "Y/n, will you get your butt out here? Fili is awake so you can see him, he's absolutely fine, please stop blaming yourself and go see Fili" he sighs. "No, I am not leaving, I hurt Fili it's my fault and nothing you say will make me change my mind" I reply. He huffs "fine, then I'll get someone who can". I raise an eyebrow but before I could question it, I hear his footsteps running down the hall.

I lie on my bed facing the wall. I feel horrible... how did I not see this coming? Soon I hear a soft knock on the door. "Y/n?"... Fili. I don't reply, I just stare at the wall. "Y/n, please open the door... don't do this to yourself," he says. I still stay quiet, but I hear the door open and close softly. I feel him sit on the edge of my bed. "Fili... go away" I mumble. "No, I'm not leaving you" he replies. I turn around and sit up to look at him. He notices my red, watery eyes from crying. "Y/n, please..." he starts but I interrupt him by standing up. "No, Fili don't say what you were going to say, it was my fault, I stabbed you... I could have killed you!" I sob. He stands up before walking over to me slowly. "Y/n, don't say that. It was never your fault, it was an accident... besides I'm fine, stop worrying yourself over nothing," he tells me. I look at the floor, avoiding his gaze. "If you don't believe me... you can look for yourself," he says quietly. I look at him as he holds his tunic up, revealing a white bandage. "Take your tunic off" I mumble making a smirk appear on his face. "What?" He teases. I roll my eyes "Just do it". He chuckles before taking his tunic off and sitting on the bed. I sit next to him, ignoring his muscles. I look at him for approval and he nods, letting me take the bandage off. I furrow my eyebrows when I see the wound has been replaced with a scar.

He lifts my head with his hand making my eyes meet his own. "See? Nothing there" he whispers. I wrap my arms around his waist, then bury my face into his neck. Tears flow down my cheeks. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Fee" I choke. He wraps his arms around me. "Shh, you're alright, I'm fine don't cry" he soothes. I pull away to look at him. "Fili, promise me that you're okay" I whisper. He sighs before kneeling in front of me. He takes my hands and looks into my eyes. "Y/n, I'm okay, the wound was not that deep and didn't cut through any vital organs, I'm completely fine, you checked yourself... there's nothing there and it doesn't hurt, I promise" he persuades. I look at his scar again before placing my hand on it gently. It feels rough under my skin, but I stop when I feel his hand under my chin. He makes me look at him as he rubs his thumb over my cheek softly. I avert my gaze anywhere else as he leans closer to me. My heart is pounding at a million miles per hour. I look at him again as I feel his lips softly kiss my cheek. A light blush dusts over my cheeks making him chuckle.

I sigh "Fili, what are you doing?". He looks at me "something I should have done a long time ago". He leans even closer to me before connecting our lips. His hand cups my cheek as he sits on the bed beside me again without breaking the kiss. I sit frozen for a few minutes before coming to my senses. I close my eyes and slowly kiss back. He wraps his arm around my waist as I place my hand on his chest. I soon pull away when I remember I have lungs. He leans his forehead against mine as he looks into my eyes. "I love you Y/n, there's nothing I can say to explain it. I love you so much it hurts, your beauty outshines the brightest stars in the sky. Not only that, but you are sweet, kind, funny and loyal. You are my whole world and I can't imagine my life without you" he says. A small smile appears on my face. "Fili... I love you too" I reply. He returns my smile as he holds my hand.

"I'll love you till the day I die".

Hey guys, sorry it's late but I have finally updated! I know, I'm proud of myself too. So, hopefully, you all liked it



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