The REDS of war


8.9K 212 57

Follow the team from their adventures from Beacon and onwards. (Ps. I do not own RWBY it is owned by Rooster... Еще

Volume One Chapter One
Volume One Chapter Two
Volume One Chapter Three
Volume One Chapter Four
Volume One Chapter Five
Volume One Chapter Six
Volume One Chapter Seven
Volume One Chapter Eight
Volume One Chapter Nine (Volume one finale)
Volume Two Chapter One
Volume Two Chapter Two
Volume Two Chapter Three
Volume Two Chapter Four
Volume Two Chapter Five
Volume Two Chapter Six
Volume Two Chapter Seven
Volume Two Chapter Eight
Volume Two Chapter Nine
Volume Two Chapter Ten
Volume Two Chapter Eleven
Volume Two Chapter Twelve (Volume End.)
Volume Three Chapter One
Volume Three Chapter Two
Volume Three Chapter Three
Volume Three Chapter Four
Volume Three Chapter Five
Volume Three Chapter Six
Volume Three Chapter Seven
Volume Three Chapter Eight
Volume Three Chapter Nine (Volume End)
Crossover 3: It Gets Worse
Crossover 4: Never Too Late
Volume Four Chapter One
Volume Four Chapter Two
Volume Four Chapter Three
Volume Four Chapter Four
Volume Four Chapter Five
Volume Four Chapter Six
Volume Four Chapter Seven
Volume Four Chapter Eight
Volume Four Chapter Nine
Volume Four Chapter Ten
Volume Four Chapter Eleven (Volume End)
Volume Five Chapter One
Volume Five Chapter Two
Volume Five Chapter Three
Volume Five Chapter Four
Volume Five Chapter Five
Volume Five Chapter Six
Volume Five Chapter Seven
Volume Five Chapter Eight
Volume Five Chapter Nine (Volume End)


1.5K 21 8

Rei Ferrari Prologue

How long I've dealt with these assholes? I sigh, quietly to myself. My red hair's grown too long. I'm forced to in this room, silently, next to a broken window... frigid cold continuing to bellow into my room. Only a few more years, then I'm off to Beacon Academy, hopefully my life will get better. I need some sleep.

"Hey! Come get your dinner, it's in the dog bowl boy!" My adopted father, Orin, shouted from downstairs.

I hurry to finish clearing snow from my bed. I slowly head down the stairs, my fathers an abusive man born not long after the Faunus revolution, he's a very cynical man. His dark-orange hair seemingly brown in the dark lights of the poor man's apartment.

Only a few more years, then I'm free from them, I haven't told them about it and I don't plan on doing that.

The following day we walk around the town, fathers drunk again.

As they wander the boy smiles at passerby's, apologizing for his father, when his father is attacked by a group of men. The men continue to beat on the older male, when they take note of the kid one of the men raises a fist to strike him but misses, he looks around to find Rei having joined the men kicking at his father, his stomps may not have much weight behind them, but they're filled with his rage. Rei would join these men that day, Mantle's street gang, The Vermillion's. Over the next few years he'd be trained in person versus person combat, himself becoming skilled at both swordsmanship and archery. When the young male turned seventeen he applied to Beacon Academy, and on his last day in Mantle he says his farewells to his friends. His closest friend being a young girl also with red hair and a mechanical leg, Scarlet Darkend. The pair hugged and said their goodbyes before he boarded the bullhead to Vale, soon he would be a student at Beacon Academy.

Rei Ferrari Prologue End.

Erin Eclipse Prologue

Erin and his squad of three are currently on a mission to take an experimental Atlas mechanical soldier from a nearby train, but he's unsure if it is a good idea to send his team he's noticed over the past couple of months one of his teammates. A bull faunas by the name of Adam, who has been killing more than he should, despite Erin and his other teammate, Blake's protest for him to stop. He refuses and he's started spouting non-sense about how "The humans should be serving the faunas because were superior in every way to them...". Garbage like that when they land on the train his first order is to tell Adam not to kill, however his first act is to kill the first guard they see as the mission progresses Adam keeps killing the humans until Erin and Blake both stop fighting along side him and separate their portion of the train from his. Letting him have the weapons. A few hours later the pair continue walking away from their former missions objective. The duo are planning their next course of action Erin suddenly draws his weapon aiming it at a man approaching with a coffee mug and and a cane with grey hair. A man recognized all around Remnant, Professor Ozpin.

"What do you want?" Blake draws her weapon Gambol Shroud, however Erin blocked her his gun drawn but not aimed before she could level her weapon.

"Black, put down your weapon... I don't think he means to harm. Isn't that right Professo? Tell me, why is the world renowned headmaster, Professor Ozpin, doing here?" The young male removed his mask dropping it to the ground crushing it. Blake raises an eyebrow her eyes flipping between Erin and the headmaster.

"Well, I saw what you did on that train... and I must say. I was impressed. My question simple. Would you two like to attend my school?"

Erin chuckles for a moment, and looks down. "You, Professor Ozpin, The headmaster of 'The' Beacon Academy, is inviting two, well let's be honest, criminals, into Beacon academy. A place that teaches how to fight both Grimm and criminals such as ourselves."

"Yes. That is precisely why I have come here, Mrs. Blake Belladonna and Mr. Erin Eclipse." The older man peered at the duo dead in the eyes. Blake takes a step back, she glances to Erin who remains firm, not ready for attack, but not in position to run.

She looks towards Erin who keeping his calm demeanor present before small smirk creeps onto his face. "I don't see why not..."

Blake looks to Erin shocked she then nods towards Ozpin as well. Walking towards the nearest town Erin leaves behind the shattered remnants of his mask. Blake, meanwhile puts on a bow covering up her ears and Erin had decided to put on his hoodie to cover his green fox ears.

"You ready black?" He turns to Blake, the pair nodding at each other before walking forward following after the Professor, to start a new adventure.

Erin Eclipse Prologue End.

Dusk Kai prologue

A young male stands over a trio of beings two of them pinned against a wall, he grabs the third person picking the woman up by their collar. He wraps her arms and legs in dirty black smoke, he then slaps her across the face awakening her from her forced slumber.

"Where is Torchwick?"

The grey haired boy spoke quietly at the older female he had found trying to rob a dust shop. When she doesn't respond he responds by headbutting her. He then turns to one of the males up against the wall.

"We don't know..."

One of the criminals struggled out the response, he glares at the the criminal when sirens begin to ring outside the shop. He rolls his eyes jumping to the fire escape as he holds the criminals in place watching from a nearby roof only dismissing his smoke as the police arrive in front of the shop. He continues to watch the events below drawing a flask from his pocket and taking a drink from it. He looks to his side and sitting on the side of the roof a crow with bright red eyes.

"A crow huh? What a pretty bird."

The bird flies away and after a few seconds a voice was heard originating from a nearby alleyway. When a black haired man exits it.

"You know that your doing something that Torchwick would do?"

"The methods remain the same no matter which side of the law I fight for." The boy sighs taking a seat on the edge of a roof looking down to the adult.

"A smartass, huh? Doesn't make you better than him, but I must ask, why are you searching for the former Crime King of Mistral?"

The black haired male steps forward, and in an instant stands next to the boy as he takes a swig from his own flask.

"And what's it to you?" He turns away walking past the old man towards the nearby buildings to keep an eye out for any future robberies.

"I'm here on business. So I'm a bit more sober than usual right now, kid." He turns towards the teenage boy pulling out a letter and holding towards him.

"And that business concerns me, why?" The grey haired male stood up packing his backpack with equipment looking to the adult, the older male his eyes flipping between the letter and the man.

"I'm here to give you your invitation to Beacon Academy, and guide you to the nearest town where there'll be a bullhead to go there tomorrow. And hey, if you accept maybe you'll find Roman Torchwick, while your there." The older male walks up to Dusk placing the letter in his hand and walking past him.

"I doubt it, he's been on the run for years, if word gets out that I'm in Vale, he'll likely flee back to his syndicate in Mistral."

"That's only if he finds out, for now you'll go under a code name."

"A code name?"

"You're pretty well known, being the sole survivor of the Kai massacre and all. Daniel Keith."

"You want me to go by the name "Daniel Keith"?"

"Got a better name in mind?"

'Daniel' rolls his eyes. "You know what, screw it. If I don't find Torchwick within two years I'm out."

"Understood." 'Daniel' walks away from the man, himself gathering a few supplies before grabbing a watch and a bracelet, he hides the bracelet under the watch but only after tapping on the bracelet a few times.

-.. ..- ... -.- / -.- .- .. / .-. . .--. -- .-. - .. -. --. / ..-. -- .-. / -.. ..- - -.-- --..-- / .. ...- . / -... . . -. / .- .--. .--. .-. -- .- -.-. ... . -.. / - -- / ... . .- -.. / - -- / -... . .- -.-. -- -. / .- -.-. .- -.. . -- -.-- .-.-.- / .. / ... ... .- .-.. .-.. / - .- -.- . / ..- .--. / - ... . / -- ..-. ..-. . .-. / ..-. -- .-. / -. -- .-- --..-- / .. -. / .- -. / .- - - . -- .--. - / - -- / ..-. .. -. -.. / .-. -- -- .- -. / - -- .-. -.-. ... .-- .. -.-. -.- .-.-.- / - ... .. ... / .. ... / -.. ..- ... -.- / -.- .- .. / ... .. --. -. .. -. --. / -- ..-. ..-. / ..-. -- .-. / - ... . / -. . -..- - / ..-. . .-- / -.. .- -.-- ... .-.-.-

Dusk Kai Prologue End.

Sky Grimoire Prologue

Sky Grimoire, a young girl born to a rather poor family, she spent most of her childhood working at random shops just to help her family, but one day, when a devastating attack happened at her home she lost her father. From that day forward she was trained by the village's huntsmen training school. And there she was a star student. The highest grades amongst the entire class, her combat class saw her constantly at the top of the class. Some thought she was a prodigy, Sky however, never saw herself as anything special. Sky Grimoire the little girl who could, but never did... when her mother died the entire village came together to fund her taking a test to apply to the huntsmen academy of her choice. Even paying for her travel to Vale. Sky Grimoire, Shion Village's greatest fighter.

Sky Grimoire Prologue End.

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