Life in high school

By EsiAlimi

458 57 25

Hey guys, if you want to know about it then....... Just read the book people, but it is still about high sch... More

First day of school ( chapter 1)
First day pt. 2 ( chapter 2)
Mackenzie Ziegler
THE BOYS ( chapter 3)
At the mall ( chapter 5)
At the mall pt 2 ( chapter 6)
Monica's origin ( chapter 7)
New chapter
Monica's origin ( chapter 8)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

( chapter 4)

31 5 1
By EsiAlimi

Previously :- 
Adrien and the boys come
Hey Ad (pronounced Aid)  says the girls expect Monica
Adrien  walks over to Monica,  hey cutie,

Now :-

Monica POV

OK all I can say is......  Fuck he is so damn cute, I can literally just die,  what am I saying, what is happening to me?

Uhh h h hi there,  I say
Sorry I havent even introduced myself,  my name is Adrien  Stone, and I am 16 years old, Adrien  says
Hey dudette,  a guy I think  is named Thomas says
And you are?  I say with a bit of sass
Ooo feisty aren't we,*Monica rolled her eyes*,  well my name is Thomas Edison, not the famous one,  the normal one.
No kidding, Michelle says as she rolled her eyes
Umm like rude,  says Thomas
Well MY name is Daniel Martin,  nice to meet you,  Daniel says
Nice to meet you too dude,  I say
And last but certainly not least,  I an the one the only.......  Anthony Kennedy,  Anthony says
* Monica laughs *
Oh!  I forgot to introduce myself,  well my name is Monica Crowley, and I am 15 years old ,  nice to meet you all,  I say with a smile
You too dudette,  they all say
( they all sit down with us,  oh and a reminder,  it is lunch,  so everything was great until they came, again)

Adrien,   that bitch Dara says in a stupid swinging voice
Adrien's  face turns from a smile to a disgust face,
Did you miss me my love,  she says
First of all, I didn't miss you at all,  secondly,  you are not my love, and third of all, LEAVE ME ALONE, he says, as everyone at the table flinches at the loudness of his voice.
Then he looked at everyone especially me and smiled which made me calm down and mouthed a 'sorry ' and turned back to Dara,  and says :- look I don't like and I will never like you so leave me and my friends alone, especially Monica, cause if I see you next to her and you hurt her or my friends, you will see a new side of me, now GO,  Adrien says,
And all I can say is WOW 😮,  he he d d defended me,  no one has done that for me before, not even my Parents, ever since I turned eight years old. 
They still stand there, like didnt they get the hint,
OK I don't know if you be deaf or somethin,  but the man said go, so get you fake ass hair extension and get out bitch, I say and they all look shocked 😲 even I look shocked, like what did I just do
Ohh and don't forget to get you so called gang out of here,  I say as is sit down, man I am so dead , they still stand there, seriously
GO, everyone shouts and they quickly go but Dara come close to me, 
I don't know who the hell you are but, you better watch you back,  I am going to make your life in this school miserable, I will make you die in this school, she says and I have can honestly say is that, I. AM. SO. SCARED.

Adrien POV

Destiny walks over to Monica, like what did I just tell her, don't come near her,
I don't know who the hell you are but,  I will make your life in this school miserable and I will make you die in this school, she says and Monica looks scared to death like she is shaking,  and I loose it,  I put my hands over Monica and hold her close too me as she hides her face in my cheats,  as she raps her hands around me and silently cries, then I swear I felt my eyes change colour,
What did I just say,  DON'T COME CLOSE TO HER, go now, or else I say 
Come on, Adri-hunny your telling me you like this piece of shit, than me, she says.  I felt her cry a little bit harder, as I holder tightet.
She is way better than you will ever be, she is real and you are fake, now go,  I say.
She huffs and walks away, ( Aww my children are so cute together) 

Amalia  POV
Look at what, she has done to her, if I would get my hands on her, I will, ugh.  Buutt, OMG look at Monica and Adrien  they look so cute together, like goals, I feel so bad for Monica.
Adrien  raises Monica's face up,
Monica?  Adrien  says
Y y yes, Monica  says quivering
Are you OK girl, I say as me and the girls hug her
I I I'm OK guys,  Monica says
Are you sure, Thomas and Anthony says
Cause if you're not we can go mess her up right know,  Daniel and Adrien  says as they're about to stand up.
Yeah I am fine no need to do that, OK?
Fine, OK the boys say
But, we need you to be happy again, Mike says
Yeah,  we all agree except Monica
You don't have to, Monica says
Nope too late, were going, Adrien says
But- she got cut off bye Elizabeth
No buts, your going, Lizzy says
I'm not gonna win this, aren't I, Monica  says 
Nope, we all say
Fine, Monica says in defeat
Grate, we all say,

Tiiiiiiiiiiiime Skiiiiiiiiiiiiip
( after school) 

Joanna POV

So we are all out side, waiting for Thomas, Amalia and Daniel to come outside
Seriously what is taking so long, I say
Oh well looks like they arent coming, soo I'm gonna go,  bye, Monica says as she trys to escape, but Anthony caught her but she escaped cause she knew that Adrien will catch her, they are starting to act like couples. I love it. As she was running she looked back and saw only me and Anthony laughing,
Why are you guys laughing, she shouted
You can't run he will defenetly catch you, we shout back
Whatever, she says.  As she turns she sees Adrien in front of her, she squeaks in fear 😨 and runs the other way, but he catches her and holds tightly around her waist, she trys to escape from his grip but he holds her tightly and she gives up, it's so cute like goals 😆. 
Then Amalia , Thomas and Daniel come out, and when they see Adrien holding Monica on her waist as she rest on Adrien  cheats,  they start to smirk 😏
Aww this is too cute, Amalia says as she rest on Thomas
I know, Daniel says as he walks over to Lizzy 
Couple goals, Thomas says as every body laughs
All of you SHUT UP, before I hurt you,  Adrien  shouts as everyone shuts up because of fear but it made Monica start shaking a little,
Aww don't worry , I could never hurt you, your my friend, he says as he tickles Monica a little as she laughs
Aww no fair,  Nica gets Adrien's love  what about me,  Thomas says,
Don't worry Thomas you know I love you, Adrien says as he blows Thomas a kiss
OK let's go before one of them become pregos, and I am not talking about Nica and Adrien, I say as I  points to two boys making googoo eyes at each other with an uncomfortable Nica in the middle
GUYS, you are getting Nica uncomfortable,  Daniel says,
Ohh I'm sorry Dude, Adrien says
OK we're we going, I can't leave cause somepeople * she gestures to all of us * got Dwane the rock Johnson to hold me down *she says gesturing at Adrien who is holding her tightly * no offence Adrien ,  but still dude your strong af,  any way, we're are we going, she says
Ohh, right, we're going to the best mall in town, I say
Yep, they all say
OK let's go before I change my mind, Nica says
Like you have a choice,  they all says
Lets go guys, Nica says
Mall here we come, Thomas says

Well bye people 
And please read my book people

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