The Royal Romance Book 1

By ZimmerGurl

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Love awaits in the royal court of Cordonia. Travel to the beautiful kingdom of Cordonia with the Crown Prince... More

Chapter 1: Once Upon A Time
Chapter 2 : Welcome to Cordonia
Chapter 3: Reunited
Chapter 4: Save The Last Dance
Chapter 5: Off to the Races
Chapter 6: Queen of Hearts
Chapter 8: A Waltz to Remember
Chapter 9: Race to the Finish
Chapter 10: Beach Party
Chapter 11: The Apple of His Eye
Chapter 12: As Sweet As Apple Pie
Chapter 13: Hunting for Love
Chapter 14: Fair Game
Chapter 15: The Brothers Beaumont
Chapter 16: The Beaumont Bash
Chapter 17: Lady In Waiting
Chapter 18: To Be A Princess
Chapter 19: Long Live The King

Chapter 7: Fire and Ice

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By ZimmerGurl

Traveling away from the palace...

I find myself in the Alps! Me and Maxwell, along with Drake and Han, stand on a vista overlooking the Nevrakis chateau.

"Here we are... Welcome to Lythikos! Land of ice, snow, and mountains." Maxwell gestures his hand out to the vast scenery laid out before us.

The fresh snow sparkling in the small rays of sunshine. The mountains and trees coated with the flurries dancing around us. It's like something from a dream.

"This is where Olivia lives?" I exclaim, trying to take in everything.

"Some of the time, yeah. She's primarily at Lythikos Hall, which is further south, but she'll host us up here for the social season, so we can take advantage of the snowy festivities..."

"And so she can take advantage of the Prince?"

"She does have the edge here, but that's no reason to admit defeat!" Hana holds up her fist to show she's remaining strong.

"That's the spirit!" Maxwell says as we all continue walking around the grounds.

"What happened to your brother, Maxwell? I notice he's not around lecturing Summers. I thought he hated to miss out on the chance to eat fancy food and rub elbows with the royals..." Drake catches up with us. There was something weird about him calling me by my last name. I couldn't explain the feeling.

"Bertrand was called away for some business having to do with our estate."

"Bertrand is gone? This is starting to sound like a real vacation after all." I laugh, breathing in the fresh air and possibilities before me.

"That's one way to put it, Riley. Now we can really enjoy ourselves." Maxwell chuckles and relaxes his shoulders.

"Well, it is beautiful out here..." Hana gazes towards the lake frozen over. It's just waiting to be ice skated on.

All these wonders surrounded by good people, and yet, all I want is Liam by my side. This competition is getting harder, mostly because I feel like a contestant on the Bachelor.

"It's a little colder than expected." The breeze hits my face with an icy sting.

"Didn't you pack anything warmer?"

"Not exactly... I didn't realize it'd be snowing quite this much... but I'll survive. What say we check out the inside of the chateau?"

"Good idea, Riley. Let's go! I can show you where your room is..."

Soon, the party arrives at the Nevrakis chateau. The warmth of the estate begins to comfort my cheeks. I follow Maxwell into the lavish, grand bedroom.

"Come on, Riley! Put your stuff down, so we can go!"

"What's your rush?"

"We've got an entire day in the snow planned out! Plus, I already see Olivia and Liam out there on the ice."

My heart skips a beat and I quickly unzip my bag in search of something to wear.

"Better put on something warm..."

I decide on the outfit 'Snow Bunny', a white cable knit sweater, a plaid scarf that keeps me toasty, and an elegant brown winter coat that hugs my body just right. I can brave any snowstorm with this jacket.

"Here we go."

Back outside, Maxwell leads you towards the frozen lake, where you both don a pair of ice skates.

"You know how to ice skate, right?"

"Ice skating? I know the basics." Remembering my time back in New York, the only time I ever ice skated was Christmas time at Rockefeller Center. That was only a couple times, each ending with me on the ground. "Try to stay upright and don't fall?"

"Good enough." Maxwell chuckles and leads me over to the ice.

On the ice, several guests are already skating around in pairs, including Prince Liam and Olivia at the center of the lake. I listen in to their conversation:

"...Don't tell me you've forgotten just how well I can skate." Olivia grabs on to Liam's arm.

"Oh, I very much remember."

Maxwell takes my hand and pushes me onto the ice. I almost fall and make a fool of myself but I balance and glare at him.

"Remember to keep your eyes on the prize...Now, get out there and grab some time with the Prince while I distract Olivia." Maxwell waves at Olivia from where he stands. "Olivia, you gotta see me do a spin! Don't move!" Turning back to me, Maxwell winks and hip-checks me, sending me sailing across the ice. "Go get 'em, princess!"

Shifting my weight around, I manage to firmly balance myself and skate over to Prince Liam.

"Lady Riley, a pleasure to see you, as always. You're a vision of grace on those skates."

"Thank you!"

"I take it you've come to skate with me today?"

"That was my hope."

"Then please, accompany me."

Liam offers me his hand. I take it, entwining our fingers together.


I skate alongside Liam...

"You look very lovely today. And warm."

"Yeah, definitely glad I put on this coat. Do you and the court come out here regularly?"

"Not often. However, when we do, Olivia's always been very generous by having us at her state. But actually, I used to come out here frequently when I was younger. Olivia and I would play in the snow together..."

"You and Olivia, huh? Tell me more about that."

"We'd build little snow forts on the bank and 'catapult' snowballs at each other. The lake was too dangerous to play on since we were young, but sometimes, we'd sneak onto the ice in hopes that we could see fish beneath the surface. We never did, but we had many exciting false finds."

"You two must've been close."

"We were... It's been hard watching her, well, become who she is. I know Olivia can be a tough person to get along with."

"She's basically the opposite of you."

"Olivia had a difficult childhood. Her parents were killed in political assassination when she was only five years old. She was alone, without family at her estate for the better part of a year before my parents and I officially visited. She was supposed to be in the care of her great aunt, but the woman had left for summer on the Rivera, abandoning her... Olivia didn't have anyone. She was so alone."

"Didn't she have... servants?"

"The servants were doing their best, but they were traditionalists, Nevrakis-family trained for decades. After a lifetime of holding the nobility up on a pedestal, they weren't prepared to give her what she needed most...Love. The first few days of our visit, she was sullen and withdrawn. I thought she hated me. But one night, I heard her sobbing through the wall. I actually believed it was a ghost, at first, but once I got over my fear and decided to investigate, there she was... Little five-year-old Olivia, weeping and clutching one of her mother's gowns, saying over and over again, 'Come back. Please come back.' I knelt beside her and held her until she cried herself to sleep. I knew we couldn't leave her there. I convinced my parents to invite her to live at the palace with us. For almost two months, she wouldn't leave my side. Just about drove Drake crazy, actually, but--"

Just then, Olivia skates over, interrupting the conversation, "That Maxwell is a persistent one."

"He can be high energy." Liam laughs and gives me a compassionate stare.

"Yes... I can tell. " Olivia turns a sharp-toothed smile on me. "So, Riley, I bet you've never seen the countryside this spectacular. Aren't you impressed?"

"Impressed? Actually, it's gorgeous. Your home is truly lovely. The snow, the lake, the trees... It's absolutely breathtaking."

"...Oh. Well, yes. It is." Olivia gives me a stunning look. "I'm glad even someone like you can appreciate the elegance and splendor of nature." She wraps her arm around Liam's "Now, Prince Liam, I believe you owe me a round across the lake."

"Excuse me, Riley... I do owe her... I will see you later."

I nod at him and smile at Olivia. They skate off together and she snakes her hand into his. Learning more about her past sheds new light on who she is. She has had to overcome the worst obstacles imaginable. Liam was so noble to help her out, but does this mean they have a connection that I could never understand? Maybe that would be okay, she needs someone like Liam around her to care if no one else will. I hope one day we can become friends so she has more people on her side. After all one must keep your enemies close.

Looking around, I see the other nobles trying to skate and catch Kiara sliding across the lake on her stomach.

"I don't think I can balance on these." Penelope tries to stand straight but keeps bending her ankles to the side.

"This ice hasn't even been resurfaced! My skates are too expensive for this." Tariq touches his tip of the skate on the ice and looks disgusted.

Hana glides across the ice. Skating backward, she circles around me, "Looks like Olivia stole Liam from you."

"Olivia? It's fine. Liam has obligations. I don't take it personally."

"That's level-headed of you." Hana twirls gracefully before coming to a full stop beside me.

"Where'd you learn to skate like that? It couldn't have been with the other ladies."

"Owwwww! Mon posterieur!" Kiara exclaims as she falls once again.

"Ice skating is one of the things my parents sent me to lessons for." Hana breathes in the fresh air and watches those around her attempt to skate.

"That's an unusual choice. I had soccer and basketball practice."

"It's a skill I learned to appeal to suitors. I was told 'a display of elegance can go a long way'."

"This was part of your training... But do you even like ice skating?"

"Oh, you know... it's okay."

"That's not very convincing."

"When my parents were selecting my activities, whether or not I enjoyed something wasn't a factor they considered. Now I find myself with all sorts of skills that I honestly haven't much interest in."

Olivia returns with Liam. "All right, everyone. It's time to hit the slopes!"

"Dieu merci." Kiara quickly got off the ice and tore off her skates.

"Skiing must be easier than this... right?" Penelope has a worried look on her face.

"Finally, a use for that professional ski equipment I bought three years ago." Tariq turns toward everyone with a snobby smirk.

One ski lift later... Me and the rest of the group crest the top of the slope. Drake skis up beside me.

"So, Summers, you finally made it to the slopes."

"What's wrong Drake? Were you starting to miss me?"

"Hardly. I was just getting bored."

"You didn't go skating?"

"Figure skating isn't really my thing."

"Really? I think you'd look good in a tutu." I playfully nudge his side and let out a chuckle.

"Some mental images aren't worth the effort."

"I suppose skiing is manly enough for you."

"I'd hardly call what's going on here skiing. But I'm looking to change that. How about a race?"

"What makes you think I can ski?"

"Maybe I'm starting to have faith in you, Summers."

"Drake... You're scaring me with your niceness."

"I'm scaring myself. Anyway, I'm going to start skiing down this slope in a minute, and if I get to the bottom before you...Well, let's just say I'm calling that a win and I might never let you hear the end of it. Ready....set...Don't wipe out!"

Drake takes off down the hill.


I chase after him. The wind whips against my face as I pick up speed. Drake maintains his pace ahead of you. Off to the side, I see Olivia and Liam gently skiing and talking together. 'Oh Liam, you're so hilarious' I hear Olivia say. I decide to take this moment and show off. I ski over a mogul and catch air, soaring elegantly by them! I catch a glimpse of Olivia's surprised face and Liam's impressed stare. "Go, Riley!" Liam chants. I grin as I land and pick up speed.

Further down the slope, I see a large fallen branch. Drake swerves to go around it. "Watch yourself, Summers!" He glances back at me and slows down to make sure I make it.

I lean to the side, quickly redirecting myself around the branch. That was too close for comfort. Nearing the bottom of the slope, I manage to catch up to Drake and finish neck and neck with him.

"Not bad, Summers. We'll call that a draw."

"A draw? You had a head start."

"I think you meant to say you had a late start."

"You just don't want to admit you lost."

"I'm being generous. I had at least a nose or two on you." Drake takes a deep breath, inhaling the cool, crisp mountain air. "This trip hasn't been half bad so far. Shame that tomorrow it's back to waltzing and bowing and all that."

"At least I can ski better than I can waltz... which is barely at all."

"Wait... You can't waltz? I thought you danced with Liam..."

"Yeah, but he did a lot of the work... Why? Is it important?"

"Oh, Summers, Summers, Summers... What would you do without me? There's a ball tomorrow. All of the ladies are expected to dance to Cordonian waltz in front of everyone."

"Oh... I'm going to look stupid in front of everyone, aren't I? I'll look bad in front of Liam!"

"Hey, on the bright side, it'll probably be hilarious to watch.."

"Drake! If you're going to go through the trouble of warning me about the waltz, then you should at least tell me how to do it!"

"Sadly, I can't help you there. I don't know the steps. You should ask Hana. If anyone knows everything forwards and backward, it's that one."

"Yeah... maybe."

Drake and I glide over to where the rest of the group is meeting after their ski runs...

Olivia gathers everyone's attention, "It's time to head over to my spectacular lodge to warm up."

Drake turns towards me, "Thanks for the race. I actually had fun."

"Maybe you're not as bad as you seem."

"You're going soft on me, Summers."

My feet crunch in the snow with each step as Drake and I follow the crowd toward the chateau.

Back at the lodge, I sit with Drake, Hana, and Maxwell by the fire as I sip a mug of steaming hot chocolate. 

"Did you have fun today, Riley?" Maxwell offers me a warm smile.

"Today was super fun! And now we have hot chocolate."

"This is wonderful. Look, little marshmallows shaped like hearts!"Hana squeals and wraps her hands around the mug.

"Just... just adorable." Drake gives everyone a less than convincing smile.

"Watch yourself... We've got incoming." Maxwell whispers towards the group.

Olivia glides over to us, "Well, hello, my dear guests. I hope you're enjoying my spectacular hosting."

Maxwell gives her a giant smile, "I always enjoy my time here with you, Olivia."

"It's... something." Drake still glances down at his hot chocolate, probably wishing it was a beer.

Olivia narrows her eyes at him, her smile thin, "Did you see that we have eclairs, Drake? They always remind me of dear, darling little Savannah. She'd gobble them down like a cow at the trough."

"Don't talk about my sister." Drake stands and slams his hot chocolate on the table the steam spreading across his fist.

"Why ever not? She was such a fixture at court, and then she just up and disappeared. You never told us what happened, and usually, gossip is quickly spread."

"She left because of people like you." Drake starts to move closer towards her and I grab his arm to hold him back. They both don't even flinch, but the rest of the group looks on with worry.

"She always was the sensitive sort. Ladies like that don't last long here."

I see Drake's jaw clench... but then he suddenly glances at his watch and relaxes. "You know what? I just remembered I've got somewhere I need to be. If you'll excuse me..."

Drake bows courtly to me, Hana, and Olivia, then turns and strides off.

"Wait, Drake, dear! Come back! I wasn't finished with you!" Olivia gives her famous devilish grin and I stand up.

"Olivia... Leave Drake alone before I slap that smile off your face."

Out of the corner of my eye, I see him hesitate at the door...then he leaves the room. I turn back to Olivia, frowning.

"Ooh, does Cinderella have a soft spot for the rough-around-the-edges commoner?"

"Maybe I just don't like seeing anyone get treated like that."

"What a valiant hero to the masses. They must sing songs about you. Now, as charming as this has been, I've got to get back to Prince Liam. I've promised him a private tour of the Lythikos castle. Bye-bye, darlings!"

With a wink, she flounces out of the room, and I look from Hana to Maxwell.

"I can't believe the things Olivia says..." Hana sets her hot chocolate down, "Poor Drake."

"Yeah, he doesn't usually let Olivia get under his skin like that..." Maxwell puts his hand on my arm and I sit down next to them. The furry is still radiating in my palms. How can someone be such... a bitch.

"Well, I hope he's all right. I saw him go outside, but it's not a good idea to be out there right now. I've heard there's a storm brewing tonight... What can he be thinking?" Hana glances out of the window with a worried look.

As I look outside, I see the sky darken and take an ominous tone...I stand up, "There's only one way to find out..."

"You mean you're thinking about following him?"

"I'm not wearing this jacket for nothing. I'm going to see what he's doing."

Pulling my coat tighter around me, I follow Drake off into the dark night...

A way outside the chateau, I spot Drake in a clearing, staring into the woods. I decide to announce myself. "Hey, Drake."

"Riley? What are you doing here?"

"I saw you going off on your own, close to dark with a storm coming, and... I wanted to make sure you were okay. After what Olivia said to you... I could see that it struck something inside you."

"No offense, but you're the last person I need looking out for me."

"Thanks." All I want to do is help, and this is how he thanks me. I should have expected this. He's never been the kindest of people.

"That's not what I...Oh, hell" He puts his head in his hands and seems to get more frustrated. "I'm not trying to be a jerk, Summers. I only meant that you shouldn't have to worry about me. You should only be looking out for yourself."

"What did you come out here to do, exactly?"

"If you really want to know... you'll have to trust me."

"Trust you? I'd trust you.. about as far as I can throw you. And you look pretty heavy to me."

"Heh. Well, you're out here alone with me at night, so you must think I'm at least not some kind of murderer."

"The thought crossed my mind."

"Here, I'll make this easy for you..." Drake reaches out and shoves me!

"Hey!" For a second, I struggle to keep my footing, but then I topple over, landing on my back in the soft snow. I look up to see the most star-filled sky I've ever laid eyes on. As I watch, shooting stars light up the night...


I hear a thud as Drake lands next to me.

"Yes, my lady?"

"This is surprising, coming from you."

"Really? What's that supposed to mean?"

"Just that I wouldn't expect a guy like you to be into... star-gazing."

"Nah, you're right. I should just stick to punching tires and rolling around in the mud."

"Punching tires? Is that even a thing?"

"My point stands."

As the two of us stare up at the sky, I see clouds starting to creep across the stars.

"Looks like we were just in time to see this before the storm comes."

"Yeah, I didn't want to miss it. I used to do this with my younger sister, Savannah, every year. We grew up around the royals. My dad used to do security for Liam and his brother, and my sister and I were allowed to hang out with them. Liam and I ended up getting close, even though I didn't have the lineage to merit it. Savannah, on the other hand, got along with everyone, and they were all friendly with her. She loved living at the palace when we were kids, being around all the pretty dresses and jewelry... But it got harder when she was older."

"What happened?"

"She... It was hard on her. She couldn't take it, I guess. After what happened with... I... I failed her. I couldn't protect her. I couldn't protect her from this place... or those people." He begins to clench his fists and he puts his hand over his face. He's quiet for a moment," Sorry, it's... I guess I'm still not ready to talk about it. This is more than I've talked about it with anyone in the last year, actually."

"Really? does this mean we're friends now?"

"Friends... I wouldn't go that far, Summers." He gives me a reassuring grin and I gaze back up at the sky.

"Should we just call it not-enemies then?"

"I guess I can't really stop you can I?"


The two of us stare at the sky silently for a moment, watching for shooting stars... I can't help but wonder what it would be like to see this with Liam. The romance, the alone time. Just me and him and the stars.

As more snowflakes begin to fall, Drake sighs.  "We better get back. It'd be quite a scandal if I let one of the Prince's suitors freeze to death out here on my watch."

"I'd hate for my untimely demise to cause you any difficulty."

"Not to mention that Maxwell would never let me hear the end of it."

"I'm sure even Bertrand would be upset, in his own way."

"Bertrand? He'd only be upset if he couldn't turn it into some kind of press event. Now, let's go."

Drake and I walk slowly back, trudging through the snow and wind...

I tease Drake for coming out here, "The next time you tell me that I'm doing something stupid, I'm going to remind you about your little walk in the blizzard."

"I do plenty of stupid stuff, Summers. I'm practically the King of Stupid."

"Really? I hadn't noticed."

"Really. You just don't know me very well. But... maybe that will change."


Back at the chateau, as Drake and I are about to head up the stairs to our rooms, I spot Hana.

"There you are!"

"You're up late"

"I couldn't sleep. With you and Drake out there in the storm..."

"I'm sorry we kept you up."

"Oh, I'm just glad you got back before it really started coming down out there! But you must be freezing, Drake, dressed in just that."

"Yeah. I'm going to go get changed. G'night, ladies."

As Drake heads up the staircase, Hana turns to me. "I suppose we'd better go to sleep, too. The Cordonian Waltz is tomorrow after all, and we'll need a good night's rest to pull it off successfully."

"I don't think any amount of sleep is going to improve my chances."

"What do you mean?"

"As Drake reminded me earlier, I don't know the waltz."

"Oh, dear! It's rather late, but I suppose if you wanted to... I could show you?"

"Hana, I would love to waltz with you."


I follow Hana into her room, and together the two of us push aside the furniture to create a space for dancing.

"I appreciate you helping me like this..."

"It's no problem. I'm just sorry that I didn't think to ask if you knew it. It's a good thing Drake's looking out for you."

"Yeah..." I wonder why. He always acts like I'm a pain. "Alright. The Cordonian Waltz. How complicated is this going to be?"

"It depends. Do you consider yourself a good dancer?"

"I dance... Like an angel."

"Oh? Then this shouldn't be a problem. If you have a good sense of rhythm, I think you can pick it up easily enough. Now, the Cordonian waltz is a choreographed dance with specific steps. As long as you know your part for each of them, you can follow your partner easily. I'll put on some music, and we'll start."

Hana starts a waltz on a portable speaker she's set up. She turns to me, "Ready? I'll be the Prince in this situation, so you can learn your part. Ahem. Lady Riley." She lowers her voice then lets out a giggle.

"'Prince Liam'"

I curtsy to her in an over-exaggerated way, making her laugh more. She bows to me.

"Now we get into position. Let's have you put your left hand on my shoulder..." As I do, she takes my right hand with her left and puts her other hand on my waist. She starts guiding me...
"This is the box step. It's the most basic movement and kind of like a bridge between the other steps..."

"So far so good."

"Yeah... Now the next three steps are the reverse, spin, and twirl. First, I'm going to lead you into the reverse."

I feel her shift her weight and stride forward... I try to go forward and bump into Hana as she strides into me!

"Sorry about that..."

"No need to apologize... Here."
She leads me through the reverse again, and this time, I'm able to move in a straight line down the length of the room.

"Did you feel when I put that slight pressure on your hand? It was a cue to move backward..."

"Yeah... it's an interesting way to communicate."

"Ultimately, the waltz is like a conversation. You and your partner make a connection, responding to each other to make the dance work. It's kind of romantic... Actually, the Cordonian Waltz is supposed to be a courtship dance, which is undoubtedly why Olivia chose it for the formal ball tomorrow."

"A courtship dance?"

"Yeah, the last two steps are meant to be the most flirtatious. There's the spin... Just relax into this..."

She moves so that she's grasping my hands as she begins to swing me around. I let her swing me, laughing as the room spins around.

"This feels too fun to be a formal dance... Am I doing it right?"

"You're doing it perfectly."

At last, Hana steadies me, pulling me back into the box step.

"Do you ever get a little dizzy from all the spinning?"

"There's a trick to that... Just focus your attention on one thing."

"Okay, I'll focus on you"

"I suppose that works."

She continues her instruction, "Now for the last move, the twirl..."

She twirls me so that I'm facing away from her, her arms coming around me. As the waltz music fades, we sway together for a second then we step away from each other.

"And that's the Cordonian Waltz. If you know those steps, you'll be more than fine. How do you feel about dancing it now?"

"I feel very confident I can do it tomorrow"

"I'm so glad."

"You're a good teacher. Ice skating, waltzing... How are you so good at all these things?"

"As much as I'd like to claim it's a natural talent, it's as I said before. My parents have been pushing me to learn all the courtly and social arts since I was young..."

"You must have had no free time."

"Between school, dance, music lessons, and etiquette classes, my schedule was very full. My parents expected a lot. They were devastated when they didn't have any sons, so they pinned all of their hopes on me. Every day of my life has been about grooming me to bring fame and fortune to my family by winning some prince or nobles' hands. For all the good it's done."

"Olivia said you had a previous engagement?"

"Yeah... last year, my parents arranged a very advantageous match for me, but it didn't work out... Only a few weeks before the wedding, the groom pulled out of the arrangement. It was scandalous, and since then, my parents have been rather upset with me and desperate to find another match."

"Do you mind if I ask what happened? With your fiance?"

"Peter was an English nobleman. He was well off and had an ancestral title and home... all of the things my parents always wanted for our family. We'd spend long afternoons horseback riding and sailing. He was very kind... That and he's been raised with romantic notions about true love and a lifetime of happily wedded bliss. It should have been perfect."


"But... the simple truth was that I didn't love him... My parents never asked me what I wanted, never have me a reason to think that I might also love the person I'd marry. So when he proposed... I knew I had to accept it. I tried my best, but he became suspicious. At our engagement party a month before the wedding, he cornered me and... He asked me if he was what I wanted. And even though I told him what he wanted to hear, I couldn't keep back the tears. He knew me well enough by then to know. He could tell that I was miserable. I don't think he ever understood why I would've gone through with it. But he was born to power and privilege. How could he understand? He was good enough not to make a big deal of it, but there was a lot of ugly speculation about why we parted. Especially because he got married shortly after to another woman...

She lets out a long slow breath, "But that's behind me now...My parents are upset with me, but they've given me another chance. Here, now."

"But aren't you worried that history will repeat itself... with Liam?"

"Well... I'm hopeful that things will turn out differently this time. And I don't want to disappoint my parents. Besides, it's not all bad. They've been pressuring me to spend more time with you."

"Why me?"

"Oh... I mean, you've got a special connection with the Prince... And if I'm close to you, then I'm closer to Liam."

"Wow...That's quite a strategy "

"Yeah... But I want you to know that I do like spending time with you, Riley."

"Hana It's good to have a friend around here."

"Yeah, it is. It's kind of funny that even though we're technically competing against each other, we can be friends."
The sound of the clock on the mantel striking midnight interrupts us.
"I suppose we should get some sleep."

"Yeah... I'll talk to you tomorrow. Thank you for the lessons."

"Good night, Riley."

Impulsively, Hana reaches over and hugs me. I return her embrace with a grin.

"Good night"

~What will happen at Olivia's ball? Find out in the next chapter~

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