
By JHopingYouStop

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Taehyung and Hoseok become touchy...maybe a little too touchy. It's everybody's story. About a growing relati... More



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By JHopingYouStop


I'm in an interview in America and since I have no idea what the interviewer was saying, I had to rely on Namjoon to guide me. Same goes to the rest of my members.

I was starting to get bored because i didn't really do anything but sit and listen to the interviewer and namjoon talk away with roaring fans that I absolutely adore.

I stared at Hoseok, who was sitting next to me, with tired eyes.

He didn't look bored because he is supposed to look happy most of the time in American interviews since he is known for his smile and being a complete sunshine.

I made a quick eye contact with Hoseok and then he smiled for some reason and it also made me smile as well. For no reason. Hoseok really does have the power to make people smile.

One question that I recognized from the interviewers mouth came up.

"So, are one or more of you guys in a relationship with anybody at all?" Said the interviewer catching my attention. I looked around to see if anyone was about to say anything which they didn't.

"Oh! Uh No actually because we need to focus on our careers right now. So we don't really have time for relationships. Because if I was in a relationship with anybody, I would want to give my partner all the time in the world, which I don't have." Explained Namjoon.

The members all noded. Agreeing with Namjoons every word. We understood what he said because he always said the same thing when an interviewer asks that question.

"We got...uh...each-eachother" Hoseok said trying to say it in good English.
"Yeah we got eachother" Namjoon repeated and the fans were screaming for some reason. Was it that touching to here those words?

As the fans settled down, Hoseok placed a hand on my thigh. I didn't think much about it because this almost always happens.

We touch eachother.

Just for fun though. When we need comfort or anything like that.

The interview was finally over. It was kinda awkward and funny to me but it passed and that's all that matters.

Third person~

"Hoseok Hyung" Taehyung said laying his head on Jhopes shoulder whining as they walked to a car that was supposed to bring them to there hotel.

"What is it?" Hoseok said looking at Taehyungs drained face.

"I'm really tired right now" Taehyung continues to walk beside him with his head on Hoseoks shoulder.

"Don't worry we're going to the hotel to rest" Hoseok said putting out his phone and started using it.

"Hyung, can you give me one of your massages? My back and shoulders are stiff" Taehyung complains again taking his head off Hoseoks shoulder.

"Ugh really? Fine but wait till we get to the hotel and settle in" Hoseok said. Everything they were saying was being recorded because they are still out in public. But once they got in the car, Taehyung once again put his head on Hoseoks shoulder but Hoseok didn't complain because he also fell asleep on Taehyungs head that was resting on his shoulder.

They finally made it to the hotel. Taehyung got woken up by Hoseok.

"We're here come on let's get in our room it's 11 o'clock and I'm tired" Hoseok also laughs at how Taehyung looks when sleeping.

Taehyung eventually got up and they left into the room they shared with Jimin.

Taehyungs pov

There was finally no cameras around and we can get actual privacy. When it's bed time is the only time when we don't see the staff or the manager around. It was relieving.

For some reason Jimin decided to sleep in Jungkooks room. He was doing that alot recently actually so we never really questioned him.

I took a shower and so did Hoseok. Hoseok wore his grey boxers and a white T-shirt and sat criss cross on his bed which was next to mine. He continued to skim through his phone again.

I put on my white T-shirt and black boxers as well. I was tired but I was curious of what Hoseok was doing so I sat on his bed and sat right behind him wrapping my arms around his back as I look over his shoulder resting on it.

This was nothing new. We did this often as well. We are aware that it doesn't look like something best friends would usually do but we don't care. We live together.

I look over Hoseoks shoulder to see that he's looking at dance choreographies he would like to nail.

"That again hyung?" I ask him in a tone.

Hoseok looks back at me.

"Yeah. I was planning on waking up early and practicing this" Hoseok admits.

I get away from behind him and sit right next to him.

"I think you'll nail it. You always do" I comfort him and again put my head on his shoulder. I was really tired today.

"Thanks" Hoseok gives a smile to me.

"Hyung?" I say sounding really exhausted.

"Hm?" Hoseok replied still looking down on his phone.

"I still want my massage" I said whining again.

Hoseok looked at me and stared, then sighed.

"Okay fine. Sit down in front of me" Hoseok told me to sit on the floor.

I did as he said and sat right in front and in between his legs with my back facing him.

"Go gently ok?" I said not realising what I just sounded like.

Hoseok starts to laugh from behind me realising it.

"Ah stop being weird" I laugh and slap his leg.

"Okay okay. I'm kidding" he settled down his laugh.

He started to rub my shoulders in circles. And put pressure on my back. It felt nice. So nice that I accidentally let a moan slip out.

"Taehyung stop making weird noises" Hoseok warned me while chuckling a little. but I didn't listen.

Hoseok continued to massage my back and shoulders and I felt better already.

"Time to sleep come on" Hoseok pat my shoulder telling me to get up.

"Yeah yeah whatever" I let out and crawl into Hoseoks bed with him.

Hoseok didn't mind. We sleep in the same bed because I can't really sleep with no one beside me. It really helps me sleep. It's been going on for years.

Hoseok turned his face towards me and smiled again. I smiled back. Our bodies are at most 1 ft away from eachother. We try to not touch eachother during sleep because we are afraid we will end up in a weird position when we wake up.

"Hyung. You look really handsome today" I look at Hoseok with tired eyes.

Hoseok smiles.

"Hey, stop saying weird things. We're sleeping in the same bed" he said with a smile still on his face.

He closes his eyes and sleeps before I do.

I continue to look at him. He really did look attractive today. Maybe a little more than usual. Was he exercising and eating better now? I wonder what makes him more attractive now.

I stared at his soft looking lips for about a minute. And I lick mine without even realising it.

I got a little closer. And felt more satisfied and warm. He seemed like he was in his deep sleep mode. It was 12:30. I think i should sleep now. I'm looking like a creep just staring at Hoseok hyung like this.

I turn my body making my back face Hoseok. And tried to sleep until...

Hoseoks got closer then he has ever been before and wrapped his arm around my waist.

I was shocked for a second. I didn't know what to do. I felt stuck. But... I didn't want him to let go of me yet. It felt nice and warm. I wanted to stay like this. But what if we wake up like this? And the camera crew or one of my members came in? It would be bad for publicity.

I, didn't want to think about it right now. Right now, I wanted to enjoy it. I never felt better sleeping than I do now.

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