Unreal creepy reality.

By NikolaMirror120

438 35 53

This story is based in a reality where creepypastas and the real world are based in the same plane. Long stor... More

Prolouge: What is reality?
Chapter 1: Murder amongst Murderers
Chapter 2: The Witches Circle
Chapter 3: Laughing Jack and, The Glass Soul
Chapter 4: The Witch Jezebel
Chapter 6: Ben and Shadow
Chapter 7: Homicidal Liu
Chapter 8: Crime Scene.
Chapter 9: Eternity Killer Lily, and Past Nightmares
Quick! I need Ideas for next chapter!
Chapter 10: Willows and Ghosts
Chapter 11: You're safe Sally
Chapter 12: Ace's House
Chapter 13: The First Battle (Part 1)
Chapter 14: The First Battle (part 2)

Chapter 5: Hunting with Slits

22 1 4
By NikolaMirror120

3rd person P.O.V.

                   Well then, it seems like Jezebel is behind all of this huh? Then again she seems a little unstable, and whatever she has planned for Ace, isn't going to be pleasant. But fair readers, we aren't quiet to that point in the story, so let's focus on the girl covered in scars. The undead killer, Slits. Oh, and it looks like she maybe having trouble during her hunt...

Slits P.O.V.

                    Before too long I had found my way to my targets house. My eyes had a glow to them as I slid my way into their house. The woman inside was killed 4 months ago, but now with some new people had moved in. I really just wanted to find some easy targets that were close by, but as there was no one there, it made me feel a little uneasy. I listened more intently now than I had before. It felt like back in the days I worked for the Italian Mafia, my father as the don. Then, before I knew it, I heard an angered shriek from behind me. I turned only to see a flash of a face long dead before having to duck below his strike. "D-dad?" I questioned, scared for the first time in a while.

                     "WHY WOULD YOU BETRAY US YOU BITCH! WE WERE YOUR FAMILY! AND WHAT WAS SHE, BUT A RAT FROM THE OTHER SIDE!" My cried out the same words he had when he'd killed me.

                        I shook with both anger and fear, as I couldn't tell whether or not I was living in a nightmare. Before I could dwell on my question, I was punched through the wall of the house. I slid across the ground, slamming hard into a tree off the the side of the house. It was just within range of a cliff, and it looked like my father was going to attempt to take my life again. I struggled to my feet again, trying to get ready for his next strike. I took the time to throw a knife, which stuck deep in his chest, but didn't stop him. I started to shake even more, while still desperately trying to hide it. He flung me again, this time I tumbled, just inches from the edge. I was bound, and determined to survive the encounter with him this time. He and, I went at each other, but now I was gaining some ground. He would grunt, and stumble back, 1/2 step, 1 step, 2 steps, 4 steps, I felt hopeful this time. I would kill him immediately, but that hope was ripped away, when he laughed. My heart sunk, as he took control, pushing me back further than I had, right over the edge. I managed to grab a hold of it, but I wouldn't be able to pull myself up with him in front of me. "Any last words you tiny little toy?" asked my 'father'.

                         Then slipped out the words that were rattling around my brain since our battle started. "You can't be alive! YOU CAN'T BE MY FATHER, HE'S DEAD! I KILLED HIM! HE'S DEAD!"

Dream Stealer's (Slits father) P.O.V.

                          If the words she cried would have had any emotional weight on me, I could only imagine it would have been immense. But for me emotions were very limited. There was lust, excitement, thrill, and anger when things wouldn't go my way, but no remorse. I didn't feel any remorse for her when she said that, so I felt happy about her misery. My prey was dangling by her fingers, fear in every word she screamed, hatred in her ruby eyes. It was a heavenly mixture, and it made me laugh, a hollow laugh. She stared at me startled at the sudden change in my voice. "No little girl," I said still thoroughly pleased with where she was, and her expression,"You're right, I'm not your father. Though you expression is like candy to me...hahahahahahahaha!"

                         I watched her expression change as I admitted it openly to her, and lowered my guise. Her face twisted itself into an indignant glare. "What the fuck are you?!" she asked her voice now laced with anger, the venom only slight, based on her position.

                        "Oh child, I no name, but I am the thing that will take your life and, then feed off of you memories," I said kneeling down, lifting a knife above her fingers.

                         Her red orbs glowed, becoming a little fearful. I stabbed in-between her fingers for a bit to play with my food. Her gaze was intoxicating, I laughed with each stab, and laughed harder when I heard her yelp. When I finally rose the knife to loosen her grip, one of her hands had already let go of the ledge. I half wondered if it was out of fear, or lack of strength. My hand flew down, but I was cut off by the weight of another being charging me, and knocking me over.

Jeff's P.O.V.

                          I hadn't had to much to do back at Slender's, so I just decided to go on a hunt. I needed to soothe my tendencies, and I needed to get out of the house. The place made me feel antsy, and I needed to find out who took out the woman in the house just outside the woods. I was planning to get her eventually, but never quiet got around to it. It could have been Jane, but the killing was just a little too straight forward. An X was carved into her chest, and there were bullets riddled around the house. I couldn't see Jane doing that, or carving huge slit like marks on everything, from the woman's arms, to her legs, and even all over her face. Unless Jane was stepping away from mocking me, and mimicking my killing style, which I highly doubted. Jane hated my guts, she loved to steal my prey, right in front of me. There was no way her plans had changed. As I got there, I saw some sort of creature tormenting a person dangling over the edge of the cliff. Though I really could not possibly care less about the person hanging, the creature doing the tormenting had to be the killer from before. My eye glittered with anticipation. I readied my knife gripping the handle excitedly. I waited for a moment, listening to the person over the edge yelp, before the dark shapeless creature lifted it's hand a final time. I charged the thing with rigour, knocking it 12ft from the edge. "So you were the one who took that woman out 4 months ago huh?" I chuckled.

                             "And what if I was, and what if I wasn't?" the creature said darkly.

                           I cocked an eyebrow, wondering partly what he meant. My mind didn't linger, I didn't want it too. So I attacked the thing again, he grunted. "You're a pain, Jeff the Killer," the demonic male grumbled,"I think you need to take some of your own advice."

                          "Want to say that again?!" I growled angrily.

                          He laughed, then asked,"Did I strike a nerve Jeff? Or maybe I just aggravated you by stealing your thunder."

                         "AHHHHRAHHHH!" I screamed flying at my opponent.

                          He laughed before swinging at me, punching me in the face. I staggered backwards a few steps, before seeing him right in front of me. I stabbed him in the chest, before he started wailing on me. I did my best to fight back only to be knocked down again. I couldn't help but, remember Liu, and think he would see me as weak and pathetic. As he had me against the ropes, and now brandished the knife I had stabbed him with. He was going to kill me, and I wouldn't be able to get out of it. As I waited for death, I suddenly noticed he stopped. His head turned slight to face behind him, then he just slowly disintegrated. It revealed a young girl, just slightly younger than me, with injuries similar to the woman who had been killed out here. "Are you ok?" She asked.

                            But, I was still frozen, trying to figure out what just happened.

Slits' P.O.V.

                          After I heard the rough voice of another human above me, I sighed. I was thankful that whoever it was, was going out of their way to attack the dream stealer who tried to kill me. Though to be fair, I don't even think they cared that I was over the edge of the cliff. The past few minutes replayed in my head a couple times. I had learned from Ace that dream stealers had a variety of abilities, but shape shifting, or illusions, weren't on that list. That meant who ever created these new ones had to have someone with one or both of said abilities. I balled the hand that fell into a fist, there was no way to reach my new knife while being here. So I took the opportunity to reach up, and grab the ledge again. I pulled myself up, and after being on solid ground again, I noticed the person who had saved me. "Jeff the Killer," I mumbled thoughtfully,"of all the people to unintentionally save me why him?"

                       I didn't have time to answer my question though, as he was pinned in a bad spot. I really could have just left him there to die, but something inside me told me not to. I ran quickly, and quietly, behind the shadow like creature. Then stabbed him only to watch him fall away into non-existence. Jeff just stared up at me dumbfounded. "Are you ok?" I asked, deciding to look through his stare.

                        There was silence though, a deafening silence. I sighed, not caring if he was out of it. My hand shot down, causing him to flinch, my hand remained outstretched. "Just take my hand if you're alive in there!" I said in a snarky tone.

                         He took my hand hesitantly, before realizing what I said. He gave me an indignant glare, a frown clearly evident through his never ending half burned smile. "Hey! I'm alive just confused! Don't act like a smart ass bitch!" He retorted darkly, but that was hardly scary since only a few minutes before he was cornered by an old enemy.

                          "Oh I'm sorry, but wasn't this smart ass bitch the one who saved your sorry ass, smile boy?!" I replied sarcastically.

                          "I had it handled!" he yelled back.

                          "Yeah, sure, by laying on the ground like an idiot!?" I asked indignantly, waiting for him to point out what had happened to me.

                            He grumbled for a moment before noticing my hands. He started chuckling, he had to have recognized them from me hanging from the cliff. "This is coming from the bitch who was hanging by her fingertips off of that cliff?" he asked between bouts of laughter.

                             My eyes darkened from underneath my hair, I had just about had it with him. "So what!?" I hissed,"At least with you distracting him, I had time to pull myself back up, and you're not dead right now! So don't you dare make me regret my decision to help your sorry ass!"

                              Jeff suddenly shut up, nothing, once again there was a deafening silence between us. I wasn't sure how it would be broken, things were just falling into place when he faced me directly again...

Jeff's P.O.V.

                              I fell silent, but it wasn't just because she pissed me off. For once I was just surprised to hear someone say, something like that to me. She asked me, not to make her regret helping me. Had I really heard that leave her mouth? It felt good to tease people about their mistakes, but it felt weird when they made you feel emotions you thought were long dead. She had awakened my empathy. My ability to love? I couldn't quite tell, but what she said made me feel good. Had she really saved me because I unintentionally helped her? I mean I hadn't really cared about what would happen to her when I attacked that thing so, her response was unexpected. When my head lifted to face her again, she seemed worried about what she had said might lead too. I heaved a sigh before responding to her,"Why would you even help me?" I asked seriously, as I wanted her confirmation on my theory.

                           "Huh? Oh ok," she began to answered taking my question with both surprise, and careful consideration,"I guess I could say it was instinct, but that really wouldn't be the right word for it. You didn't intend too, but you saved me anyway, so yeah. It felt right so I did it. Leaving you there didn't feel right, so I returned the favor, but not because I had too. It was more like, cause I wanted too."

                           I stared at her, observing her reactions as she gave me the answer I assumed she would. Goddamnit she was cute, wait no I just met her stop it! I nodded as she finished, pretty silent considering our current situation. She sighed, before speaking again,"Look, let's just start over. Hi there my name is Slits, or Emma if you would prefer, and you are?"

                             I chuckled at her sudden change to a huge formality. She gave me a light glare, before I rolled my eyes and replied,"My name's Jeff, there's no other name I like to be known by..."

                            She nodded, then asked,"So what did bring you out here?"

                          "The murder from 4 months ago, I wanted to know who killed her before I could," I answered honestly.

                           "Oh I'm so sorry!" she replied suddenly making me look very confused.

                             "If I'd known she was one of your targets, I wouldn't have killed her! Sorry!" she answered, leaving my eyes to widen.

                            "What?" I asked in shock, a slight laugh leaving my lips.

                             "Yeah?" she answered in response,"Wait did you think it was that thing cause, yeah their killing style makes the body look like a pale rotting husk."

                              I stood there dumbfounded for a moment before nodding. She chuckled a bit, causing me to glare at her, before she added,"Don't look at me like that! I'm glad you thought I was a monster, and more specifically a dream stealer! It's flattering!"

                              I still felt a bit confused, and Slits really wasn't helping. It made my blood boil a bit, and as I was about to yell at her, she raised her hand and said,"Holy crap! I'm running circles around you, and you probably have a lot of questions! So please ask away Jeff, I've got time."

                              My anger bubbled down a bit, but it was still frustrating to have questions. I was just lucky that Slits had the answers, hopefully. "Ok," I said a slight bit of anger evident,"When did you kill the woman in the house?"

                            "Easy start eh?" she asked in response,"April, somewhere around there."

                            My eyes softened a bit as she answered smoothly, it felt like I might actually get along with a girl, if I ever thought that was possible. "What where you doing out here?" I asked next, being curious about it from the start at this point.

                             "Missed having close by targets, so I decided to go after the family that just moved in. I didn't expect no one to be home, or a dream stealer to be near by," she answered, obviously still pissed that thing hot the better of her.

                            I laughed a little bit at her, earning me a glare. I laughed a little harder before asking my next question,"What are dream stealers?"

                            I wouldn't have cared if it weren't for the fact that one almost killed me. She suddenly became very serious, my guess was they were a harsh topic somehow. Though I just stood ready to hear her answer. "They're the creations of witches, originally intended to take the place of familiars. They were made to adapt to situations, but turned out to be more likely to kill with out remorse, and they had no off switch. Amongst the witches who decided to get rid of them, there were others who liked killing witches within covens. These heretic witches lost everything, and killed anyone and anything in their way, including other witches. Most of them have an agenda, and their favorite weapon is a dream stealer. Those things, they wipe your mind of all memories, dreams, nightmares, and wipe you of your life. They can take take those things if your alive or dead, and their victims look like as I've said hollowed out human husks."

                              I shuttered, listening to her description. It was hard to believe by normal standards, but no one out here was normal. She seemed to notice my reaction, and then added,"If you feel the need to tell someone you may as well. I mean, I'm gonna have to tell Ace later."

                               I nodded, then the conversation took a different turn, when she started quietly playing with knife.

Slits P.O.V.

                            I noticed the question game was over. It made me bored so I started playing with the new toy I got from Ace. Then I noticed Jeff staring at me. "What?" I asked.

                             "That blade looks new, and pretty," Jeff answered, leaving me to smile.

                             "Then you love blades too?!" I asked excitedly.

                            He laughed at my excitement, causing me to blush deeply. Then said,"I thought that was pretty obvious."

                           "Shut up!" I teased, causing him to laugh.

                           We started talking about weaponry, knives, guns, killing styles. It all felt surreal, then Jeff asked,"Where did you get your knife?"

                           I smiled thinking about Ace, a brightness in my smile,"Ace, she is a blade smith, at least that's what her hobby is."

                            Jeff's smile fell, like he was remembering something. Then he asked,"Does Ace where a wolf mask, or have white hair?"

                           "Yeah," I answered seriously,"I guess you saw her on the path between our neck of the woods, and Slenders."

                           He nodded, "So you live out there too?" he asked.

                           I nodded in return, and silence fell between us for a long time. We were actually walking back together, and something made it seem like we were old friends or more in that moment. Then Jeff spoke up,"I'm sorta surprised you live over there. I just wish I could visit you."

                           I blushed a bit, and I wanted to answer him, but before I could I fell twisting my ankle. I ended up falling on my back, which pulled my bangs out from in front of my face. I groaned in pain, causing Jeff to come down to my level. "Are you o-" he froze looking at my eyes.

                             "Y-yeah I'm fine," I replied to his unfinished question,"Could you please not stare at my eyes it's uncomfortable."

                              He blushed, then said,"Yeah, but your eyes are really beautiful, and so are you."

                               I felt my cheeks heat up as he held his hand down, and turned his head away. I took his hand, and saw a small bit of pink on his cheeks as I got pulled to my feet. Suddenly I heard a voice, shrouded in static asked Jeff to come back. He needed help in his forest. Jeff said,"Sorry I have to go."

                             I nodded, then said,"If you need anything just ask, then I can see what I can do."

                            He smiled, and then disappeared, leaving me to find the rest of the way home. I wondered if I'd see him again.

AN: So yeah! Here's the first of many filler chapters! I hope you like it, as it was a fluffy chapter. But yep! I had fun writing it. I'm sorry if Jeff was really ooc, I tried not to make him that way. So thanks for reading! Yeah!



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