Accept Me

By Ezra_Ann_

20.3K 588 67

Jaymes-Conner Anderson - Openly gay, 17 year old high school senior. Lives with his mum, step-mum and twin si... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Bonus Chapter 1

Chapter 1

2.9K 69 19
By Ezra_Ann_

Hello, my name is Jaymes-Conner Anderson and I'm 17 years old and a senior at Glendale High School. I'm openly gay and proud regardless of the fact that I do get harressed for this. I've been 'out' since I was 14 years old, some might say that I wasn't old enough at 14 years to know my sexuality and to those I say 'fuck you'. I know what my sexuality is and this isn't a faze. I know I like guys not chicks.

Sorry, I side tracked for a moment, I'm 5 feet 7 inches tall with dark dirty blond hair and blue eyes. I have to admit that I think my eyes are one of my best features. My body is built like a dancer, even though I've never danced a day in my life. I have a twin sister named Jaimi-Constanie and I'm four and a half minutes older than her.

I have Autism and no this does not mean that I am 'stupid' or 'disabled'. I am just like everyone else but with a few differences. For instance I compulsivly wash my hands three times and have to straighten anything that is crocked, repetitivly tapping my fingers on my leg or arm, I was delayed in speech as I child; I still have trouble with some words and I will only talk to those whom I am comfortable with.

I can only wear clothes made from mainly cotten due to the texture of the fabric. I am very interested in music, where I'm constantly listening to music; through my phone with our without ear buds, depending on where I am. I also love art and I'm always painting or drawing, mama and daddy always make sure I have plently of drawing pads, charcole pencils, paints and brushes.

I also have anxiety with meeting new people and situations, I don't handle change well either. I also have sensitivity to sounds and I don't like bright lights or flashing or colorful lights.

I attend a speech therapist once a week to help maintain and correct my speech. I also have have a male dog that is to help with animal-assisted therapy, which helps enhance my physical, emotional and social well-being. My therapy dog's name is Ryker.

My twin sister and I live with our biological mom, Sydney, whose always been bisexual; our step-mom, who called mom, Stepahanie and our four younger biologically related half brothers; Carson-Michael, whose 12 years old, Cameron-Matthew, whose 10 years old and 7 year old twins, Jayson-Alexander and Jaycob-Tyler.

Mama carried all of them herself and used a sperm donar that her and mom agreed about; mama is also currently six months pregnant with a little girl according to the ultrasounds; I hope it's right for Jaimi's sake, I know she feels out numbered here sibling wise; there's five boys and she's the only girl when we're not at daddy's.

All four of them have the same sperm donar. Our mama and daddy divorced when Jaimi and I were only 2 years old. Mama and mom were married when we were 4 years old and Carson-Michael came along a year later.

Daddy is also remarried with four more children with his wife, Sophia. I'm not a big fan of her and I can't explain why either; I just don't like her but Jaimi likes her enough for the both of us, not that Jaimi doesn't like mom because she adores her too. Daddy and Sophia married when we were 3 years old. Jaimi and I spend every weekend with daddy Sophia.

They're children are Sonja Marie, she's 12 years old, Sarah Jean and Seth Jacob are both 9 years old, yes, faternal twins, and then last but not least Sean Michael, he's 5 years old.

"Come on baby boy, it's time to wake up," I hear mama softly say as she gently runs her fingers through my hair gently.

Rolling my head into the direction of her hand to gain more contact from her, mama softly chuckles as she continues to run her hand through my hair as she gently kisses my forhead. Mama, mom, Jaimi-Constanie and daddy are the only one who are allowed to touch me at all. No, it's not because I was was in any way physically, emotionally or abused, I promise; I just don't like people touching me that I either don't know or don't trust.

"Five minutes more, pease, mama," I beg as I settle down further into my pillow.

"Not even a milliong pleases will get you that five more minutes, baby boy," she chuckles out as she pulls the covers off of me and starts to tickle me.

Laughing and squirming trying to get away from her ticklings, I finally open my eyes to see mama laughing softly and smiling at me. Finally she stops knowing I'll have to wee now that I'm fully awake.

"Shower and dress and then come down for breakfast, okay, Jaymes-Conner?" she asks walking to the door to head downstairs, allowing me to shower, dress and come down. Everyone has to give me instructions in sets of three. I have a fasination with the number three.

"Yeash, mama," I answer, throwing the covers off of me and climbinh out of bed and heading towards my ensuite bathroom.

Fifteen minutes later, I've showered, dressed and heading downstairs to have breakfast with everyone. Walking into the kitchen/dinning room to find both my moms and all of my siblings there already. Mama or mom usually wake me last seeing that I have a horrible sleep schedule. I either stay up until late or I'm up either early.

Patting the side of my leg three times, calling Ryker to my side from where he's lying at the foot of my bed where he always sleeps. Ryker follows behind me down the stairs to head into the kitchen and Ryker heads to his bed in the living room, knowing he's not allowed in the kitchen unless he's called due to an anxiety of panic attack that I might have.

"Morning Jaymes-Conner," mom greets in her naturaly soft voice.

Smiling at her as I take the last empty plate to load my food on it as I reply with, "Mor'in' mom."

Sitting at the table next to Jaimi, I have to sit in the same seat at every meal otherwise my anxiety and o.c.d. takes over my thinking and I cannot function. We all found that out the hard way when I was either four or five and mom sat in the chair next to Jaimi and left the chair next to mama for me. It's not that I don't love mama but I had always sat in the chair next to Jaimi up to that point and I didn't like the change.

"Did you sleep well, Jaymes-Conner?" mom asks as I glance at the clock in order to make sure that I could start eating.

I never started eating any meal until the clock read three minutes after the hour. I was thankful lunch hour at school started at noon, so I was able to start eating at three minutes after.

"Yesh, t-thank you," I manage to say before taking a bite of the blueberry panckake that is on my plate.

"Good to hear, baby boy," she replies as everyone softly talks to one another as we eat. I stay quiet not liking to partake in the usual conversations at the table.

"Why do you call Jaymes-Conner 'baby boy'?" my brother Jaycob-Taylor asks around a mouthful of food, grossing me out.

"Jaycob-Taylor, don't talk with food in your mouth, that's disgusting," mama starts off with before answering his question. "To answer your question, 'baby boy' is a nickname that Jaymes-Conner has been called since he and Jaimi-Constanie were in my belly."

Jaycob-Taylor swallows his food before talking, "Oh, that's cool, mama." He takes another bite and I thought he was done talking but once he swallowed again he continues. "Does he and Jaimi-Constanie have the same sperm donar as the rest of us?"

Yes, all of my younger brothers are aware that mama is their biologically mom like myself and Jaimi and that their biological father was a sperm donor and that mom is their other parent.

Mama shakes her head with a soft smile. "No, Jaycob-Taylor, they're other parent is James, you've meet him and his wife and their children." Jaycob-Taylor looks confused and lost in thought as he process this and his face is so damn cute. He just shrugs his shoulder and continues to eat his breakfast without further question.

Once everyone is finished with breakfast, I stand and push my chair in three times before I load everyone's dirty dishes in the dishwasher, place the detergent in the compartment and turn it on; mom doesn't have to work today, so she'll be there in case anything happens.

Mama is dropping all of us off at our respective schools; Jaycob-Taylor, Jayson-Alexander and Cameron-Matthew at the elemantary, Carson-Michael at the middle school and Jaimi-Constanie at the high school before she heads to work.

After mama has dropped off the other three, she heads to the high school a minute away from the middle school. Pulling into the parking lots she parks for us to climb out of the van.

As Jaimi and I open our doors, mama says, "Bye, have a great day. Jaymes-Conner, if you need to go home for any reason, call mom or daddy, okay, I have to work today."

Nodding as I shut the van door behind Ryker and grab at his harness leash, I give her a small smile, "Okay, mama. Luve you." She smiles and waves before pulling away leaving us to head inside the school.

Jaimi walks with me inside before meeting her friends at her locker leaving me to head to mine and meet my three friends at this school since we're new here this year; Kyler Stevens, Hope Ashton and Kevin James. The three of them welcomed me into thier group on the very first day of school two months ago and for that I'm so grateful.

About five feet from my locker where my friends where standing and talking, I'm shoved head first into the set of lockers that are to my right and held there as whoever has ahold of me bangs my head of the lockers two more times before I'm freed; not giving me time to freak about being touched by someone I'm not sure who it is.

"Touch Jaymes-Conner again and I will personally make you wish you were never fucking born. Do I make myself clear?" I hear Kyler growl out in a deep, menacing voice as I drop to the floor and curl into myself.

Glancing up through my eyelashes to find Kyler has my one and only bully, Parker Ames by the front of his shirt, up against the lockers and his feet about a foot off the floor. Parker looks scared and nods his head furiously before Kyler lets go of him as Hope and Kevin help me off the floor as Kyler turns to walk over to us.

"Let me see your head, Jay," Kyler says softly as his eyes fill with concern. Smiling warily I turn my head toward him so he can inspect it before looking at my eyes. I wonder why he's doing that, Parker didn't do anything to my eyes.

"Does your head hurt at all?" he continues to talk in a soft tone knowing I don't like loud noises.

"A little," I whimper out as Ryker gently leans against my side causing me to start petting his head in order to calm myself and him.

"Come on let's head to the office and see if you can have some pain reliever, then," Hope says as she gently takes my hand that isn't holding Ryker's leash.

Thirty minutes later, I've recieved pain reliever from the nurse and I'm sitting in a chair in the office with Ryker in between my feet waiting for mom to pick me up. I decided I wanted to go home. I knew today was only going to become workse if I stayed here. Mom obviously agreed to pick me up after she promised to call mama to let her know that she was picking me up and why.

The office door open revieling mom with a worried expression on her face that turns into a soft, warm smile. "Jaymes-Conner, are you ready to go home?" she asks softly as she stands next to me.

Nodding, I stand as I tighten my hold on Ryker's leash and throw my book bag strap over my shoulder. Mom leads me out of the office after she signs me out and we walk to the car; opening the back door to allow Ryker inside before shutting that door and open the front passenger door and shutting it behind me as I buckle myself in as mom settles herself in the driver's seat.

"Does your head still hurt, Jaymes-Conner?" she asks me she pulls the car out of the parking head and heading in the direction opposit of home.

"No, feels better now, just dull," I tell her as I lean my head back against the headrest wondering where we are going. "Where are we going?" I ask closing my eyes against the bright light.

"The store to grab more headache reliever and a few other small items," was her reply as she pulls in and parks the car at the store and kills the engine before she climbs out, waiting for me to get Ryker out of the back.

Mom made the trip down to ten minutes before we were back in the car and heading home this time. Mom had picked up two bottles of pain reliever, a couple of missing ingredients for dinner tonight and a new Disney movie that she had me pick for movie night tonight since today is Friday; meaning family movie night.

Once we were in the house and we've placed everything where it needs to be, mom hands me anothe pain reliever tablet and sends me to bed to take a nap before lunch.

Seveal hours later, mama arrives home from work after picking my siblings up from school and mama had picked up my homework that I missed from school today. We have homemade pizza and watch several Disney movies, new one first and then one that Jaycob and Jayson picked out together.

Jaycob and Jayson are in bed by 9:30 that night with Cameron is in bed by 10 and Carson is in bed by 10:30 and I'm in bed by 11 p.m. since I need structure even if I don't fall asleep shortly after going to bed, even with my medications to help me sleep. Jaimi goes to bed around midnight when mama and mom go to bed themselves.

Even though I'm in bed by 11 p.m. I don't fall asleep until 3 that morning and I'm back up with everyone by 7 a.m. so everyone can ready themselves for the day and have breakfast before we head out to five soccer games today. Jaycob and Jayson are on the same team and their game is at 10 this morning; then Cameron's is at 11, Carson's is at noon, Jaimi is at 2 this afternoon and then mine is at 3 this afternoon.

We all play on recreational teams. I love soccer season, running around playing soccer with it's set rules and regulations help with some of my differences and helps to calm me.

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