No Smoking // Drarry

Bởi JoyitaBanerjee

58.4K 1.7K 774

Harry is tired: of the new brand new troubles and hurdles that life always puts up for him. Until fifth year... Xem Thêm

The Smoking Hazard
Miffed With Life
Hidden Secrets
Done With This
Apologies and Forgiveness
Inner Demons
The Little Hope
The Apartment
The Invitation
We Meet Again
The Difference
Life Goes On (Epilogue)

Lovely Days

1.9K 74 7
Bởi JoyitaBanerjee

A/N: So, this is a good news now. I just got the story back, without doing anything. I don't know what sorcery is this, but it's good anyway. So, read on, and expect me for the next chapter soon. Yes, I know, that I've not been updating for a long time, but the reason is known to you all, I hope. If not, check my message board. I'll try to be regular from now on, I promise.


Time was passing by, and Harry was getting weaker and weaker. He had managed to coax everyone to allow him to come back to the Manor, but the air of tension has remained around them. And Harry desperately wanted to cut through it, and make everyone smile.

"I want to visit Hogwarts once." Harry announced at the breakfast one day.

Looking around the table, he didn't bother to stop the urge of rolling his eyes. "Stop ogling. Yes, you all heard me right, and not just me, all of you are coming to Hogwarts with me. I can always ask for the special entrance from McGonagall." Harry said rubbing his palms together, a grin pasted on his face.

"And how do you plan on going their? Apparation and floo is definitely not an option for you." Hermione said crossing her arms over her chest.

Huffing, Harry carefully plopped down on a chair with the help of Draco, and pecked him on the cheek. "Hi, darling," he greeted with a smile.

In response, Draco only raised his eyebrows at him. "Her point is valid, you know." He said pointing a finger at the girl.

Rolling his eyes, Harry turned towards the table. "I know," he said. "And that is why, I've got a superb plan, that may increase the fun to manifolds. Y'all wanna know what it is?" He said.

"Eagerly waiting for your commencement." Ron retorted.

"We plan on going there by the Hogwarts Express!" Harry exclaimed with a glee, which made him cough violently for a second.

"The Hogwarts Express?"

"Yeah, you heard me right, Fred. And guess what, Narcissa is going to come with us too." Harry said.

"Why me?" She asked in an amused tone.

"Because you're a part of this group over here. Now, no more arguments. We're going to Hogwarts and we're doing it tomorrow!" Harry said dashing his fork into the air.

"Harry, this is going to be fun. We're bringing some-"

"Ah, nevermind." George interrupted Fred with a poke on his leg from under the table. "We're going to have a lot of fun there!"

Harry nodded in total understanding. "Yeah, I know, I know. Have fun however you want to." He said waving a hand in the air.

"I wonder what you two are planning." Ron said shaking his head.

"Well, I'd suggest you not to." Fred snapped at his brother.

"Well, if you really want to visit Hogwarts, then I might as well floo Mrs. McGonagall. Got to let her know that we are coming. Or she might as good as have a heart attack." Narcissa muttered the last part, bringing her cup of tea to her lips.

"Okay, so let's get ready for tomorrow. I'm plan-" Harry couldn't finish his sentence as a loud bang shook the heavy table, and the huge hall filled with smoke within a mere second.

"Shit," he heard a pair of voice mutter.

He knew instantly, who was to be blamed in this. Of course, it were the twins. But he didn't get the time to ponder on that. As the smoke reached his nasals, his lungs started to inflate dramatically. He pressed onto his cannula to his nose firmly, breathing in the oxygen that it supplied, but it was helping very little, for the smoke was still entering his lungs, and making him gasp for air.

He fumbled into his pockets for his wand, to clear the air off. And when he got it, that was in his jacket pocket, he swished it wordlessly. Instantly, the air cleared off around him, and gasped in some fresh air.

"Fred, George! What were you thinking, bringing smoke bombs at the table?" He heard Hermione scold the twins in a likely voice of Molly.

Though he was still gasping, he had recovered much to look around him at his surrounding. Everybody at the table, were either coughing still, or glaring daggers at the two identical troublemakers.

"We didn't mean to drop it here! It slipped out of our pockets, accidentally." George said defensively.

"Whatever the case is, it was your fault, the both of you. You both know that Harry is sick over here, and he should get a breathing problem in any kind of uneasiness in the air." Hermione argued.

Draco, who was sitting beside him, had already caught onto the gasps from Harry and was fussing over him with worried questions.

"Are you alright, Harry?" He asked with a frown on his face.

"Yeah, don't worry, I'm good." Still breathing heavily, Harry said.

And when the blonde was convinced, that Harry was really okay, he turned to the twins with hot glares.

"Why, you insolent brats! I will skin you both alive!" Draco sneered at them.

"Draco," was the soft, but a warning call from Narcissa.

For a second, Draco stole a glance at his mother, who was looking at him in a admonish way, and settled for a glare at the twins.

"Okay, fine, we are sorry. But it was just an accident! Harry, we're terribly sorry, really." Fred said.

"That's fine, but try not to repeat it again. It gave me a tad bit of problem." He said waving his hand dismissively.

"No, Harry! They better be sorry, for the next time, I'm going to hurt them real bad." Draco growled.

Sighing, Harry propped his head on his hand which was supported on the table. "Okay, fine. Don't listen to me." He said pursing his lips.

"But," Narcissa started on a serious note. "You'll have to talk to the healer whether you're fit enough to travel." She said.

A frown formed on Harry's face. "Is that necessary?" He asked. "It's just a matter of few hours!"

"I know, but a lot can happen in those few hours. It's just for your safety, Harry." The lady said with determination.

Sighing, Harry looked away. He knew, that there was a good chance of the Healer to refuse to his wish. And then, he'd have to just sit in the Manor waiting for his last day.

"And what if he says that I can't travel?" He asked after sometime.

Though Narcissa looked at him, but didn't reply to his question. It was obvious to her that he knew the answer, but she was reluctant to express it out loud, for it may hurt the boy. And, the gesture was enough for Harry to look back at his plate without uttering another word.


"...So can he go to Hogwarts?" Hermione asked the healer, whose head was popping out of the fire.

Harry had refused to talk to the healer himself, as he thought, there was no way he was going to allow him to go. And neither did he come down to the fireplace to witness the conversation. Hermione had agreed to talk in place of him, and the rest of the members were just sitting around the room.

There was a moment of silence in the room. All the occupants were eagerly waiting for the answer from the man at the floo.

"Well," the doctor started. "I'd lie if I say that it's not risky. But...if I can just do a check up first, then I may say 'Yes' to your question with confirmation, giving that his body is very weak now. He might as well have some fun." The healer said.

Hermione nodded in understanding. "Okay, we'll see if we can manage to have Harry this check up." She said. "And thank you for your time." She added with a smile.

"Not a problem. And when do you plan on visiting Hogwarts?" He asked.

"Tomorrow is the day we're planning on. It would be great if you could do this check up sometime today." She said.

"Yes, I do think I have the time. Today, in the evening would be easier for me." The head of the healer said.

"Yeah, sure, whenever you think it would be fit for you." She said.

The man nodded. "Okay, then. I'll be there in the Manor sometime near six. Have a good day, Miss." He said.

"Thank you, and you too." Hermione said nodding.

As the fire place gave a pop, Hermione turned to the rest of the room. "So... that's it. Harry just have to have a check up. Then I guess, the healer is going to allow him to go." She said.

"Actually, the healer is allowing this just for Harry's sake. He knows what the trip means to Harry." Draco shrugged.

Hermione sighed. "I know. It's just I'm afraid that something might happen in the train and-nevermind. I'll go see Harry. Ron, you coming?" Hermione asked turning to Ron.

"Yes," Ron nodded, as he got up from the chair he was sitting.

"He said yes?" Harry asked amused, grinning.

"No, he said he will confirm it after he checks you up." Hermione said folding her hands across hee chest.

"Oh come on, 'Mione. Yes, Harry, he said yes. But he's going visit here in the evening for check up." Ron said.

An amazing grin played on Harry's face. "Well, it went better than I thought. Whatever the reason might be behind his agreement, I just care that I get to visit Hogwarts." He said gleefully.

After the evening has rolled by, the Healer came around to the Manor for the check up he had promised on Harry. But, as he came by, Harry got a little fidgety about the check up. He started worrying about, after checking him up, whether he would still stick to his decision.

"It's not that he's perfectly fine. Rather, he's getting weaker by the day, I'd say, dramatically. But, patients often show improvement after a bit of wandering. So, I think, the risk is worth taking." The healer said.

After the check up, the healer was in a silent thinking state for a minute, as though, as Harry had thought reconsidering his decision. But, at this comment, Harry had to suppress a humorous snort from his side. As if he was really going to improve. But, then again, he only cared about what his final comment was, and not what he thought about his condition.

"Thanks," Harry said with a smile to the healer. Though, the smile held a sarcasm, but he hardly believed that the man had caught on to it.

The healer nodded. "Not a problem, as long as you stay fit." He said.

"Yeah, I'll try my best." Harry replied.

"Well, then. My service is served, so I think, I shall get going." The healer said, getting on to his feet, from the chair where he was sitting.

"What did Professor McGonagall say, Narcissa? Did you talk to her?" Harry asked after the Healer had left.

Narcissa nodded smiling. "Yes, I did. I've to say this, that she was really shocked by your wish. But she seemed to have calmed down, when I told her that the Healer had agreed to let you go. I had just flooed her a few minutes before." Narcissa said.

"Very well, then. We're all visiting Hogwarts tomorrow!" Harry said, or squealed, if truth be told. But then, his throat gave out, and he got into a coughing fit.

"Be a bit gentle, will you, Harry." Draco said frowning, and rubbing his back soothingly.

"Oh, nevermind that, it keeps happening." Harry said dismissively.

Draco heaved a sigh at this, and shook his head. "Grow up," he muttered smiling at his boyfriend, as he saw the excitement in those emerald eyes, that he loved so much. Be it look like those have him punched, which made them go black, let Harry's face look like he hadn't been eating for a week, let his body look all bones and no flesh, he loved him all the same.

They chattered away for a while, after which they all left Draco and Harry in his room to rest.

"Draco, you don't know how excited I'm to visit Hogwarts. It's like I'm visiting the place for the first time. I don't know why this is happening, but it's happening anyway." Said Harry, smiling like he had just received a new broomstick.

"I know," said Draco, smiling as well, and carding his fingers through Harry's hairs.

Their eyes met for a brief moment, as Draco spoke, and Harry leaned in with a smile on his face to kiss Draco on his lips. He felt Draco smile into the kiss, as he slid his arms around Harry's neck.

"I love you," said Draco.

"I love you too, Draco."

Harry slid a hand inside Draco's shirt, and felt the muscles standing out on it. He smiled at the feeling, but his breath was already getting short, lungs burning for oxygen. Gently, he put a hand on Draco's shoulder to gesture him to stop.

"I'm sorry." He said as they pulled apart.

"Don't be. It's not your fault." Said Draco with a smile, and shaking his head.

Harry didn't reply this time, only leant forward and, while a tear escaped his eye unnoticed, he said, "No, I'm sorry; for not being able to stay there for you. And I'm sorry, for hurting you when I die." Said he in a mild whisper, which remained unheard by Draco.


The next day, they all got ready very early to catch the train to Hogwarts. It seemed to them as one of the normal day to Hogwarts after the Summer break. The whole lot of the students had decided to stay at Hogwarts for the rest of the Holidays, having fun and enjoying the emptiness of the large place.

"Draco, we're gonna be late! Hurry up, now!" Harry called for him from outside his room.

"Yeah, I'm almost done. Just a minute." Draco said in a rush, as he tried to fix his hair with the comb. "And don't walk around so much, you'll make yourself tired. Um, Fred-or George, whoever you're, please make him sit here, will you please?" He said glancing at the redhead who was almost carrying Harry around.

"Your first guess was right. I'm Fred." He said supporting Harry into the room and making him sit on the leather couch beside the bed.

Draco shrugged. "There's no use of telling me. I'm not going to remember anyway. I'll confuse both of you yet again, once I see you with George." Said Draco tugging at his tie.

There was a moment of silence in the room, which made Draco glance at the boys sitting on the couch. "What?" He asked, when he noticed that none of them was looking his way.

"I'm hurt, Draco, by your words." Fred said putting a hand on his heart.

For a moment, Draco really thought that he was heart, for there was no trace of humour on Fred's face. But then, he decided that he was acting, as the redhead looked up at him with a smirk.

Raising an eyebrow, he raised his hands to his side giving him a 'what the fuck' look. "That wasn't necessary." He said.

"I know. Now, straighten up your hair fast, or we are going to miss the train, and now it's actually the case." Fred said holding up his watch for Draco to look at it.

Looking at the time, Draco gave a jump, and ran to his trunk to stuff in the comb in a haste.

"Let's go!" Draco said tugging at Harry's arm, knocking his breath out.

When they reached the station, they had barely ten minutes left for the train to depart. And while it took almost five minutes to make Harry settle down in a compartment, the luggages were pulled into the train in no time. By the time the train had started moving, all of them were breathing a bit heavily, including Harry.

The sky had already gone dark when they reached Hogwarts. McGonagall, Sirius, and Remus, were all waiting at the large wooden doors of Hogwarts with a big smile on their lips.

As Harry walked upto them, he saw their smile gradually fade into a few pairs of horror struck eyes.

"Harry, what-" Sirius started but stopped when Harry shook his head at them smiling.

"Not now, Sirius. We've got time for that to discuss. Now, I just want to spend some time with you all." He said hugging Sirius, which he returned at once.

"Hello, Lupin. How are you?" Harry asked turning to Remus.

"It's the question I should be asking you. But I'm good, thanks." Remus said with a smile.

"Well, I'm happy, you can see that." Harry said trying to answer Remus' unasked question, to which Remus only nodded wryly.

They entered the castle, which was lit dimly in the yellow light of the candles.

"Is there anyone who had stayed back?" Hermione asked out.

"Yes, there are a few students." McGonagall answered nodding.

Harry's heart was beating very fast, as they walked further into the castle. He didn't know the reason, though. It felt to him as if he was visiting the castle for the first time in his life, and he would have to go through the sorting ceremony and restart his magical carrier yet again. But, he was happy nonetheless, more like thrilled to be back at the place which he considered to be his home.

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