Short Stories

By DementedGoddeSS

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A collection of short stories More

The Three Prince's
The blue bird

The Tree And The Island

5 1 0
By DementedGoddeSS

  Once upon a time there was a beautiful small island, and that very island was surrounded by the most striking blue ocean.
  On the island lived a small mischievous tree.
  Even though the island and tree were different in many ways they were still the best of friends.
  Together sometimes the tree would gaze at the island as if the world slowed down to show off all the islands beauty and grace.
  The tree wasn't only friends with the island, it had a nother friend(surprise).
  A branch.
  The branch was the most clingy friend ever, most would have guest she was apart of the tree from the way she stayed by the little trees side 24/7.
  Now I know what your thinking, doesn't sound to bad a friend the little tree is just a jerk, well the answer to that is yes the little tree was a jerk but before you continue with that thought let me finish with the branches description.
  The branch had braces, which explains everything (jk don't leave) she was a teacher's pet who cried if the tree wanted to hang with another friend. Now it's one thing to cry if she didn't have other friends or if the little tree denied playing with her all together, BUT THAT WASNT IT. She would haul alligator tears everywhere she went.
  The friendship between the tree the branch and the island lasted untill the day the tree was uprooted and tooken away.
   The tree was planted on an island, on this island the tree was faced with different things she wasn't used to, and that made her angry; the tree would throw all kinds of tantrums because she was sad to have left the little island and big blue ocean, for the ocean was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.
   But after a week or two she finally settled to the new trees.
   Her mischievous ways (almost) over,
for the little tree was loved by all, they
thought the little tree was the most funniest and adorable tree they ever met.
They loved her, and she made everyone laugh.
   The little tree was happy.
   Soon the little tree grew taller, and her leaves began to fall and change colors.
   After her leaves had all grown into color the little tree was potted.
For the little tree would soon see that a potted tree was easier to move around.
   The little tree moved once again, but through sadness she was able to smile when she seen the new area she was moved to.
   The grass covered the land in the most beautiful green, at night the sky was a blanket of stars so bright.
The little tree couldn't have asked for more for the weather was perfect for her.
    The little tree made friends quick, her friend a red glare a quick fuse or a strike of a match. A flame unable to burn. The tree and the flame were unseperable.... Well except when the flames other friend came around 'the whispering willow'.
    The little tree liked it better when the whispering willow wasn't there.
    The little tree and the flame played together ever second they got, when they found they lived near each other that was when all the fun really started.
    The little trees favorite day and worst day, was when her favorite bus driver was leaving so the bus driver handed everyone a toy, and that was the day the little tree met Roxie the cutest little fox ever.
   Roxie was the little trees everything, everything the little tree knew Roxie knew and you couldn't shake a thing out of Roxie.
   The one thing Roxie knew was the little trees crush, rose quartz, he was the nicest person and he would always try to sit near the little tree; once rose quartz sat next to the tree in art class and explained he was forced to ask the little tree out because of oreo ( which if you are uncultured and don't know what oreo is it's rock paper scissors but if you lose you had to ask a person out, and if they said yes you had to say nevermind... Brutal) but in a sense the little tree knew that wasn't true, but she smiled and blushed slowly shaking her head she said 'then if it's a game of oreo you know my answer' she stayed in that moment as he asked her if he could stay sitting by her, as every second passed she continued to blush brighter.
   As she was heading home out of nowhere it began to snow all around her, it had been snowing for awhile now but it was on and off. It snowed on and on, it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. Could you believe she didn't want to leave?
   That same day they made clay figures and the little tree made a skull. Can you believe that same day she was moved again, right in the middle of her happiness whyyyyyyyyyy.
   The little tree was depressed by now, she had enough and she couldn't take it.
She tried to think happy thoughts I mean after all she was moving back to the island 'i wonder how he's grown' she thought in hopes to change her mind set.
   After awhile of packing she finally thought to herself Am I still who he remembers, would he find me lame now the little hadn't noticed how much she had changed, she wasn't her old mischievous self, she was someone new.
   The day had come when she would be face with new things, new people and a new self image.
   To sum it all up the little tree didn't really make a friend, just some girl who followed her around; here and there the little tree talked to her classmates never really hanging out with them, in gym class she met with branch who looked exactly the same but older and no braces, she never talk with the island, but he was there. Soon she would be going to the next grade having spent one year still there, but this time she made a whole group of friends who (drumroll) completely ignored her and when she eventually got tired of it she found some of her very small friend group that would notice her but still to be noticed she tried being the center of attention (take a minute there is a lot more*breathes* alright let's go) and that definitely worked but there was a problem that problem was the poor dear tree didn't dress the way people liked, a good description would be pants, shirt, shoes, a jacket, cute and a ponytail ( yeah I said the little tree was cute come fight me) what's wrong with that you might ask, her shoes weren't thousands of dollars she was a mere tree after all nothing special.
   Though it might seem like nothing special overtime she grew annoyed with all the laughter and she had to deal with that for two years and a half, so at the end of the year she didn't go to school instead the little tree decided she would be home school.
    Home school was the most confusing thing ever. The little tree struggled with it and soon gave up entirely, so everyday the only thing the little tree did was read manga and watch anime all through the rest of the school year.
    Next year came around and the little trees mom had some bad news (could you guess what it was?) The little tree would be held back because she fell. This sent the little tree in a lot of directions on wether or not to be happy or sad. She was happy to get away from the other people who she resented, but she was also scared to get picked on for being held back and also she didn't know the kids of the younger grade and didn't know what they were like, could it get any worse? She tried not to think.
    Well let's just say the little tree met two coconuts who she's proud to say she's pretty pleased with, they were able to make going through the grade easier for the little coconut.
     But they couldn't stop the little tree from stressing.
    The little tree kept it hidden.
    Eventually the tree stressed so bad she gained habits of being to shy to move, scared to do anything that would cause the little tree to be looked at, always paying attention to peoples conversation afraid they might be talking about her. The poor poor tree soon even gained a habit of swallowing nervously.
    There was nothing she could do, she felt as if she was being restrained to a seat, beads of sweat always rushing down her face, pimples rising all over her forehead. She was scared.
    Anubis? Ever heard the name? The African god of death and mummification
That's the name the little tree gave to him, he was the blackest and most demonic thing that the little tree had ever seen it was like he carried death on his finger tips. The name Anubis suited him in everyway for that was how he was treated, as a god, he got away with everything.
    Even tormenting and laughing at the poor little tree for her nervous habits.
    The poor little tree couldn't do anything, so she cried and never wanted to be seen by anybody for she was afraid they too would shun the little tree.
    One Christmas day while the little tree was was watching Christmas movies her aunt popped in for a visit, with something in her arms? It was small and brown the little tree could almost here the little chattering of a dog?
And right in front of her eyes she became a mother, she washed and picked up after the dog she walked him and fed him and made sure to give all her pint up love to it, everything she held inside herself the dog took it away. The little tree loved everything about the dog and no one could make her change her mind. Soon enough the dog got older- but stayed small, he  grew habits overtime like barking when he wanted to get on the couch with the little tree and learning to be taken out the back door to use the restroom, he followed the little tree everywhere.
   Little tree was so happy because she didn't notice before but with him she felt so happy and loved, she started being more active because him, when everyone was gone from the house usually the little tree was sad and left to think, but now she had him she had someone there to make her happy. They would play and she would laugh as he chased her around dancing.
    He was always so active but she didn't like to be outside much so she would allow him to play with Roxie, he loved her just like the little tree did, at last she knew it wasn't enough to calm him so she would let him out to run around. All was well as the neighborhood loved him and would feed and pet him when he came over.
    One day her dog was barking alot and wanted to be let out so that's what she did, but the little tree should have know she was nothing but bad luck and wasn't allowed to be happy. As she went back outside to call the dog to come back in she waited to listen for the pittering of his feet, but couldn't hear a thing she countinued to call but still nothing. She walked up and down the streets calling for him but she couldn't find him.
That didn't worry her this happened before, he was probably running around having fun so there was no need to wake the whole neighborhood, she went back in and fell asleep. The next day she continued calling for the little dog but couldn't find anything, she went down to an all to familiar house but couldn't enter because In front of the little tree stood the big bad wolf who did nothing but huff and puff. Trying to find reason she asked the dear wolf if he had seen her dog but the wolf was just to far gone to understand her words, with a sad sigh and tears in her eyes she left to the next door neighbor.
   As she asked the lady if she had seen her dog the lady told me the last she seen of the dog it was with the wolf and they were walking away.
  So the little tree waited a while then went to the wolf and asked again, 'have you seen my dog?' the wolf looked ashamed for he could hide no lie after huffing and puffing he babbled and lied but the little tree knew, but she didn't know what to do.
   The little tree cried and cried for she had lost the one thing that gave her life a spark again. Once again she was broken but this time she shards could not be fixed, In hopes to not be hurt again the little tree closed her heart away from all eyes in embarrassment of how broken and battered it was.
    The little poor tree had given up and after awhile she met Mia nobody knows Mia because it's just a conscious constructed by the little tree, but no matter the poor tree began to slowly cheer up for Mia had shown her to love no one but herself she showed the little tree how much she had been focusing on others to make her happy instead of herself how she had been focusing on others love instead of her own. The little tree loved Mia and Mia loved the little tree. Mia helped the little tree and together they grew and no longer would they let anyone walk on them without leaving with a broken ankle, but of course they would never do it with their own hands for they had other ways to take care of their enemies others ways to leave them battered in there own shame, So Mote It Be.

  Wowww that felt long but it was fun
Sorry again to the bad language arts skills and the rushed parts(whatever I'll go over it and try to fix it). stay because there's more to come.

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