Hating Mr. Popular

By ShahdMohamed0

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Welcome to Hailey's life! Her life changes the day her mother accepts a job in San Diego and move all the way... More

Hating Mr. Popular
Characters photos
Chapter 1 (Congratulations.)
Chapter 2 (Goodbye home and welcome new life.)
Chapter 3 (Starbucks)
Chapter 4 (I'm gonna miss you bro.)
Chapter 5 (First day of hell.)
Chapter 6 (So much for new student.)
Chapter 7 (He is Mr. Popular of the school. )
Chapter 8 (Angel fell from heaven)
Chapter 9 (A secret place.)
Chapter 10 (challenging.)
Chapter 11 (Happy birthday!)
Chapter 12 (Camping trip.)
Chapter 13 ( She tried to kill me! )
Chapter 14 (Hay Hay)
Chapter 15 (I was joking with you.)
Chapter 16 (James.)
Chapter 17 (Freinds.)
Chapter 18 (I'm breaking up with you.)
Chapter 19 (Would you go out with me?)
Chapter 20 (Triple date.)
Chapter 21 ( You're John Brooke's daughter.)
Chapter 22 (She loves me back!)
Chapter 23 (The ugly Truth.)
Chapter 24 ( Same Motives.)
Chapter 25 (Footage.)
Chapter 27 ( I've changed Hailey..)
Chapter 28 ( Where is she! )
Chapter 29 ( Supposed.)

Chapter 26 ( Traitor.)

36 5 0
By ShahdMohamed0

Hailey's P.O.V.

I was now trying to do the homework that had pilled on me for the past three days.

Two hours had passed and I finally finished it.

As I was picking up my homework stuff my phone ringed, I looked over and saw James's name on the ID.

I answered the phone for my poor ear to be attacked by James's shouting.


"Calm down, dude." I laughed at his voice.

"I won't CALM DOWN!" He stubbornly replied.

"Nothing happened. I'm fine." I tried to calm him down.

"Then why didn't you pick the damn phone?" He asked irritated.

"I was in Jail cell... That's why I didn't have my phone." I tried to explain.

"What? How?" He asked genuinely confused.

"It's a long story." I said.

"I have time, you better explain." He demanded to know further.

I told him everything that happened for the past three days. The drugs, The footage, Beth and everything.

"I'm glad that this bitch got what she deserved." He said happily.

"No, the mastermind behind all this is Emma not Beth, the blonde monster." I mumbled the last part angrily.

"We will figure it out. Don't worry." He said assuring me.

"Yeah. Thanks a lot James... For standing by my side." I said smiling.

"You don't have to thank me. I'm the one who showed you to my uncle. Nothing would've happened If hadn't done that." He said with regret covering his voice.

"It's okay. It's all destiny."

"Yeah I guess. I have to go now, there's someone at the door."

"Yeah okay, talk to you later." I said and hung up.

. . . . . . . . . . .

Emma's P.O.V.

I knocked on the door waiting for someone to open.

Surprisingly it's the boy who opened the door.

The one who was talking to Hailey behind the diner. William's nephew.

His voice cut off my trail of thoughts. "Can I help you?" He asked confused.

"Yes, I want to talk to William Martin." I said sweetly.

"Okay... I'll call him." He said looking at me uneasy.

Moments later William came and invited me in. We walked to the living room.

I sat on the couch and crossed my leg putting my hand on my knee. "I came to talk." I informed him.

"I know, let me guess. The pack didn't work?" He asked smirking.

"Yeah, it didn't," I paused and looked him in the eye. "I have information."

"What information?"

"Something as a starter so you could trust me." I smiled sweetly.

"And what may it be?" He asked again.

"You have a traitor in your house." I smirked at his reaction. He looked shocked.

"Who?" He demanded impatiently.

"Your nephew."

"What? How?" He asked looking at me unbelievably and confused.

"I heard him apologize to Hailey and told her about everything you've planned. He also told her that he will give her information. All in all he is a spy." I informed him getting up.

"He is a spy?" He asked again waiting for confirmation.


"Are sure about that?" He asked again not wanting to believe.

"Of course. I should leave now," I paused and took his phone, typed my number and saved it.

"You have my number now. Contact me." I informed him making my way to the door.

"Fine. I'll."

"Fine. Good bye." I sweetly smiled and left.

. . . . . . . . . . .

James's P.O.V.

After I opened the door for this girl. I didn't feel good about her existence. Something about her seemed off.

I decided that I have to her their conversation. So I walked by the door and leaned against it putting my ear on its surface.

I heard muffled words but at the end I could hear everything.

I was surprised when they started talking about Hailey. About the drug matter.

The next words caught me completely off guard.

"Your nephew." My eyes widened at her information.

She simply fucked everything up. I ran upstairs and quickly packed my stuff.

10 minutes I finished everything and looked from my window for anyone around but luckily there wasn't.

Her car wasn't there. I quickly threw my bag out and jumped after it.

My legs shook from the impact of the ground but I ignored the pain and ran to my car putting the bag in it. I started the engine and sped off out of the street.

I didn't know where to go. I decided on going to Hailey and figure it out with her.

But I won't stay with her. That would be so awkward and plus I think her mother hate my guts.

I arrived at her house. I parked my car and went to her door.

I debated on going in or going somewhere else.

Finally after standing there a minute I decided on going in.

I ringed the bell and prayed that she is the one to open. I bet she will be the one cause it's 6.30 P.M. her mother usually doesn't come back now.

Moments later Hailey opened the door with a sandwich in her hand.

"Hey, James. What are you doing here?" She asked confused and I looked around awkwardly.

"Oh. Sorry I'm so rude, please come in." She opening the door wider for me to go.

"There's a problem." I stated.

"What happened?" She asked making her way to sit on the couch.

"My uncle knows that I'm on your side." I said sitting on the couch too.

"How?" She asked shocked almost dropping the sandwich but she put in her mouth instead.

"There's a girl who visited him and told him that she heard us behind the diner and that I'm a traitor."

"Are you kidding? What should we do now?" She asked nervously.

"I don't know. When I heard her I ran to my room, packed my stuff and jumped out of the window to my car. I drove and came here."

"So you need a place to stay in." She mumbled to herself.

"I won't stay here with you and your Mom. Don't worry." I assured her.

"No. It's not like that. It's just I didn't tell anything to Mom and she thinks that you're an asshole."

"You don't have to tell her. Let it stay like that."

She nodded but then her eyes widened. "I have an idea." She said smiling proudly.

"What?" I asked curiously.

"Ian's parents are always out of country due their business, so he is always home alone. You could stay with him."

"Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean I know he already hates so it wouldn't be cool If I lived with him." I trailed with uneasiness clear in my voice.

"No, he wouldn't say no. And If he said no. I'll change his mind, that should be easy for me." She seemed so excited.

"Okay, let's go." I said making my way to the door but she stopped me pulling my hood to the couch again.

"Hey! What is it?"

"I'm going alone then I'm calling you to make sure the coast is clear." She said giving me a toothy smile and I nodded smiling too, she left and I sat on the couch opening the T.V.

Hailey's P.O.V.

I walked from my house to Ian's then I knocked on the door while ringing the bell at the same time.

Yeah sometimes I could be annoying, He opened the door and I don't know why but he had to be shirtless while licking some leftover spaghetti sauce from his fingers.

God damn. The weather is getting hot in here. I cleared my throat awkwardly.

"Hay Hay. What's up?" He asked smiling.

"There's a trouble --" I paused and pushed the door open and went inside. "It's James." I completed my sentence making my way to the kitchen serving some spaghetti for me.

Yeah, when I'm stressed I like to eat.

"What about him?" He asked his eyes hardening.

"Why do you hate him so much?" I asked while shoving a fork full of spaghetti in my mouth.

"I just don't like him, Tell me what about him?" He asked bringing us back to the main topic.

"His uncle knew about him..." I trailed playing with my food.


"He ran away. He needs a place to stay in for a couple of days."

"And guess what? You want me to let him stay in here. Right?" He said frowning.

"Yeah. All of that happened because of me. He could have never told me about his uncle's plans. But he chose to tell me, to warn and most importantly to help me. And what has that brought to him, Troubles. So the least we can do is to thank him, to let him stay with you."

"Okay. Fine." He said grumpily.

"Someone's being grumpy..." I mumbled smiling a bit.

"Yeah and someone's being beautiful." He said grinning.

"Ohhh, enough cheesiness please."  I laughed putting my plate in the sink.

"Is truth these days considered cheesy?" He asked innocently and I nodded.

We washed our hands and I called James to inform him to come with his bag.

The bell ringed and I opened the door for James. "Let me guess? It went well. Right?" He asked raising one eyebrow.

"Yeah, It went well." I said closing the door and turning to Ian.

"Hey, Man." James waved at Ian and nodded back mumbling a hey.

"So I guess I'll be your roommate.." James said trying to clear the atmosphere. I looked at Ian glaring mouthing a 'Behave' to him.

"Yeah, put your bag down I'll show you your room later. We can sit and talk for a bit." Surprisingly was pretty nice.

"Yeah, that'd be cool." James said with a little smile.

We made our way to the living room Ian wrapped one arm around my waist possessively setting on the couch right next to me while James sat on the other chair.

Guess who is being Jelly?

"So, How did your uncle knew you weren't on his side?" Ian asked opening the subject.

James replied telling him the whole story, and then they were finally kinda getting along they kept talking and talking about almost everything.

I was so happy they finally cleared their issues.

The night came to an end, I went home and had dinner with Mom telling her about what happened with beth.

I left the part about James... After all I didn't want to make her more worried.

I know what I'm doing I'm not a kid anymore.

But also, There's an extremely annoying and immature kid lying deep down within you.

My stupid inner voice reminded me.

Shut up..

Yeah, because you know I'm right..

Okay. But let's keep it a secret.

I'm a grown up lady now. I shook my head at my weird thoughts.

Am I really crazy to talk to myself.

Technically, Yes but I like it.

I smiled to myself walking to my room.

I just wish everything turns to be good.

But at the end it's just a wish.


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