Rooming With Elvis

By Dumbcat21

8.4K 156 22

Rooming with a player is hard. Especially when that player is perfect in every way. He's also everything Jane... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chaper 7
Chapter 8: Elvis
Chapter 9: Jane
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16: Elvis
Chaper 17: Elvis
Chaper 18: Jane
Chapter 19: Jane

Chapter 14

212 6 1
By Dumbcat21

"What color do you want this wall, Jane?" Elvis asks, and I ponder that question.

"I guess we'll continue the cream color we have in the kitchen out to the dining room. Then paint the family room blue. Light blue, though. We can't have it too dark. Ugh, I don't know," I answer, and Elvis laughs. "What?" I ask him.

"Just that you're so cute when you're frustrated," He laughs.

"Hey, I'm not frustrated. Just, uh, planning," I shoot back, making him laugh harder. "Stop laughing at me. My back hurts and my migraines are getting worse and you laughing doesn't help anything!" I rage, and Elvis stops laughing immediately.

"Maybe we should get you to the doctor, hon. If you're really feeling that bad, you should probably get checked out, see if anything is wrong with you," Elvis cautiously warns, as to not upset me. I, of course, notice what he is trying to do and get mad all over again.

"No! I see what you are trying to do! You're trying to sweet talk me so I give in to you, and we find out that I have a stupid mental disorder I didn't know about and you leave me like you left me before! That is NOT going to happen, and I do NOT have a mental disorder. Okay? Now leave me alone as I now head to bed and sleep this awful mood away," I finish as I trudge off to bed.

What has come over me? I wonder as I lay down in bed. I immediately sit back up and rip off my shirt. Wow am I gaining weight fast. I guess all this stress eating is taking its toll. I have a little bit of hips now. This whole renovating this has its downfalls, as I have not the slightest clue what modern style looks like. And the design magazine that I ordered doesn't help at all. It's all about the newest style HGTV stars use, and it's all old rustic pieces that are SO not my style. I've asked Gladys for advice a couple of times, but she's not much help because she really loves rustic pieces, as do most people. Same with Mrs. Elizabeth and Codi. The only one that actually shares my point of view is Thomas, but he'd paint his whole house black if he could. I love light colors and light furniture, but I know that is a bad idea. When I have kids, I don't want them ruining the furniture, so I picked out dark leather couches that were pretty cheap. I hope they last, because I don't want to have to through all that shopping again. I decided on getting walnut cabinets and flooring, and then pairing it with a really light wall color. I can't wait until I have kids so I can design their rooms. But I can't start them yet because I don't know the gender of the kid I'm gonna have. But anyway, I don't have to worry about that just yet, because I'm not gonna have kids for a while. I'll wait until after I get married to the person that's right for me. The person who's kids I want to bare. I realize that I'm never going to fall asleep, so I slowly walk down the stairs, conjuring up the perfect apology to say to Elvis. But my time is cut short when he suddenly appears at the bottom of the stairs and whooshes my into a big bear hug.

"What are you doing?" I laugh as I kiss him.

He breaks away after a while of us kissing. "I thought you could use some cheering up after that big fiasco."

"Yeah, I don't know what happened to me there. I'm so sorry baby," I apologize.

"Oh don't worry, you probably had a mood swing or something. Not a big deal, and nothing to be sorry about," Elvis dismisses my apology.

"What did I ever do to deserve you?" I ask, wondering why God would give me such an amazing man.

"Aw, you did plenty. Oh, and Codi called earlier. She asked if we could babysit little Jane, and I said that it would most likely be okay, just that I had to run it by you first just in case."

"Oh, that's fine. She's such a good baby anyway, it's like she's never here. I'll call her and tell her we'd be happy to take her." I confirm, and whip out my phone and dial Codi's number.

"Hey Jane, what's up?" Codi asks when I pick up the phone.

"Oh nothing. Just calling to say that I'm okay with taking care of my darling niece. What's her name again? Oh, yeah, it's Jane. Pretty easy name to forget," I joke.

"Haha. Very funny. Now open up the door, because I am standing right outside it with Little Jane in my hands and news for you."

"Okay okay, I'm coming. Bye!" I exclaim as I hang up the phone. Whew is Codi a hoot. I open up the door and immediately have Little Jane shoved in my arms.

"Man is she getting heavy! But anyway, I have news," Codi says, looking be dead in the eye. "I'm pregnant again."

"Oh my god Codi! That's amazing, I think?" I respond, not knowing what to say.

"It's a good think I hope. We're going to the doctor to find out the gender today, and I hope it's a boy. After the doctors, we're going out to dinner and are having a Little Jane-free night. So you're stuck with her the whoooole night," Codi sneers.

"She's a good baby. She won't cause any problems, will you Little Jane?" I coo, poking her nose causing her to giggle.

"Ugh, you're so natural with babies, it's so unfair," Codi complains, and Thomas honks the horn. "Well, I gotta go. Good luck with her!" Codi says, and with that, she's bounding down the front steps and into her car and they're off to the doctors.

I carry Little Jane inside and sit on the couch laying her on my lap. Not long after Elvis sits down beside me.

"She really is a gorgeous baby, isn't she?" I ask Elvis. I haven't really noticed before, but she is a perfect mix of her mother and father. She has her father's wispy, dirty blond hair, tanned skin, and freckles. She has her mother's big, green eyes, small, slightly upturned nose, and plump, kissable lips. She has definitely slimmed up since her birth, weighing just 15 lbs at one year, the usual weight for a six month old.

"Yeah, I guess so. She's still a baby though, so it's too early to tell," Elvis responds, having no clue how to answer me.

"She is definitely going to be a heartthrob when she comes of age," I inform him. "I hope our kids will be as gorgeous as Little Jane is someday."

"I'm sure they will be, Honey. I'm sure they will be."

AHHHH. Elvis and Jane are back together and are already thinking about kids. AH. Do you think they'll last?

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