Dance First (Dance Moms ALDC...

De anon-sirekl20

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Aurelia was a prodigy of many talents. After taking a break, she has now appeared back in the limelight with... Mai multe

B A C K S T O R Y + C H A R A C T E R S
P A R T o n e
chapter uno
Character Outline
The New News
Intro, Interviews and Pyramids
A Day of Dance Moms
Dancing in Drama
Reckless Awards
Sad Goodbye, Happy Hello
Walking the Carpet
When it goes Wrong
The Other Side to Them
Luck is Half the Game
Winners Don't Lose
Gone Like the Wind
Finally Having to Fight
Exposing Truths
We're Nothing More Than Friends
Laughter is a Cackle
Uh Oh Go Back to being Plastic

I'm a Rockstar

646 12 16
De anon-sirekl20

Just a foreword note that this title is completely irrelevant to the actual chapter, I just felt like putting it in ;) enjoy the double update!

So, this is a collab with HarperHallow (dedicated to her) and her character Harper May Hallow. If you want to see more of her go check out her own book Dancing With the ALDC 


"Do you miss Ohio?" Asks Eben as we chamber onto the bus at six in the morning. 

"Not really," I call down the corridor. He's sitting with the boys at the back because apparently he doesn't like the flirty moms. 

Nia and Brynn are sitting together and are binge watching some series on Netflix while Kendall and Maddie are playing this weird game called Dobble which I have no idea what it is. Kenzie and I are discussing all the random stuff in the world and Kalani is doing online schooling. 

By the time we arrive we are bombarded by lots of fans. Unfortunately the Candy Apples - more like Rotten Apples to me - take it upon themselves to also join us. Abby tells us just to ignore them. 

When we get to the dressing room there is a big surprise waiting for us. In bright red lipstick written all over our dresser mirrors are little messages for us, each signed from... Although everyone knows who it is. 

"I can't believe your old studio would stoop so low to fo this, Lia," says Kendall, as all the moms drag in the suitcases and gasp in astonishment. 

My dresser has the phrase quitters never win written on it and I hastily wipe it off as not for anyone else to see it. "You're telling me Ken."

Abby doesn't seem to mind as she sits there munching on chips, but I can tell there is a plan brewing from her hunched back and narrowed eyes. Abby tells us,"Right, everyone, I know none of you have to go on for at least an hour or two, but please get your costumes and makeup on quickly; a little intimidation is about to come into play here." Maddie and Kenzie smirk knowingly and Mackenzie briefly explains it to me. 

"A few years ago Abby wanted to intimidate another team by making us all do star jumps and stuff like that and basically have us work out in a big line chanting ALDC right next to our competitors' dressing room," She says, applying more foundation to her already perfect face. 

"That's crazy!" I exclaim, brushing my hair into its updo for my solo. "At least it'll get us in the,old for the competition."

"Oh, Aurelia," says Maddie, joining in the conversation as she reaches over Mackenzie's dresser to borrow her earrings. "Ever the optimistic one."

Eben is scrolling through his phone, smiling. I suppose my dad isn't here to suppress that happiness today. Apparently he got called on a business meet in for all I care. 

"Girls and boys, come here." Abby beckons and leans down to our level. "You are all going to go out there into the wings three acts before each of their dancers go on, either for a solo, duet trio, group dance I don't care, and start stretching in whichever way you want. And don't look at them, okay, just do any flexible move your want with a straight face. Okay?"

We all glance at each other and nod, but before we can go anyone, six people enter the room. Catchy, two of her dancers and my old studio head owner and two other dancers I recognise all too well. Harper and Olivia. They both look nervous to be in our dressing room, while Harper looks slightly excited to be seeing Brynn - her role model. When they catch my gaze they both give me half-hearted glares, however, before glancing nervously at their instructor. The dance teacher seems to be too caught up in Abby's and Cathy's fight to even notice her two dancers slipping slowly towards me. 

I turn away, however, as they approach and glance back over my children before slipping into the hallway. Olivia and Harper seem to understand my gesture and swiftly follow suit. 

"Oh my gosh I'm so happy to see you! I've missed you so much!" Harper is the first to break the long silence as all three of us stand ther sneaking looks at each other every now and then. 

"Same! I wish you were there as well. What dances are you performing?" Olivia's eyes narrow at that. I admit myself that that question did seem rather shady. Although, back when I used to dance in Ohio, Harper had always been my equal and sometimes she would win at competitions and sometimes I would. Olivia, on the other hand, had always been second best to us two, the third wheel in our friendship. I wouldn't be surprised if she turned on me now. 

"I hate to break it to you, Aurelia Ellery–" geez that hurt. As best friends we used to have a pact to never mention my surname because I wanted to be equal when we danced, not use my surname to have power–"But you can't just psych us out as easy as that."

My brow creases in amusement. "Well I certainly don't hate to break it to you, Olivia Greenhill, but was that not what you just came into my dressing room to do. Besides, no one asked you to follow me out here, you can go back inside if you want to."

Harper tries to intervene, but Olivia catches her hand before she can raise it. "Actually, Harper asked me to follow you. And you know what, I'm done following you or Harper, whether in dance or friendship. Whatever we had before you made the decision to leave, not me, is over, Aurelia Ellery. See you at awards when I beat you." She snarls and turns to leave. 

"And what about Harper. A loyal teammate or a loyal best friend." I feel bad  talking about Harper when she's right next to me. "I suppose a hungry dog is never loyal, and you are certainly one of them."

Olivia ignores me and slams the door. 

Harper blushes, and I can tell she's hurt by Olivia and me. "I'm really sorry, Lia. I tried to convince Livi otherwise but..."

"No, Harp, I should be the one apologising. After all, I'm the one who left," I grimace. "But please can we not let this competition divide us?"

Harper smiles at me and hugs me. I gladly embrace her back. "Don't worry, I haven't got the best of choreography. I have a solo, obviously, a trio with two boys and the group dance."

"Hun, Abby hasn't even seen my solo yet." I smirk at her, waiting for a reaction. 

"What?! That's crazy," She crumpled her face cutely. Harper's the kind of girl who is rather quiet at times and doesn't really like to show off her talent too much. Kinda the opposite of me. 

"Yup, she made us choreograph our own dances this week. And what we're you saying about two boys in your trio?" I make a kiss face at her. 

"It's just Charlie and..." She trails off and blushes again. "Anyway aren't you the one with a boyfriend." She smirks at me back and imitates what I did to her earlier. 

"Yeah, Josue. Don't get me started on it. Everyone's been acting really weird lately. As I , my dad came back and he's been acting really mean to Eben, Eben is really upset, Kendall got mad at me  - although we sorted that one out - and Aiden seems to be either really quiet or really loud around me. I just want all my best friends back!" I tell her, feeling tears rise but not fall. Harper's the only one I can really tell my true feelings to. 

"Hey, at least you got me back. I'll stand by you no matter what, no matter how far the distance is." I smile as she whispers it comfortingly. 

The door suddenly swings open to reveal my old dance teacher and Cathy with their students and Harper and I hastily break away. 

They call for her to follow and as she passes she whispers,"and I know you'll beat both mine and Maddie's butts with your kicks." I giggle quietly as she turns into her dressing room. 


"Come on Kalani, your up in two acts, but the Rotten Apples are just before you. You know what Abby said, intimidate!" Brynn pushes Kalani, Maddie and Nia out the door because they're next. They're probably all going to be very intimidating because they're some of the most well known dancers. 

Brynn, Kenzie and I wait in the dressing room with Kendall and Jojo. Brynn and Jojo are urging Kendall, Kenzie and I to help them with something. 

"What are you girls even doing?" Asks Kendall as we all give up and trudge over to them. 

"Well," says Brynn, looking down at the piece of paper with hasty scribbles on it. "We felt inspired by Kenz and Lia to write a song where all of us can be in it.  Kendall groans. 

"That is going to be one big mess once Abby finds out," I warn, but they all seem content on doing it. In the background I can see the producers taking with a few moms. 

"I think we all know," says Ashlee suddenly as soon as the producers walk away, making us all look up. "That today is really Brynn's time to shine. I mean, Maddie's a lovely dancer and all but choreography really isn't her thing, and it's obvious that the only reason Brynn and Aurelia's duets win is because of my daughter."

"How can you say that Ashlee?" Says an outraged Melissa. 

"Just stating my opinion," says Ashlee, stalking out the door. "And the only reason Nia is still here is because she's from the Originals. If Abby had the chance to get rid of her then she'd do so easily." The door swings shut and Brynn and I stand. 

"She didn't really mean it," says Brynn loudly, trying to reassure the mothers. 

"Come on Brynn," I whisper. "We're on soon anyway."

The rest of the girls follow us as we go backstage. Apparently Kalani and Nia have already performed and totally intimidated the Candy Apple student. Maddie is next in line to go on. 

She looks really nervous. "Good luck Mads, I know you'll do great!" She smiles appreciatively at me. 

"I know, I'm just not sure if my choreography is right for the theme." Suddenly, her stage number is called and she goes on. Maddie dances beautifully, but I admit that her choreography isn't the best and acro really isn't her jam. Her facials were amazing though, and if the competition was judged of facials she would win by miles. 

When she comes off the audience clap loudly for her and I offer her a water bottle, but she declines. "I think I'm just going to go run through our tap duet," She tells me and walks off with Kendall and Kenzie following quickly. 

Next is Harper and I cheer loudly for her as she goes on. Unfortunately her solo is jazz, and Harper thrives best in contemporary but she looks amazing in it and I think we are both very evenly matched. She walks off the other side of the stage so can't congratulate her, but she does get a standing ovation from the audience. 

"Please welcome to the stage Aurelia, Act 167 with Red Blood Flowers." I love acro, I love the way my body moves as much as that sounds weird. I love being able to do all these weird moves and when I get older  I think I might become a choreographer as I adore it so much. When I strike my final pose some members off the audience stand up for me, but not all. The judges, however,  are smiling widely. 

Harper is there to great me when I come off. "That was amazing Lia!"

"Not as amazing as you; you got a standing ovation!" I squeal and hug her as she hands me water. 

"Aww thanks. Can't wait until the results." I agree with her and move to the audience to watch Brynn dance. 

Brynn dances well, the moves correlate well with her body and she tells the story magnificently. Whoever helped her choreograph was simply amazing! I stand up along with the rest of the audience at the end. 

Next is Aiden and Josue, and I feel a pit orpf trepidation. I choreographed almost all of both their solos, so I suppose it depends on who pulls it off the best. Obviously I want my boyfriend to win. 

Josue is on first and he dances beautifully - not biased or anything - but his facials lack a bit and he stumbled on one of his fouettes, although I probably only noticed that because I helped him on them. 

When Aiden comes on he really adds an element of fire to the crowd. Everyone loves him a nd gives him a standing ovation, but he's less flexible than Josue and it shows. Besides, judges don't always like hip hop. 

I quickly rush backstage for Maddie and I's duet. I tap in the hallway before I go backstage, running nervously through the tap dance. I love tap, but the only problem with it is if I'm one beat behind, forget a single step, everyone knows. And, like hop hop, judges don't like it as much as other dance styles.

Ironically, Harper is there as well dressed in a dark dress besides two boys dressed in silvers. I smile at her and she shuffles over.

"You're finally doing a lyrical!" I say, embracing her.

"Yeah," She says quietly, looking behind me. I turn and suddenly realise that's she's never met Maddie - also one of her role models.

"Oh Maddie, this is my best friend from Ohio, Harper Hallow. And this is Maddison Ziegler," I joke, knowing Maddie doesn't like her full name.

Maddie smiles, and puts on a more enthusiastic personna knowing this is my best friend and not just a random fan. "So nice to meet you, Harper!" But we are cut off from our exchanges by the announcer announcing our act.

Maddie and I go on and it all feels perfect. I feel so happy dancing on stage, and I can see Harper jumping around in the wings. I'm full with energy and I can tell the judges can feel our vibes. Our feet are perfectly in synch. When we come off I feel elated with dancing vibes.

Harper still has a few acts before hers so she introduces me to the boys. "So this is my friend Charlie, and this is my other friend Sam, who is also cousin to Kendall," She introduces and we all exchange pleasantries.

"I didn't know Kendall's cousins danced!" I say ecstatically as all four of us laugh at random jokes about the Ohio studio. Maddie looks a bit awkward, and I offer her an apologetic glance.

"Well, we have to go get ready for our group dances, so I'll see you around." I wave goodbye as Maddie and I wander off. I hear the announcer call their act at the same time. "Please welcome to the stage Act 224 Inbetween."


The group dance Our Winter Story went well, but no one could hear the music at the very start because of the audience screaming and I feel like Kalani wasn't at her best during it, and I want to score well even if I am not the lead in that shot. We are now getting ready for Bow to the Queen.

At some point, a competition official walks into our dressing room.

"Excuse me?" Questions Abby quite accusingly.

"Hello Abby Lee Dance Company," greets the man. "I've come here to request how many of you plan to enter our Improv Contest. Each studio is allowed to enter six dancers and they go though many rounds until only the top eight are left. This takes place between the end of the competition dances and the awards."

Abby looks slightly taken aback by this, but also seems compliant to enter as to beat everyone else. "Yes, I would like to enter six participants from my studio. Maddie Ziegler, Jojo Siwa, Aurelia Ellery, Kalani Hilliker, Nia Sioux and Kendall Vertes."

Great, not! Now I have another unnecessary reason to go up against Harper. I just hope it's fair and that our next group dance goes well.

Brynn and I run through our separate parts while we wait before all the moms and Eben leave to settle in the audience.

"Come on girls!" Shouts Kalani before we leave the dressing room. "Let's get our final show on the road!"

"Yeah!" We all echo, stamped in out the room to backstage. Only for our moods to be dampened by the Rotten Apples.

I don't know any of them, but Mackenzie and Jojo are getting into a heated fight with them until the cameramen literally have to cut them off. My eyes are wide until I remember what Abby said to do. I begin to tilt looking bored and the rest of them seem to catch on.

The Candy Apples go on, and they're dance is untitled Poison in the Apples and I have to say, it was more like Poison to the Dance Floor because I'm pretty sure that stage never wants them to dance on it ever again. It was catastrophic!

Then Harper and her team goes on. It's OK, but their musicality is a bit sloppy.

Finally it's us. I walk on all regal. When the music starts we begin our little sequence piece and then Brynn runs on stage backwards. We continue our dance until the end and it is absolutely perfect. Maybe a little bit too perfect.


"Now calling all seventy six dancers to the stage for the Improv Competition. I repeat, the Improv Competition is about to commence, all participants please make your way to the stage."

Maddie, Kalani, Jojo, Nia, Kendall and I all swiftly go onto the stage, our numbers pinned onto our tops. I also see Harper and almost squeal. The judges give us some music and begin to call out numbers. Nia and Kendall are called out in the first four rounds, but the rest of us make it to the top ten.

"Okay, we are going to call our top five forward if you are not called please exit stage left. Kalani Hilliker, Harper Hallow, Aurelia Ellery, Maddie Ziegler and Jojo Siwa." Ironic how we all know each other. What are the chances of ALDC winning this; 4/5.

We dance a bit longer, but I am starting to become less adventurous in the tricks I perform. "Our top three are Kalani Hilliker, Harper Hallow and Maddie Ziegler." Jojo and I sadly exit stage left and watch from the side wings. I highly expect it'll be between Harper and Kalani.

"And our winner is...number 26 Harper Hallow!" I almost run out onto the stage and hug her then, but I refrain. When she comes back, I do.

"Harper you won! Actually won! You beat all the best dancers of ALDC!"

Harper downstairs look as happy as she could be. "Yeah, but I'm still not good enough to be at the ALDC," she says, looking down.

"Harp, whyever not? I thought your mom hated your current studio anyway," I narrow my eyes at her, thinking.

"Yup, but she also doesn't like the ALDC." She is quiet for a moment before a mischievous grin covers her face. "But she never said I couldn't apply for Dance Moms." Harp really is ingenious.


Awards come quickly, but not before Abby makes a sneaky remark about Harper to Maddie and Kalani. "She's younger than you, and we need the age limit down anyway. May be fit for this team..."

"Ladies and Gentlemen. We now present to you our top ten soloists in the pre-teen category." I cross my fingers; this is the first time I've ever gone head to head with Maddie. I can't lose now. Maybe later, but not now. Actually, not later either; I have nationals soon.

"In tenth place, we have Great Again, Simone Calli (a/N random name - not real) from Candy Apples Dance Centre with 222 points!" Well, that's one Rotten Apple down. Islip through ninth and eighth to seventh.

"And in seventh place we have Maddie Ziegler with Stratosphere from Abby Lee Dance Company with 243 points." I'm slightly shocked Maddie has placed so low - it wasn't that bad was it?

Ava Cota from the Rotten Apples get fourth, and her dancing was very good, so we are now down to the final three.

"In third place, with 283 points we have Watch Me Fly, Harper Hallow from Candy Apples Dance Centre!" I clap for her as she goes up, and I can tell she's slightly disappointed. Harper has never got third; only first or second or fifth.

The tension rises as it is only me and Brynn who haven't placed yet, and after what her mother said earlier...well, let's just say I'm going to win.

"In second place with a score of 287 we have Brynn Rumfallo with Last Chance Angel from Abby Lee Dance Company." Yes! I've either won or not placed, and it's obviously the former not the latter.

"And in first place, our overall winner for the pre-teen solo category is...Aurelia Ellery with Red Blood Flowers from Abby Lee Dance Company with a score of 298." So close from a perfect score!!! I stand proudly as I see my brother video it from the audience. I hug Harper and Brynn and then we sit down. Brynn looks slightly crest fallen as she was eleven points off beating me.


"Moving onto our boys solo category," the announcer drones on until we reach the last two places. I want to see who wins between Josue and Aiden.

But in the end it is Josue who wins, with Aiden coming second to him but twenty points behind. I'm happy for my boyfriend. Gosh, it sounds so weird even saying that. I mean, I'm proud that both of the solos that I choreographed won, and another getting silver.


"In third place of our trio/duet category we have Safe and Loud from Candy Apples Dance Centre." I watch smugly as three of them go up to retrieve their award. I'm surprised they're even that high up. Don't get me wrong, the dancers are amazing but the choreography and execution isn't the best and I don't think they handle pressure very well.

I'm not really nervous for these awards because duets normally win, but judges don't like tap.

"In second place separated from first by three points we have Act 224 Inbetween!" Maddie and I hold hands and clap against our knees.

"and in first place are our public favourites; Maddie Ziegler and Aurelia Ellery with A Pocketful of Sunshine!" We stand and collect our awards.

The group awards are slightly more stressing. Candy Apples came fifth and now we are once again down to the last three. I'm going to have to sacrifice one of my teams for first place either way and I'm itching to know the result.

"In third place we have...all the way from LA the Abby Lee Dance Company with Our Winter Story!" Great, I think as Adam stands up to collect the award. My brother's dance didn't win. I feel a wedge of disappointment. What if neither of the group dances win - where I am the lead in both of them - in front of my brother. I suppose I could blame Kalani for the Our Winter Story one since technically she competed it.

"In second place...we have Carta La Moor!" I watch as Olivia stands and collects the award; at least I have the small satisfaction of knowing I beat them with one dance.

When they call us as the winners we all jump up and shout our names into the microphone.

"Now, we have a special dancers award for one very special girl. She had a solo, trio and group dnace and competed very well in all three dances, coming top three in her category but not quite winning. But she did win this. Please welcome to the stage the special dancers award winner and the Improv Competition winner, Harper Hallow!" I'm ecstatic for my best friend. In the audience I can see that this has certainly piqued Abby's interest, whether good or bad, I'll probably find out soon.

Good job tomorrow Harper and I are hanging out!


So you're evil kineval author decided to split the chapter instead and won't be able to post the other half for a few days because she is going on holiday! Away from the third POV....

This book only has a month in story time left!! But don't worry still another twenty chapters or something! And di you notice HarperHallow' character here? Well, we'll see more of her in the chapters to come!


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