Number 1322 (COMPLETED)

By anime_freak32

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There's a new inmate coming to building 13! But this person isn't regular like the other inmates at Nanba pri... More

Character info!
Chapter 1: Moved to Nanba prison
Chapter 2: Building 5
Chapter 3: The fight and some conversations
Chapter 4: That time of the month
Chapter 5: The new ninja inmate
Chapter 6: New Years Preparations and a Strange Night
Chapter 8: New Years Tournament Part 2
Chapter 9: New Years Tournament Part 3
Chapter 10: Help...
Chapter 11: Welcome back.
Chapter 12: Back to normal
Chapter 13: Popsicles For Everyone!
Chapter 14: Rock's and Nico's Reward
Uno's and Jyugo's Reward
Chapter 16: The Fateful Encounter and My Reward
Chapter 17:One Of Nico's Diseases
Chapter 18: Taken
Chapter 19: Getting You Back
Chapter 20: The Fight and Waking Her Up
Chapter 21: Together Forever
Extra Chapter: ~Uno's Ending~

Chapter 7: New Years Tournament Part 1

1.3K 36 9
By anime_freak32


Akira P.O.V:

It was New Years day and everyone was happier than usual. I put my hair into braided buns, one black, one white. I had grey strings hanging from my braided buns, they flowed down just to my ear. I wore my regular dark blue crop top that stopped at my elbows. Along with my black and blue pants that stopped right below my knees, the bottoms were ripped a bit. I decided to put on black flats so my bare feet wouldn't interfere with any of the events happening today.

My friends and I were walking to the arena that the tournament was held in, Hajime was walking in front of us. Rock was on my left, and Jyugo was on my right, I had been a bit quiet since my talk with Uno last night. I was still thinking of what happened with both him and Liang. I refused to believe I liked them romantically, maybe I was having heart problems yesterday, and thats what messed with my body. Making me feel weird things and blush, all that stupid girly crap.

"Right Aki-chan! It's gonna be so fun!!" Nico exclaimed on the other side of Rock. I looked over at him and found him smiling at me.

"Could you repeat what you said before that. I was spacing out a bit so I didn't hear you." I say laughing softly, rubbing the back of my head in embarrassment.

"I said that this is gonna be really fun! I heard we're doing really fun activities today! And who ever wins gets to ask for whatever they want!" Rock says excitedly a large grin plastered on his face.

"Oh yea! I'm excited! I didn't hear about that but if it's true, then that pumps me up even more! What would you guys ask for?" I look at them all a large grin rested on my face, like Rocks.

"I would ask for an arcade!"

"I would get a stone oven!"

"I would have a game room!"

"I don't know. I wouldn't ask for anything honestly... What would you get Akira?" Jyugo questioned looking over at me.

"I would ask for a hot spring." I shrug looking in front of me. "I've never been to one so that seems like a really good idea." I look at them putting my hands behind my head as we walk into the arena. I stopped walking, my hands dropping to my sides. My mouth hung open in shock, the arena was enormous! All the buildings were there already, other inmates sat in the stands.

"Welcome! And Happy New Year to you all!" Momo shouted standing up on a podium like thing. "Let us begin the New years tournaments!" She read a list out loud of which cell would represent each building. Thankfully our cell would represent building 13, Hajime didn't look to happy about that. I hopped over to him and said,

"Are you ready Hajime! We're gonna win this so we can get our wishes! Also so you can get a raise!" I smile to him as Momo released the banner I made. Everyone gasped saying how beautiful it was.

"Wow Aki-chan! Look at that banner! It's so pretty!" Nico exclaimed holding onto my arm while pointing to the banner.

"Actually Nico, I made that banner." I say, ruffling his hair while chuckling.

"You made that!" Jyugo said pointing to the banner, his eyes slightly wide. I nod to him as the others began to praise me. I waved them off as we began the first event, thankfully it was calligraphy, all you had to do was write 'Happy New Year' in Kanji. I moved my hand in long and neat strokes, spelling out each word, I looked down at my finished piece and smiled.

Jyugo also did one... But it didn't look to good. Honestly, it looked like a 3rd grader did it. I sweat dropped and patted Jyugo's back.

"I thought you were Japanese, Jyugo? Shouldn't you be able to do this." Nico said picking up the sheet and examine it.

"I forgot that the only thing Jyugo's good at is escaping prison." Uno insulted. Jyugo slid to the ground in a heap of depression. I squatted next to him, continuing to pat his back softly.

"Don't worry Jyugo, it isn't that bad. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses."

"At least we have Akira, now we can move to the next event." Rock says, suddenly Seita popped out of nowhere and said.

"Yamato and Hajime are licensed professionals! So we will move onto the next event easy even if we didn't have Aki!" He pointed to where Yamato and Hajime were standing. Holding their sheets up confidently, Yamato with a wide smile on his face, laughed heartily. While Hajime stood there a serious glare set on his face.

We went to the next round, which was Mochi pounding. We were given two large hammers, what you had to do is knock over the other teams darumas or finish the mochi before the other team. Yamato carried the hammers over to us with ease, he held one out to us.

"I'll do this event with Yamato to redeem myself for the last event." Jyugo grabbed the hammer from Yamato but instantly fell over from the weight of it. He stood up quickly and began to tug at the hammer, but it didn't move an inch. Not being able to pick it up he plopped onto the ground. A look of disappointment reached his eyes.

"Don't worry Jyugo, I'll do this one!" I walk over to the hammer and pick it up with ease. Resting it on my shoulder I laughed with Yamato. We walked over to our daruma, I was going to guard the mochi while Yamato was going to pound it. I looked over and saw Liang on the ground, Inori was standing on the edge of the large bowl getting ready to pound the mochi.

"Number 22! Don't attack them! Only knock down their Daruma if they attack us!" Yamato yelled down to me, I mock saluted him.

"Roger that captain!" I rested the hammer on my shoulder and put my hand on my hip. I looked over to where my other friends where, they sat up in the stands yelling down to me. I grinned and waved to them, a flamboyant looking man approached them along with 2 men trailing the first man. A yell was heard signaling the start of the event, I saw Liang dart over to our Daruma. He jumped up and was about to swing to knock one out, but I stopped him. Grabbing his ankle I yanked him to the ground, I smiled at him as he landed on his feet.

"So this is how were gonna do it!" I say swing my hammer around walking closer to him. I quickly kicked him in the gut causing him to double over.

Using this to my advantage I swiftly swung my hammer at their daruma, I hit one with immense force, shattering it into dust as the bowl fell closer to the ground and onto the next block of the daruma.

I walked back over to my daruma, Liang had finally gotten up. We looked at each other before he attacked again. Swinging his hammer at me I grabbed it with my hand, I punched his hammer. It broke into pieces and fell to the ground, I heard the crowd cheering at me. I grinned up to Liang as he looked at me with wide eyes.

"What do you want if you win this?" I ask him, throwing my hammer to the side.

"I haven't thought about that. I only wanted to win because Samon-san wants to win." Liang explained getting into a fighting position.

"Well, you should let me win because I want a hot spring. Just think, after a nice long workout you can jump into a hot sping! Let your muscles relax!" I explain also getting into a fighting position.

"I still want to fight you, I haven't been able to this week due to Samon-san training us harder than usual. Also I like you hair in that style." Liang says, complimenting me as well. A light pink dusted on my cheeks, I shook my head getting rid of the blush.

"Thank you! I decided to put it up like this so it didn't get in the way! Now let's fight." I say quickly turning serious. He pounced at me throwing a punch to my stomach. I swiftly turned to the side, dodging his punch, I brought my foot up and round house kicked him. He flew into my daruma accidentally knocking one out. I sweat dropped and rubbed the back of my head. Liang quickly made his way back to me, both of us throwing and dodging punches.

I ducked under his leg as he tried to round house kick me, I caught his foot and swiftly pulled him to me. Grabbing  his chest I pushed him into the ground. Jumping on him I pinned his hands underneath my knees, putting my hands above his face to deal a lethal blow if he moved.

"That was a fun fight!" I say getting off him once the loud announcer named Mitsuru said that we won. Holding my hand out I helped Liang up, he dusted himself off as we walked over to where everyone else was. As we made it up to where my friends were they praised me for my performance.

"You did amazing Aki-chan!" Nico attached himself to my arm while pulling me forward towards the 3 people I didn't know.

The first was a guard, he had long blue/deep purple and red hair. He wore light purple lipstick and eyeshadow, complimenting his golden yellow eyes, he also wore foundation. A large light green boa was wrapped around his shoulders, making him look almost like a peacock.

The next one had short light green hair that faded into yellow, red framed glasses were placed over his dark pink eyes. He wore a pastel green jumpsuit with a long red ribbon, red shoes adorned his feet. A smirk was on his face as he checked me out.

The last one had purple hair that faded into a slightly dark pink. He had emerald green eyes and a red heart on his neck with a vertical line going through it. He wore a white jumpsuit with a black apron wrapped around his waist. A black ribbon buttoned around his neck into an X shape that matched his black dress shoes. He was also smirking and checking me out.

"Hello sweetie, my name is Kiji! I'm the supervisor for building 3!" The flamboyant male wearing makeup said while walking over to me. Taking my hand he began to examine my face.

"What brand of makeup do you wear sweet heart! It makes you glow like the sun!" He exclaimed still looking at my face.

"Oh I don't wear makeup! It's to much of a hassle to put on everyday." I say wiping a finger on my face and showing it to him. He gasped in awe moving his hands onto my face, swaying his eyes sparkling brighter.

"That's amazing! Your sheer beauty is natural! You must let me do your make up sometime, alright!" He swoons hugging me close to him, I get a whiff of his perfume making my face scrunch up. 'Definitely wearing to much' I thought to myself. He let me go and I looked to the other 2 men, waiting for them to introduce themselves.

"Hello beautiful, my name is Trois~ inmate 0303, #1 most handsome man in nanba prison. I have a question for you, what cup size and color is your bra?~" The green and yellow hair man says seductively, before I could respond to him, he was shoved out of the way.

"Ignore him. My name is Honey, inmate 0382~, THE #1 most handsome guy in nanba prison. Also, what color and lace percentage are your underwear?" He says smirking at me.

"Hi.... I'm Akira, inmate 1322... Which one of you is #1 if you both are? My bra size is a C and the color is black with light blue roses. My underwear are black with white roses as well, I don't wear lacy underwear though, they rip to easy. If it makes anything better they're the cheeky kind." I say looking down my shirt then down my pants to check what I was wearing today. Uno was in the background freaking out about how I casually answered their questions. I looked at him tilting my head to the side questioningly.

The two men in front of me swooned looking at nothing in particular, probably imagining the undergarments. Nico popped up beside me, a confused look in his eyes.

"Aki-chan, What are cheeky underwear?"

"It's when the underwear only cover half your butt, instead of fully covering it." I say to Nico as Uno jumped on me.

"You're not suppose to be casually talking about your undergarments like that! And you two! Stop sexually harassing my princess!" Uno hugged me close to him, face pulled into a pout as he yelled at me and the two I just met.

"Why? Is it bad?" My head still tilted slightly, as I looked up at him. His face flushed as he held me at arms distance.

"Of course its bad! That's your personal information! You can't just go around telling people that ask!" Uno lectured. I just pretended to clean my ear with my pinky, a bored expression on my face as I looked off into the distance.

"Yea whatever. Underwear is just like a bathing suit, I don't find it embarrassing if someone asks me about it. Or if they see me in it." I say continuing to clean my ear.

"Listen to me dammit!!!" Uno exclaimed shaking my shoulders. Everyone around us was laughing at the scene playing out in front of them. I was about to say something but was interrupted by Mitsuru shouting that the next event was about to start.

'This is fun! I hope we win!' I think before Mitsuru explained the next event.


El fin~ I hope you guys are enjoying this book. I say it every chapter but I mean it! Time to write the next chappy~

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